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Guillaume Chénier
Guillaume Chénier
Royal Treasurer of Enweil, Duke of Iato, Ambassador of Enweil
Royal Treasurer of Enweil, Duke of Iato, Ambassador of Enweil
Roleplaying Event  (just in)
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Iato (10 recipients)
Marta reappears in the city square again, her expression one of grim triumph.
"Ramus, my answer is no. The purpose of my forbears is not my purpose. You must do your own dirty work. The humans have the strength to defeat you, if they have faith. And I have faith that they will do so," she announces clearly and loudly.
Then she leaves the square by a different road.

Revision as of 20:26, 24 November 2010

Roleplay from Guillaume Chénier (6 days, 21 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Iato (7 recipients) Guillaume, Narak and a cloaked figure arrived in Iato on horses, the local militia cheering the arrival of their duke though it was apparent the invasion weighed heavily on them all. Though the native folks of Iato had been mostly spared by the storms, many had also come from the eastern most regions, and all of them had lost at least one child or parent, when not both or all. The officials had erected makeshift homes for them as best they could, as per instructions, but it left a scar on the city's otherwise old and uniform architecture. Most of it lay about the Blood Cult temple, which wasn't so old either itself. Guillaume looked about, searching, until the black-cloaked figure pointed him the way. Guillaume nodded and the figure rode off.

Guillaume looked at Narak for a moment before speaking. "Well, our chat must be somewhat interrupted, it seems. Such is the way of life, there are always interruptions in one's daily business, but one must learn to do with it. We have great company, here, you could say. Sherilynn, the Goddess of the Daimons, Marta, one of the three Cuachitl of Light, and Ramus, who from what I gather is of the walking dead. All right in my city. My tiny little fringe woodland city. Well, I reckon this ain't no more coincidence, so let's find out what this is all about..."

Guillaume Chénier Royal Treasurer of Enweil, Duke of Iato, Ambassador of Enweil

Letter from Guillaume Chénier (6 days, 21 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Iato (7 recipients) Quite a party for a little fringe town as mine. I was told someone would be coming, but I did not expect this kind of company. I was told Iato was not just a stopping point, but a destination. So what figures, what brings you here?

Guillaume Chénier Royal Treasurer of Enweil, Duke of Iato, Ambassador of Enweil

Roleplay from Narak Thorson (6 days, 21 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Iato (7 recipients) Riding into Iato, Narak could not help but feel insignificant whilst beside the Duke and his hidden associate. Power radiated off them both and Narak knew that he was to witness something grand in the days to follow.

Upon hearing the Duke's words, Narak merely nods. "Learning can not be rushed, amd I can wait for your Grace to be finished with his esteemed guests."

Narak follows the Duke out of the plaza.

Narak Thorson (Knight of Yermon)

Roleplay from Narak Thorson (6 days, 21 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Iato (7 recipients) Riding into Iato, Narak could not help but feel insignificant whilst beside the Duke and his hidden associate. Power radiated off them both and Narak knew that he was to witness something grand in the days to follow.

Upon hearing the Duke's words, Narak merely nods. "Learning can not be rushed, amd I can wait for your Grace to be finished with his esteemed guests."

Narak follows the Duke out of the plaza.

Narak Thorson (Knight of Yermon)

Letter from Sherilynn Delsantos (6 days, 10 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Iato (6 recipients) Greetings, Duke Chénier, Royal Treasurer and Ambassador of Enweil. It is good to see that you have arrived to meet such a motley assemblage of visitors to your fair city. Although I suspect that you already know what brings us here, and what a threat it brings to you, your realm, and your entire world.

Sherilynn Delsantos Goddess and Collector of Netherworld

Roleplay from Seri Hyral (6 days, 10 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Iato (6 recipients) A woman in a dark blue cloak stands in the throng of locals that had descended onto the main plaza to welcome their Duke. She had wanted to see the man's face, the lord who Lady Marta might be meeting with soon, this Chénier...Theirs was a breed she'd heard much about.

She couldn't understand why it had to be this place. With this...company. Ramus was suspicious enough without adding a Cultist and a 'Goddess' and gods know what that thing was that stood with the Duke.

Unfortunately, it had been impossible to sneak into the city unnoticed. So it seemed common knowledge that a foreign noble along with a small group of soldiers were staying at a local inn. But if there was one thing a courtier knew how to do, it was blend quietly into the background. So she waited, pulling her hood closer to obscure her face as the crowd dissipated. If Lady Marta had something in mind, it would become clear soon enough.

