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== Letter from Dobromir Menethil sent to all rulers of East continent on January 25 of the year 1012 ==
<i>Chancellor Zadek,
Firstly it is good to hear from you once again. However, it would have been nice had your contact with me not be for the sole reason of inquiring to get Fontan city back.
I am going to make this as clear as I possibly can. You put on a nice happy friendly face in front of me and the rest of the rulers here preaching you wish for peace serenity and stability amongst the nations, but just like your ‘Democratic church’ deep down Fontan is extremely corrupt and opportunistic to its core. Right now Fontan is desperate for more power in the continent as it cannot stand as a force on its own with what it currently has.
I for one don’t believe your intentions for good relations with Caligus nor did I truly believe it from your sister Katalnyfae Dragul. Fontan has been at war with Sirion throughout the years so the official but undeclared stance against Caligus was simply the following ‘It is not currently in our best interest to be hostile with Caligus for the time being.’ Now if I just leave it like this I will obviously be accused for making things up. However it is a known but covered up fact that many ex-Yssarian nobles reside in Fontan and are on its assembly. We both know they want their realm re-created and obviously wish revenge and their obvious target would be Caligus.
For enough for my elaborations on the matter. The thing I am finding most despicable at the moment is you contact acting like we are really good close knit friends whilst behind my back you are preaching of the ‘Perdan/Caligus’ threat. I cannot speak for Perdan but I do know that Caligus has never been a global threat in any way, shape, or form. There is no time that Caligus sought to be a global threat by exponential expansion like Fontan did when it grew up to 7 cities. Nor has Caligus ever let a religion grow corrupt and take away any spec of honour that the realm had. This goes for both Fontan and Ibladesh.
I must say this if your idea that Caligus is a threat well then I guess it is only Fontan that has to worry. I have deep respect for Sirion and Prime Minister Ilias and of course Ambassador Peristalico. Perdan I feel is agood friend now once again. Obsidian Islands have always had good relations with me obviously being apart it is difficult to assist each other directly. Westmoor under King Jor who had wanted to side with Caligus over Ibladesh but got abdicated is now back on the throne. I don’t intend to seek vengeance on Westmoor and we are both making progress in improving relations between us. As for the new nations of Epolynn and Armonia I wish Queen Siana and King Dread both honourable long tenures. I know they had to undergo a difficult time and they both strived to change and abandoned a corrupt Ibladesh.
To close the subject. Your request for Fontan city is officially denied.
Dobromir Menethil
King of Caligus</i>
== Letter from his highness king Maedros addressing unrest in the realm sent to all nobles of Westmoor on October 7 of the year 1011 ==
== Letter from his highness king Maedros addressing unrest in the realm sent to all nobles of Westmoor on October 7 of the year 1011 ==

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King of Westmoor</i>
King of Westmoor</i>

== "The King and the Realm (the sequel)", Referendum issued to all nobles of Westmoor on October 6 of the year 1011 by Armstrong Ironsides  ==
== "The King and the Realm (the sequel)", Referendum by Armstrong Ironsides issued to all nobles of Westmoor on October 6 of the year 1011   ==
editor: Titled 'the sequel' as there was a mistake draft that was only sent to the nobles of Morshes
editor: Titled 'the sequel' as there was a mistake draft that was only sent to the nobles of Morshes

Revision as of 01:25, 26 January 2012

Letter from Dobromir Menethil sent to all rulers of East continent on January 25 of the year 1012

Chancellor Zadek,

Firstly it is good to hear from you once again. However, it would have been nice had your contact with me not be for the sole reason of inquiring to get Fontan city back.

I am going to make this as clear as I possibly can. You put on a nice happy friendly face in front of me and the rest of the rulers here preaching you wish for peace serenity and stability amongst the nations, but just like your ‘Democratic church’ deep down Fontan is extremely corrupt and opportunistic to its core. Right now Fontan is desperate for more power in the continent as it cannot stand as a force on its own with what it currently has.

I for one don’t believe your intentions for good relations with Caligus nor did I truly believe it from your sister Katalnyfae Dragul. Fontan has been at war with Sirion throughout the years so the official but undeclared stance against Caligus was simply the following ‘It is not currently in our best interest to be hostile with Caligus for the time being.’ Now if I just leave it like this I will obviously be accused for making things up. However it is a known but covered up fact that many ex-Yssarian nobles reside in Fontan and are on its assembly. We both know they want their realm re-created and obviously wish revenge and their obvious target would be Caligus.

