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Garret curtly replies "There is no more for me to say. Make your choice based on what you have now and live with the consequences. If you are indecisive, then you will leave with nothing gained, but nothing lost either."
Garret curtly replies "There is no more for me to say. Make your choice based on what you have now and live with the consequences. If you are indecisive, then you will leave with nothing gained, but nothing lost either."

Moritz quitely replies, "I seek knowledge of the Daimon, I seek to persue that path. I see the costs and acknowledge them, I do not fully know the benefits but I desire them. I shall despair of what lies behind and press on to what is before me."
Moritz quietly replies, "I seek knowledge of the Daimon, I seek to persue that path. I see the costs and acknowledge them, I do not fully know the benefits but I desire them. I shall despair of what lies behind and press on to what is before me."

Revision as of 17:07, 9 April 2011

Journeys through Zumaland: The Third Journey, The Pilgrimage of a King

Request from Malek
Message sent to everyone in the region Evenfell (3 recipients)
A general call to those in power in Evenfell:

I am a travelling sellsword plying my trade where I can. I hunt down monsters and undead, and if there is a bounty then all the better. But, first I ask permission of the ones in power in a new area I enter.

So, please let me know if I have your permission to hunt in the lands of the Zoma Coalition.

Much obliged,
Malek (Freeman)

Roleplay from Silence
Message sent to everyone in the region Evenfell (3 recipients)
There is no response to the call, though you feel quite strongly you are being watched. In which case do you choose to take silence as acceptance?

Roleplay from Malek
Message sent to everyone in the region Evenfell (3 recipients)
Stoking the fire, Malek waited on the border of Evenfell. He was fairly confident that the letters and posters he had tacked up were being read. He had made a secondary pass along his route and two of the posters had been removed. Neither had been ripped off, so it wasn't a random animal either. Malek was perplexed, though, as there should have been a response by now. At least, that's how other realms operated. Perhaps this place was different. He certainly knew that they knew he was here. After all, he had not shaken the feeling that he was being watched for a few hours now. Malek added another log to the fire. He'll rest a bit, and re-assess the situation in the morning. First though, he'll set a few wires with bells around his campsite. Those eyes could just be watching, or they could come closer...
Malek (Freeman)

Roleplay from Kimwa and Westley (aka: Moritz Von Igelfeld)
Message sent to everyone in the region Evenfell (3 recipients)
The fire quites slightly as the log settles into the burning embers, and having set the bells Malek prepares his bed. Although not the bed of a prince, as he reposes sweet sleep seems to engulf his warn body.

Chattering bells! Malek quickly turns toward the sound peering into the darkness. He sees nothing and turns back towards the fire and his sword.

"WHAH!?!" Malek yells in a fright for right beside his bed a vast figure stands silhouetted against the fire. seven feet tall and thiner than most undead the figure appears to be wearing almost nothing. Malek jumps back away from the figure and tries to catch his breath.

"how di! Wha! I..." Malek Sputtered.

"Quiet ya huhu! dis no be da time fo ta be yell'in julike da ban'chee. Ya be mak'in big noise fo ya need to tink bout what yo be doin an who ya go find'in. Des Zuma dey got great powa, an dey take dar name to tell on dem. understan?"

Malek remains silent. still shocked by this dark figure and his unusual intervention.

intently looking into Malek's eyes, the figure takes a few steps closer.

"Gegi! ya be da real huhu..." shaking his head as he continues. "Wha be da name dis Zuma guy take? it be Silence true? wha da ya tink dat say bout em?"

From behind Malek another voice enters as Malek tries to keep both people in view. "Well Kimwa, I would have to guess it means the Zuma is unlikely to speak and all you can really expect is to be watched."

The figure steps into the light of the dieing fire and approaches Malek. "Hello freeman, please excuse Kimwa, he can be a little abrasive at times. I am Westley, longtime scout of his Majesty the King of Asylon and you seem to be seeking an allusive character. If it the hunt for vile beasts and unholy living dead you seek, I can gladly inform you that all freemen of Asylon can hunt the beats of Zuma territory. So if that is your desire, Asylon is your ticket. But I get ahead of myself, what is your name and from where do you hail?"
Kimwa and Westley (aka: Moritz Von Igelfeld) (King of Asylon)

Roleplay from Malek
Message sent to everyone in the region Evenfell (3 recipients)
Shaking his head and rubbing his eyes, Malek finally emerged from sleep. It had been a deep one, likely from the absence of birds and other animal sounds. While at first it had been disquieting, he must have liked it, considering his usual awareness was so dull.

