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Walking around the garden Aewyn talked with her guest, and encouraged the help to keep their mugs and glasses full with ales, and wines. She looked as the people grabbed handfuls of pumpkin seeds and she smiled reaching over to a bowl. She put a seed in her mouth and savored the saltiness of the seed.

“Mmmm, just like mother used to make” she smiled as a little angel ran up to the table and grabbed one seed. The little girl looked up at her and tucked the seed in her mouth and smiled at Aewyn.

“You can have more honey, there’s plenty on the tables” she pointed over at a few visible bowls. The little girl blushed as she looked up at her.

“You’re a pretty tree milady” she said in a small voice as she grabbed the long strand of clothed vines

“I’ma nangel” the little girl said reaching back to her fake wings “And my mommy says that angels are special people” she smiled shyly at Aewyn picking the seeds in her hand one at a time as she sucked the salt off of them.

“Well your mommy is right honey, angels have wings and they could fly and see high in the skies” Aewyn pointed up

“Really!” the little girl asked as her eyes widened “Yes” Aewyn giggled at her reaction

“I’ll be right back” she held her little finger up in the air indicating to wait one minute. “Mommy, Mommy” the little angel ran to one of the woman dressed as an elf “I can fly in the sky” she told her mother excitedly. Smiling her mother looked up at Aewyn from a distance and gave her a warm smile “See I told you, you we’re special” she kissed the top of her head and the little girl ran off in a crowd of children.

The children ran around the yard playing hide and seek and mimicking the adults by making up their own games with rocks and called it stone throwing. Aewyn smiled at their little geniuses as she walked pass them to go see how the children‘s potato bag race was coming along. She watched the children hoping around like little bunnies inside of the bags across the grass to the finish line and it brought smiles to everyone.

Some were amazing, and some fell to the ground and struggled back to their feet bringing the watchers to full laughter. The parents cheered their young as they hopped quicker as they neared the finish line. As a young boy crossed the ribbon, Sir Duncan declared the winner and handed him a new fishing pole, the runner up was a cute little girl dressed as a fairy, Duncan walked over to her and handed her a doll. “And for everyone else he walked off the path into an open field “Candies all around” he grabbed a big bowl of wrapped caramel squares and threw it all in the air. The children gathered around and filled their mouths and pocket full of the treats.

Aewyn Onyxien Countess Of Braga

Fontan did indeed have some wonderful archers. Slightly drunk ones at the moment, but stll indeed very fine. Ramona lost sight of the man with the crown, and by the time her eyes found him again he was already making his way through the crowd in her direction.

She suddenly felt the need to look busy. Casting a slightly frantic glance around, she quickly approached a food table and began building herself a plate of anything she could reach.

Her peripheral vision was obscured by the mask.

Darn, she thought to herself.

Looking back down at her plate, she realized she had grabbed a bread roll someone else's hand was holding. She didn't recognize the man right away and didn't bother sticking around to try.

"Sorry," She blurted. She abandoned her plate, grabbed a glass of wine from a passing wiater's tray, and hurried off into the crowd.

Ramona Valair Dame of Oligarch

After looking at all the faces she finally caught glimpse of the dark cloaked man, she knew by the way he walked it was Malfurion she smiled and walked up to him.

"You're just the man I was looking for" she looked at the man who stood before her

"Did you think you could get by me unnoticed Lord Malfurion" she raised a brow and sipped her glass "I study my surrounding carefully,there's more to people then their faces" she paused and explained "the way people walk, their body language, their eyes Lord Malfurion" she looked into his eyes "they are also a dead give away" she smiled again at the man who stood in silence before her.

"A pretty good eye" he bowed his head grabbing her hand and kissing it gently "Nice gathering you got here" he sipped what seemed to be brandy. "Thank you I'm glad you think that, because you see I need you to follow me" she winked at him tugging on his arm.

Aewyn Onyxien Countess of Braga

“All right people gather around and pick a partner, we have a race to run” She smiled grabbing Malfurion’s arm as he raised a brow at her shaking his head. “Oh stop being such a stiff” she giggled as she squeezed him closer to her “We can do this!” she encouraged him

“Mmm I prefer my legs untied” he grinned “But if you wish to tie yourself to me I’m not going to complain” his lips curled into a taunting smile

“Lord Malfurion” she slapped his shoulder and blushed at his comment

Judge Duncan sat at the finish line yelling loudly for all to hear. “Grab your partner and tie your legs to one another, when I yell GO you run to the finish line, the first one to get here will be our winner.

