Heen (Realm)/Heenite Highlights/November '07/Fror Saves Erin: Difference between revisions

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(Fror's Roleplay about the battle)
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Fror Saves Erin

(The two new good friends in Heen have completely different fates in the battle in Naraka. Here is Fror's account:)

Fror looked out before him, over the rolling fields of Naraka, the Daimons were approaching, moving ever closer with each heart beat.

The speech from Erin still rang strongly in his mind, and in each of his mens that now sat alongside Fror on their mounts. The cavalry had been ordered to line up behind the archers and infantry, which was now commonplace fro Heenite armies.

The daimons were large ugly beast, no man would want to willingly face them if he could help it, but when the world as you know it is at stake it is a wonder what the human race will do.

The first daimon screaching battle cry rose and then the larger force charged down the first ranks of Heenites. Gurgling cries of pain and death could be heard for miles.

"BE CALM MEN, OUR TIME WILL COME" Fror bellowed with his cool commanding voice..........

And it did, all too soon. The lines of infantry and archers were breaking, friends and fellow knights were battling to the very end in front of Frors eyes. He could not take it anymore and ordered his men forward into the daimon ranks.

As he hit them, one of the daimons, uglier than Fror remnembered jumped at his mount, but with a swift swipe of his axe the beasts head was removed. Always keeping an eye out for his fellow Celts and Jopponites he noticed Beatrice, Erin and Seamus were all struggling with the front line of daimons, knowing he could not aid them all he carried on surging into the daimon ranks, hoping to push them back and buy his friends some space.

Only a few of Frors unit fell in that charge, allowing them to re-group, but looking over the field he could not see any of the nobles he was looking for. Humans were retreating and the monsters had long run from the field.

Knowing he could not fend off the next wave of daimons with just the few nobles left on the firled of battle, he scanned the ground quickly and found Erin. The sword borther he had sworn to look out for, lying on the grounf unconscious with several deep cuts accross his chest and arms.

Hoping apon hope Erin was still breathing Fror picked up Erin and gathered his men. Erins unit was decimated, but the survivors that Fror could find, he ordered his men to bring along.

the retreat was ordered, riding back from the field of battle. Frors men would battle on in the morn, but all he could think about was his friend barely breathing accross his mounts back.

And so that evenings battle was concluded, all that was left to do was count the dead and tend to the wounded. For tomorrow it would all happen again, until one army fell or retreated from the battle all together.