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title =Around the Continent News:|
title =Around the Continent News:|
article =Date: Updated Daily
article =Date: Updated Daily
<b>Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Betholm:
Tuchanon V vs. Itorunt
Estimated combat strengths: 5000 CS vs. 5000 CS
Pit Viper (Knight of Isadril, Tuchanon V) was captured by Itorunt forces.
Attacker Victory!</b>
<u>Merewyn Kazan, Banker of Ubent, Duchess of Castle Ubent was seriously wounded by an assassin.</u>
<u>Merewyn Kazan, Banker of Ubent, Duchess of Castle Ubent was seriously wounded by an assassin.</u>

Revision as of 05:17, 20 March 2008

http://wiki.battlemaster.org/skins/common/images/bm-logo.png Obsidian Islands Exclusive
Price: Free For All Editor: King Shady Soulja Issue: 4

Around the Continent News:
Date: Updated Daily

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Betholm: Tuchanon V vs. Itorunt Estimated combat strengths: 5000 CS vs. 5000 CS Pit Viper (Knight of Isadril, Tuchanon V) was captured by Itorunt forces.

Attacker Victory!

Merewyn Kazan, Banker of Ubent, Duchess of Castle Ubent was seriously wounded by an assassin.

Itorunt has taken control of Nimraw , a former rogue region. Itorunt now controls 14 regions.

Fontan has taken control of Oberndorf , a former rogue region. Fontan now controls 26 regions.

Perdan has taken control of Eldoret (formerly part of Ubent). Perdan now controls 17 regions.

Quake has stepped down from his position as ruler of Ibladesh. He has given the following reason: Since our former Pontifex did not gave us much time to campaign and I promised to give everyone an equal chance to run (and I'm a man of my word), I will step down as Pontifex of Ibladesh. Let the Gods be with us, with the upcoming elections.

Sir Bastian Moore, General of Sirion, Count of Osslamar was seriously wounded by an assassin.

Fontan has taken control of Gadlock (formerly part of Old Rancagua). Fontan now controls 25 regions.

The realm of Ubent has elected Everest as its new Prime Minister. He received 24 % of the valid votes.

A huge battle in Castle Ubent: Perdan vs. Ubent Estimated combat strengths: 19000 CS vs. 10000 CS Lady Evangeline Uceek, General of Perdan, Marchioness of Bescanon, Marshal of the Perdan Strike Force is spotted wearing the Doomed Girdle of Freedom. Falcion Greenleaf, Count of Woolton is spotted wielding the Longsword of Bloodletting. Sir Maelg Vallejo, Duke of Perdan is spotted wielding the Shiny Aegis of the Ancients. Lady Evangeline Uceek, General of Perdan, Marchioness of Bescanon, Marshal of the Perdan Strike Force is spotted wearing the Doomed Plate Mail of Strength. Gytha Barras (Dame of Castle Ubent, Ubent) was seriously wounded. Croc Patton (Knight of Castle Ubent, Ubent) was captured by Perdan forces. Maddox Firsidan (Knight of Partora, Perdan) was captured by Ubent forces. Kevin Fergus (Knight of Castle Ubent, Ubent) was captured by Perdan forces. Sir Zog Returns Royal House of Zog, Prime Minister of Ubent was captured by Perdan forces. Kurt Hextor (Knight of Castle Ubent, Ubent) was seriously wounded. Lady Balkeese Indirik, Arch Priestess of Perdan was captured by Ubent forces.

Attacker Victory!

Lady Balkeese Indirik, Arch Priestess of Perdan has been captured by Ubent forces during the battle in Castle Ubent.

Sir Zog Returns Royal House of Zog, Prime Minister of Ubent has been captured by Perdan forces during the battle in Castle Ubent.

A public execution in Isadril earlier today. Dante, a troop leader of Itorunt, had been banned from Tuchanon V as a traitor on 2008-02-25. When he was later imprisoned, the judge of Tuchanon V decided to make him pay for his treason.

The people of Nimraw have revolted and declared independence from Itorunt!

The people of Dayr have revolted and declared independence from Itorunt!

A huge battle in Tota: Tuchanon V vs. Itorunt Estimated combat strengths: 5000 CS vs. 4000 CS Niketenas Monomachus (Knight of Itorunt) is spotted wearing the Cursed Helm. Sir Ryndhal Nabarl, Judge of Itorunt is spotted wielding the Brilliant Sabre of Battle.

Defender Victory!

