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We also are quite content with the frontier you have set with Aquilegia. Once the rightful leaders of that realm are reinstated, I am certain they will abide by it."
We also are quite content with the frontier you have set with Aquilegia. Once the rightful leaders of that realm are reinstated, I am certain they will abide by it."
|Title=Count of Huanghai, Ambassador of Xinhai
|Sender=Alanna Anaris
|Recipients=Message sent to all nobles in the region Nid Tek (5 recipients)
Alanna sighs as one of her retainers pokes his head through the tent flap.
"Unfortunately, Ambassador, other duties demand my attention. I would love to talk with you more, and will be glad to correspond with you through the Keepers of Lore. Please feel free to remain in the area and talk to the Lurian nobility about Sanguis Astroism."
She stands, and Kyra appears at her side (seemingly from nowhere). "Gentlemen, I do apologize for cutting this conversation short, but I am afraid I must be leaving now." She leads Pierre and Drystan outside the tent, then nods to Kyra, who disappears again briefly. Almost immediately, servants and soldiers being packing the tent and its contents away, the chairs they had been sitting on dismantling quickly for easy storage, and the table folding up neatly into itself.
"I do look forward to hearing more from you, Ambassador. You have given me a great deal to think about with regards to the Blood Stars already, and I will definitely send you more regarding our relationship with Aquilegia and our hopes for our future relationship with Xinhai in future letters."
|Title=Queen of Pian en Luries
|Sender=Pierre von Genf
|Recipients=Message sent to all nobles in the region Nid Tek (5 recipients)
"I fully understand, your Majesty. I will stay in the area, visit your capital and maybe even Myern before I leave."
|Title=Count of Huanghai, Ambassador of Xinhai
|Title=Count of Huanghai, Ambassador of Xinhai

Latest revision as of 16:13, 30 September 2009

The contents of this page are not readily available to everyone, either because it is sensitive or because it is rare or otherwise little known knowledge. It is here for the purpose of archiving or making it more accessible to a certain audience, and this should be kept in mind while reading the contents of this page and all it's subpages.
In short, the contents of this page are to be considered OOC knowledge, except for characters who have received an in-game copy.

Roleplay from Pierre von Genf
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles in the region Ciarin Tut (5 recipients)
A noble bearing a blue and yellow flag, with minimal troops, just scouts really, has arrived near the camp. He claims to be the Ambassador of Xinhai, and asks for an audience with the Queen.
Pierre von Genf (Count of Huanghai, Ambassador of Xinhai)

Roleplay from Pierre von Genf
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles in the region Nid Tek (5 recipients)
I come to your camp with a page boy holding three banners, of the von Genf family, Xinhai, and Sanguis Astroism. I kneel down and say, "Your Majesty, it is a pleasure to finally meet you. I bring friendship and peace from my Grandmistress Anabellium West."
Pierre von Genf (Count of Huanghai, Ambassador of Xinhai)

Roleplay from Alanna Anaris
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles in the region Nid Tek (5 recipients)
Alanna smiles as she bids Ambassador Pierre to rise. "Welcome, Ambassador. I am pleased to meet you in person. Please, come into my tent so we can sit down in at least moderate comfort."

The inside of the tent is well-appointed for a tent, but still clearly primarily a thing of efficiency for traveling. There are two chairs beside a clever little folding table, with a somewhat larger folding desk off to one side. Alanna gestures Ambassador Pierre to one of the chairs, and murmurs to her aide, who goes to see to the Ambassador's pages.

"So, Ambassador, it has been many months since I first expressed my interest in having a lay representative of Sanguis Astroism visit Pian en Luries to explain it to us. I am very glad that we have finally been able to arrange such a meeting.

"For now, my ear is yours."
Alanna Anaris (Queen of Pian en Luries)

Roleplay from Pierre von Genf
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles in the region Nid Tek (5 recipients)
Thank you, Majesty. I remember there were talks about sending someone here many months ago. Sister Lorelei was supposed to make the trip if I remember well, but it fell since everybody was to busy trying to pacify Unterstrom.

I am here to answer all questions you may have, of course, but also to learn about your culture. Even though we share the same island, very little is known about Pian en Luries in my realm. We hear strange tales about your religion, good and bad, but both probably too tall to be true.

I am also here to make certain you have no false idea about us. I know of the reputation Morek and now Xinhai have, and there are many who would spread lies who find it easy to spread them about us.
Pierre von Genf (Count of Huanghai, Ambassador of Xinhai)

Roleplay from Alanna Anaris
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles in the region Nid Tek (5 recipients)
"Indeed, Ambassador; I have heard dark rumours of Morek and Xinhai. However, I have put little credence in them, since I have corresponded personally with Lady Allison and Grandmistress Annabellium, and our conversations have always been cordial."

