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The Sword and Shield, Army of Springdale

Designation: Primary Assault/Defense Army
Based From: Springdale City
Marshal: Sejieda Vita
Vice-Marshal: Kniva gothicus
Sponsor: Neel Arya

Created by Duchess Zyrrin Fallan, this was the original army of [[Springdale|The Empire]. It was originally called "The Nobles army of Dalia" when it was the sole army that encompassed all nobles within the realm. The Duchess changed the name to "The Sword and Shield" when other duchies able to take care of themselves and found their own armies. The Sword and Shield is still the largest army within the realm, with members from the duchies of Springdale and Nifelhold.

As the largest army within The Empire, The Sword and Shield is designated as the primary assault army. When a large horde of monsters is spotted, or a vast swarm of undead, The Sword and Shield is brought in to deal with the threat. Bringing overwhelming force to bear the army, is the style of the army. The Sword and Shield, when moving in force, has never lost a battle.

Military history

Marshal Lineage

The Sword and Shield always follows the idea that the Marshal, should something happen, is replaced by the Vice-Marshal. As such the Sword and Shield has a long unbroken chain of Marshals and Vice-Marshals from the very first Marshal to the present. It was broken once when Katrina resigned, without permission, from Vice Marshalship under Sejieda. Shortly afterward, Duchess Fallan disappeared. Marshal Sejieda was left with full control of the army with no active sponsor and no Vice Marshal. Eventually Duchess Zyrrin retired from active service and Emperor Neel has taken the sponsorship under his wing. The future of the army is uncertain, but operations are continuing as normal.

  • 1st Marshal: Alfred Osha
  • 2nd Marshal: Sammael Haine
  • 3rd Marshal: Varak Thorson
  • 4th Marshal: Malgar Bellmon
  • 5th Marshal: Charlotte Grancourt
  • 6th Marshal: Joash Hamarson
  • 7th Marshal: Marco Goodman
  • 8th Marshal: Sejieda Vita

Famous Battles and Field Operations

The Sword and Shield has fought in many battles, too many to be recounted here. This history chronicles the major victories and operations that the Sword and Shield has spearheaded.

Capturing Nifelhold ca. February 1008
In the past, when the army was known by its former name "The Noble's Army of Dalia", the army lead the assault on the region of Nifelhold, and captured for The Empire its future capital.

Mt. Black Nastrond Revolt ca. February 1008
The peasants of this mountain overthrew the rule of The Empire, setting in motion the events that would eventually lead to The Sword and Shield being called into the region to forcibly put down the revolt and bring the region back under the control of The Empire.

Muspelheim being captured February 24 1008
An army comprised mostly of members of the army took the city for Springdale, which has, to this day, flourished within Springdale.

Aegir being Taken March 3 1008
Another city was taken by an army primarily comprised of The Sword and Shield. Aegir would later send many knights to serve in the Sword and Shield.

Nidhogg's Mark Rebellion May 13 1008
The region of Nidhogg's Mark threw off the rule of Springdale in a now infamous rebellion concocted by a few minor nobles within the region. After the rebellion began The Sword and Shield was ordered to retake the region and to deal with the upstart nobles. Although the noble's plan for independence worked for over a week, the Sword and Shield was successful in finding all the nobles involved, who were then hung in the local square, and bringing the region back under the control of Springdale.

Capture of Nifel ca August, 2008
The region of Nifel was captured under the marshalship of Marco Goodman and initiated by Vice Marshal Sejieda. There was some controversy regarding the action and methods due to bad communication, but it was quickly resolved.

Hall of Honor

Within the great building that makes up the Sword and Shield's base of operations in the city of Springdale there is a great hall which all nobles of the army are familiar with. Within this great hall there are paintings and poems recording all the heroes of the Sword and Shield. Also, within the hall are the records of all those who have received the various medals and field decorations that the Sword and Shield awards to it's knights and dames.


The medals are broken into three categories. The standard way of attaining these medals is by the Marshal or Vice-Marshal recommending a Knight or Dame to the Duchess, who then reviews the recommendation and takes the appropriate action.

The Bars

The first type of medal is the bar series, which denotes excellence in serving The Empire and The Army over the recipients career. Each individual bar, and the associated rewards, may be earned multiple times.

Copper Bar The first in the Bar series, this is the first medal many knights and dames receive during their careers. This medal comes with a reward of 25 gold.
Katrina Dragul (1)
Lauren Lawrence (1)
Rohk Darksun (1)
Sammael Haine (1)
Marco Goodman (1)

Steel Bar The second bar in the series is much rarer than the copper, and is awarded only to those who show continual, exceptional, devotion to the army and Springdale. Along with the honor of the bar, a 50 gold reward is issued to the recipient.

Gold Bar The last of the bars, the gold bar is far and away the most rare. Bestowed to the knights and dames of the army who show valor, loyalty, and skill under the most extreme and extraordinary situations. Along with the right to wear this prestigious medal, a 100 gold is awarded.

The Sword and Shield

The Sword and Shield series is awarded to those who are deemed to have served with exception during either a major attack, in the case of the sword, or defending vital ground during a major enemy assault, in the case of the shield. They are designed to be worn together, with the sword laying across the shield with the hilt in the upper right of the shield and the point in the lower left. The sword and shield series, along with the reward, may only be earned once per grade. When a higher grade is attained, the lower grade is forfeited back to the army.

The Jasper Sword This sword is awarded to those who play a key role in the defeat of an equal or superior foe in an attack. Along with the medal, 25 gold is the reward.

The Ruby Sword Much more prestigious than The Jasper Sword, the Ruby Sword is awarded to knights and dames who show exceptional results and valor in a crucial assault. In addition to the right to wear the ultimate badge signifying the mastery of attacking, the recipient is awarded 75 gold.

Amethyst Shield The lower of the two shields, this is awarded to members of the army who have shown great tenacity and cunning defending during a critical battle. The reward for this shield is 25 gold.

Sapphire Shield This is the reward for those who without their bravery and stalwart defense, a vital battle would have been lost. A 75 gold award accompanies the greater of the two shields.

The Orders

The orders are different than the standard medals in that they do not follow the recommendations of the Marshal. Instead, they are awarded at the sole discretion of the sponsor of the army, Duchess Zyrrin Fallan.

The Order of The Duchess Those knights and dames who have proved themselves beyond a doubt loyal to The Army, The Duchess, and The Empire are sometimes granted membership to the Order of the Duchess. 50 gold is awarded to those who join the Order.

Field Decorations

(work in progress)