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Latest revision as of 05:52, 17 January 2009

Sangue descends into Temple he had constructed. This temple incorporated the "God's of Brive" or the old gods of the world. The room he marched straight for had specifically had built for her... To Sangue nothing immortalized honor and strength as much as she did...

She had countless names and yet no true names... Well none that adequately described her to Sangue at least. She was well Her.

As he entered her chamber his fellow worshipers smiled at his return then remembered their station and knelt and backing out quickly. He was left with her to himself.

Sangue's eyes locked on hers. The master sculptures had exceeded his expectations. She was breathtaking. He knelt down at her feet and closed his eyes.

"My apologies my Goddess. I know it has been a while since I have been here." Sangue sighed. "I forgot how much paperwork wars are. It has kept me rather occupied to the west in newly freed regions."

"Soon though Perdan's oldest and dearest friend will be reincarnated." Sangue smiled remembering the old days. Then signed. So many had died since then.

He remember the names and faces of those lost to time... so many... Even his younger brother had passed years ago... Feeling like an old man, he sat up and stared at his Goddess.

A cool breeze blew across his neck, and the doors behind him closed shut. He looked back at the doors. No one had entered. He looked up and to his surprise the statue was looking back down at him smiling.

"Silly Sangue." The words seemed but a whisper the wind was carrying.

He couldn't help but look upon her and smile. "My Goddess..."

The statues hand moved to his face brushing his cheek. "Silly Sangue..." Her face frown her dulcimer voice turned harsh. "Butcher of Perdan..." Cupping his chin she made him stand. "Perdan's King ... " She drew his sword and laid the blade on his shoulder "Perdan's Hero..."

She held the sword before him. The sword turned white. Behind the sword she smiled. The light from the sword grew until it blinded him.

When his vision returned he was kneeling again. His sword was laid before him. He grasped the hilt and sat up to stare at her again. It was like she never moved... He rose to his feet and smiled at her. Slamming his sword home he turned and marched out of the room.

His captain stood outside waiting. "Lets go Captain Goswin. We have a war to fight!"