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Haruka suffered a severe bout of Multiple personality disorder and because of that was incapacitated for the best part of several months, during this she was replaced as Holy Legate. But since she has returned to health and fitness she has gained the rank of Marshal Of Lyonnith Call and the Marchioness of Tuhpos, Tuhpos being one of the main targets of her rampant reign of death and rape, but the region having seen the light of Adaghar and her words and have accepted her gracefully as their Marchioness.
Haruka suffered a severe bout of Multiple personality disorder and because of that was incapacitated for the best part of several months, during this she was replaced as Holy Legate. But since she has returned to health and fitness she has gained the rank of Marshal Of Lyonnith Call and the Marchioness of Tuhpos, Tuhpos being one of the main targets of her rampant reign of death and rape, but the region having seen the light of Adaghar and her words and have accepted her gracefully as their Marchioness.
=='''An RP about Haruka's "multiple personality disorder"'''==
Suddenly, the world tilted sickeningly and Haruka could hear her ears ring and her head fill with blood; she couldn’t even hold her hand to make a fist, though she could hear the accompaniment of sorrowful mourning. The darkness was soft and red as it threatened to take her under and the temptation to rather than retain the conscious struggle was ever-pressing.
“What did you do?” Haruka garbled hoarsely.
“Helped a little yes? … Shhh, I know they said you where better, but I also know they lie to me. Now be still  and I shall cool your brow as you slip under the control of my blended herbs, better that then have you fall under the control of your multiple persona once more” Odamor whispered in an attempt at a soothing voice.
Haruka looked at him in disbelief, All through this mainland campaign she had to put up with this shambling idiot; his inanities come ever to the fore. She blanched at the sting of betrayal of one of his little ideas, the problems that would spring forth from his idiocraty almost made her glad she would not bear witness to what would follow, but perhaps she should educate this moron most physically that her multiple personalities was merely a passing thing of the past year, her masochistic tools would love the exertion she would bring to bear…
The light from burning barns silhouetted the cooling corpses capered in the darkness, and Haruka chuckled grimly to herself at the slaughter she had once again unleashed upon infidels and blasphemous peasants, her lips splitting in the process. The mirthful laughter could not be restrained as she realised her men had found the wine store, the pain it brought not scorned…
These fitful images and feelings soon drained from her subconscious mind as she slipped deeper still into the dark, twisting abyss her senseless Captain had brought to bear…
“Her problem is within the mind, perhaps the Soul; I can do little more than to silence her physical presence. As should be the practice to one whom hath Veen and Sarvlon taking abode within them” Odamor declared dogmatically
to the Havoc troops that lay in camp.
Clearly taking their appalled expressions to be that off being stricken he continued,
"I cannot say how long she may remain docile, but in her absence  I shall assumed all command 'til the what to do with her becomes clear".
Oh father, had you remained to see this Haruka contemplated as she wove through the streets, would you have appreciated this? probably not she thought miserably. He had brought us all through war and pestilence only to have his "divine" work cut down by an act of the Gods, and now his only child had abandoned the Gods of her father, her childhood, her kinsmen to become a Legate of a foreign army fighting for a pantheon foreign to that she had previously known...
Memories of how her father had sat like a God himself upon a a massive thrown with a gilded laurel wreath set upon his head as further titles and rank where bestowed upon his person swirled through Haruka discontent subconscious unable to even struggle against the powerful drugs Odamor has employed.
"Raise your swords up high,
See the cowards fly,
Let them hear your rage,
Show no fear,
Charge your horses across the fields,
Together we ride into destiny,
Have no fear of death when it's your time"
Holy war hymns of her adolescence played incessantly in the darkness, a reminder of what was lost, what was unattainable and further crowded the perplexed and disenchanted insentient state of mind which so eagerly gripped Haruka.

Revision as of 04:16, 30 January 2009

File:Haruka.png Arcachoni.png

* a member of Arcachon
   * a noble of Enlod
   * a knight of Enlod

Honour : Got to around 50 before deleted, now it is nearly 40

Prestige : 14

Lady Haruka of Arcachon.

"And then I shall not stop until your skin is falling from your body and I am certain your mouth will never speak again. I swear by my faith"


(See picture)


Haruka has the rather impressive skill to take unprecedented amounts of pleasure from violence, death and rape. Gained through her childhood under Xaphan and the Church of Nergal. She has long shocked the Far East continent when she was the holy Legate Of The Adgharhin Armies due to her regular use of rape and mass slaughter as a means to convey her point, also it shocked many sensibilities of many people to see a woman raping many peasant men and then rip them apart with her sword.

  • Swordfighting: Proficient, but a bit too impetuos to be very skilled
  • Inciting Terror: Definately her strong point, the rumours of her violent destruction and distinctive armour are basically legends in the minds of the peasants.

arrival in Arcachon

Roleplay from Haruka Message sent to everyone in your realm (28 recipients)

Haruka stood on the little trading ship, Watching the scurrying figures on the docks as they came closer. There were dozens of small boats in the waters around the port and the merchant captain had shouted himself hoarse already ordered boats to steer away as they pressed in. There seemed to be no order to it and Haruka couldn't help but smile as the Arcachon merchants held up there catches and ordered price for them. "The port is tight with ships, madam" The Captain said at her shoulder glancing up at the sun. " I'll take the ship in as far in as possible". The captain gave away with little grace picking up a coil of heavy rope and heaving it over to a dockworker to tie up. The dock worker was muscled and sported a well toned body from his labours , With white smears of salt on his skin.

