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Chapter 1

Lucas wake up. It was dark, a cave. And then the familiar sound of Baldur`s voice welcomed him.

“Good day” say Baldur in a sweet tone,

“Master” tried to say Lucas, but only a faint whisper came out of his mouth. A wave of pain assaulted him, coming from his righ side.

With some difficult, he touched his side, and a world of hurt came to him.

“Calm down Lucas, you are badly burned”

“Master, what happened?”

“I don't know Lucas, In one moment we were going to Mimer, in the ship with the Knights and the commoners, and in the other, a rain

of fire pour down the ship. Next this I remember is that the remains of the ship was drifting, you and me on board, only with the company of the dead and burned. You were badly burned. A few days later, we reached the coast. I carry you to this cave, and treated your wounds”. Right after this, Baldur violently coughed.


Baldur caught his breath. “I am fine my child, I am fine. Now rest, you must heal”.

The next day Lucas gather enough strength to stand. His badly burned side hurted, but he can resist it. Then he find the reason of his Master illness. A piece of wood was stuck on his side, at the kidneys level. Pus was forming around the wound.

“Its nothing kid. When we found a medic we will be fine”

But he didn't get better, and started to cough blood, black blood.

The sea bring more things to the shore, among them, more bodies.

Lucas collected sweet water from the almost continual rain, and captured crabs and small fish in the mist-hidden ponds of the coast.

Lucas and Baldur were near the fire, in the cold night.

“Lucas, how were the time with me since I found you in Candiels?”

“Master Baldur, I can only thank you. In Candiel, iw as the youngest of a lot of brothers. Ours mother's couples mistreated us. The hunger was almost a local habit, disease a old friend, and monsters reaped us like grain every season. When you took me under your wing, I was afraid, but you feed and shelter me, you teach me how to read and write, how to behave, how to use a weapon and preserve them. You make me your squire, and I can finish of thanking you in this life time. Also, you teach me the words of Randis, something I wouldn't have the opportunity to hear never in Candiels”

Baldur smiled. “Lucas, at first I take you because I need an squire and a guide. But later I realize I needed something more. I needed a successor, someone how can carry on the words of Randis after I pass, a son.”

Baldur`s words echoed in the hears of the surprised Lucas.


“Yes Lucas, a son... my son. As a precaution I left some papers with people I trust, papers making you my successor, my legal son and a noble to the eyes of the entire world. But destiny plotted against us. I don't know what evil fear the Legacy of Randis so much to attack us in that way.”

Baldur firmly stare to the black night sky.

“You know I am dying. This stake in my belly is septic, and even the best doctor cant save me. This is why I tell you this now: After I pass, look for the people I trusted, Sir Escent, Sir M`oko, Sir Rein and Sir Nils. They are good nobles and people you can trust. Be careful, and keep a low profile. The forces that attacked us surely believe us dead, but they will try to kill you if they know of you. And they will try to stop you from getting those papers. They want Randis`s Legacy dead in this world, but they will not get it, they will not!”

“Master....Father, I will keep Randis`s Legacy alive. I will fulfill your dream” and hug Baldur. He feel asleep.

The next morning, Baldur was dead, and Lucas bury him.

Chapter 2

Lucas found Baldur`s chest among the rocks. It was well preserved, and all of Baldur`s personal posesions were there.

He clad Baldur`s body in his armor, and put his sword in his hands, resting on this chest. Later he covered the body with rocks, creating a funeral mound. He gave the others bodies a proper sepulture, and get some this among the debris. New clothes, too big for him, a short swords, and a few dry cookies that survived the sea. Them he left for the inland.

That night, the moon was full, observing Lucas like a caring mother. He felt guarded, safe, and felt asleep. He dreamed of fire, white-hooded figures and evil laughers. But he also feel a presence, a benign presence, and them he felt the fever.

Lucas woke up in a bed, inside a room. It was a peasant house, the style don't change, be the south, the north or the inland sea. He tried to stand up, and extend his arm, his large and hairy arm.

“What in the Gods names...” said an adult voice. It was its own.

The wooden door opened, and and old women came in.

“Looks like our sleepy visitor wake up Tiles.” An Owl fly into the room, and landed among one of the roof's branches.

“Where am I?” asked Lucas.

“You are in Whichi, a town in Caiyun. I am Whinela, the local wise women. A young herder found you near the coast, and they bring you to me.. You were flying of the fever. Also, you were growing.” say the old women while she sit in a nearby bench.


“Yes young lad, growing. You were like my youngest grandkid when they bring you a few days, only 14 or 15 winters. Now you are a full grown men. I don't know what happened to you, but I can recognize magic when I see it. Also, I can feel when the Gods get their hands.”

“The Gods? Why?”. Lucas took his long underwear, and get up the bed.

“I don't know. And I don't care either. Its healthier for you if you avoid getting in the God's business. But you can stay here for the night. But you must get out tomorrow. The locals are a bunch of pig farmers and herders that will burn you if they recognize you like the youngling they bringed to me. They fear magic.”

“And why they don't attack you. Excuse me if I am rude but you look like a witch.”

“The old women broke in laughter. “Yes youngling, I am a “witch”. I know how to fix broken bones, how to bring babies to the world and heal the comon cold. I can also bring you the love of your life and hex your pigs. And I also can read the near future in the entrails of a dove. I am useful for them, that I why don't attack me. Also, and most important, they fear me. Never forget that fact of life. People can respect you, but to have the real power, make them fear you.

