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This is a compilation of ruler-channel messages regarding the Fronen rebellion, 2007-01-14. I am putting it here largely so as to avoid the 5000 character message limit, but it can also serve as a repository for in-character information about the rebellion.

Please add to the end, and remember, this is intended to be in-character, so only put something here if you want the entire continent to know about it.

For a shorter summary of events, visit the subpage.

Ruler Channel Messages

Letter from Cloud (14 hours, 11 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (22 recipients)
Today is a very dark day for Fronen as I am sure you all know. A rebellion has started and as of right now could go either way. All I ask of you all, rulers of this great continent, is that you do not look down and frown upon Fronen to much. This is a very sad day, and wish you all the best as the realm of Fronen engulfs itself into fighting against each other now.


Baron of Cori

Letter from Enzeru (6 hours, 19 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients)
To all Rulers!
Fronen is experiencing a revolution! There are people in the government that have become corrupted and are causing others to snap and leave. While that is happening, those that are leaving see what is truely happening and are joining for the cause of change in Fronen.
So I ask you all, do not involve yourselves in this.
And I must ask that if the corrupted conservatives do win (not all, just some of the top dogs) I ask not to show any mercy to Fronen. With this whole thing going on, my actions that in the next couple of days may rock the foundation of Fronen itself. So I'll end up leaving if everything goes bad.
I ask again, even to those Allies that have shown some disgust to Fronen, don't allow the corruption to spread.
Respectfully Yours,


Prime Minister of Fronen

Letter from Hireshmont (5 hours, 32 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients)
Irombrozia extends its condolences to the Republic of Fronen. May Qyrvagg bless you and keep you, and may he strengthen Fronen through these hard times you now experience. May he give you the strength and wisdom to show true perseverance and courage. We shall keep Fronen in our prayers.


King of Irombrozia, Marshal of the Irombrozian Resistance Force

Letter from Grimbaldus (5 hours, 12 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (22 recipients)
Greetings Rulers of the World,
Whether you see this rebellion as a way of hiding or not, I do not care, but that would be a fool's conclusion to see it that way. Fronen has been in a state of constant bickering and a great split became apparent in our Senate. Three of the four council seats are for this rebellion, and that includes Prime Minister Enzeru.
Now, I don't know if he has contacted everyone or not, and I should've done it earlier, but I don't regret not doing it.
This great split in Fronen, pained me to see that Fronen was falling apart, and that nothing was being done to stop it. I have found a way, and in the short time it took to prepare, (OOC: Less than 1 hour) I already had enough followers to see this over with.
I would hope that you all see that if allowed to continue Fronen would become nothing. A wasted empty space of fools that are too greedy and powerhungry to not become smart and to swallow their pride and just accept the fact that we need help. They would have run our glorious realm into the ground, six feet under.
With my love for my country, it was the only thing I could do, to give it one last shot at repairing itself. And so help me god, I am working and will work to the ends of my life to see that Fronen once again becomes a nation of honor once again.
All of this to me, it's bringing tears to my eyes that it would have to come this far. But, I am willing to do anything for my realm, to see that it doesn't die. Anything at all.
There's one giant problem though. If this thing succeeds, I will need help. I can sit here and beg, but that is not what I am a man of. I will not bow down and grovel to gain your support. I can tell you the truth of what is going on, and tell you to make a decision.
I can trust that you can all make the right decision, and see that this rebellion is the only thing that will truely help Fronen. This concludes Part 1 of my message.
Okay, part 2.
If this rebellion fails, then Fronen will have nothing left. It will be worthless, and rotting underground. A foul stench filling the air. I can only ask that, if such is the way things go, to find it in your hearts to end Fronen as we all know it. I would rather die, than to see Fronen in control of power hungry lunatics.
Bear it in mind, this rebellion will keep Fronen alive, but is leaving Fronen in a very weak state. Both physically, and mentally. Everyone is confused, and as such, will be a prime target for elimination. All you have to do is sieze the opportunity.
If this rebellion fails, it is up to everyone here to take Fronen down in a blaze of glory.
Grimbaldus (Knight of Fronepu)

Letter from Handkor (3 hours, 10 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients)
There seems to be some great trouble in Fronen.
Enzeru saying that if the rebellion succeed to kill Fronen. Is that so Enzeru? Are the corrupt conservative the rebel??
Then Grimbaldus go and say to kill Fronen if the rebellion fail and even go as far as saying that Enzeru is with them, which don't looks like it from his message and action.


