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Well, the debate was going along fine, but then news shocked the continent with Gregor's secession of Fontan City. Gregor was a highly respected member that had led Fontan against Oligarch and Perdan. Lorrie was part of the new realm, but switched to Fontan quickly because of disagreements in practice with Gregor. Those of us who had been together in the debates remained loyal to Fontan. I spoke out for the reasons that I saw Gregor seceding. The opponents merely stated that Gregor was tyrannical and power-hungry and I disagreed. However, I remained loyal to Fontan, the realm of my birth.
Well, the debate was going along fine, but then news shocked the continent with Gregor's secession of Fontan City. Gregor was a highly respected member that had led Fontan against Oligarch and Perdan. Lorrie was part of the new realm, but switched to Fontan quickly because of disagreements in practice with Gregor. Those of us who had been together in the debates remained loyal to Fontan. I spoke out for the reasons that I saw Gregor seceding. The opponents merely stated that Gregor was tyrannical and power-hungry and I disagreed. However, I remained loyal to Fontan, the realm of my birth.
Debate was going faster and tensions were high. There were insults on both sides, but nothing like today. And then news shocked Fontan with Chancellor Rogal Dorn requesting my ban from Supreme Justice Katsuyori. Soon, I organized a protest against the ruler and judge. Rogal Dorn was not running for re-election and the new election was near, but I thought that a point still needed to be made even if the consequences could be ignored. Many prominent and minor nobles spoke and protested on my behalf. Then Alexi, duke of Krimml, Fontan's capital, was exiled. Alexi angrily ripped down the buildings of Krimml and changed allegiance to Perdan, intending to create another Fontanian realm(would have been the third) soon after. More protests erupted. Then I received a letter from Alexi wanting me to protect his city as best as I could and news of his death followed(ooc: quit BM). I took the gold from Krimml so that the Fontanese would not abuse Alexi's wealthy and fled to the Confederacy of Fontan as a rogue, spending much time in battle and wounded.
Debate was going faster and tensions were high. There were insults on both sides, but nothing like today. And then news shocked Fontan with Chancellor Rogal Dorn requesting my ban from Supreme Justice Katsuyori. Soon, I organized a protest against the ruler and judge. Rogal Dorn was not running for re-election and the new election was near, but I thought that a point still needed to be made even if the consequences could be ignored. Many prominent and minor nobles spoke and protested on my behalf. Then Alexi, duke of Krimml, Fontan's capital, was exiled. Alexi angrily ripped down the buildings of Krimml and changed allegiance to Perdan, intending to create another Fontanian realm(would have been the third) soon after. More protests erupted. Then I received a letter from Alexi wanting me to protect his city as best as I could and news of his death followed(ooc: quit BM). I took the gold from Krimml so that the Fontanese would not take Alexi's wealth and fled to the Confederacy of Fontan as a rogue, spending much time in battle and wounded.
Eventually, I joined Fontan where I served as a noble troopleader. Banker and 2IC Prandur was suspected to be spying for Fontan from within Fontan. In addition, he had done a horrible job militarily. I was offered the position of 2IC. Soon, Prandur left and I won a referendum to be Banker by 500%. I was able to keep CoF from starving while simultaneously earning us gold. I was soon promoted to Marshal. And finally, when Daralan stepped down as General, I was recommended to be General, but Gregor chose Aenarion instead. Despite this, I was able to coordinate with our allies a bit. But Caligus had stopped assisting us as much as in the beginning and we were only losing battles because we had less men. Our settings were superior.
Eventually, I joined the Confederacy of Fontan where I served as a noble troopleader. Banker and 2IC Prandur was suspected to be spying for Fontan from within the Confederacy. In addition, he had done a horrible job militarily. I was offered the position of 2IC. Soon, Prandur left and I won a referendum to be Banker by 500%. I was able to keep CoF from starving while simultaneously earning us gold. I was soon promoted to Marshal. And finally, when Daralan stepped down as General, I was recommended to be General, but Gregor chose Aenarion instead. Despite this, I was able to coordinate with our allies a bit. But Caligus had stopped assisting us as much as in the beginning and we were only losing battles because we had less men. Our settings were superior.
We were TOing Negev and I had been scouting every few hours. I caught a move into Negev, but had no hours left. I ordered those who could to move to Fontan and to set their withdraw settings to as low as possible. In the coming battle I was captured. Then I was set to vote for execution or deportation, where it was decided I should be deported. I was sent to the Colonies and have now returned.
We were TOing Negev and I had been scouting every few hours. I caught a move into Negev, but had no hours left. I ordered those who could to move to Fontan City and to set their withdraw settings to as low as possible. In the coming battle I was captured. Then I was set to vote for execution or deportation, where it was decided I should be deported. I was sent to the Colonies and have now returned.