The next morning Lucas left the house, heading east. The old women gave him some food, and give him some advices. Far in the east, Donghaiwei waited for him.

Chapter 3

Caiyun was a paceful place, a region of roling emadows, cultivated fields and small hamlets. The road was well mantained and free of obstructions, a total change from some years before Morek took control of the region.

Lucas was enjoying the road, a shining sun high in the blue sky. He had high spirits after leaving the witch´s house, and now was in his way to Donghaiwei.

His stomach was roaring by midday, and he stoped at the side of the road to eat some dry cookies at the feet of a big oak. He was enjoying the bitter-sweet cookies when a distant shinning caugh his attencion. Among the bush some yards away, something was reflecting sunlight. LEaving his equipment behind, Lucas get up and advance. He cut some of the bushes with his sword, and what he found was nothing nice.

A body, more properly, a squeleton, lay at the feet of a tree. A rusted chainmail covered the rotted bones, a broken sword still his its bony hands, and a teared vest with the emblem of Morek over the chainmail.

Lucas made a silent pray to the Gods for the poor soldier´s soul. The he noted something in the body left hand. Lucas took small clay vial and some bandages. A strong smell of alcohol came from the vial. Lucas put the things in his pocket. He took the broken longsword. It was rusted, but he could get some silver coins from it. The armor was beyong salvation, its right side totally teared and rusted.

Lucas walk trough the bushes with some dificulty, and when finally came out of it, he was welcomed by the cold and shinny welcome of several spear tips pointing at him.

Chapter 4

"Warrior Lif, search the suspect for weapons" ordered the Unit Sargent. A young boy, no more than 16 winters, clad in leather armor aproached Lucas, who was standing whit both his arms up in the air. He took Lucas´s short sword, and the broken longsword from his hand, and thrown them far.

"Sargent, the suspect had this weapons", pointed the soldier at the sowrds in the ground.

"So, an unknow free commoner with weapons? I say this is a bandit. Tie him and bring him here!"

Two soldiers aproached Lucas caresly, and while one pointed to Lucas with a spear, the other tie his hands behind his back.

"Sargent, excusme, but why i am beign detained?" said Lucas the the unit leader.

"Why boy? Because you are a bandit. Here in Morek there is no such thing like "free comoners", you are either a comoner tied to the land, a soldier or a noble, and you are not a soldier, and less a noble. The only logic choice is that you are a bandit."

But mister, i am not a comoner, not from this lands. I came from Madina, in the far south, i was traveling north, serving a noble from Madina when a storm hit our ship and it sank. Only i survived. I am in a strange land, far away from one."

"Nice tale kid, but i dont belive you. Maybe the Contestable, but i dont think he will belive you either. Now walk, we havea long walk to the town."

And so it was how Lucas was carried to town of Nekgrench, and incarcelated there, waiting for the contestable.

Sleeping in the cell was way an improvement to the nights in the field that Lucas had in these last few days. The food was even better. He was having his breakfast when a young monk enter the precint.

Facing the guard on duty, the monk asked for the one in charge. A few minutes later the Sargent came out of his office.

"Brother Giles, welcome to our precint, in what can i help you?"

"Sargent Youro, is the Constestable avaible? We need him very urgently!"

"No Brother Giles, the OCntestable is not in town, he will return in a few days."

"Oh no, by the Blood Stars!" said the monk in anguish.

"May i know why the ugence?" asked the Sargent.

"We need someone how know to write. A woodpeacker made a hole in the roof of the chapel, and a very sacred book and been damaged beyond repair, and we need it for a near ceremony for the Bloodstars. Luckly the Abbot remembers the text word by word, but he is in pain right now, and no one except him knows to write in the Chapel."

"No one knows also here in town, except for the Contestable. Where we gonna find someone how knows?" wondered the Sargent

And in the silence of the situacion, a timid voice was heard. "I know" said Lucas. Every look was directed at him.

Gathering courage, Lucas continue. "As i already said to you Mr. Sargent, i served a noble, and he teach me how to write and read, to serve him as his scribe. I can help you with your problem."

A few hours later, Lucas was sitting in a desk next to the Abbot´s bed. The Abbot, and eldery and kind man was resting, pain clearly showing in his face. Ink, a feather and parchment was given to Lucas, and the Abbot began to recite the salms.

The tall candle next to Lucas´s desk was now a mere stump, and Lucas observed the parchment pages full of salm and words.

"You have done well young men" said the Abbot with a weak but sweet voice. "You have done a great service to the Bloodstars." Lucas handed a page to a helper, who gave it to the Abbot. 2And i have to admit, that you have a beatiful handwriting. It would be a pleasure to have you in our scribe ranks"

"Thank you Abbot, i am very honored by your offer, but i must decline it. I made a solem promise to a loved one, and i need to keep my travel to fullfil it."

"I see. Well, at least, let me help you, as a payment for your help. I will talk with the Sargent, he will let you keep with your travel. And dont worry for your papers. I will give you a set of papers. You are now a Bloodstars helper. If any guards detain you, just show it to them my boy.

"I can find words to thank you Abbot, thank you, thank you."

And soo this was Lucas first meeting with the Bloodstars in his travels. May them protect him in the challenges that awaited for him.