The crowd talked and laughed amongst each as the ales and wines had started taking a bit of an effect on the guest. She smiled and looked down at Malfurion as he tied the rope around their ankles. “You haven’t been drinking have you my lord?” she asked unsure.

“Only a couple” he reassured her

Standing up he grabbed her hand and looked straight ahead. Judge Duncan stood on top of a crate. “Get ready… Set….. “ he paused and smiled “GO!”

Squeezing his hand tighter she ran beside him trying to match his big steps, she laughed at the struggle of her small leg tied to his massive calves. “Lady Aewyn” he laughed putting his hand around her waist almost lifting off the ground with one arm

“Can we get disqualified if I carry you” he laughed harder and they trip and fell to the ground, of course being a gentleman he broke her fall by throwing his shoulder in landing first as she fell on top of him. They both laughed as they looked up and watched the other couples trying to run to the finish line.

“Come on we can still catch up” he said as he tried to get up. But Aewyn was laughing so hard she could barely make it to her feet. He grabbed her arm and straighten her up and started to run behind the other couples bringing them neck to neck with Lady Kaylan and Sir Malcolm.

“We got this!” he looked over at Malcolm and Kaylan. “Accept your defeat!” he tried to run faster, as the rope tangled their ankles bringing them back down to the ground.

“Lord Malfurion” she said laying across his chest almost crying from laughter “How much have you had to drink today”

Malfurion looked at her trying to keep a straight face “A few” he winked. Leaning in closer she brought her face closer to his. “Smells like a lot more then a few” she wiped the tears of laughter from her eyes “You’re drunk!” she tried to get off him, but he pulled her closer. “Where do you think you’re going” he smiled and held her tighter forgetting the race.

Grinning she looked at him through her mask. “To start the Singing Competition of course!”

Aewyn Onyxien Countess Of Braga

Oron sat on the side of the path leading up to the brightly lit estate and watched as countless guests walked past, laughing and chatting, prepared for the nights festivities. Oron could not be sure whether it was because he was still so new in Fontan or if he was simply an outcast due to his rather non-conforming manner, but he had failed to receive an invitation to the night's events. But in his true fashion that would not stop him from enjoying his night, even if he couldn't actually attend the party. He would never dream of crashing such an elaborate party however; his honor was far too thick for such a rude gesture. Instead he sat outside the grounds, with his good friend Chase, a large wooden ale keg within arms reach.

Now, to the common observer the sight may have seemed sad. Some may even have felt pity for the brutish looking men drinking to themselves while such a grand party was being held but the men themselves did not see it as such. To them it was still a night with friends. A chance to talk and laugh in good company over several mugs of good, strong ale.

"You know Oron," Chase piped up, "All of these people tonight have been wearing costumes or masks of some sort. I think its a theme."

"You're right!" Oron hadn't really noticed it before (he was still getting used to some of the odd customs here) but now that Chase mentioned it, it did seem to be a masquerade ball of some sort.

"I think we should try and fit in."

Oron looked around quickly and noticed two large, orange, oddly shaped gourds on a vine growing next to a fence on the estate grounds. He pulled the two gourds off the vine and tossed one to Chase.

"Umm...I thought we were blending in Oron. Not having a snack."

Oron just laughed and pulled free his large belt knife. He carved a hole in the bottom of the gourd and slammed it down onto his head. Chase could hear muffled words but was unable to make anything out through the thick skin of Oron's odd mask. As Oron began to make his way back to where the keg was sitting, his lack of forsight caught up with him. With his vision hindered by a large gourd stuck on his head, Oron walked headlong into a tree. Stopping for a second to think he ended up with the solution. Cutting out two holes for his eyes solved his vision problem.

Chase, now seeing the genius of the plan followed suit, jamming the thick, orange vegetable onto his head and cutting out eye holes. It was then that the real problem presented itself.

How were they to keep drinking?

As you guessed, after a minute of thought, both men were cutting large openings for their mouths and would resume their drinking.

So there they were, two men in kilts, sitting on the side of the road wearing very odd masks and drinking ale by the keg.

Oron Vothrawr Knight of Oligarch

Walking in her direction, Alec noticed as she seemed to jump at attention and quickly rush to the table. "Hmmm," he mused and almost laughed with amusement as she seemed to grab enough food for two, making a small pile on the plate. He pursed his lip and had just reached her but she practically ran off in the other direction. He could no longer contain himself and chuckled at the small display. He simply couldn't help it, the small mysterious nature was simply too adorable to ignore.