Chancellor and Minister of Finances of Enweil

Ruler gave in to rebels (3 hours, 5 minutes ago)
Enzeru has bowed to the rebellion and given up the throne of Fronen. He has given the following reason
I feel that I am not worthy of being Prime Minister anymore.

The rebel leader, Grimbaldus, has taken control of the realm now.

Report from Cedric (2 hours, 46 minutes ago)
Message sent to
Aenarion, Aldo, Allarion, Artevan, Badai, Bocephus, Delvin, Dimian, Geoff
Greetings esteemed Rulers of Beluaterra,
today is a sad day for the Continent. In an act of High Treason a small group (8 People) has started a rebellion that was lead by the former General Grimbaldus and (as he declared himself) supported by the Prime Minister Enzeru himself. This rebellion has been planed to oberthrough the Republic of Fronen and to install a Monarchy (I would cann it a Tyrany though) where they can ast as they like without even having to care about the opinion of the people.
At the moment they recognized that they won´t have a chance to suceed this rebellion Enzeru handed over the Republic of Fronen to the Tyrants of the Rebellion forces.
I strongly recommend that you don´t trust the new so called "government" of Fronen as they are all traitors that have sold the soul of this wonderful realm to their greed for power.
I have never even heard about such a dishonourable and cowardice act in my whole career and I hope that the loyal peopel of Fronen can count on your support.


Cedric (Royal)

Letter from Apothes (2 hours, 39 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (22 recipients)
Dear Rulers of this world, I suggest you do not engage in business with Grimbaldus. He together with Enzeru attempted a coup. and unjustfully (OOC: Abuse of game mechanics) gained power.
Might your assistance required in crushing this rebellious force then we will request such.
For now I suggest that all Nations who currently have relations above neutral with Fronen, to reduce them to Neutral.
Apothes (Noble)

Letter from Apothes (2 hours, 11 minutes ago)
Message sent to
Aenarion, Aldo, Allarion, Artevan, Badai, Bocephus, Delvin, Dimian, Geoff, Handkor, Hireshmont, Julma Jaune, Kokomaro, Legault, lorgan, Nymatal, Palthos, Phoruun, Retravic, Riscoso, Scion the Skilled
Dear rulers of the world. You are welcome to send along your infiltrators to assault Grimbaldus and his mad group for free target practice. When we succeed in regaining our position we will lift all bans from the infiltrators who helped in this efford. And we will consider a Financial and Diplomatic reward if done so.

Apothes (Noble)

Letter from Grimbaldus (1 hour, 46 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients)
Greetings fellow Rulers of the World,
I am Grimbaldus Sterksain, former Minister of Defense of Fronen. I have rebelled against Fronen's current government as it has been fully corrupted and I chose for the love of our realm, that it needs to be removed. I have done so, I now must ask of you all to please support me, and the decision me and my comrades have made. Help us create a peace within Fronen. Do not take any hostile actions towards me or any of my council. Not even to anyone inside my realm. It is for the well being of our realm.
I hope that you will all agree with me for now. Fronen has changed a lot over these past few weeks, and I must try to calm down this situation within.


Prime Minister of Fronen

Letter from Alexius (1 hour, 39 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (22 recipients)
To the honorable rulers of the Beluaterran realms. The situation in Fronen is quite complex, and I have little time to explain it all. However I will briefly say that Grimbaldus and Krider had rebelled with the support of about 7 nobles. They were Minister of Defense and Grand Justiciar. Both were criticized by those who opposed them. (Namely our top infiltrator, Minister of Finances, and Duke of Mhed Cedric) They both decided to resign their ministry positions. Immediately after they rebelled against our ruler and within a day he stepped down. However he did this only after sending our three Dukes into exile. Dukes Dreadknight, Adras, and Cedric the oldest members of the realm. They do not represent the true Fronen.
Thank you for your time.

Alexius (Lord)

Letter from Julma Jaune (1 hour, 28 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients)
I lowered relations with Fronen to peace. I really dont know what to think. I was good friend of Cedric and recent incidents has make nervous. As soon as things are more stable at Fronen i'm open to discuss about alliance again.

Julma Jaune

King of Thalmarkin, Marshal of the Spankers

Letter from Grimbaldus (1 hour, 20 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients)
I understand Julma Jaune, whatever is needed to be done for now. Right now, I must defend Fronen against a rebellion of the corrupted nobles trying to regain their power. Their lust for power shall be squenched, and I hope that we can finally bring peace within Fronen.