Evening had muted any of the heat of the sun, Haruka could see her cavalry unit already waiting for her on the docks, There was a general air of excitement as Haruka approached. The men clearly had been waiting a long time in anticipation for there new troop leader they clearly had not expected a young women to be leading them for there entire service to the army. The soldiers had been laughing and joking until they saw her approach , The soldiers had dressed in rather modest armour , The armour had yet to boast the insignia of the commander but Haruka would quickly change that when they arrived in Enlod.

Haruka dismounted on the edge of the city , Her horse gently snickering as it cropped at the grass in between the old stones of the road. Haruka and her new unit had rode far inland to the small city of Enlod. Heruka already loved the little city of Enlod. The streets were clean and packed full of people. Despite the signs of wealth, It had a fresh feel to it that the stronghold her families home was in based on didn't have.

Lady Haruka (Noble)

Advancement In Arcachon

Haruka has been elected General (Full Title Holy Legate Of The Adgharhin Armies) two to three times, during her genocidal reign as this general tens of thousands of peasants where slaughtered at her whim, hundreds if not thousands more raped. Also many Sartania regions suffered such severe economic and military infrastructural damage that it handicapped Sartania in the war. Sartania being able to raise a 13.5k C.S mobile army and Arcachon about 9k C.S and Arcachon also having terrible travel times and geographical issues in attacking, utter annihalation was the path she took the even out the odds, and becuase of this Sartania soon lost the power to fight back effectively. Also Sartania lost many Recruitment Centres of great quality, such as two special forces RC's (One of them having about 90/90%) and the other about 80/85, (The second with the help of Arcaea)

Haruka suffered a severe bout of Multiple personality disorder and because of that was incapacitated for the best part of several months, during this she was replaced as Holy Legate. But since she has returned to health and fitness she has gained the rank of Marshal Of Lyonnith Call and the Marchioness of Tuhpos, Tuhpos being one of the main targets of her rampant reign of death and rape, but the region having seen the light of Adaghar and her words and have accepted her gracefully as their Marchioness.

An RP about Haruka's "multiple personality disorder"

Suddenly, the world tilted sickeningly and Haruka could hear her ears ring and her head fill with blood; she couldn’t even hold her hand to make a fist, though she could hear the accompaniment of sorrowful mourning. The darkness was soft and red as it threatened to take her under and the temptation to rather than retain the conscious struggle was ever-pressing. “What did you do?” Haruka garbled hoarsely. “Helped a little yes? … Shhh, I know they said you where better, but I also know they lie to me. Now be still and I shall cool your brow as you slip under the control of my blended herbs, better that then have you fall under the control of your multiple persona once more” Odamor whispered in an attempt at a soothing voice. Haruka looked at him in disbelief, All through this mainland campaign she had to put up with this shambling idiot; his inanities come ever to the fore. She blanched at the sting of betrayal of one of his little ideas, the problems that would spring forth from his idiocraty almost made her glad she would not bear witness to what would follow, but perhaps she should educate this moron most physically that her multiple personalities was merely a passing thing of the past year, her masochistic tools would love the exertion she would bring to bear…


The light from burning barns silhouetted the cooling corpses capered in the darkness, and Haruka chuckled grimly to herself at the slaughter she had once again unleashed upon infidels and blasphemous peasants, her lips splitting in the process. The mirthful laughter could not be restrained as she realised her men had found the wine store, the pain it brought not scorned…

These fitful images and feelings soon drained from her subconscious mind as she slipped deeper still into the dark, twisting abyss her senseless Captain had brought to bear…


“Her problem is within the mind, perhaps the Soul; I can do little more than to silence her physical presence. As should be the practice to one whom hath Veen and Sarvlon taking abode within them” Odamor declared dogmatically to the Havoc troops that lay in camp. Clearly taking their appalled expressions to be that off being stricken he continued, "I cannot say how long she may remain docile, but in her absence I shall assumed all command 'til the what to do with her becomes clear".


Oh father, had you remained to see this Haruka contemplated as she wove through the streets, would you have appreciated this? probably not she thought miserably. He had brought us all through war and pestilence only to have his "divine" work cut down by an act of the Gods, and now his only child had abandoned the Gods of her father, her childhood, her kinsmen to become a Legate of a foreign army fighting for a pantheon foreign to that she had previously known... Memories of how her father had sat like a God himself upon a a massive thrown with a gilded laurel wreath set upon his head as further titles and rank where bestowed upon his person swirled through Haruka discontent subconscious unable to even struggle against the powerful drugs Odamor has employed.


"Raise your swords up high, See the cowards fly, Let them hear your rage, Show no fear, Charge your horses across the fields, Together we ride into destiny, Have no fear of death when it's your time"

Holy war hymns of her adolescence played incessantly in the darkness, a reminder of what was lost, what was unattainable and further crowded the perplexed and disenchanted insentient state of mind which so eagerly gripped Haruka.