Her back was turned and he reached her, "Milady," he touched her shoulder and she turned around. Holding the plate up between them he grinned. "You seem to have left this behind. It would be a shame to let it go to waste, perhaps you would allow me to join you? Unless of course you truly have a wondrous appetite, I shall have to get myself one as well." At her stricken expression, he tried to appease her, and raised his mask, letting her see the rest of his face to show his sincerity.

Alec noticed a woman in the corner of his eye, one he had met earlier that night, but his attention was not easily swayed this time. She walked away in disappointment and he patiently waited for Lady Ramona's response.

Alec McDowell Knight of Karbala

Ramona glanced around nervously, feeling like a fool for her behavior.

To her surprise, she was obviously not alone. Two men wearing what looked to be giant vegetables atop their heads sipped drinks together in silence.

She was quite puzzled by the sight, and before she knew what she was doing, found herself wandering toward them. Curiosity had gotten the best of her yet again.

Ramona Valair Dame of Oligarch

Ramona had meant to think fast, but not that fast. She turned back to the man with the cown, who was still standing there with a look of confusion on his face.

"Are you coming?" She covered. And then turned back in the direction of the man with the vegetable mask. Her hopes were that the crowned man would follow.

Ramona Valair Dame of Oligarch

Alec stood there with the mask on his head, slightly below his crown and looked around wondering where he was supposed to go. Shrugging, he picked off a piece of cheese from the plate and stuffed it in his mouth to chew as he followed. He did like mysteries, "so where are we going?" he asked curiously.

Alec McDowell Knight of Karbala

Ramona stopped short, causing him to spill pieces of cheese down the back of her shirt.

Yelping, she laughed as she struggled to fish them out.

"I was-" she laughed, "going over to greet the vegetable man."

She pointed off in the general direction of the two odd men.

"No one likes to be left out." She met his eyes, and was taken aback as she realized they were the same astonishing green as his costume. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out, so she closed it again.

Ramona Valair Dame of Oligarch

The two guards walking around the estate were in charge of making sure all the guests were where they were supposed to be. Coming down the side of the estate the guards looked at each other in surprise and busted it out laughing when they seen two men sitting by a keg with pumpkins on their heads. Chuckling and talking amongst themselves they seemed quite and not appearing to be looking for trouble the guards made their way over to them.

"Sir's" one of the guard chuckled "You need to be taking that inside the garden grounds as per request of the Countess" the guards looked at each other now trying to find a straight face

The men looked up trying to balance the pumpkins on their shoulders "It's by invites only" a muffled voice answered as he tried to force a drink through an opening of the pumpkin "And I don't recall an invitation" he said sharply "But we thought we would come and see the event" he cheered the guards

"Well sir I do assure you, if you are from Fontan you have surely been invited, you'll need to question your scribe" he raised a brow looking at the keg "Every noble, has been invited the only thing keeping you behind that door would be showing up without a costume" he busted out laughing again "Pardon me sir, but you seem to have that, just make your way through the side hall to the garden, they'll be men to guide you to the rest of the guests" he turned around and looked at the other soldier and winked "It sure is a little dry out here maybe you could spare us a couple glasses from your keg" the guards nodding in agreement.

Aewyn Onyxien Countess of Braga

Theros saw the guard talking to Oron and strolled over.

"Excuse me, this is a friend of mine, Sir Oron," Theros explained to the guard, "I shall help him find his way." Theros extended a hand to Oron while the guard helped his friend to his feet. Oron grunted as he was heaved to his feet.

"Gods man! Your shirt is so soft!" Oron slurred, more or less in good fun.

"I would be happy to tell you of some good tailors," Theros laughed, "but I think the first step would be to get you bathing regularly!" The two men laughed together, and Theros turned to the woman and blonde man that stood to the side. "Who are your friends Oron?"

Sir Theros Landre Knight of Al Amarah

"Well I'm not too sure really. Here I was just about to the bottom of my keg when Chase passed out and the pretty lady started walking over. I don't think the fellow there is right in the head though. He keeps waving his hand around in front of his face like something smells funny. Crazy people over here I tell ya."

Oron turned away from Theros but kept one hand gripping onto the soft shirt. He turned to The Lady and her companion and addressed them as politely as he could manage.

