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Mark Anthony Obeji
Mark Anthony Obeji
Duke of Latlan
Duke of Latlan
'''Roleplay from Concobhar O'Deaghaidh'''
With the Oaths made the first three Paladins of the six that would lead the Knights of the Order had formed their blood bonds. Cuchulain would not be a Paladin, he was a man of the written word, he would become the very first Head Scribe of the Order. Now their quest would begin to recruit three more Paladins to help lead the Order, the choices were many but only the most honorable men or women would be selected. The six Paladins represented the six original founders of the Celtic Order.
"I'm glad you all are so dedicated to this cause." Concobhar said.
The Lost Age of the Celts was coming to an end, and a new one was beginning.
Concobhar O'Deaghaidh (Knight of Watto)

Revision as of 03:25, 21 April 2009

These are actual role-plays.

Chapter 2, The Founding

Roleplay from Concobhar O'Deaghaidh

Concobhar was inside Evan's office when he heard Evan's voice from outside, there were two doors in his office the entrance and the door to his private garden.

"Come outside with me Concobhar." Evan asked.

Concobhar entered the Garden, it was amazing, green and cool for being in the middle of the hot desert. Evan was sitting on a bench in the shade next to a fountain, he was running his hand through it.

"I'm guessing this is the place you go to relax." Concobhar asked, then he heard the office door open. "We're out here!"

Marzo and Cuchulain walked out into the garden, Marzo's face lite up with joy.

"Ah my good friend." Marzo said while extending his arms.

Concobhar reached over and hugged him, these two men were old friends it had been too long since they had a drink together.

"It's good to see you friend." Concobhar added.

"Don't we have some things to discuss?" Cuchulain chimed in.

"Aye." Concobhar said taking a step back and facing the three men. "I met with you all to discuss the decay of the Celtic Order and Celtic society. Eight years I was in a coma, and I awake to find most of the guild houses closed and the head quarters in Sotrebar burned to the ground. I find that my clan and many others were living in the Latlan sewer ruins, what happened to the dream my father died creating. Is it simply ash in the sand? Too many great men and women have died helping my father create his dream of a Celtic homeland. To allow further decay of this dream would be to desecrate my father's name, and your own." Concobhar paused and looked at each man in the eyes. "I wish to found an order of knights with you three men, The Knights of the Order of Celts. We would be the military branch of the Celtic Order, but our goals are far greater than any my father ever had. With this Order of Knights, I wish to recover lost artifacts of the Celts and recover lost literature. To protect Celtic pilgrims on their journeys through Heen, I also wish to unify Heen, we're not unified like we should be. The only person the Order would answer to would be the king, I don't mean me. I mean the King of Heen, King Steele."

Concobhar took a seat on the bench next to Evan.

"The first thing we must do is establish a head quarters here, Duke Mac Watt, I'll leave that to you. Cuchulain, I need you to gather what relics and literature we have and bring them to Tahgalez. Baron Zond, I would like you to escort me through Tahgalez until it is known that the O'Deaghaidh clan and it's lost sons have returned."

Concobhar stood up and unsheathed his Dirk, placing the blade upon his palm he put pressure on it and slide it across his palm. Blood ran down his hand, he then put his hand out and said;

"Knights of the Order?"

Concobhar O'Deaghaidh (Knight of Watto)

Roleplay from Cuchulain O'Deaghaidh

Cuchulain stepped forward and grabbed the Dirk, he also cut his hand in the same fashion as Concobhar. The blood ran quickly down his hand, he looked at Concobhar and grabbed his cut hand and put it to his. The blood mixed and formed a bond that would last a life time.

"Knights of the Order."

Cuchulain removed his hand and awaited Evan and Marzo to take part.

Cuchulain O'Deaghaidh (Knight of Watersdown)

Roleplay from Evan Mac Watt

When Cuchulain had finished shaking the hand of Concobhar, Evan stood. He had the weapon placed in his left hand, and like the two before him cut his right palm. There he opened and shook the hand of Concobhar.

Looking directly into the eye of his fellow Celt Evan said, "Knights of the Order."

Evan Mac Watt Duke of Tahgalez

Roleplay from Marzo Zond

After Evan had finished with his blood oath, all was quite and still. It was Marzo's turn.

He looked into the waiting eyes of his comrades. This was the instant of rebirth, a magnificent moment in time, and he wanted to take it all in with the senses and never forget what took place here and now. He could feel the cool breeze blowing through the Duke's garden, he heard the cry of a desert hawk in the distance, the steady breathing of his comrades, the flowing water of the fountain. He could see the brilliant sun in the distance and the determined look of pride and true camaraderie on the faces of his friends. This was it. This was yet another 'phoenix' moment for Marzo and it was grand.

Marzo shook his head in agreement and slowly rose up, and held out his left hand for the old dirk. There it was placed, Marzo for an instant noticed the Celtic knot design carved into the black wood hilt. With the same fashion as his three other comrades, Marzo slit the palm of his right hand and pressed it to the hand of each of his blood brothers. The blood mixed and the bond was made.

"This is a time of new beginnings, of rebirth for the Celts", Marzo declared. They had formed a circle now, standing around each other, and Marzo looked around into Concobhar, Evan, and Cuchulain's eyes.

"Knights of the Order!"

Marzo Zond Baron of Watto

Roleplay from Mark Anthony Obeji

The recruitment center in Tahgalez was filled with men training until they should be recruited. It was a hot day with a slight breeze, which was usual in the realm of Heen, and Mark Anthony rode in through the gates of the recruitment center with the Black Phoenix following him.

Mark Anthony's fine long black hair was blowing in the wind as he slowly rode up to the captain of the recruitment center. When the man noticed who was coming to see him he bowed and waited for the duke to come to a halt.

"What can I do ye m'lord?" the captain said.

"I need fourteen Latlan Mumluks." Mark Anthony replied.

"Right away m'lord." The captain turned and gestured to another man to accommodate Mark Anthony's order. He then turned back to see Mark Anthony and said, "You Just missed Duke Mac Watt m'lord."

"That's too bad." Mark Anthony said, adjusting his riding gloves to fit his hand more comfortably while saying so.

"He is in a meeting with two commoners and Lord Zond."

Mark Anthony looked up at the captain upon saying that. He stared into the eyes of the captain for a moment, wondering if it might be who he thought it was.

"I will leave my captain here. You are to put my men under his command when they are ready. Captain Hildric will pay you then." Mark Anthony said, as he turned Titan around and started to ride away.

"Yes m'lord." The captain said to Mark Anthony's back, in a slightly higher than usual voice so the duke could hear him. The words of the captain would linger in Mark Anthony's head for a bit, while he rode back to his estate. His suspicions had began to start to make him curios.

Mark Anthony Obeji Duke of Latlan

Roleplay from Concobhar O'Deaghaidh

With the Oaths made the first three Paladins of the six that would lead the Knights of the Order had formed their blood bonds. Cuchulain would not be a Paladin, he was a man of the written word, he would become the very first Head Scribe of the Order. Now their quest would begin to recruit three more Paladins to help lead the Order, the choices were many but only the most honorable men or women would be selected. The six Paladins represented the six original founders of the Celtic Order.

"I'm glad you all are so dedicated to this cause." Concobhar said.

The Lost Age of the Celts was coming to an end, and a new one was beginning.

Concobhar O'Deaghaidh (Knight of Watto)