For enough for my elaborations on the matter. The thing I am finding most despicable at the moment is you contact acting like we are really good close knit friends whilst behind my back you are preaching of the ‘Perdan/Caligus’ threat. I cannot speak for Perdan but I do know that Caligus has never been a global threat in any way, shape, or form. There is no time that Caligus sought to be a global threat by exponential expansion like Fontan did when it grew up to 7 cities. Nor has Caligus ever let a religion grow corrupt and take away any spec of honour that the realm had. This goes for both Fontan and Ibladesh.

I must say this if your idea that Caligus is a threat well then I guess it is only Fontan that has to worry. I have deep respect for Sirion and Prime Minister Ilias and of course Ambassador Peristalico. Perdan I feel is agood friend now once again. Obsidian Islands have always had good relations with me obviously being apart it is difficult to assist each other directly. Westmoor under King Jor who had wanted to side with Caligus over Ibladesh but got abdicated is now back on the throne. I don’t intend to seek vengeance on Westmoor and we are both making progress in improving relations between us. As for the new nations of Epolynn and Armonia I wish Queen Siana and King Dread both honourable long tenures. I know they had to undergo a difficult time and they both strived to change and abandoned a corrupt Ibladesh.

To close the subject. Your request for Fontan city is officially denied.

Signed Dobromir Menethil King of Caligus

Letter from his highness king Maedros addressing unrest in the realm sent to all nobles of Westmoor on October 7 of the year 1011

Letter from Maedros Iltaran Message sent to everyone in your realm (38 recipients) I had been hoping that actions would speak louder than words Duke Gregor.

Now, onto other matters. Count Hergoervik seems to have three criticisms of me; firstly that things are going badly and as King I bear ultimate responsibility, secondly that I haven't communicated enough and finally that my diplomatic proposals have been overly harsh to Fontan. I'll address these in reverse order.

The demand that we surrender Greatbridge actually predates my reign and was originally made by Chancellor Basilius of Fontan. Its been discussed a few times in the House of Lords and unanimously rejected on each occasion. I've also offered Fontan peace on the principle of status quo ante bellum (that is to say, the pre-war borders). While I've never actually received an explicit refusal of this proposal, their failure to respond amounts to the same thing. Now, some weeks ago I did take a harder line with them, offering only Commonyr and reparations. No, it wasn't successful, but it was tried only after the other options had repeatedly proven just as unsuccessful.

With regard to communication, yes, its something that hasn't been very good. I am endeavouring to fix the problem as best I can. Part of that is directing the Ambassadors to report directly to the nobles of the realm regarding our diplomatic situation. Part of that is letters like this one.

Finally, we have the fact that I am ultimately responsible for the state of Westmoor. And yes, Lord Hergoervik and my other critics are right to hold me responsible. However, there are two other pertinent facts that you should also consider when you look at my performance.

The King must work with what he has. Westmoor has one ally, the Sultanate, which is in even more desperate straits than we are. The dominant power in our region is Sirion, who are three times our size and with whom we have spent nine tenths of our existance at war with. They are understandably less than sympathetic towards us. To our west we have Caligus, who we were at war with just a few months ago and were lucky to make peace with so cheaply, as well as Perdan, who haven't forgiven us for breaking the alliance. Both of these realms are heavily engaged with Ibladesh and have no interest in getting involved in another dispute. Finally, there is Fontan, who are equally convinced we intend to destroy them and that Sirion will conquer us on their behalf.

Now, I'm not interested in arguing about how we got into this position and whether or not other realms perceptions of us are correct. We are in this position and all we can do is make the best of it. There aren't some magic words we can say that will suddenly work everything out for Westmoor. This is a long, hard, bloody _slog._

This leads into the second point. I have been criticised for not making peace for Fontan. But what I have not heard is a new plan to make peace with Fontan. Simply switching monarch will not be enough I assure you; if it was then my succession to King Flaylen would've resulted in a treaty. Surrendering our 'claims' to Oberndorf, Commonyr and Krimml has been attempted. If anyone can explain to me how we can easily make peace to Fontan, then step forward.