Seri Hyral (Dame of Gor Ault)

Roleplay from Guillaume Chénier (6 days, 10 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Iato (6 recipients) Greetings, Goddess of the Daimons.

I must apologize, but I do not actually know to what I owe the honour of such a grand visit. I was told someone would come, but this would be about all I knew. The nature of the visit and the number of visitors did not reach my ears, however far they tend to extend.

Guillaume calls for a servant and gives him a short set of instructions, after which the servant runs off to the manor.

Whatever the reason may be, no reason to make a bad reputation of my nice city. It's not because we are on the fringe and hidden in the woods that we aren't civilized, now, are we?

So in a more relaxed atmosphere, let us discuss.

Guillaume Chénier Royal Treasurer of Enweil, Duke of Iato, Ambassador of Enweil

Roleplay from Guillaume Chénier (5 days, 22 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Iato (7 recipients) While the crowds were noisy as usual in the city, something could be heard from afar, rapidly increasing in volume, apparently closing in on the city square. Suddenly the people grew silent, listening, a little bit tense to figure out what was happening.

Then the first of them could be seen entering the Grand Alley, and the sound became distinct. It was... music.

An improvised team of local musicians was marching in town, arriving from the outer burg where the cultist temple and new migrants mostly resided. It was an interesting assortment of instruments, to say the least: Panpipes, bagpipes, drums, and a few rare trumpets, but it was surprisingly good. While the troop was improvised, most of them came from the same end of town, and practiced regularly together at the cultist temple and played for daily events. The bagpipes were an instrument that the Cult had found and identified first in Tindle, among old ruins, and Guillaume had worked hard to replicate and import the instrument. The brass followed Fwuvoghorian models, while the drums were copies of the various northern mastercrafts. The panpipes, on the other hand, were quite local. The citizens were relieved to see what the noise was all about, and some started ritual or traditional dances.

"My guests", Guillaume said loudly. "This is all for you, I hope it is to your liking.

Guillaume Chénier Royal Treasurer of Enweil, Duke of Iato, Ambassador of Enweil

Roleplay from Narak Thorson (5 days, 20 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Iato (7 recipients) Stepping forth from the Temple in the square, Narak could not help but start humming along to the music drifting towards him from the Grand Alley. Deciding that he had studied enough for the day, he wondered through the streets following the sound of the music.

It was about time to find the Duke again, books could only teach him so much.

Narak Thorson (Knight of Yermon)

Roleplay from Narak Thorson (4 days, 21 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Iato (8 recipients) Guillaume shook hands with members of the crowd as he inspected on-going events, making sure everything was fine. He'd spread words of comfort, and how not to afraid, that the gods will smile upon the courageous and virtuous. That by being pious and zealous prosperity would return, adding in a few religious poems, sayings, and myths in between speeches.

Everything was going splendidly, until he came before a small gang of brown-hooded figures. "Brothers, why do you hide your figures in times of rest?", he asked before the front man shoved Guillaume to the ground. Just as quickly, he and the others unscathed their swords and daggers as they ferociously attacked Guillaume, murder in their eyes. The personal guards were quick to react, but Guillaume was bleeding heavily by the time they repelled the attackers, killing two of them and capturing the two others. The guards spat on their captives as they identified them, they were brothers and cousins of the northern slums. As Iato had attracted a few refuges from eastern Enweil, these were not the only homeless to come to Iato. To the north, an unauthorized settlement of daishi refugees had set itself up, fleeing the daimons from Hetland, and they were always causing trouble of all sorts. They were obviously always blaming Enweil and the duke for all of their problems, but came here to settle to run from their other problems: such was the way of Hetlanders after all.

Narak Thorson (Knight of Yermon)

Roleplay from Narak Thorson (4 days, 21 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Iato (8 recipients) Walking beside the Duke, Narak could not help but feel calmer. The Duke's precense was having the same effect on the populace, his words full of wisdom and caring for the people of his city.

Pausing to watch a dove fly over the Temple, Narak did not notice the hooded figures first attack upon the Duke.

Swinging around at the sound of blades crossing, Narak quickly tosses a dagger into the arm of one of the attackers. The assassin's sword dropping to the ground as one of the Guards slid their sword into his throat.

As the other guards quickly subdued the other assassins, Narak pulled the Duke away from the fray.

"Healer! I need a healer here immediately!"

The Duke was bleeding severely but luck was with him as a healer came bustling through the crowd.