A servant enters with a carafe of wine, pours two glasses, and offers one to each. Alanna accepts graciously and sips lightly.

"Ambassador, I should also mention, I have taken the liberty of inviting Grand Master Drystan Bellator, head of the Order of St Iestyn and Duke of Poryatown, to join us here when he has time. He will be far better able to answer your questions about the Order.

"As for my questions...well, perhaps you can begin with the basics of your faith. I have heard rumours, of course, but as there has been little traffic between our peoples, our archives have very little information on Sanguis Astroism, merely that it is a religion venerating three Blood Stars. What are these Stars—their names, and their natures—and how is it that they are worthy of worship?"
Alanna Anaris (Queen of Pian en Luries)

Roleplay from Pierre von Genf
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles in the region Nid Tek (5 recipients)
"Of course, Grandmaster Bellator is very much welcome. I had hoped I could visit one of his temple eventually.", I say as I accept the wine. Horse's hooves are heard outside the tent at that moment, and someone is talking to the guards.

"Would that be him?"

"The Stars, then. Their names are Auspicious, Austere and Maddening. As for their nature, first and foremost, they are Stars. Surely you have seen them before. They are crimson-colored and they circle one another, in the West. They hide sometime, and we see meaning in which one appears. At this moment, only the Maddening is bright, and the Auspicious is superior. Thus it is a time for acting, not for questioning."

(You can see the phase of the stars here: http://www.traption.org/cgi/bloodstar)

"Yet that is not all they are, for there are other stars in the sky and we do not worship them. The Stars represent the life force that is inside all of us, in all its aspect. The Maddening represent our hearts, the emotions that can overcome us. The Austere Star represents the mind, the cold disciplne that is needed to overcome our primal passions. The Auspicious represents peace, justice and moral virtues. When the Auspicious is low and hidden, we get suspicious of the rightness of our actions."

"We do not only look at the Stars to guide our actions, as the common folk do. Rather, we recognize that our actions, our will, is guided by a superior force, and that force is represented by the Stars. It is this interior force that is what holds this world together."

"It has often been said that Sanguis Astroism is a religion without gods. The thruth is that we do not know. We do not understand the nature of the link between the Stars and us, although you could say we feel it. The Stars have never walked upon this earth, and we have no creation myth. However, we worship them, not in hope that they will help us in return, for why would they?, but because they are worthy of worship in themselves. Some people have had visions, and we interpret these visions as being sent by the Stars, at least when they come from the Prophet. But never in these visions do the Stars appear themselves, or give clear instructions. I have never had the chance to have one, so you would need to talk to others to learn more about the mechanics of this."

"I have taken the liberty of bringing a compendium of our most sacred texts for your library. I hope you will accept it." I hand you a richly embroidered little red book, containing these texts: Sanguis_Astroism/Writings.
Pierre von Genf (Count of Huanghai, Ambassador of Xinhai)

Roleplay from Alanna Anaris
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles in the region Nid Tek (5 recipients)
Alanna smiles and greets Drystan as her aide Kyra shows him into the well-appointed tent.

"Ambassador, may I introduce Grand Master Drystan Bellator, Duke of Poryatown and a Prince of Pian en Luries, as he is my brother-in-law. Grand Master, this is Ambassador Pierre von Genf of Xinhai, Count of Huanghai. He has just been telling me of the three Blood Stars."

A moment later, another of her retainers appears with a third chair, which he places near the small table for Drystan.

After Drystan sits, Alanna turns to Ambassador Pierre and continues, "Ambassador, this is all rather puzzling to me. I was raised worshiping the Gods of my people, and it is well-known in my homeland that the Gods have walked the earth in times past, and even since then, have intervened in mortal affairs. How, then, does Sanguis Astroism explain such divine meddling on earth, if it does not admit the existence of Gods?"
Alanna Anaris (Queen of Pian en Luries)

Roleplay from Pierre von Genf
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"Your Majesty, Prince Bellator,

I was myself raised in Tara, where what passes for religion is really a way to control the mind of the masses into worshipping the state. I never joined that church, and neither did any of my kin, who are now dispersed on various continents. Maybe it made it easier for me to disbelieve what are often folk tales.

However, it remains true that they are other beings on this earth who are equal or superior to the highest of us humans. Take only, at this moment in history, the leader of the Zuma who are often called Daimons. They are stronger than us, and possess a mind. That they also have a soul may be doubtful, but they clearly exist. Their relation to the forces of this world may be different than the relation we have, just like the nature of man is different than that of the animals or of the forest; but there certainly is a kind of relation, and in what passes for a heart in daimons, different forces must exist, by which they are influenced, and over which they exercise some level control. In that sense, they are not so different from us. They also live under the Stars.

