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An Introduction to Politics, Economics, and Warfare


There have been many great teachers in this world before me and who are yet to come. Their lessons are immortalized within the archives, and they are all worth looking over. My text is a basic set of lessons meant for the young noble to get a good foundation for a future life in the nobility.

First Priority Acts

Likely the most important thing a new noble should do is to make a realmwide introduction. This will allow his fellow nobles to be aware of his presence, and to get the attention of any mentors of the realm. As well, he should ask if any landed nobles would be his potential liege. This is important to provide him with a steady income, as well as a home within the realm.

Once the noble is granted a plot of land and an estate by his liege, the lord will likely instruct the knight regarding the estate settings. A new option will appear, called the "Command" and it will allow the knight, so long as he is in the region of his estate, to enlarge the estate from small to medium and from medium to large, and to switch the estate's activities from aiding production to aiding authority.


The new noble will undoubtedly travel many places in his lifetime. He probably even traveled far to find a potential liege. The travel options lists only those regions that border the location of the noble. It also lists the estimated time of arrival in that region. Factors, such as scouts, unit type, unit size, unit health, season, infiltrator actions, and some other factors, will result in a longer or shorter trip. These are uncontrollable.

Travel time is calculated at each turn of the sun, meaning sunrise and sunset. There is a total of 12 hours that can be accumulated for use. At each turn, the travel hours are deducted from the time pool before any more time is added. When the noble is young, he will find himself willing and able to work 8 hours after the sun rises or sets. If the travel time requires more than the current amount of accumulated time, then all hours in the timepool will be used and camp will be set somewhere in between the two regions. Eight hours are still granted.