Prime Minister of Fronen

Roleplay from Nymatal (17 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients)
I have lowered relations with Fronen...This is not the same government that we had originally forged our peace with. Should peace be wanted by the current regime in Fronen, they must contact me privately and we can talk about it then.
Until then, neutral status is the safest bet.


King of Vlaanderen

Letter from lorgan (11 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients)
I will wait untill I have heard more details, I will base my decision on that.
In the mean time Old Grehk will still be allied with Fronen, but as soon as it turns out we have no reason to be allied with this fronen, I will lower our relations, I hope I won't have to Grimbaldus.


King of Old Grehk

Letter from Hireshmont (11 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients)
Well, I suppose I'll put in my two cents.
I don't see the problem, everybody. Grimbaldus has not yet made a statement of policy to the world. Why should relations be lowered? For all you know, he may prove to be an excellent chap. For all we know, this rebellion might be for the best (though what is best for Irombrozia, naturally, might not be best for others, but you get the point). Lowering relations is... rash, to say the least.
So he overthrew the government. Point being... what? Has anyone bothered to see what his policies shall be? Or, are you all simply acting on impulse, following the popular trend of the other rulers, and lowering to neutral?
Perhaps you'll ignore my voice, but it does seem to me a bit illogical to lower relations simply because there is a new ruler.


King of Irombrozia, Marshal of the Irombrozian Resistance Force

Letter from Aenarion (8 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients)
Due to the change of government in Fronen, Ashborn will lower its relations with Fronen. However, since Fronen has not made any threats or agressive inetntions towards Ashborn, I see no reason to lower relations to neutral.
Relations will be lowered from Alliance to Peace.


Chancellor and Minister of Finances of Ashborn, Marshal of the 1st Shadow Guard Corps

Letter from Handkor (just in)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients)
Hireshmont and the others,
Grimbaldus say that he wanted to change the corrupt government, yet he, along with the previous ruler WERE the government of Fronen.
So he already had all the power required in his hand to rectify Fronen. So it just make his rebellion all the more weird.


Chancellor and Minister of Finances of Enweil

Letter from lorgan (just in)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients)
I am guessing it was mostly to reform the government, but that didn't work out that well. ;)


King of Old Grehk

Letter from Hireshmont (just in)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients)
Well, I believe what Grimbaldus was saying was this.
He believes a Republic is a poor system, and is trying to change it. He was general in the republic, but I believe he is saying a monarchy is better, i.e. he is saying the Republic of Fronen is/was corrupt despite his best efforts, and is trying to reform the entire system by creating a monarchy.
Really, I don't see the big deal with overthrowing a ruler. Why should that cause an international reaction like this one, especially when, apparently, the ruler wanted to be overthrown?


King of Irombrozia, Marshal of the Irombrozian Resistance Force

Letter from Julma Jaune (8 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients)
Thalmarkin made alliance with Fronen during Cedric times. Now things has changed, i dont know leadership of Fronen and things up there doesnt seem to be very stable. Thalmarkin will reconsider alliance status as soon as it is clear who is at charge there.

Julma Jaune

King of Thalmarkin, Marshal of the Spankers

Letter from Hireshmont (just in)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (21 recipients)
Rulers of the world,
I have a friend in Fronen who wishes to remain anonymous, so he's using me as a message relay of sorts. Understand, he is a sympathizer with the Monarchists in Fronen, so his opinion is slanted, but here's what he has to say about this whole affair:
"yeah you're right about that. what hapened was when enzeru got elected and when cedric got pressured and stuff before that it made cedric and his suporters mad obviously so once enzeru got made ruler what hapened was that cedric and his suporters still had a chunk of the senate so they just blocked everything enzeru did no matter what it was unless it was totaly agreed with them which i think is pretty unfair right? and so they arranged the rebelion to try and get rid of those people who were making everything imposible to do and so they did the rebelion and enzeru stepped down but i guess you cant change to a monarchy because of the code bugs and stuff now so that sucks but yeah this new rebelion is the people we want to get rid of fighting back because they are ging to lose their voice and all that's whats hapening."
Naturally, it's a biased perspective. But I believe we ought to get all the viewpoints on this matter, to find the truth of it. Cedric and Apothes have made their side of things known, and I suppose Grimbaldus and Enzeru did for theirs, but I decided to add in this bit of information, partly because I found it intriguing, but because it was sent to me, and I like to have all the information on the table, to make a fair judgement.
(OOC- Naturally, the person who sent that was wrong about the government reform, it's not a bug)