It is completely conceivable that there are others beings that once roamed this land, of inconceivable power, and of a fairer appearance than the daimons of today, that could be called gods. Their existence would in no way be a contradiction to our creed.

In fact, there was once a religion in Springdale called the Order of the Seven, for they believed in Seven Gods. We lived in peace with them, as after careful study, our elders found no contradiction between the worship of the Seven and the worship of the Stars. They were accepted and integrated into our church."
Pierre von Genf (Count of Huanghai, Ambassador of Xinhai)

Roleplay from Pierre von Genf
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Turning towards the Prince, Pierre adds: "But tell me, Grandmaster, what is the view of your church of those of other religions? We know the hatred you have for Daimons, and those in Ordenstaat have shown their strength and courage in a way few others on Dwilight ever had. But is it your goal to eradicate all who do not believe your creed like the Torenists?"
Pierre von Genf (Count of Huanghai, Ambassador of Xinhai)

Roleplay from Drystan Bellator
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles in the region Nid Tek (5 recipients)
Smiling faintly, Drystan replies to Pierre’s unusually direct question.

“I was raised as a devout believer in the Two from birth, like my father and all who came before him for a thousand generations. In our long history, my family and my Order have both been witness to a great variety of beliefs. There are many things which men have called gods, and our response depends quite strongly on the nature of the deity..."

He gripped the hilt of his sword for just a moment, as if suddenly recalling an unpleasant event. “Those whose faith is true we accept, those who are merely misguided we may tolerate. However, those who are corrupted beyond salvation by the machinations of the Great Deceiver, and those who knowingly and willingly kneel before the Daemon, those must be hunted down and annihilated before their taint spreads... Beluaterra has some fine examples to show for the consequences of failure..."

He sighs heavily, and runs a hand along the pendant on his neck, revealing the green band on his arm. “My apologies for what might be seen as an outburst, my mood has seen better times. I am in mourning for a close friend, the Grand Duke Leon of Fissoa, who was struck down by one of his treasonous vassals...”
Drystan Bellator (Duke of Poryatown)

Roleplay from Pierre von Genf
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles in the region Nid Tek (5 recipients)
"Fissoa... We know little enough of Pian en Luries, I must admit we know nothing at all of Fissoa. This continent really is too large for the human mind to grasp fully. I extend my condolances to your friend's family."

I take a more serious contenance to drive the point home:

"I can also assure you that we do not, and never will, kneel before the daimons."

Turning towards the Queen,

"It is quite good that we get to meet each other, as peace through friendship will always be deeper and longer lasting than peace from being far away. I have joined the Keepers of Lore, of which I could build a guildhaouse in Huanghai eventually to promote cultural exchanges. If you or one of your ambassadors ever come to the North, I suggest they join the Dwilight University. These organizations help to keep in touch.

I have no real treaty offers for you, as we have no real ambition other than peaceful coexistence in the region. If you had more definite plans, however, we would be open to them.

We also are quite content with the frontier you have set with Aquilegia. Once the rightful leaders of that realm are reinstated, I am certain they will abide by it."
Pierre von Genf (Count of Huanghai, Ambassador of Xinhai)

Roleplay from Alanna Anaris
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles in the region Nid Tek (5 recipients)
Alanna sighs as one of her retainers pokes his head through the tent flap.

"Unfortunately, Ambassador, other duties demand my attention. I would love to talk with you more, and will be glad to correspond with you through the Keepers of Lore. Please feel free to remain in the area and talk to the Lurian nobility about Sanguis Astroism."

She stands, and Kyra appears at her side (seemingly from nowhere). "Gentlemen, I do apologize for cutting this conversation short, but I am afraid I must be leaving now." She leads Pierre and Drystan outside the tent, then nods to Kyra, who disappears again briefly. Almost immediately, servants and soldiers being packing the tent and its contents away, the chairs they had been sitting on dismantling quickly for easy storage, and the table folding up neatly into itself.

"I do look forward to hearing more from you, Ambassador. You have given me a great deal to think about with regards to the Blood Stars already, and I will definitely send you more regarding our relationship with Aquilegia and our hopes for our future relationship with Xinhai in future letters."
Alanna Anaris (Queen of Pian en Luries)

Roleplay from Pierre von Genf
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles in the region Nid Tek (5 recipients)
"I fully understand, your Majesty. I will stay in the area, visit your capital and maybe even Myern before I leave."
Pierre von Genf (Count of Huanghai, Ambassador of Xinhai)