"My good Lord and Lady friends, I don't believe we've officially met. My name is hiccup Oron Vothrawr. I apologize if I am disrupting your party. The nice guards there said I could go in though hiccup. Perhaps if you are not too drunk later on this evening I could engage the two of you in deep and meaningful conversation."

He slowly backed up, almost tripping over Chase, and retrieved another keg from its resting place beside a tree.

"But if you shall excuse me, I think I must make my way inside and thank the Lady of the house for her hiccup hospitality"

Making an elaborate (if somewhat drunken and wobbly) bow to the curious couple who had stumbled upon him, he tucked the keg under one arm and spoke to Theros (although he unwittingly grabbed Alec instead),

"Come along Sir Soft Shirt...hmm, that's kind of funny to say. Sir Soft Shirt."

Oron began to lead Alec back toward the party by the collar much to Ramona and Theros' great amusement.

"Sir Soft Shirt, Sir Soft Shirt, hiccup, Sir Soft Shirt..."

Oron Vothrawr Knight of Oligarch

Alec was terribly amused, yet slightly taken aback when he was dragged forward by who Ramona referred to as the Vegetable man. He dug in his heels and tugged, pulling, managing to pull his shirt back. "Sir Oron," he laughed at his last comment. Who was drunk… indeed. "Yes the shirt is soft," he touched his own shirt, "I guess but it shall remain here. I know I'm handsome, and I like pumpkins as much as the other, but tonight I shall have to decline." He looked over to Ramona whose hands had shot up to her mouth, trying to stifle her laughter.

Oron seemed to stop short, listening to who he thought was his friend talking and his eyes seemed to swim as he squinted in Alec's face. "Who are yo…wait…How did you…. get here so fast?" he hiccupped. Then he looked over to Theros. "Oi, what are you playing at man? We need to get into this party, quit playing around."

Alec put his hand on Oron's shoulder and laughed. "Alec… McDowell," he finally introduced himself. "I will make sure to find you later so we can discuss the finer details of soft fabric, and the rarity of soap that makes it so."

At that Ramona laughed, her hands unable to contain the sound and Alec winked. "If I am still in the company of Lady Ramona, I shall bring her as well. Now hurry, you're about to miss the singing competition… I'm sure they will truly appreciate your fine singing."

Alec McDowell Knight of Karbala


The Priest slowly appeared at the race event. He had just watched the Archery and had followed the crowd to the second event. He now knew who Lady Aewyn was. She had cleverly disguised herself. It reminded him a bit of Tersea, even though it was clear she wasn't. Richard noticed Lady Aewyn talking to someone dressed in black. Seeing how she acted, he assumed that had to be Malfurion. He softly smiled under his hood. Malfurion certainly had a great costume.

The Priest looked around. Everyone was still doing their things and enjoying the festivities. His Scribe was now missing. The Scribe had continued his thorough investigation at the wine and was now using all that was left in him to not appear too drunk.

The Priest found a pretty empty spot somewhere in the back, where he could witness the event. He silently walked towards it and continued to look around to see what was happening.

(OOC: Take your time :) There is a lot going on. Great to read everything)

Richard Telrunya Duke of Krimml

As thoughts of the singing to come floated through Oron's comprehension he felt mildly embarrassed at having unwittingly groped his new acquaintance. He looked back and forth between the people assembled so suddenly around his formerly peaceful kegger. Then another thought entered his mind...

"What's a pumpkin?"

Oron Vothrawr Knight of Oligarch

A bemused expression crossed Alec's face and he chuckled. "Well Sir Oron, a pumpkin, is quite similar to that," he pointed to his head with a smirk, "only bigger. I have to say you do fit right in, if you continue on your path, you will see several pumpkins that were carved just so, I'm sure you will appreciate the similarity." Oron wavered as he attempted to look behind him, and stumbled to straighten himself.

Alec glanced back towards Ramona then back to Oron, debating his next course of action. He walked back towards Ramona and took her hand with a whisper, "forgive me my Lady, I would very much like to spend the rest of the night getting to know more about you than just your name." He looked back to the waiting gourd, "but I would never forgive myself if he somehow lost his way and…" he groaned miserably "well I truly have no idea what could happen, but I wouldn't want Lady Aewyn to find a drunken corpse in her garden in the morn, moaning over his carved brethren." He winked at her and walked away.

"Come my good man, I will show you the prized pumpkin of the carving contest. I think you may find it quite interesting." Alec looked over his shoulder, and gave her one last smile. "Who knows… maybe you will win best costume, it's rather original..."

Alec McDowell Knight of Karbala