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(New page: OOC note: Haruka's character is that of a girl who has a deep fear of emotional intimacy and especially physical intimacy. Though her attempts to run away from this and to protect herself ...)
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"I do not recall any Troop Leader to pass through my lands. Let us go to this collection of brigands and see to their commander. He is obviously far from acquainted to my lands or my person, perhaps we shall change that through gentle persuasion of sorts" Haruka commanded coldly.
"I do not recall any Troop Leader to pass through my lands. Let us go to this collection of brigands and see to their commander. He is obviously far from acquainted to my lands or my person, perhaps we shall change that through gentle persuasion of sorts" Haruka commanded coldly.
-------------Tokeru's role play in reply-------------
Tokeru appeared as if from nowhere at Haruka's side.
"Lady, there is one small problem with that tactic. Horses galloping at full speed down a hill will trip, break legs and kill the riders. The safest speed to have them run down will be at a canter. They will be moving quickly enough at a canter down the hill that it will keep them from breaking anything."
Tokeru looked at her captain. "Besides, standing still in front of a charge is one of the worst things you can do. The troops must be taught to kill the horse and deal with the rider after. A horse without a rider is still a weapon, but kill the horse, the rider will die very quickly after."
Tokeru chuckled at the expression on the captain's face, not from what he was saying, but from what he was wearing.
Tokeru was wearing a blood red tunic, skulls emblazoned on the shoulders, with his coat of arms on the front. Tokeru had changed his family's heraldic symbol from the blazing eagle it once was, to a skeletal bird. He had been outcast from the family many years ago, and with his vanishing had gone all of his ties to his family, but for the curse and the history.
His eyes were blood red, just like his tunic and cloak. His bastard sword Heartrender was strapped across his back as usual. He wore chain mail underneath his tunic at all times, and he even had two daggers strapped to his forearms, hidden beneath his vambraces.
-------------Haruka's role play in reply-------------
Haruka turned sharply to her side, Tokeru stood there, the shadow of a grin on his, framed by the blood red eyes that suggested more to the smile.
"...to kill the horse, the rider will die very quickly after" Tokeru finished.
Haruka frowned, "An accurate surmise of my plan but I have assessed this hill, the chances of a horse tripping over is slim. Also my men are bored of the usual rhetoric they are taught, this is something fresh, more fun than actual training though."
Tokeru inclined his head towards Haruka In response.
"Oh and that tunic really does compliment your eyes, Tokeru" Haruka said, the hint of inner humour spilt over into her voice at the look of discomfort on Adamund's eyes.
-------------Rodiriz role play in reply-------------
Rodirz and Edmund watched the two horses in the distance moving to intercept them from the manor, galloping across the field at what they both thought was reckless speed.
“Perhaps Lady Haruka heard you ..” Rodiriz mused, evoking an expression of horror from his captain.
The men of = Crusaderz’ d’ Chivaral = drew their swords instinctively, although they doubted any real danger this far in Arcachon lands.
“Arms down” Edmund commanded “and halt.” His men complying with their usual professionalism, sheathing their weapons and evening-out their ranks. The point 3 of the unit unfurled the Arcachon banner, raising it along with their own White and green standard tied to a pike.
As the two horses slowed to a trot only a few yards away Rodiriz and Edmund stepped forward, the Captain unsure as to whether to wear his helmet or hold it.
“Smile, but don’t gawp” Rodiriz muttered to his men.
Haruka and her own captain drew level with them and stopped, their horses sweating from the mile-long run.
“Marshal Haru…”
And that’s all Rodiriz managed to say.
-------------Haruka's role play in reply-------------
Whatever Rodiriz had been saying, or planned to say, it didn't matter as Haruka dismounted from her sweating steed, instantly cutting him of in a commanding voice.
"Name, rank and station" She said, loudly and coldly.
"Wha... Oh" Rodiriz composed himself. "Rodiriz Azul, current Troop Leader Of The Crusaderz’ d’ Chivaral, former lord of Apasur" He said with straightened posture and a crisp voice.
"I was not informed of you marching through my lands, especially so close to my estate. Though you are under my charge, as your Marshal why did not you not inform me of your progress of intentions?" Haruka asked waspishly, but continued.
"Also have that man take his hand of of his sword hilt before I mistake his intentions" Haruka finished, ice literally dripping from her voice.
"Marshal..." Tokeru began, pausing slightly as he glanced over at her. "I believe this ... Rodiriz is the one responsible for the repeated looting's of Apasur and also charged with reclaiming the region"