Narak Thorson (Knight of Yermon)

Roleplay from Guillaume Chénier (1 day, 11 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Iato (8 recipients) Guillaume looked at Narak beside his bed, he was finally recovering some strength. He was greatly sadenned by what one of his servants had told him, though, as apparently in the confusion someone had managed to steal the Legendary Breastplate of Strength, which his older brother Nicolas wore to countless glorious before dying. He issued a 100 gold reward for its return, but he knew his odds in such things were not so good.

The Daishi would pay, he swore to it. They would all pay, but they had it long coming anyways.

The guests has not really showed up, after all. He wondered what was up with that. Such a big mystery was made out of it, his curiosity aroused, and nothing happened.

Well, he'd have time to return to his discussions with Narak, he supposed.

Guillaume Chénier Royal Treasurer of Enweil, Duke of Iato, Ambassador of Enweil

Roleplay from Seri Hyral (1 day, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Iato (8 recipients)

♪ ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪~ ♪ ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪~ ♪ ♪ ♪~ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♫♪~ ♪~~

The sound of a small harp could be heard drifting from an open window of a nondescript inn off the city plaza. The tune was pleasant, like spring. Seri had retired to her room for the night, and was now sitting just beyond sight of the window. She'd learned to play in her youth. The patriarch's wife was fond of the instrument, so she'd financed a proper tutor for her grand-niece. Since then it'd been something of an idle hobby. Especially after coming to Beluaterra. The notes were calming. Peaceful.

Earlier in the day her scouts had returned with reports of the Darkness blocking the path into Zdenka, the road they traveled in on. Now there was only one way out. Through Pahk. Marta would have to act soon, otherwise they would all be damned.

After a short pause, she began another song. All they could do was wait.

♪ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♪ - ♪ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪~ ♫ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♫~

Seri Hyral (Dame of Gor Ault)

Roleplay from Guillaume Chénier (20 hours, 57 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Iato (8 recipients) So much for the grand company, Guillaume thought. Maybe Marta expected him to throw himself on his knees? To beg and kiss her feet? She really was too arrogant, he thought. Wherever about she was, he knew she was in his city, and she was only there by Guillaume's graciousness as he could just as easily have the guards hound her up. Maybe if she was shipped to Prudent's labs, some answers could be obtained...

What was she even doing here? Coming to bless a temple in Iato? As if he'd allow that. Enweil has enough problems with the monsters in the South, as if he'd go and piss off the daimons to the North, who have half the island anyways and whom the Light was obviously incapable of stopping in Creasur. Whether the light be good or bad, he knew they weren't saviors, as they obviously lacked the might to do anything worthwhile. Between walking a path of great unknown and a path of assured destruction, the choice was clear.

He wondered if that was why Sherilynn had come, though, or if they had just stumbled upon his city at the same time. He couldn't think of a reason for Sherilynn to come, but he told himself it could be that she's giving Pahk over. But who knows.

He looked out of the window. The weather appeared calm, but he knew it was quite a storm unfolding on the lands not so far away. Never since the Chénier family immigrated here have they seen so much destruction. Barely any realm had died in the last invasion, after all. But not this time around...

He had a brother and a cousin die as royals in battle. Another brother was a prominent ambassador as well, and another cousin had been a prophet and had left on a journey with the gods.

The expectations upon him were great. He had already amassed plenty of titles, but had achieved very little. he calmly stared by the window. "If man pulls through", he though, "you will be mine for the molding. I shall finish what others have started before me, and those who shall stand in my way as they have stood in theirs shall be taken care of once and for all. This is the vision the gods have granted me, this is my task. To bring man to a new age and to sunder the heathens, to raze their shrines of evil and assure glory and prosperity to all cultist brothers or all realms."

Guillaume turned his head and dimissed the servants. "Give us some time, I will continue my conversation with sir Narak privately now."

Guillaume Chénier Royal Treasurer of Enweil, Duke of Iato, Ambassador of Enweil

Roleplaying Event (8 hours, 45 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Iato (8 recipients) For the first time in days, Marta appears in the public square. She does not look well. Her robe is dirty and torn; her face looks tired and drawn.

But when she speaks, her voice is still clear and strong, and still reaches the entire city without effort. "Ramus, you came here to speak to me. I cannot stay much longer, so speak."


Roleplaying Event (8 hours, 24 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Iato (8 recipients) "Speak?" The quiet man smiled softly. "We come to remind you, tainted one, of those of the forgotten. We come to discuss their purpose."