Sir Maedros Iltaran King of Westmoor

"The King and the Realm (the sequel)", Referendum by Armstrong Ironsides issued to all nobles of Westmoor on October 6 of the year 1011

editor: Titled 'the sequel' as there was a mistake draft that was only sent to the nobles of Morshes


Many of us feel that King Maedros has declined in his performance as King. This decline has caused a reform movement and a failed rebellion. Despite the sympathy of loyalists we worry that the Realm will suffer these inadequacies once again in the future. Therefore, we ask the King to step down from his position and face re-election, essentially an abdication. As this is a serious move I feel it is less dramatic and traumatic to put this question into a referendum. In this way we can avoid harmful and poisonous argumentation and get right to the point. The clarity of the matter shall be decided here.

If you feel that the King should abdicate, please vote yes.

If you feel that the King should remain on the throne, please vote no.

The referendum will last three days and require a simple majority. It shall also be presented to all nobles of our Kingdom.

In service of the Realm,

Rebellion declaration by Arica Maldives to the realm of Westmoor on October 1 of the year 1011

Nobles of Westmoor,

I have stated my reasons many times why King Maedros is unfit to rule.

I know many are displeased with King Maedros, but would rather not see him replaced. I would agree with these sentiments if I thought it would be possible for him to improve which I think there is little to no chance of.

I am happy to see that there has been some better discusion of something to make sure we don't have bad rulers. Though if any method doing such a thing ever got implemented, I believe King Maedros would still fall short of fulfilling his duties. Not to mention certain fanatacis that would strongly oppose any type such thing no matter how rational it is as they would rather have their puppet on the throne.

If you are of my previous mentioned mindset towards the King, I ask that you remain neutral in this rather than take up arms against me. Reason being I plan to expediate the process of remvoing King Maedros who I don't think will ever live up to his duty, as well as allow for more free rational discussion for a method to which to enforce that future Rulers live up to certain standards and implementation if agreed is needed. I of course welcome any support, but unless you think King Maedros is perfectly capable of leading this realm and are totally against any sort of monitoring then, I hope to not see you in battle.

I don't plan on being succesful in this, but greatly hope I am. If succesful I would have the ban on King Maedros removed, as he is still a fine Westmoorian noble and warrior. After the discussion and possible implementation of a method dealing with future rulers, if enough respectable nobles publically asked me to step down for another vote for a ruler I would do so. Though I do think I would be capable for ruling, but being communicative, have honorous intentions first, and listen to and encourgage to discussion in the House of Lords.

The is no fighting currently with Fontan, so this rebellion doesn't pose a threat to our security. Also since I hope this is just a battle between those strongly for and against King Maedros there would still be plenty of nobles left to defend the realm in that rare case. I also don't think another ruler change we drastically hurt Westmoor's image, especially if we come out if with a method to have standards for future rulers.

Since I promised I would step down if succesful and if wanted, for those nobles I asked to remain neutral this would simple be a way to organize the realm quicker to allow better and more open discussion without critizing others. It would even be possible King Maedros get elected again.

For Westmoor,

Declaration of War from Ilias Thunthorn Prime Minister of Sirion against Westmoor sent to
all rulers of the East Continent on September 7 of the year 1011

Letter from Ilias Thunthorn Message sent to the Rulers of East Continent (6 recipients) Rulers of East Continent,

An unanimous Realm Council of Sirion has today decided to declare war on Westmoor.

Ever since the war between Fontan and Westmoor begun we have made it clear to Westmoor that we will not stand aside and let them reap the fruits from our long war against Fontan.

After making it clear to Westmoor that we would not tolerate an attack on Krimml or Westmoor advancing further into Fontan's lands and Westmoor choosing to ignore this we have no choice but to turning words into action and declare war.

This is the declaration of war I sent to King Maedros:

We have ignored that you taken regions from Fontan as we have been quite annoyed by their conduct in this war. We have let your raid on Ashforth that has cost us dearly in time and efforts pass but now that you are ignoring our demands to leave the remaining regions of Fontan alone we cannot ignore this any longer but will declare war within the hour.