Remembering his manners, Malek kicked himself out of his bedroll and stood, "Pleased to meet you, Westley and Kimwa. Come and warm yourself by the fire. It is always good to meet fellows in the wilderness. I think I have a flask of Madina ale around here somewhere." Gesturing to the pair to come closer to the fire, Malek searched in his multiple bags for the flask. Emerging victorious with it, he grinned, "Ah, here it is. Sit, please!" Passing the flask to the guests first, as was proper, Malek launched into his introduction.

"I am Malek, freeman of Madina, although I am not from that realm originally. I arrived there by ship from the Colonies. My father was...okay, that's a longer story for later. Suffice it to say there is politics, nobility, and tragedy involved. Nothing unusual for many of our ilk, though, eh! Anyway, I came to Dwilight because I had heard a rumour about someone. It turned out he, that is the rumoured someone, was over in Fissoa. Or rather, was in Fissoa. Apparently he left to start his own realm, founded one, lost it, joined Pian en Luries, and then took off on a boat. Dwilight held its own promise, though, so I stayed.

Madina was kind to me, and I got lucky in my first few weeks here. Killed a few orc captains and took their relics. Sold them for a pretty penny and been living like a lord since. The lands between here and Madina are rough, wild, and full of opportunity. I even killed a few barrow wights, and took their relics, too.

I just kept going west, and since my last companion vanished on a hunt, I got no other ties at the moment..."

At that moment, Malek snapped his gaze to an outcropping of rock nearby. Yes, there was definitely something there. Friend or foe he couldn't tell, but there was no point in chasing after it, not with that distance between them. Malek shrugged and took a swig from the flask before passing it on again. A friend would come closer, if they so desired.

"...anyway, that's pretty much my tale. I hunt, I discover, and I live the free life. How about yourselves?"
Malek (Freeman)

Roleplay from Kimwa and Westley (aka: Moritz Von Igelfeld)
Message sent to everyone in the region Evenfell (3 recipients)
Bowing low and giving his hat a flourish, Westley begins with palpable sarcasm, "I am the humble servant of the King of Asylon, his majesty King Moritz Von Igelfeld, descendant of the finest and noblest line, who came down from heaven as a gift to the world."

Taking the offered drink he enjoys a long swig as he sits next to Malek.

Pointing towards the dark figure he continues, "And that is Kimwa. Don't expect much from him. Whenever he speaks intelligibly he is normally trying to insult you, and otherwise he is pronouncing curses on you."

Taking another drink Westley hands the flask back, "So your a hunter aye? have any epic tales?"
Kimwa and Westley (aka: Moritz Von Igelfeld) (King of Asylon)

Roleplay from Moritz Von Igelfeld
Message sent to everyone in the region Evenfell (3 recipients)
"If it is epic tales you seek, then epic tales you shall have," came a voice approaching through the darkness. "an epic tale of brutal torture and savage punishment inflicted on your very self Westley, epic to be sure." Moritz steps into the light of the fire and his smile quickly contextualizes his words, "So the only question that remains is, who is this fellow you've found."

"Your Majesty," Westley stood and gave the same exaggerated bow as earlier, "allow me to introduce Malek, he is a freeman of Madina and a relatively well off one at that." Westley shakes the flask a gives a wink, "Fine ale."

"A freeman! I need a few good freeman around, given that I have a trinket I like to keep in good shape. I would welcome you to join me in my travels. Come to Asylon with my blessing and traipse around the Zuma territories with full permission."
Moritz Von Igelfeld (King of Asylon)


Riding into Nightmarch as the sun dropped below the horizon Moritz chuckles to himself, "Nightmarch at night, quite fitting."