Roleplaying Event (8 hours, 22 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Iato (8 recipients) Marta jumps visibly when Ramus speaks—a mark of her exhaustion, that she did not see him before.

But when she hears his words, first shock flits across her face, and then all expression drains from it.

"The forgotten," she says quietly. "I take it you mean those who came before me. From ancient days. And what would you know of their purpose?"


Roleplaying Event (8 hours, 18 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Iato (8 recipients) "What would we know, tainted one?" There was a touch of anger in the undead's voice. "What would we know? The dead do not forget. Perhaps your kind do, but we do not, and we would see what was done, done once more. We would see the bonds released and our most ancient enemies driven once more."


Roleplaying Event (8 hours, 12 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Iato (8 recipients) Now emotion returns to Marta's face: anger, to answer that from Ramus.

"The bonds released? The bonds were not our doing! And aiding you is not part of our purpose here! I would sooner see you all cast back into the—into the grey void than aid..."

Suddenly she coughs and sways, and she closes her eyes for a moment, catching her breath.

When she opens them, the anger is gone, but a cold hatred smolders deep within. "You know what such a thing would cost us, do you not? You know how such a sacrifice on our part would set back our aims. And for what? To hand everything to you?"


Roleplaying Event (7 hours, 49 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Iato (8 recipients) The smile - and anger - was gone from Ramus when he responded.

"No, tainted one. To hand everything to them." He gestured broadly towards the east and north. "They cannot do it on their own, even with you forging them in to sha'kan."

He pauses for a distracted moment, as though listening to something just beyond hearing. "You are not unlike the forgotten ones. You push so hard, but never does it occur to you that the only ones you ask no sacrifice of are yourselves. No, tainted one, the bonds were not your doing. Those were as much ours as they were the One's, but you hold the gates."


Roleplaying Event (7 hours, 46 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Iato (8 recipients) At Ramus's words, Marta flinches as if slapped, then bows her head.

She is silent for several breaths, her lips compressed into a grim line.

At last, she looks at Ramus again.

"I will consider what you say. But I must do it alone. Do not think to follow me."

She turns on her heel, and returns back along the way she came, staggering slightly now and then.


Roleplay from Sherilynn Delsantos (4 hours, 10 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Iato (8 recipients) When the informant had finished relating the tale of the encounter between Marta and this dead creature, Ramus, she smiled. This could get quite interesting. Sherilynn commanded the informant to take her to the place where these two had been seen.

After arriving in the square, Sherilynn raised her arms and made a few gestures. The runes under her skin glowed brightly, as the golden fires ran up and down her arms. Seconds later she spoke, her feminine voice ringing unnaturally loud across the square.

"Marta! Where are you, Servant of Blood? Were not the events in Creasur enough to show you that the people of Enweil will have no truck with your kind? They need not the false promise of blood sacrifice to preserve their hopes of survival, for they have faith in themselves."

"And you, Ramus! What do you here, so far from the lands of your dead brethren? Should you not be digging up a grave somewhere, and seeking to turn the bodies of these good people against their kin and friends?"

Sherilynn Delsantos Goddess and Collector of Netherworld

Roleplay from Guillaume Chénier Message sent to everyone in the region Iato (8 recipients) In the city, all was tense. The guards had been doubled since the assassination attempt, and visitors were lengthily questioned before being admitted within the citadel. Anyone with the slightest sympathy to Daishi or a westerner accent was immediately turned away. Guards within were also looking for the duke's lost armour, and searching people who left the city to make sure no one would smuggle it out, if they hadn't already.

The celebrations were coming to an end, though most of it had stopped when the attack occurred. In the Blood Cult temple, though, things were pretty hectic. Something was obviously being prepared, but little was known on the topic. In the northern settlements, military presence had also increased. Without quite brutalizing the refugees, the guards exercised their authority to remind them of who was in charge around here.

This was all among the peasants mostly, though. Nobles were still being searched for the Legendary Breastplate of Strength when leaving, but were otherwise not bothered. They were so few, after all, that it was easy to keep track of them without imposing oneself upon them.

Guillaume Chénier Royal Treasurer of Enweil, Duke of Iato, Ambassador of Enweil

Roleplaying Event (just in) Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Iato (10 recipients) Marta reappears in the city square again, her expression one of grim triumph.

"Ramus, my answer is no. The purpose of my forbears is not my purpose. You must do your own dirty work. The humans have the strength to defeat you, if they have faith. And I have faith that they will do so," she announces clearly and loudly.

Then she leaves the square by a different road.