Rodiriz stood their, trying to remain seemingly impassive, his men not quite in proper standing formation, almost as if they where standing there unsure of how to present themselves.
"I am that man" Rodiriz responded in a loud voice.
Haruka returned her gaze to Rodiriz, though only after pausing to look over the rag tag bunch of armoured troops at the heel of Rodiriz. Deliberately painting a slight look of mocking indifference to them, with the intention of embarrassing Rodiriz for his poor presentation and lack of foresight.
"Hmm, so you are the reason why I had to defend myself to the War Council" She said coldly. "I do not take lightly to being embarrassed by those beneath me, nor do I like being interrupted in my work" Haruka said her voice some what neutral but hinting a lot at what she was thinking. Roodiriz flushed slightly at the repeated barrage against his person, whether out of anger or embarrassment Haruka didn't care.
-------------Rodiriz role play in reply-------------
Rodiriz could feel the unease of his men. True they hadn’t reported-in recently, but there wasn’t a war on as such, and their goal of conquering Apasur had been the main objective for several weeks now. He knew the manner in which they were being addressed wouldn’t impress The Crusaderz’, they were the finest trained and equipped available, they might look a bit sullied, but 5 days of marching, 2 more of civil work and a long boat journey and Rodiriz doubted even her Ruka’ness could appear immaculate.
He felt the back of his neck prickle slightly, ‘C’mon, you can push it a bit more than this’ he told himself. ’Show some spine’
“With the highest respect, Marshal Haruka, Apasur was shown the futility of resisting. Firmness is always the way to bring the insubordinate into line. The Island had no respect for Arcachon, what we did enforced our authority in the region. I’ll not have rebels undermine us.”
Surprised that he had managed that much, and still keeping his gaze forward as Haruka began to stride along his line of men, Rodiriz continued.
“As for interrupting you, for that I offer my most unreserved apologies. I should have contacted you, but not being a man to allow someone else to do his work, I have never taken a scribe, and furthermore; do not intend to. What with the recent marching from Apasur to Niel and the continued focus of success on the island I have been rather distracted. The orders ..." (Yes, he dared himself to) do stand to 'Rally in your regions' ... ”
Sensing he had said enough, Rodiriz closed his mouth and waited, praying only his men would do the same, as Haruka studied each of them individually.
Returning to the head of the column she stared into Rodiriz’s eyes.
Damn she was beautiful. He just hoped that his face did not betray his thoughts.
He hoped Edmund’s didn’t either.
-------------Haruka's role play in reply-------------
The young commanders attitude deeply riled Haruka, if she was right she could even detect a hint of mocking sarcasm! And to further deepen her anger she had noticed how distant his eyes had become and the way they watched her as she assessed his troops. She'd seen that look on men before, it was an objectising look, one that said he had other things on his mind than there verbal exchange. Haruka had the very strong urge to cut down this cocky young cockerel in more ways than just verbal.
"Rodiriz do you understand the military hierarchy? Do you understand the set of stringent protocols we have in place? Regardless of what my orders state at the time it goes without saying that you must report your progress and your intentions! Without that I, and the War Council are blind to the work of our underlings" Haruka spat, now pausing only to compose herself rather than suffer the shame of an open display of anger.
"Regardless of your scribe state that is no excuse to fail in your duty. You could have dictated and wrote the letter yourself and ordered some one to deliver it. You have shown a clear lack of foresight. Also your raids on Apasur where not coordinated nor where they ordered. Once again your ... Individuality and ambition has blinded you. If there is looting to be done then only I shall order it, when you ordered your men to loot you undermined MY authority. We had troublemakers like you back when I was charged with conquering Sartania, should you not buck up your ideas and fall in line then there will be no place for you" Haruka continued, speaking each word with a deliberate speed, pausing slightly after each for the effect she had seen Xaphan wield so efficiently with it.
Haruka blinked, she needed to think more clearly, she should not let herself be consumed by her personal anger and let it block what she needed to say and do.
"Rodiriz, You may leave me, I am not interested in debating your actions. But always make sure to visit the Temple Of Adaghar before you travel out of Tuhpos, and perhaps you will benefit from a visit to the Guild "Conditions For Survival" there is a lot to learn there" Haruka said, trying to keep her voice light and neutral.

