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Hannibal Insists He Fights for Humanity

Report from Hannibal
"For heaven's sake? Are you telling me that you believe in Heaven, when you have never seen it?"

Death frees the soul my friend. Believe me, I have seen more souls going "somewhere" than most Undead commanders...

"Tell me what it was like to die, only to come back again."

I don't remember ever dying, it was like...waking up one day, and you realize, a lot has changed, and you have many new responsibilities. Does that make sense?

"What did you believe in while you were living? That there was a heaven? Or that you should fight for what is right?"

I always lived as a warrior, true and loyal, honorable to the end. The last thing I remember was a battlefield, and it was a glorious battle. Then I don't fully recall the outcome, or any pain of any sorts. I just sort of "woke up" from it, as if I were in a dream, and I found myself to be this pale looking human, that lacked a lot of things I used to have as a living body. I learned I had been chosen to continue my service to a new master. And here we are today.

"dragging more innocent peasantry into your ranks, so that they will also not find their heaven?"

We punish the useless and abominable by leaving their souls trapped in the isolation of their dead corpses...we eventually free them because their screams are loud and annoying. At any rate, the soul cannot go to wherever it is it goes without our help. It is unwise to piss off the undead, as we hold the keys of that said liberation. Death is supposedly, the path to Awe.

"The people of Heen are good people. All they have known for most of their life is fighting, death and hurt."

That is the natural path of Man. Don't pity yourself, embrace your nature and accept it.

"where that city was attacked by being such as yourself. A horde too big for our small realm to survive against. We headed to Heen and succeeded in helping King Scion to bring all the regions of the desert together."

I believe it. It could have been one of two reasons why that happened: 1. A deserter, and 2. It was necessary for Humanity's survival. Part one is easy to explain, part two, requires a very special sense of how things operate...one without bias. Most humans are not that wise, unfortunately, but if you understand, than I commend you, and if not, no need to further discuss it and cause that much more confusion.

"Why then, would ANY of our nobles contact the unead?"

I don't know, but they have. They feel that we are more like you than the monsters are, and perhaps, our effectiveness on the field helps warrant that. We are an army my friend, not some roving band of bandits like the monsters. WE are your superiors in every way, so to speak, we fight without fear of death--we're already dead. We all follow orders, never is a "line setting off" or "lagging behind" etc. Those are humans problems, we are beyond the realms of petty errors.

"but nobody would attempt to take it into their own hands, the decision that Queen Martana spent ages deciding."

She has spoken, and we respect her voice. We expect nothing short of Heen's complete genocide under her rule. But at any rate, if she is overthrown because the people feel she is no longer representing their wants/needs, then by all means, we will open up channels of diplomacy once more. She was given a 2nd chance, and she blew it. There is no such thing as 3rd chances in our realm.

"Bringing me back to my question of what you are fighting for?"

I have always fought for humanity, for my master, in life and in death. All things I do is for the better interests of the Land we occupy. Maybe that is why I was chosen to continue my service...I had the mental capacity and spiritual intuition to retain my form and manner, a reflection of my uncorrupted soul. Only those that are pure can lead the undead armies. Only those worthy are allowed to shoulder such a responsibility.

"I hear you have done something similar with our good friends Khthon."

Similiar, but entirely different. They have always been against both the monsters and undead. For that, we respect them. Your Queen, however, was biased against the undead from the start, and then asked us a series of mundane questions to "make up her mind" as to who she would serve based on one thing: Self Preservation. This is why she is allied with Valhalla. Two worms in the same coffin. We fight for humanity, all those that will give up everything that they must to ensure the status qou is preserved. Those are our allies. Not people that are interested in saving their own arses as a priority. Those are weak at heart, and corrupt. Your Queen is both. If you want to see letters showing how much of a weasel she is, I will gladly share that which you request.


Report from Hannibal

It is amazing. We contacted your monarch, told her we had undead advancing from three different sides, but that omens continue to tell us to give you a chance. Hannibal was wounded, and it halted our advance. Now Dominus is wounded, and once again, our advance for the most part is halted. Fate can only do so much for you, and you have to do the rest. What is the popular school of thought on this? 50 percent lies on fortune, and 50 percent lies on your own personal performance. Fortune can buy you time, but it cannot "win" it for you. Revolt, outcast your weak queen, deport her or send her to another realm, we don't care, we just cannot see her wearing a Heenite uniform, and we can talk seriously about humanity's future and forget her mistakes under the guise of "Working for Heen's best interests."

It is time that you fought for the interests of humanity and not just Heen.
