Grancourt Family/A Simple Life?: Difference between revisions

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Lucius (Freeman)
Lucius (Freeman)
===Shimmer in my Eyes===
Roleplay from Charlotte
(Personal message to Lucius)
Going back to that discussion we started the other day Lucius (you confused the hell out of me and i needed to rest my poor simple head...),
If i'm to understand this bit correctly, you are saying the world takes everything from you? I don't see the world taking anything from you now. Perhaps some person took things from you in the past, but that is not the world, that is just those people. I thought that you have taken some items from the land, from the monsters/undead that haunt our lives. The world gives you your skills, and your friends. How can you say the world takes everything?
Perhaps i do not know what this love is that you talk about, but i do know that a smile can touch the hearts of whoever can see it. Whatever this shimmer is you see in my eyes that brightens your world, well i can definitely inform you that it has brightened others - whether wanted or not. Why hide in the shadows with a darkened heart when you can make the world smile and reap the rewards?
Like i said, you do not need to stand on the top (at least, the top of the world you are talking about) of the world to spread your light. Do you see any of the rulers spreading light and happiness? I don't, I see them spreading lies, war, hatred, orders, rulers, everything that puts restrictions on a life. I have seen worse than you can imagine my friend, and if my eyes still shimmer then my heart is still in the right place. Even if people don't treat me the way i would like them to, passion for a free life fills my soul entirely and nothing will take it away except order, rules, lies and everything nobles and their good for nothing priests bring into this world.
Charlotte (Freeman)

Latest revision as of 15:04, 11 November 2007

A Simple Life?

(Charlotte Grancourt had just finished on a repair mission for the High Marshal of Svunnetland when another adventurer by the name of Lucius Curs did contact her and enquire as to whether they might work together to find these so called unique items as he had heard she had come across many in her travels. Their discussion becomes deeper and is played out here:)

Lucius Makes A Request

Letter from Lucius (12 hours, 34 minutes ago) I was wondering, you seem to be a very well-known and reputed adventurer, are you not?

I have skill I would definitely want to put to use, but as we both know skills of one person are worth nothing if you want to reach the true champions or big ones of the undead and monsters. Therefore I suggest we team up. Take them together. Share the spoils. How? Every even number of unique item is yours (second found, fourth found, sixth found, ...). I'll just go for the odd numbers since I'm already some unique items behind you, so I wanted to get a head start with the first item...

Anyway, I believe we could make a lot happen together, so I am almost in Palnasos, on my way from Ansopen.

Lucius (Freeman)

Charlotte is Surprised

Roleplay from Charlotte (10 hours, 58 minutes ago) (Personal message to Lucius) Well well well! My fame is spreading? Not sure that's a good thing, but yes, i seem to have a remarkable success with finding unique items, although i think it's just because i am rather stubborn and persistent.

It has been a while since i have fought some tough groups of monsters or undead though, nobody around here seems much interested in helping each other, so it would be good if we could get some practise on the big ones.

As a token of my trust, here is the first item:

Charlotte (Freeman)

Lucius Already Has Items

(There were a couple of others between this and the previous, but they were about not being able to exchange the item)

Letter from Lucius (1 hour, 11 minutes ago) Seriously? I have two items myself.

I'm actually collecting, and I thought you had more than me!

Then please, do take the odd numbers, and I will take the even. You will have the first item we find then.

Lucius (Freeman)

Given Away

Letter from Charlotte (1 hour, 5 minutes ago) (Personal message to Lucius) Yeah, i've given all my items away or sold them on to nobles. What use do i have of them?!

Charlotte (Freeman)

Wanting to Stand Out

Letter from Lucius (56 minutes ago) Well, I plan to stand out to the other nobles when I am knighted.

Not only will they realize that they have denounced my true nole blood for too long, but they'll also revere my items.

Do you not feel such an urge?

Lucius (Freeman)

Wanderin' Lark

Letter from Charlotte (52 minutes ago) (Personal message to Lucius) Nah, i quite like this wanderin' lark. Gives me a warm feelin' in me bones to be free to do whatever i want like.

I mean sure, we don't live a life of luxury, and these baths and massages here are so relaxing, but i'd rather they were a "special occasion" than every day stuff or i wouldn't appreciate them as much as i do.

I really feel like i'm living and giving something to the world you know?

Charlotte (Freeman)

A Simple Lady

Letter from Lucius (43 minutes ago) So simple a lady you are.

If only I could find pleasure in the dirt we were forced to scourge, the blood we were forced to shed. All my life I had to prove myself to these damn nobles and my family, if not, I would be nothing more than a hermit in the eyes of the nobility I deserve.

It would be a pleasure to learn the simple things in life from your soul, but I do hope you'll learn some healthy cynicism from mine, as you will not survive in this world without it and it's too much of a burden to carry on my own.