Revision as of 19:11, 17 May 2009

OOC note: Haruka's character is that of a girl who has a deep fear of emotional intimacy and especially physical intimacy. Though her attempts to run away from this and to protect herself is to deal with it directly, which is to say having her armies rape all those that they can. Another way she tries to escape herself and her deep seated emotional problems is to create a wall between herself and everyone else, part of how she did this was having her men believe that she herself took part in the rape of dozens and so they spread that rumour, the other parts of her defence mechanism is never letting anyone in, being a recluse and always cold. The only friendships she keeps are those of the battlefield.

IC: Role plays that took place between Rodiriz Azul and lady Haruka.

Act One

Rodiriz and his men trudged on toward Niel. This was the umpteenth time they had taken this route, the men were fed up of marching, being seasick, repairing roads and then seasick, marching, Niel again and again. Apasur was becoming a chore in Captain Edmund’s eyes, but Rodiriz was persisting, and he had come to learn that when Rodiriz set his mind on something he stuck to it.

‘That Isle will yield, if I have to walk this road a thousand times and kill everyone on the island, it shall bow to Arcachon authority!’ those had been his words, and Edmund didn’t doubt he’d see it through. He was determined like that.

Coming up toward a slight rise in the landscape as they followed the winding road through Tuphos the Manor house rose from over the hill. Rodiriz studied it intently, the imposing structure, with its numerous guards, seemed far too commanding for that of the residence of a lady, albeit it was of a Marshal also.

Haruka Vanimedle’

Having only met her twice, and both were merely occasions wherein she had shouted orders at the Knights of the Lyliltih’s Call during battle, he had found her rather elusive in all other aspects, not being seen on her estate the countless times he had passed nor ever anywhere else it seemed. ‘A recluse who enjoys slaughter …’ he mused

Edmund followed his master’s gaze. “Marchioness Haruka” he said casually “apparently one of the most beautiful Lady’s on, not only this continent, but maybe even all of them. The kind of woman that makes men forget their uh .. dignity.”

Rodiriz tilted his head toward his captain. “Slightly out of your way to be thinking of a noble-women in such lustful manner isn’t it?”

Edmund coughed and said no more.

Haruka's role play in reply-------------

Haruka dismounted, her hair still wild from the ride across her fields, the regular riding and the training with her men saw to keep her fit during peacetime. She called for a servant to attend to the horse and she strode over to the gate of her manor.

"Admund! about face if you will and follow me, I have a new plan for our training regime" Haruka said coolly to her captain who had just been facing away from her, talking with some of the lazier servants in Haruka's manor.

"Lady Haruka... back from your ride I see, perhaps before we make tracks you would like to seek refreshment?" Adamund responded cordially.

"I hope you are not implying anything by that Adamund, but should it be in the earnest of thoughts then I shall decline. Walk with me" Adamund quickly move to Haruka's side as she continued to talk. "I plan on using the steep hill in the eastern part of Tuhpos as the article of our next training. We shall have half of our cavalry waiting at the foot of it, loose formation, the other half at the top, the half at the top shall charge full speed down the hill, aiming to ride through the segments between troops. Each half shall do it 'til I am satisfied. Surely this shall teach our troops some gall? We are truly fearsome at full speed I dare say" Haruka said, sparing only a glance at Adamund.

"I concur, It is important that our troops now fear of the highest sort and none is so awe inspiring as our Havoc Horsemen at full speed about to break a line of infantry" Adamund responded meagrely.

A dark vein cut through the usual beautiful and bright countryside, though Haruka and Adamund where close enough to ascertain the individual movement of it. A small unit of Infantry, walking in a column, about five rows deep.