The huge temple looms over the city as lights within the dwellings begin to go dark. A few guards wait at the city center entrance, and Moritz dismounts on approach. As a guard lifts his lantern to shine on the company before him, the beem shines on Moritz's and the magic of Nightmarch causes the third eye on his forehead to be clearly visible. The guards adapt a curious posture in response to the Zuma mark as Moritz begins to speak, "Greetings citizens, I am a man of little consequence in these lands, but great influence and power in the realms of man. I come to deliver what is due to the Zuma, and to see the great temple of this city. Please, will one of you serve as my guide?"

"King Moritz." Moritz turns to see Ambassador Garret Artemisia, "you really should have let me know you were coming."

"I do apologize, for you see it was not necessarily planned per say. Asylon is doing was doing well and I had 100 bushels of food sitting in my caravan. As I thought about what to do next, the draw of Nightmarch and Dragon Song beaconed me to return. It is good to see you again. Shall we find some place to talk?"

"We shall go to my estate." Garret replies.


Sitting across from each other the men appear in between friendship and combat. After sitting for a time in silence Garret unfolds his hands and leans in, " I am curious about your apparent attraction to the Zuma. Just what is it you think the Zuma are? Do you think they are the ones who appear very much like you and I, or do you think them to be the ones born of humanity's nightmares? I think that for many, the draw is that of mystery, or the illusion of power. But whatever the reason may be, I would like you to know that you should treasure the transient life you have lest you bemoan the loss for something literally worse than death. Tell me, for I will not explain anything further about the relationship, if any, between daimons and the mortals, either or both of which may be termed "Zuma", do you fear them?"

Moritz leans in to reply, "When I speak of the Zuma my thoughts are on those unlike you and I; ones not tethered to human bodies. The ones called Fire, Silence, Haktoo, and Vates. You say that the Zuma may refer to both these beings and those like you and I, beings in human form. Then I must ask, what do you call those like Haktoo? I do fear the Zuma, just as I fear the powers of the mightiest storms. For I know not the nature of ether nor can I control them, but I do not understand what they are. I know the Zuma are great and powerful beings, worthy of respect and admiration. There nature I know not, nor their features. What I desire is to know of their relation to us, relation to this world, and relation to the other world if there be one."

"Those are daimons, for what else could they be? I have once said that to know the true nature of the Zuma is to risk losing your mind, and your mark is likely fading while Vates is withdrawn to parts unknown. It would not be healthy to pursue too much. However, I will give you some tips about the current daimons you may encounter. They are, in general, not particularly interested in humans. Just as you would be usually uninterested in some insects flying and crawling around. But when a bug annoys you too much, you destroy it, either crushing it beneath your foot, or swatting it against your hand, the end result is a messy death for the offending insect. Before you take alarm, understand that that is among the reasons I am here, so that you do not run the risk of offending the daimons. You can insult me all you like, and at most that will just make me a bit less willing to talk to you, but nothing more will come of it. It is my hope that people finally learn from the mistakes of Asriel Octavius and Bowie Ironsides and behave while in these lands."

Continuing on Garret takes a hand to his mouth as he asks, "You have been a great help, and the food is appreciated. Nevertheless, you probably did not come just to send food, for you could have easily sent that through a chartered caravan. What is it that you truly seek? It may or may not be possible, but it is your choice whether you choose to speak directly to a daimon or to me."

Moritz:"You call them Diamons, is this the name they seek? or simply the classification our limited minds have placed upon them?

"I see of what you speak and the warnings you present have not gone unconsidered. The Mark given was not from Vates, and its power nor its prominence some lessoned since his departure. But again, I understand the limits of its protection and the vast chasm of ignorance I possess. I seek greater understanding, I seek to take but a sip from the ocean that is the complexity of our world.

"Some who have come before me have indeed angered the Zuma but I am not like the ones you have mentioned. I am not a fool, nor an egotist, and I take great care in the use of words.

"In understanding my intent, your insight is true. I have not come simply to deliver the bounties of Asylon, for indeed anyone could perform such a task. I have come to pay homage to the Zuma, and indeed to prepare the way for future contact.

"I seek to meet with the Zuma, the Diamons as you have called them. I will not seek this currently, but soon I shall return. I ask of you only that you tell me what you can about them and how best to act in their presence."