Sir Ilias Thunthorn Prime Minister of Sirion

Letter from Rhidhana Dubhaine minister of defence (of Fontan), passed on by Brock Ketchum minister of finance (of Fontan) to
region of Krimml on September 6 of the year 1011

Proclamation from Rhidhana Dubhaine
Knights of Westmoor,

You have been duped by your rulers into a war of conquest without honour. The matter outstanding between our realms could have been easily resolved at the outset if King Maedros had apologised for the illegal seizure of Krimml when our realms were still allied, and for the attempts of Duke Gregor to extort gold for its return - also whilst we were still allied.

An ally who holds a knife to your throat whilst demanding your patrimony as compensation for his effort is in fact no ally at all. He is a baseborn villein and all men and women of good birth and pedigree are duty bound to ensure justice is meted in full and exacting measure for his crimes. Fontan's cause is therefore just and we will see the lands you've captured and despoiled in recent weeks returned, even if it costs a generation their youth and their life's blood to achieve it.

We will never allow the flame of democracy to be extinguished by such as you serve, no matter the privations we face in her defence, and the history of this continent is written in the blood of powers who believing otherwise payed the ultimate price for their folly.

However having fought alongside Westmoorian knights during the Northern War I am certain that many amongst you are not of so low a character as those who rule your realm.

Therefore on behalf of the people of Fontan I extend amnesty to any knight amongst your company who foreswears wickedness and serfdom. Offer your sword and loyalty to Fontan, and we will bring you honour and glory beyond measure.

Here amongst our nobility you will be free to speak your mind, to hold your government to account, and to establish estates under the full protection of laws which are decided through common consent and plebiscite. We hold these liberties the birthright of every noble with the courage to claim them, no matter their family nor background, and I know full well there are those amongst you who secretly harbour these same ideals.

So cast off the yoke of King Meadros and his robber gang. They are small and wicked men who seek to profit from the victories of those whose boots they're not fit to lick or wounds worthy to describe.

Come, be done with folly and calumny. We offer you friendship, companionship, and a lasting future as equal partners in the greatest history this world has ever known.

Lady Rhidhana Dubhaine Minister of Defence of Fontan

Brock Ketchum Minister of Finance of Fontan

Letter from ][osferatu Reapers Judge of Perdan, Marshal of the Perdan's Home Defense to
Antonious Turner Lord Justice of Westmoor, Count of Bruck on August 29 of the year 1011

Letter from ][osferatu Reapers Message sent to the Judges of East Continent
Royal temporarily absent An assassination attempt on Nightmare Aroo, King of Perdan, Ambassador of Perdan has left him seriously wounded. The throne will be empty until he returns.

Sabotage! Nightmare Aroo's guards, in Woolton, have captured Addonwy Ap Rhodri, an infiltrator working for Ibladesh while he was trying to escape from his successful assault on Nightmare Aroo, King of Perdan, Ambassador of Perdan.

So, is this the way Ibladesh is bargaining for peace Patriarch Roberd? I think you just signed your death pact here.

I will honor our prisoner agreement but this worm is excluded. He'll be tortured, boiled, skinned, disfigured and everything else that comes to my mind this time. Next time he gets caught for the most meaningless reason he'll be hung and left to dry in the sun for the vultures to feast upon his carcass. Even if he emigrates and returns he's in my black list. I will hear nothing about this, you have a dead man walking in your realm (currently in my dungeons).

This is sent to everyone here to avoid future debates on how "honorable" was this lowlife's execution. His death is a matter of time as long as he sets foot on this continent.

A good evening to you all,

][osferatu Reapers Judge of Perdan, Marshal of the Perdan's Home Defense

Letter from Basilus Decimus chancellor of Fontan to
region of Greatbridge on August 1 of the year 1011

Duke Gregor had just reminded the Chancellor that he had an appointment to keep with Sirion in Ashforth. Basilius responded...

Letter from Basilius Decimus Message sent to everyone in the region Greatbridge (9 recipients)

Aye Gregor, I do have an appointment to keep, and I appreciate you reminding me.

How is it after all these years we still confont one another in battle...and to think we once fought alongside each other before your think I raised an army and marched across the continent to collect your lifeless corpse, and you now reign over the coty Westmoor. Duke Morningstar is probably turning in his grave, as I would if I were passed on.