"I do not recall any Troop Leader to pass through my lands. Let us go to this collection of brigands and see to their commander. He is obviously far from acquainted to my lands or my person, perhaps we shall change that through gentle persuasion of sorts" Haruka commanded coldly.

Tokeru's role play in reply-------------

Tokeru appeared as if from nowhere at Haruka's side.

"Lady, there is one small problem with that tactic. Horses galloping at full speed down a hill will trip, break legs and kill the riders. The safest speed to have them run down will be at a canter. They will be moving quickly enough at a canter down the hill that it will keep them from breaking anything."

Tokeru looked at her captain. "Besides, standing still in front of a charge is one of the worst things you can do. The troops must be taught to kill the horse and deal with the rider after. A horse without a rider is still a weapon, but kill the horse, the rider will die very quickly after."

Tokeru chuckled at the expression on the captain's face, not from what he was saying, but from what he was wearing.

Tokeru was wearing a blood red tunic, skulls emblazoned on the shoulders, with his coat of arms on the front. Tokeru had changed his family's heraldic symbol from the blazing eagle it once was, to a skeletal bird. He had been outcast from the family many years ago, and with his vanishing had gone all of his ties to his family, but for the curse and the history.

His eyes were blood red, just like his tunic and cloak. His bastard sword Heartrender was strapped across his back as usual. He wore chain mail underneath his tunic at all times, and he even had two daggers strapped to his forearms, hidden beneath his vambraces.

Haruka's role play in reply-------------

Haruka turned sharply to her side, Tokeru stood there, the shadow of a grin on his, framed by the blood red eyes that suggested more to the smile.

"...to kill the horse, the rider will die very quickly after" Tokeru finished.

Haruka frowned, "An accurate surmise of my plan but I have assessed this hill, the chances of a horse tripping over is slim. Also my men are bored of the usual rhetoric they are taught, this is something fresh, more fun than actual training though."

Tokeru inclined his head towards Haruka In response.

"Oh and that tunic really does compliment your eyes, Tokeru" Haruka said, the hint of inner humour spilt over into her voice at the look of discomfort on Adamund's eyes.

Rodiriz role play in reply-------------

Rodirz and Edmund watched the two horses in the distance moving to intercept them from the manor, galloping across the field at what they both thought was reckless speed.

“Perhaps Lady Haruka heard you ..” Rodiriz mused, evoking an expression of horror from his captain.

The men of = Crusaderz’ d’ Chivaral = drew their swords instinctively, although they doubted any real danger this far in Arcachon lands.

“Arms down” Edmund commanded “and halt.” His men complying with their usual professionalism, sheathing their weapons and evening-out their ranks. The point 3 of the unit unfurled the Arcachon banner, raising it along with their own White and green standard tied to a pike.

As the two horses slowed to a trot only a few yards away Rodiriz and Edmund stepped forward, the Captain unsure as to whether to wear his helmet or hold it.

“Smile, but don’t gawp” Rodiriz muttered to his men.

Haruka and her own captain drew level with them and stopped, their horses sweating from the mile-long run.

“Marshal Haru…”

And that’s all Rodiriz managed to say.

Haruka's role play in reply-------------

Whatever Rodiriz had been saying, or planned to say, it didn't matter as Haruka dismounted from her sweating steed, instantly cutting him of in a commanding voice.

"Name, rank and station" She said, loudly and coldly.

"Wha... Oh" Rodiriz composed himself. "Rodiriz Azul, current Troop Leader Of The Crusaderz’ d’ Chivaral, former lord of Apasur" He said with straightened posture and a crisp voice.

"I was not informed of you marching through my lands, especially so close to my estate. Though you are under my charge, as your Marshal why did not you not inform me of your progress of intentions?" Haruka asked waspishly, but continued. "Also have that man take his hand of of his sword hilt before I mistake his intentions" Haruka finished, ice literally dripping from her voice.

"Marshal..." Tokeru began, pausing slightly as he glanced over at her. "I believe this ... Rodiriz is the one responsible for the repeated looting's of Apasur and also charged with reclaiming the region"

Rodiriz stood their, trying to remain seemingly impassive, his men not quite in proper standing formation, almost as if they where standing there unsure of how to present themselves.

