Ancient Scroll/ActII SceneI: Difference between revisions

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|Sender=Valhalla Valentine
|Sender=Valhalla Valentine
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in message group "Forum Publicus -Those interested"
|Recipients=Message sent to Aldo
|Content= Now that Chancellor Nezumi has explained a few things to me, it is all but clear. Consul Aldo, both yourself and your forces are to leave Valhus lands within the day. Until such time as our realms see peace then I have no other option but to cut your stay short, I apologise if this forbids you from continuing with your excursion but the benefit of my people is at risk and for that reason, you must leave.
|Content= Now that Chancellor Nezumi has explained a few things to me, it is all but clear. Consul Aldo, both yourself and your forces are to leave Valhus lands within the day. Until such time as our realms see peace then I have no other option but to cut your stay short, I apologise if this forbids you from continuing with your excursion but the benefit of my people is at risk and for that reason, you must leave.

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|Sender=Aldo Unti
|Sender=Aldo Unti
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in message group "Forum Publicus -Those interested"
|Recipients=Message sent to everyone in the region Wudenkin
|Content= Frowning Aldo studies the branching corridor and the charred remains that had been William until a short while ago. Each path looked the same, but there was apparently a right way and a wrong, and the wrong ended in fire.
|Content= Frowning Aldo studies the branching corridor and the charred remains that had been William until a short while ago. Each path looked the same, but there was apparently a right way and a wrong, and the wrong ended in fire.

Revision as of 19:24, 26 November 2008

Roleplay from Silvianna Pathfinder
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in the region Wudenkin
Lady Silvianna begins to unroll a map from her scrollcase.

Looking over the map, she motions for Consul Aldo to come closer.

"Here, this is where we should begin digging."
Silvianna Pathfinder (Senator of Bil Havil)

Roleplay from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in the region Wudenkin
Looking over the map of the city layout to date and then to the description in the journal of Andro, Aldo nods, "It is probably there Silvianna, though it is difficult to say for certain. The city has been rebuilt many times since those days you know." Chuckling he closes the book with a snap, "Still one has to start somewhere. Inform the men where we'll begin, and that they are not to disturb the natives if reasonable"
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)

Roleplay from Silvianna Pathfinder
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in the region Wudenkin
Silvianna studies the area that Consul Aldo suggested they begin to dig.

"Scribe, send word to my commander to set up basecamp in the south west district of the city."

"One more thing scribe, send word back to Agyr to prepare a chamber in the museum for whatever artifacts we find."
Silvianna Pathfinder (Senator of Bil Havil)

Letter from Valhalla Valentine
Message sent to Message sent to Aldo
Consul Aldo, I can see a rather large for of yours in Vale, heading towards Vale. I am not content with such a large force being present in my realm while at neutrality. I would ask that you sign a peace treaty or you will have to cut your visit short. You can understand my unease of course.
Valhalla Valentine (Emperor and High Merchant of Valhus, Duke of Wudenkin)

Letter from Valhalla Valentine
Message sent to Message sent to Aldo
What exactly are you planning Consul? A force that large would most certainly not be excavating. And there are forces of yours in Qrleg at that, correct? I would like to know what you are doing.
Valhalla Valentine (Emperor and High Merchant of Valhus, Duke of Wudenkin)

Roleplay from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in the region Wudenkin
Looking over the dusty dig site from his tent, Aldo sips slowly from a glass while scratching out a short reply at the worried words of Valhalla.

"For a man such as he there can be only one answer why we are here, because our declared intent must surly be false. That is the problem with southlanders, they just don't understand..." His amused musings at the nature of his host are interrupted by the approach of a scribe.


"You have news?"

"Yes Consul, the vault entrance has been uncovered and we prepare to explore the depths."

Leaning back to stroke his chin and tap his fingers on the table, Aldo looks to the journal, "Take care that the quick and the unloved are at the front, it seems likely there will be traps to deter those unworthy. In fact, see to it that boy from the unit is in the front.... William is his name I believe. I'm told he was causing trouble the other day with some of the local plebeians in this; place."

"Of course Consul. Shall I see to it those letters are sent?"

Sighing Aldo nods, "Might as well, though it's almost not worth the paper, he won't believe any of it. Probably for the best the Imperator insisted on the body guards."

Inclining his head the scribe gathers the letters and heads out leaving Aldo free to examine the entrance.
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)

Letter from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Message sent to Valhalla
You ask so many questions, and they are either a tad insulting or have all been answered once before. I can only assume you don't believe the answers, which is not surprising given your culture. However I will address the matter raised.

The expedition is here to uncover the past, and the soldiers are part of the expedition. These are troubled times we live in after all and that means one needs body guards when one travels. Some were delayed and thus arrive late, mostly to help carry things rather then do the actual work the lucky bastards. It is highly unlikely the senate will agree to a treaty to cover the actions of a private investor, namely myself, and even if they did it would be until Monday at the earliest that they would have an answer on any proposals you make.

As for what I am doing, at this exact moment I am recording the dimensions of the vault based on the terrain deformation around the dig site.