You too old friend, have an appointment, but with destiny. And be sure that when that day approaches, I and several of the elders of Fontan who remember what you have done will be there to collect. Mark my words.

And now, if you excuse me I shall take my leave.

Good Day Gregor.

Basilius Decimus Chancellor of Fontan, Marshal of the Manticores

Letters between Lady General Arica of Westmoor and
General Ilias of Sirion between July 30 and 31 of the year 1011

Letter from Ilias Thunthorn Lady General Arica,

The peace agreement we made with Fontan and that have been made public for the entire continent to see clearly recognises that Ashforth rightfully belongs to Sirion and that the city is to be handed over to us by now.

This should be a well known fact of anyone that have kept up with events on this continent the last few months.

We are still working on the logistics of the actual handing over the administration of the place. The stupid and pointless war you are wagering on each other for no reason at all makes that a lot harder. This does not change the fact that Ashforth is a part of Sirion and if you attack Ashforth you are attacking Sirion.

We agreed to peace with Fontan so we would get Ashforth without seeing it destroyed first and I won't see raiders ruining that for us. I give you 24 hours to completely withdraw from Ashforth. Any looting or other damaging acts should stop immediately or you WILL face the consequences.


Sir Ilias Thunthorn General of Sirion, Count of Flismar

Letter from Arica Maldives Message sent to: Dobromir Menethil, Nightmare Aroo King Dobromir and King Nightmare,

I write to you now for because King Maedros was recently caught in battle, and Sirion is on the verge of declaring war with Westmoor. I have been extremely disappointed with my realms diplomatic ability so I will give a short recap of what has been happening in case they missed anything.

Fontan declared on Westmoor, in claim to get back at Westmoor holding Krimml for awhile even though Westmoor threw out its King because of his decision to try and hold the city. More realistically Fontan wants to take Westmoor's lands. Fontan has been the aggressor in both failing a TO and harassing persistently with infiltrators. Westmoor did nothing in retaliation because we wanted to work out a simple peace. Fontan won't agree to that and is demanding Greatbridge for peace and they are tying to get away with this because they know Sirion has their back. So when Westmoor made it's first attempt at attacking Fontan, Sirion instantly threatened to declare war on us if we don't stop. We pulled back and nothing happened diplomatically while infiltrators continued to attack us, and Fontan tried to rebuild. Now Westmoor has just assaulted Ashforth to make the city go rouge with doing as little damage as possible and again Sirion is making threats at Westmoor.

It is known that Sirion wants to retake Oligarch eventually, and Fontan is going to try to expand somewhere and Westmoor is the only space. Once Sirion destroys SoA they will probable aid Fontan in attacking Westmoor. It is unreasonable to expect Westmoor to sit around and try to be controlled by the dishonorable Fontan and their new giant friend Sirion until they are ready to destroy us.

I am asking for your help to aid diplomatically to either get Fontan to accept a peace with no restrictions other then a length of time for the peace, or to have Sirion stay out of the business of between Fontan and Westmoor.

Arica Maldives Lady General of Westmoor, Countess of Hagley

Letter from Ilias Thunthorn Lady General,

Bah! As we perform them a lot I am kind of an expert on the kind military operation you describe and it isn't possible to conduct them without severe damage to infrastructure and population.

You have to remove the income of the place and when that happens recruitment centers and workshops goes as well due to lack of maintenance. Hordes of peasants will rise to defend their homes and businesses and you will have to slaughter them all. Fortifications will be destroyed by your siege engines as you fight the peasants defending their homes.

Remember what Krimml looked like when Fontan lost it. At that point we had only conducted a campaign like the one you described (except for us hitting the Flow temple as well). And that was with us maintaining takeovers a lot of the time to speed things up.

Most importantly, with the number of men you have there the operation will take a considerably longer time than the week within the Fontanese are to hand over the city to us. Your presence is delaying the time it will take for Ashforth to leave Fontan hands not speeding it up. The only thing you are achieving is to damage Sirion assets which we of course not will not tolerate.

You are of course correct in surmising that we would not tolerate you driving Krimml rogue either. That would make it impossible for Fontan to hand over Ashforth without committing suicide. We hold no great love for Fontan but we will protect our own interests with blood if need be.