A huge battle in Ashforth: Fontan vs. Old Rancagua Estimated combat strengths: 12000 CS vs. 7000 CS Basilius Decimus, Minister of Defense of Fontan is spotted wearing the Hat of Pain. Sir Sirius Aylward (Knight of Oroya, Old Rancagua) was captured by Fontan forces.

Attacker Victory!

A huge battle in Ar Mosul: Ibladesh vs. Perdan Estimated combat strengths: 8000 CS vs. 9000 CS Sir Dread Fantom (Lord) is spotted wielding the Cursed Scythe of Destruction. Falcion Greenleaf, Count of Woolton is spotted wielding the Longsword of Bloodletting. Zhan Zhooke (Knight of Woolton) is spotted wearing the Mysterious Gauntlets of Protection. Donna Ragna Wooten (Dame of Ibladesh, Ibladesh) was captured by Perdan forces. Hanz Mueller (Imperial Knight of Ibladesh) was seriously wounded.

Defender Victory!

A huge battle in Tabost: Fontan vs. Sirion Estimated combat strengths: 22000 CS vs. 8000 CS Basilius Decimus, Minister of Defense of Fontan is spotted wearing the Hat of Pain. Robert Expatriate (Knight of Sirion) is spotted wielding the Mysterious Broadsword of Flame. Dorian Arkturus (Knight of Sirion, Sirion) was captured by Fontan forces.

Attacker Victory!

Perdan has declared war on Ubent.

Caligus has taken control of Abadan , a former rogue region. Caligus now controls 9 regions.

Ibladesh has taken control of Zawr (formerly part of Itorunt). Ibladesh now controls 8 regions.

Lady Sienna Warrah, Holy Justiciar of Ibladesh was seriously wounded by an assassin.

The realm of Caligus has given the region of Meuse away to Perdan.

Region Revolts!
Date: March, 18 2008

Yesterday an unthinkable, and quite unbelievable thing happened. The people of Kazan, out of pure fear of Fontan's armies, gathered together and threw OR from the region. On top of that they decided that OI could do a better job at defending them, and joined OI instead. What is to happen now? OI has Kazan, Fontan has Gadlock and Kazakh sits right in between still with OR. Will these people revolt and join OI before Fontan attacks or will Fontan get to the city first? We will have to wait and see....

Perdan Takes Castle Ubent
Date: March, 15 2008

Perdan had no trouble marching to the walls of Ubent. At which time Ubent put together as many forces as they could find to defend themselves from the overwelming forces of Perdan. In the end though it was not enough, as Perdan troops stopped at nothing to get through the walls and into the city. Then after the battle ended, Perdan wanted this to be a quick war to end in their favor so they started a TO of Castle Ubent. If Ubent loses their Castle now, it will be the end of them as everyone knows it. They will only have two regions left, of which will become useless to them, and which of course Perdan will most likely take shortly after as well.

Ashforth Falls!
Date: March, 13 2008

Yet again Fontan troops marched in and took military control of Ashforth, Old Rancagua's capital. This is not the first time Fontan has taken control, not even close to it in fact. On top of that, Fontan has taken regions from Old Rancagua, and is still taking more.

Chaos Temple and all of OI suffers a loss
Date: March, 12 2008

Earlier today the people of Chaos Temple found their beloved Duke, dead in his home. At first nothing appeared to be wrong, but when one of his servents went to check on him went screeming out of the home in yelling in horror. Many others went to see what had happened. First thought was someone murdered our great Duke....but after careful examinations came to realize it was not a murder. The people, all over OI suffered a great and horrible loss today. May he rest in peace, as he will be missed greatly.

Regions Exchanged as Wars Rage On
Date: March, 11 2008

Fontan has grown larger while Sirion and OR have grown smaller. Perdan and Itorunt continue to expand, while Tuchanon V, and Ibladesh lose more regions. Caligus has by far grown the most, while Yssaria has fallen to nothing but their capital left. Light of Fountain no longer exists, and Ubent remains exactly the same as before, as does Obsidian Islands. The difference between OI and the rest of the continent? OI has no place to expand, and no enemies to take their regions.

New Religion Found in Wasteland!
Date: March, 11 2008

Earlier this month, Knight Gauihu of Wasteland was appointed the new Baron of Wasteland. Now usually this is because the Baron no longer wishes to be Baron, has died, or is under suspicion of illegal activity. Not this time however. Gauihu had his vision and approched Baron Trinor about creating his religion in his home region. Trinor believed in his knight, and had Duke Kaan appoint Gauihu as the Baron so he could create the new religion. Best of luck with your new found beliefs Gauihu.