Latest revision as of 07:25, 6 September 2008

Lorrie Furion(lord), Alise(lord), Mikhail(former ruler), Moira(lord), Alexi(former ruler and duke of krimml), Gregor(former ruler and duke of fontan), and I spoke out against Tal(former ruler, marshal of Basilius' army), Basilius(duke of westmoor, sponsor), Neptune Arthur(2IC of Basilius' army), Rogal dorn(chancellor) over political differences. Positions listed are current with the time this occurred in.

For example, we believe in noble and lords having rights. They wanted to hold dukes, and possibly region lords, to monthly elections. That would shake the very basis of the feudal society since if we voted for who owned land, then the peasants would ask to vote in peasants as owners of land, the rank of a minor noble. Soon the minor nobles would be voted into one of the leaders of the realm, us. And finally, they would reach the peak of society as lords, dukes, and government officials. That would truly be an outrage, wouldn't it? In adition, Tal had wished to be a monarch in the past and they had collaborated to create the Sultanate of Asena without the Fontan Assembly's permission.

Well, the debate was going along fine, but then news shocked the continent with Gregor's secession of Fontan City. Gregor was a highly respected member that had led Fontan against Oligarch and Perdan. Lorrie was part of the new realm, but switched to Fontan quickly because of disagreements in practice with Gregor. Those of us who had been together in the debates remained loyal to Fontan. I spoke out for the reasons that I saw Gregor seceding. The opponents merely stated that Gregor was tyrannical and power-hungry and I disagreed. However, I remained loyal to Fontan, the realm of my birth.

Debate was going faster and tensions were high. There were insults on both sides, but nothing like today. And then news shocked Fontan with Chancellor Rogal Dorn requesting my ban from Supreme Justice Katsuyori. Soon, I organized a protest against the ruler and judge. Rogal Dorn was not running for re-election and the new election was near, but I thought that a point still needed to be made even if the consequences could be ignored. Many prominent and minor nobles spoke and protested on my behalf. Then Alexi, duke of Krimml, Fontan's capital, was exiled. Alexi angrily ripped down the buildings of Krimml and changed allegiance to Perdan, intending to create another Fontanian realm(would have been the third) soon after. More protests erupted. Then I received a letter from Alexi wanting me to protect his city as best as I could and news of his death followed(ooc: quit BM). I took the gold from Krimml so that the Fontanese would not take Alexi's wealth and fled to the Confederacy of Fontan as a rogue, spending much time in battle and wounded.

Eventually, I joined the Confederacy of Fontan where I served as a noble troopleader. Banker and 2IC Prandur was suspected to be spying for Fontan from within the Confederacy. In addition, he had done a horrible job militarily. I was offered the position of 2IC. Soon, Prandur left and I won a referendum to be Banker by 500%. I was able to keep CoF from starving while simultaneously earning us gold. I was soon promoted to Marshal. And finally, when Daralan stepped down as General, I was recommended to be General, but Gregor chose Aenarion instead. Despite this, I was able to coordinate with our allies a bit. But Caligus had stopped assisting us as much as in the beginning and we were only losing battles because we had less men. Our settings were superior.

We were TOing Negev and I had been scouting every few hours. I caught a move into Negev, but had no hours left. I ordered those who could to move to Fontan City and to set their withdraw settings to as low as possible. In the coming battle I was captured. Then I was set to vote for execution or deportation, where it was decided I should be deported. I was sent to the Colonies and have now returned.