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Roleplay from Pierre von Genf
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On Roots

A sermon given in the High Temple of the Stars, in Mimer.

Our Holy Prophet once said, in the parable of the Cup, "We can present the Faith with the Cup, showing the simple perfection the Stars reflected in a cupful of water, for in this most act we sweep away all that is unnecessary and show ourselves to be likewise a simple mirror of the Bloodstars." Many have taken this as a call for asceticism, for the shedding of physical possessions and the repeal of all secular ambition.

After all, the Stars, high up in the sky, are immutable, eternal, unborn. They are not of this world. We should strive to emulate them, and not be caught up in the swirl of everyday life, for there lies the danger of forgetting about the Stars, and even for true faithfuls, to simply live our lives under them, and not for them. That much is true.

However, one should also wonder, why a Cup? After all, the simple perfection of the Stars can be seen simply by gazing upwards. Why should the Stars be presented by gazing downwards?

The Cup is present to remind us that if the Stars are in the sky, we are not. Our aim is not to reach for the Stars by growing ever taller; that way lies vanity. Our aim is to reflect the Stars, within this world. The Stars show us the way, but the Cup is there to firmly ground us.

If the Stars are immutable, we are not. We have been born, and death awaits all of us. This is not a curse, and the land we live on is not a sub-par version of the perfect sky. Our world is one of change, of activity, and it is meant that way, for us.

What I mean by that is this: Yes, worship the Stars, and hold them more important than anything else. But, do not abandon everything else, for the Stars do not ask it from you. Take care of your father and mother; raise children. Till you land, make it prosper and rejoice when you are blessed with a good meal. Love your country, and never forget where you are from. This is our world, given to us, and it is necessary. Thank the Stars for it, and do not squander it away.
Pierre von Genf (Missionary of Sanguis Astroism, Ambassador of Morek Empire)