King of Irombrozia, Marshal of the Irombrozian Resistance Force

Counter Rebellion

Letter from Alexius (50 minutes ago)
Message sent to
Aenarion, Aldo, Allarion, Artevan, Badai, Bocephus, Delvin, Dimian, Geoff, Handkor, Hireshmont, Julma Jaune, Kokomaro, Legault, lorgan, Nymatal, Palthos, Phoruun, Retravic, Riscoso, Scion the Skilled
Estimable foreign rulers. The traitor Grimbaldus has just questioned the nobility of Duke Adras of Fronepu, and has accused him of imposture. There is NO evidence for this at all. Furthermore
"Personal Honour Tainted (27 minutes ago)
As a fellow noble who has been seen with adras at times, you lose 2 points of honour yourself in this scandal!
(A fellow noble accused of being a common imposter affects those around him, too. Gossip does not choose it's victims carefully)"
Everyone else in the city is feeling the social repercussions of Grimbaldus' actions. There have been as you may well expect mass protests as a result. I strongly urge you good rulers not to deal with this renegade who has seized control of the Republic. If you do then what message does that send to your own nobles? It tells them they they can if they take over without popular support, and reduce their political enemies to mere commoners. It threatens all of our security as nobles. I fear for the worst. For your own safety, do not accept this man. He cannot be trusted.

Alexius (Lord)

Letter from Grego (14 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (22 recipients)
I am sorry for the many messages regarding the rebellion in our lands.
But I think the latest acts from our PM will effect the entire nobility of Beluterra.
Not that you will be falsely accused of vulgarity or imposture yourselves, but by allowing this to happen, and not speaking up on this, could cause you to lose your nobility in the Future.
Things like the following examples shouldn't be approved upon.
He has not used his judge ONE time, he just frames 3/4 of the realm of imposture, vulgarity and many more terible things.
Please have a careful look at this and decide if you are willing to support a TYRANT like this who has successfully got Fronens entire original nobility removed from any kind of position and some even from the nobility of Fronen, in a single day:

Noble accused of imposture (23 hours, 35 minutes ago)
Enzeru, Prime Minister of Fronen is publicly showering doubt upon the titles and even nobility of Apothes, Minister of Finances of Fronen, Count of Bisana.
As a consequence, Apothes has been stripped of all titles and dropped to the rank of noble.
The reason given by Enzeru was:
For the sake of resurrecting Fronen to its true potential.

Noble exiled (23 hours, 34 minutes ago)
Enzeru, Prime Minister of Fronen has exiled adras, Duke of Fronepu, Marshal of the Main Army from the realm!
As a consequence, adras can no longer use most of the realms infrastructure, however he retains all titles and is
still a member of the realm unless he leaves.
The reason that Enzeru gave for his action was:
For the sake of resurrecting Fronen to its true potential.

Noble exiled (23 hours, 34 minutes ago)
Enzeru, Prime Minister of Fronen has exiled Dreadknight, Duke of Vur Hagin from the realm!
As a consequence, Dreadknight can no longer use most of the realms infrastructure, however he retains all titles and is
still a member of the realm unless he leaves.
The reason that Enzeru gave for his action was:
For the sake of resurrecting Fronen to its true potential.

Ruler gave in to rebels (23 hours, 30 minutes ago)
Your ruler has stepped down, giving rulership over to the rebel forces. He has given this reason
I feel that I am not worthy of being Prime Minister anymore.
The rebel leader, Grimbaldus, has taken control of the realm now.
The loyalist commander Gilead Draconic of Vale has lost his position.
The loyalist commander Thorough of Xhahgus has lost his position.
The loyalist commander Jacque3 of Qrelg has lost his position.
The loyalist commander Tiridius of Marpii has lost his position.
The loyalist commander Cedric of Mhed has lost his position.
The loyalist commander Alexius of Trottie has lost his position.
The loyalist commander Pacolus of Lloringel has lost his position.

