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Latest revision as of 12:20, 14 February 2009

The Red Haired Noble stood in a field of green, patches of snow cover the field. It was winter, he loved winter. The frosty air nipped at his cheeks and his breath could be seen in the air. Walking down a by a frozen river he looked to the dead trees. Snow covered them; he knew these trees were once beautiful. Eventually spring would come and the trees would return to their original beauty. Winters in Lanston were always harsh. Celts were adapted to cold climates though.

Standing waiting for his one true love in his favorite spot on earth was a normal event. Snowflakes began to fall from the sky. There she was in all her gorgeousness, his one true love. She was wearing her black coat to keep warm. The howling wind picked up and bit at the two lovers. She walked to him and she embraced him in an act of affection but also to keep warm. Looking at her was indescribable; nothing on this earth had this affect on the Red Haired Noble. Her hair was brown and hung low. Dark brown eyes and light skin. Small light freckles covered her nose and the tops of her cheeks. She wasn’t a Celt, she was some sort Latin. So much smaller than the giant man she loved. Being held by this woman was unlike anything else. Looking to the sky through the frozen trees the sun was shining. Wincing at the sunlight he continued to stare at into the sky. She whispered his name softly “Erin….”

“Erin. Erin! ERIN!” A soldier yelled. “Sir you’re wondering away from the others. We were just supposed to run to the docks and wash ourselves off in the water…. Erin are you ok? Are you wounded?”

Erin was day dreaming of his home in the North Country of Abington. The North wind from Sint was blowing the smoke of Heen south. The sun was actually shining brightly in the northern part of Heen. Erin knew he needed to survive this fight so that one day he could be held by his wife once again. She was back home in Abington and here Erin stood 1000 miles from home. Erin suddenly snapped out of his haze. Looking at his arms, his once pale freckled skin was now burned and covered in soot and dirt. Walking through the sand was agonizing compared to the green fields of Lanston. More battles were ahead and all Erin could think about was his wife and the cold winters he spent with her.

“Siobhan.” Erin whispered her name.

It was unfortunate that winters in Heen weren’t like they were in Abington.