About peace between Westmoor and Fontan, Sirion has offered to mediate. Both of you claim that the other side refuses peace. Minister Rhidhana has said that their only condition has been to have Westmoor accept responsibility for holding onto Krimml which I frankly think you should as it was an opportunistic and despicable acts from someone who claimed to be an ally.

But Chancellor Basilius is admittedly one of the worst diplomats that have ever ruled anything on this continent, and I wouldn't be surprised if he has added unrealistic demands for any peace agreements. Any gods should know thet he did that over and over again when negotiating peace with Sirion something which in the end cost them a lot of territory as we were prepared to leave them the duchy of Karbala in early negotiations. So let me know if they have added any other demands for peace to you.

You should know that it was only yesterday Minister Rhidhana wrote to me and asked me to have our Prime Minister intercede diplomatically to end your war, that doesn't seems like someone who is trying to avoid peace. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help in negotioations.

We still want you out of Ashforth for all the reasons stated above.


Sir Ilias Thunthorn General of Sirion, Count of Flismar

Letter from Arica Maldives (Personal message to Ilias Thunthorn) General Ilias,

I greatly respect Minister Rhidhana, and she told me this myself. I relayed her information to my King, but still nothing happened. With King Maedros in jail, this course of action can't happen for awhile.

And indeed Chancellor Basilius is one of the worst diplomats. He demanded first that Greatbridge be demilitarized, and then after changed to demanded in the region completely. Westmoor can't accept either of these terms. Sadly us Generals are directly in charge of diplomacy.

Also, I think a giant realm like Sirion can afford to rebuild a city that you already don't need to maintain your overwhelming strength. Fontan isn't helping you much either but constantly putting the city in starvation.

I will agree to have Westmoor leave Ashforth after the sunrises(until then no looting) if either of the two conditions are met.

1. Sirion forces Fontan to accept a white peace with no restrictions other then a time limit of peace. Once King Maedros is out of jail I will make sure he gives a formal apology.

or 2. Sirion gives Westmoor a short reasonable time in which they will be receiving Ashforth from Fontan, or taking it militarily. And also for Sirion to not intervene between Fontan and Westmoor diplomatically or military even if Fontan may ultimately be destroyed.

Arica Maldives Lady General of Westmoor, Countess of Hagley

Letter from Ilias Thunthorn Lady General Arica,

I will certainly forward your demands to the Fontanese and strongly urge them to accept them. I'll see if I can get them to release your King to expediate negotiations as well but I wouldn't hold my breath about that.

As for when Ashforth is to be handed over to us we are hopefully talking about days. Lets say within a week, give or take a day or so. You may notice that the Fontanese hasn't bothered to appoint a Duke because of the imminent handover. Certainly before our armies need to refit again.

The city should already been handed over but there happened to be a Westmoorian army between Chancellor Basilius and Ashforth at the time and the Chancellor isn't known to avoid an opportunity to stall if given one. It would go faster if you could avoid attacking the Chancellor while he gets to Ashforth to hand the city over.

What I can't promise is noninterference if you persist in your war. We do not plan or want to interfere at this point, we still have the Sultanate to deal with, but at the same time we won't let our hands be tied but reserve the right to protect our interests.

We are unlikely to accept that you destroy Fontan and conquer their lands altogether. We will make it clear to Fontan though that they won't be able to rely on our forces if they decide to not accept peace though.

Yours in Battle,

Sir Ilias Thunthorn General of Sirion, Count of Flismar

[presumably sent to Ilias] General Ilias,

I will withdraw the troops in Ashforth to Oligarch. I see Chancellor Basilius is in Greatbridge, so Westmoor will track his movements to make sure he is going to Ashforth.

If Ashforth is not handed over to Sirion in 7 days starting now, then Westmoor will assault and start a TO of Krimml. Since this will be a problem for Sirion, you should make sure Fontan does its part.

Also if there is no peace with Fontan in 7 days starting now, then Westmoor will start a TO of Oberndorf. I think it would be extremely dishonorable if Sirion didn't allow this.

If the second condition is met then the first one obviously won't matter. If neither are met though we will proceed with the response for the first one.

Arica Maldives Lady General of Westmoor, Countess of Hagley