Lucius (Freeman)

A Troubled Past

Letter from Charlotte (38 minutes ago) (Personal message to Lucius) If i did not believe you to mean that in a nice way i would be affronted by your calling me simple. Never call a woman simple Lucius, didn't your mother never teach you!?

My past is troubled too friend, but it helps us not to dwell on the life we once had, nor the life we see others lead. We should lead the life we want to lead, so long as that life is good. Sure, we quarrel with others who cross our path, but do we not make those choices ourselves?

Why do we need to be called a so called noble, reform to their ways, have other people do the work for us? Hell, i would get bored - that is why so many of them play their silly war games and wear those silly wigs.

No Lucius, I am not simple, but i have learnt to enjoy myself wherever i am because i know there will always be some like-minded people. It is solitude we fear, solitude and loneliness. But once we understand ourselves, then we can be truly happy.

Hark at me, if i didn't know priests better i'd say i sounded like one - filthy vile creatures.

Charlotte (Freeman)

Love of Possessions

Letter from Lucius (25 minutes ago) I did not mean to offend you, rest assure. I called you simple, for complicated you are not.

You take love out of the simple things in life, while it takes a unique item for me to find Love myself. You are loving for you are free from strain or tension; easy and informal in manner. I am bitter for what I am not.

We are two personalities, you and I, same for having to live in a wronged situation but different in the experience of it.

As I said, I believe we will both teach each other along the way,

Lucius (Freeman)

The Circle of Life

Roleplay from Charlotte (9 minutes ago) (Personal message to Lucius) I know that you did not offend, and i know what you mean to say. Appearances aren't all they seem, but i agree, i wouldn't say i was complicated. Complicated is something men invent when the world doesn't work the way they do. Really they just have to learn that they should work the way the world does, not the other way around.

Give to the Earth what you get in return and complete the cycle. That is why i like the life i lead, why i can rest happy each night, and why my shoulders are free of burden. Of course, my head carries the thoughts from the past, i cannot ever rid myself of those memories, but learning how to deal with them? Learning how to remember that despite bad, there IS good in this life? That i can do.

You say you cannot find love without a so called "unique item"? Well they look the same to me. True, some shimmer whilst others shine; or some are long and pointy whilst others short and blunt. What love is there in possessing one? Sure, a certain kind of love, and caring perhaps went into the making, and perhaps some may even be used for love, or fought over because of love. But that is not the love you seek my friend.

Know thyself, and know the world around you, and then you shall be able to find what it really is you seek that you do not know of yet.

Charlotte (Freeman)

Light and Love

(You can have a medal if you understand this :P)

Letter from Lucius (1 hour, 17 minutes ago) I give only to the world what the world doesn't take, dear Charlotte. You should understand that. And I find myself unable to give anything. Such is my life and has it always been.

I doubt you truly understand which Love I speak of. Perhaps you never will. Know only that I see a shimmer of it in your eyes, and it is beautiful. Perhaps that is why will forgive your naive; your simplicity. Do not be insulted. It charms, but the shimmer cannot brighten a dark world further than this one man who sees it.

Only when you stand on top of the world, you can let it brighten all. Only through in such a way you can truly reach all that is covered in darkness. I wish to show It to all men, not only to the flith I used to crawl through to survive.

Until then, it destroys me to know it, and no other man to know it. But even so, I only give what the world doesn't take. And I know it would take that shimmer out of your eyes in a blink.

Lucius (Freeman)

Shimmer in my Eyes

Roleplay from Charlotte (Personal message to Lucius)

Going back to that discussion we started the other day Lucius (you confused the hell out of me and i needed to rest my poor simple head...),

If i'm to understand this bit correctly, you are saying the world takes everything from you? I don't see the world taking anything from you now. Perhaps some person took things from you in the past, but that is not the world, that is just those people. I thought that you have taken some items from the land, from the monsters/undead that haunt our lives. The world gives you your skills, and your friends. How can you say the world takes everything?

Perhaps i do not know what this love is that you talk about, but i do know that a smile can touch the hearts of whoever can see it. Whatever this shimmer is you see in my eyes that brightens your world, well i can definitely inform you that it has brightened others - whether wanted or not. Why hide in the shadows with a darkened heart when you can make the world smile and reap the rewards?

Like i said, you do not need to stand on the top (at least, the top of the world you are talking about) of the world to spread your light. Do you see any of the rulers spreading light and happiness? I don't, I see them spreading lies, war, hatred, orders, rulers, everything that puts restrictions on a life. I have seen worse than you can imagine my friend, and if my eyes still shimmer then my heart is still in the right place. Even if people don't treat me the way i would like them to, passion for a free life fills my soul entirely and nothing will take it away except order, rules, lies and everything nobles and their good for nothing priests bring into this world.

Charlotte (Freeman)