Noble exiled (23 hours ago)
Grimbaldus, Prime Minister of Fronen has exiled Apothes (Noble) from the realm!
As a consequence, Apothes can no longer use most of the realms infrastructure, however he retains all titles and is
still a member of the realm unless he leaves.
The reason that Grimbaldus gave for his action was:
You have continuously disrupted this realm, and have insulted each and every one of us here. I feel it is the best regards of Fronen :that you be exiled from it's lands so that you may not disturb them anymore. Good luck with wherever the wind shall take you.

Personal Honour Tainted (1 hour, 10 minutes ago)
Do you still remember the last hunt and dinner at adras's place? People certainly do, and they are sure to have seen you
there, you lose 6 points of honour yourself in this scandal!
(A fellow noble accused of being a common imposter affects those around him, too. Gossip does not choose it's victims carefully)

Knight removed from position (1 hour, 10 minutes ago)
adras is removed from command of Fronepu.

Noble accused of imposture (58 minutes ago)
Grimbaldus, Prime Minister of Fronen is publicly showering doubt upon the titles and even nobility of adras, Duke of Fronepu, Marshal of the Main Army.
As a consequence, adras has been stripped of all titles and dropped to the rank of noble.
You and all other nobles of the realm should scrutinize the reason for Grimbaldus's drastic action, and if it is anything but
The reason given by Grimbaldus was:
Disbanding militia, and doing our capital harm.

Letter from Mirea (57 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (43 recipients)
Eh, lost 2 honour. Great. Surely wins my sympathy.
So what about those plans with Fronen? Monarchy? Allies? Everything.


(Dame of Trottie)

Troop Leader Disagrees (57 minutes ago)
Rolf has expressed his disagreement with the Ruler's recent actions. He is giving this reason
Your disgraceful and dishonourable treatment of adras has cost me 10 honour points. I risked my life for those...Your life is now at risk for them also.

Troop Leader Disagrees (48 minutes ago)
Mirea has expressed his disagreement with the Ruler's recent actions. She is giving this reason
For tainting my family's name and making me lose honor despite the fact that in the past I always was a loyal Fronen Noble who
fought for you and with you. Next time I will not watch your back. Your actions are causing honorable Noble people to lose hard earned honour points.

Troop Leader Disagrees (47 minutes ago)
Tiridius has expressed his disagreement with the Ruler's recent actions. He is giving this reason
Adras is a true noble, just because he sends neutral soldiers home so they won't participate in a senseless bloodshed only adds
to that! You're abusing the powers you injustly have in your hands!

Letter from Minerva (46 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (43 recipients)
Personal Honour Tainted (23 minutes ago)
Do you still remember the last hunt and dinner at adras's place? People certainly do, and they are sure to have seen you there,
you lose 1 points of honour yourself in this scandal!
(A fellow noble accused of being a common imposter affects those around him, too. Gossip does not choose it's victims carefully)
What on Earth? SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!


(Dame of Vur Hagin)

Troop Leader Disagrees (43 minutes ago)
Minerva has expressed his disagreement with the Ruler's recent actions. She is giving this reason
I had enough of you destroying my fame. You make me suffer for no reason. You don't deserve to be a ruler. And you people
wanted my sympathy and support? Nice way to treat your people. Innocents are hurt because of you.

Letter from Couladin (36 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (43 recipients)
Personal Honour Tainted (27 minutes ago)
As a fellow noble who has been seen with adras at times, you lose 2 points of honour yourself in this scandal!
(A fellow noble accused of being a common imposter affects those around him, too. Gossip does not choose it's victims carefully)
Well I have never seen that before...


Count of Seven Rivers

Troop Leader Disagrees (26 minutes ago)
Gilead Draconic has expressed his disagreement with the Ruler's recent actions. He is giving this reason
Showering doubt on Adras's nobility hurts the very foundation of our society, and my personal honor. How dare you.

Request from Tiridius (17 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (43 recipients)
Personal Honour Tainted (47 minutes ago)
People still remember that you used to go hunting with adras in your youth, you lose 22 points of honour yourself in this scandal!
(A fellow noble accused of being a common imposter affects those around him, too. Gossip does not choose it's victims carefully)
I demand 100 gold as compensation for this injust and severe damage to my honour, which I rightfully deserved by serving
Fronen! Grimbaldus' accusations against Adras are ungrounded and he provided no prove, so therefore my honour should not
have been damaged either, I demand compensation for this!


Marshal of the Lightning

I am very sorry for the many messages, but the Truth about such acts just shouldn't fall into oblivion, Thank you for your time.
Marshal of the Homeland Security