Garret: "Very simply, for everything gained, there is a price. Before you make up your mind to pay such a price, first understand something. The knowledge you seek in pursuing the daimonic is not of this natural world.

"What you are attempting is just like trying to make a river flow up a mountain, or to prevent exposed ice from melting under hot coals, or to create gold out of lead. You can use trickery to achieve an illusion of such, but the actual phenomenon is beyond current human abilities.

"Do you wish to regain them? The answer is no one can. Not you, not I, not anyone. Have we ever had them? Perhaps. But that is a human aspect, not daimonic, and it seems you are more interested in daimonic mysteries than human ones.

"In such a case, I will once more tell you that the knowledge of those associated with the Netherworld, that otherworld of fire, is one that naturally goes against this world. But the world protects, to an extent, its own. So you would most likely see the illusions that veil the true nature of the phenomena. Be content with this, and you might leave with some interesting tales of alluring sights to keep your fellow humans talking in speculation. And how would anyone know it is an illusion? I say this, but I too would not be able to distinguish the real from the veil.

"You could also try to go beyond the veil, but as it stands, you are not a good candidate to do so. I say this because you hold many shields against the veil. Do you know that you cannot see outside a window into the dark night so long as you keep your candles and lanterns lit? Only by putting out the lights, by casting yourself into darkness can you see the darkness beyond. The same would apply here. You hold the title of "King", an illusion among those who would recognize a single human to be their leader. You hold the title of "noble", and illusion perpetuated by those bound by tradition. You hold the nature of human, an illusion created by animals who thought themselves capable of thought. You hold the aspect of mortality, a truth enforced by the world.

"Even if you cast aside all the illusions until you reach the only truth, that gift you inherited as all mortals do, of mortality, there is no guarantee that you would gain anything. Then again, you do not actually lose anything either, but whether you see it that way is another matter."

Moritz:"One day you come to a wise man sitting between two wells, he points to the western well and states that in it you will find endless pleasure for the water is clear. He then points to the other saying that in it you will find truth for the water in that well is not clear. You ask for both, but he says that if you drink of the western you will never know truth and the eastern no joy will ever be yours. Which do you choose? pleasure without truth or truth without pleasure?

"You state that I am tied to this world though power and vices, but that tether is tied to this question is it not? and to it I answer the pleasure without truth is no pleasure, but truth without pleasure remains truth. I seek to know the truth."

Garret: "I will say this to you so you can understand what choice you will make.

"You can turn back now, and learn more about these Zuma mortals who appear like us, but with different histories and culture. There is much to learn from them that no one has even come close to discovering. As well, you can live with your name intact among humans, reign as king, live as a noble.

"Or you can press forward, and you risk becoming identified as one who would betray humanity for knowledge. Even if it be not your intent, sometimes the nature of things is simply antithetical to the world. But even if you press forward, there are two paths you can choose.

"You seek knowledge about daimons, but that will leave you with fragments as I will not tell you the gaps between that deal with things not daimonic. You are the only human to have the opportunity to gain any bit of knowledge deeper, at a cost you may or may not think worth the gain.

"Or, you may choose to learn about the gaps, forever knowing the daimons only as they show themselves to you. I do not guarantee that there exists anything in the gaps. Maybe there really is nothing, maybe there is something, maybe there are secrets worth even more than any knowledge about daimons.

"But the choice among these three paths is yours.

"And before you think how..."amazing" it would be to learn the "truth" about these daimons, know that the cost I speak of is not a joke. Do you value your status as a king? As a noble? As a human? If any of your answers be "yes", then unfortunately full understanding is beyond your grasp. This actually goes for every human, so do not feel bad."

Moritz asks, "I know what I am setting aside, and I know what I must give up in this choice I have made. But in seeking a direction, I ask for clarification. What are these gaps you speak of?"

Garret curtly replies "There is no more for me to say. Make your choice based on what you have now and live with the consequences. If you are indecisive, then you will leave with nothing gained, but nothing lost either."

Moritz quietly replies, "I seek knowledge of the Daimon, I seek to persue that path. I see the costs and acknowledge them, I do not fully know the benefits but I desire them. I shall despair of what lies behind and press on to what is before me."