"I am that man" Rodiriz responded in a loud voice.

Haruka returned her gaze to Rodiriz, though only after pausing to look over the rag tag bunch of armoured troops at the heel of Rodiriz. Deliberately painting a slight look of mocking indifference to them, with the intention of embarrassing Rodiriz for his poor presentation and lack of foresight.

"Hmm, so you are the reason why I had to defend myself to the War Council" She said coldly. "I do not take lightly to being embarrassed by those beneath me, nor do I like being interrupted in my work" Haruka said her voice some what neutral but hinting a lot at what she was thinking. Roodiriz flushed slightly at the repeated barrage against his person, whether out of anger or embarrassment Haruka didn't care.

Rodiriz role play in reply-------------

Rodiriz could feel the unease of his men. True they hadn’t reported-in recently, but there wasn’t a war on as such, and their goal of conquering Apasur had been the main objective for several weeks now. He knew the manner in which they were being addressed wouldn’t impress The Crusaderz’, they were the finest trained and equipped available, they might look a bit sullied, but 5 days of marching, 2 more of civil work and a long boat journey and Rodiriz doubted even her Ruka’ness could appear immaculate.

He felt the back of his neck prickle slightly, ‘C’mon, you can push it a bit more than this’ he told himself. ’Show some spine’

“With the highest respect, Marshal Haruka, Apasur was shown the futility of resisting. Firmness is always the way to bring the insubordinate into line. The Island had no respect for Arcachon, what we did enforced our authority in the region. I’ll not have rebels undermine us.”

Surprised that he had managed that much, and still keeping his gaze forward as Haruka began to stride along his line of men, Rodiriz continued.

“As for interrupting you, for that I offer my most unreserved apologies. I should have contacted you, but not being a man to allow someone else to do his work, I have never taken a scribe, and furthermore; do not intend to. What with the recent marching from Apasur to Niel and the continued focus of success on the island I have been rather distracted. The orders ..." (Yes, he dared himself to) do stand to 'Rally in your regions' ... ”

Sensing he had said enough, Rodiriz closed his mouth and waited, praying only his men would do the same, as Haruka studied each of them individually.

Returning to the head of the column she stared into Rodiriz’s eyes.

Damn she was beautiful. He just hoped that his face did not betray his thoughts.

He hoped Edmund’s didn’t either.

Haruka's role play in reply-------------

The young commanders attitude deeply riled Haruka, if she was right she could even detect a hint of mocking sarcasm! And to further deepen her anger she had noticed how distant his eyes had become and the way they watched her as she assessed his troops. She'd seen that look on men before, it was an objectising look, one that said he had other things on his mind than there verbal exchange. Haruka had the very strong urge to cut down this cocky young cockerel in more ways than just verbal.

"Rodiriz do you understand the military hierarchy? Do you understand the set of stringent protocols we have in place? Regardless of what my orders state at the time it goes without saying that you must report your progress and your intentions! Without that I, and the War Council are blind to the work of our underlings" Haruka spat, now pausing only to compose herself rather than suffer the shame of an open display of anger. "Regardless of your scribe state that is no excuse to fail in your duty. You could have dictated and wrote the letter yourself and ordered some one to deliver it. You have shown a clear lack of foresight. Also your raids on Apasur where not coordinated nor where they ordered. Once again your ... Individuality and ambition has blinded you. If there is looting to be done then only I shall order it, when you ordered your men to loot you undermined MY authority. We had troublemakers like you back when I was charged with conquering Sartania, should you not buck up your ideas and fall in line then there will be no place for you" Haruka continued, speaking each word with a deliberate speed, pausing slightly after each for the effect she had seen Xaphan wield so efficiently with it.

Haruka blinked, she needed to think more clearly, she should not let herself be consumed by her personal anger and let it block what she needed to say and do.

"Rodiriz, You may leave me, I am not interested in debating your actions. But always make sure to visit the Temple Of Adaghar before you travel out of Tuhpos, and perhaps you will benefit from a visit to the Guild "Conditions For Survival" there is a lot to learn there" Haruka said, trying to keep her voice light and neutral.