What of you, how goes the war?
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)

Report from Ottokar Fiddler
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in message group "Forum Publicus -Those interested"
they just don't understand... Now you sounded like a daimon- the more talkative ones, I mean, not those who communicate by waving a staff adorned with skulls dangling from it (or whatever Rampaging used for communicating)
Ottokar Fiddler (Senator of Rengo)

Report from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in message group "Forum Publicus -Those interested"
Now you sounded like a daimon Harsh, harsh Ottokar, but fair. Something about the would be 'emperor' encourages such poor behaviour in myself. Still you'd think that after all this time the southlanders would learn that we keep our word.
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)

Report from Bob Baceolus
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in message group "Forum Publicus -Those interested"
I am sitting in Vale right now and will wait until you decide where you need me.

If Valhalla doesn't like my unit tell him that it is just my personal guard too and that I've reduced it for the trip over.

Or you can also tell him that I help to make sure you have a path home as I can take out any undead unit that my get in the way.

Vale isn't even his realm, it still belongs to Avalon :P I'm only one person ;)

Will continue waiting until needed :)
Bob Baceolus (Senator of Lin Helon)

Letter from Valhalla Valentine
Message sent to Message sent to Aldo
Consul Aldo,

I agreed to allow an expadition take place and a force with such intense numbers is most certainly not needed. I will allow yourself and the lady that is currently with you to stay in Wudenkin but if you intend on having anyone else join you then I ask that you leave.

My forces present are enough for your protection, you need not your own.

As for your other comments, I will disregard them as you know little of our culture.

As for our war effort, it goes well.

Valhalla Valentine (Emperor and High Merchant of Valhus, Duke of Wudenkin)

Letter from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Message sent to Valhalla
My appologies Valhalla, I did not realize you were an expert on Salantin traps, and combating daimons, both of which this expedition have had to face down already without benefit of assistance and to which our forces have barely been enough. There are but four patricians in the expedition and one has not a soldier to his name, surly your people are not so concerned by the presence of the least of our military forces? Irregardless Senator Bob to whom you speak is not leaving Avalonian lands unless the Imperator believes we are in need of his assistance.
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)

Letter from Valhalla Valentine
Message sent to Message sent to Aldo
If these traps were so dangerous then why not ask for Valhus help? We have experts who are trained in disarming such things. Either way, if you need help then it will be my men who help you. The lords of Mehled currently in Vale will not be entering my city, for my permission has not been given. Keep me updated on your expedition.
Valhalla Valentine (Emperor and High Merchant of Valhus, Duke of Wudenkin)

Report from Ottokar Fiddler
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in message group "Forum Publicus -Those interested"
He would be more cooperative, if you hinted that perhaps Senator Bob, in search of excitement, would help the Avalonians to clear their capital with his 1.5k unit, if not allowed to see the Salantinian traps.
Ottokar Fiddler (Senator of Rengo)

Report from Mollari of the Centauri
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in message group "Forum Publicus -Those interested"
Accidents happen, why not accidentally TO Wudenkin?
Mollari of the Centauri (Senator of Kannoktet)

Report from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in message group "Forum Publicus -Those interested"
If the senate wishes to arrange a second expidition with an alterior motive that's fine, but I'd rather my peaceful effort not be tainted such.
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)

Letter from Valhalla Valentine
Message sent to Message sent to Aldo
Now that Chancellor Nezumi has explained a few things to me, it is all but clear. Consul Aldo, both yourself and your forces are to leave Valhus lands within the day. Until such time as our realms see peace then I have no other option but to cut your stay short, I apologise if this forbids you from continuing with your excursion but the benefit of my people is at risk and for that reason, you must leave. Good luck and have a safe journey home.
Valhalla Valentine (Emperor and High Merchant of Valhus, Duke of Wudenkin)

Roleplay from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in the region Wudenkin
Frowning Aldo studies the branching corridor and the charred remains that had been William until a short while ago. Each path looked the same, but there was apparently a right way and a wrong, and the wrong ended in fire.

While studying the terrain in hopes of a clue, his scribe coughs nervously, "Consul?"


"Valhalla has sent another letter...."

Frowning at the way he had trailed off, Aldo holds out his hand with a sigh, "Jumping at shadows like all the rest of the barbarians is he?"

Reading over the letter he chuckles faintly and tosses it over his shoulder for the scribe to snatch from the air, "Well well, telling us to clear out before we finish, how surprising, a southlander can't be trusted.... Do you know the difference between telling a scholar to shove off and a scholar king?"

Looking around the assembled team of workers in the dark tunnel the scribe shurgs.

"The scholar will send a letter of protest, the scholar king, an army. Seems it was a good idea to bring along some body guards wasn't it? Make sure Senator Bob is informed to meet us here, we might have a bit of a scuffle and he'd hate to miss it. We'd also best step things up a bit, no time left to do things carefully," marching back down the already disarmed hallway towards the entrance he continues to list off instructions, "I believe Valhalla mentioned that his people can disarm traps, pity we couldn't negotiate their use, but they were so busy with yet another pointless war. So I want you to round up whoever you can and get them to uncover the traps the old fashioned way, by triggering them. Any who make it out alive can have a shiny gold coin for their troubles."

Turning towards the pavilion where all the patricians were staying he adds, "And be quick about it, we don't have a whole lot of time."

Pushing into the tent Aldo nods to the latest arrival, Dorgund, before outlining the situation, "It seems our host would like us to leave, and it seems I don't yet have what I came for. Anyone care to take a guess which of those two are more important? I've sent the men out to collect volunteers to help with the trap disarming, but it would be wise to expect trouble sometime soon. I've sent word to Senator Bob that he should join us here, but it's still 4 of us against a city," flashing a grin, "Sounds like fun doesn't it?"
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)