Avamar (Realm)/Knights/Members: Difference between revisions

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Sir Paris Lowenbruck  
Sir Paris Lowenbruck  
''Left Avamar under uncertain circumstances to become King of another land. For this, the Highfather smote him, and we are uncertain if he should be considered a member of the Knights.''

Revision as of 01:56, 12 February 2006

Honesty: Philip (Turned out to be a monster in disguise)

As a Knight of Avamar I swear to uphold all the Virtues as a way of life and protect the people of Avamar. Also as a Knight of Honesty I swear to be a champion of Honesty and will protect it above all else; though never at the cost of the other Virtues.

If my oath is acceptable to you and to the people then from this moment on I ride as a Knight of Avamar.

Sir Philip Unti

Philip was revealed to be Philippe, a monster in disguise and follower of the Anti-Virtues, who founded the order under false pretences, and was killed in a climactic battle. Details are still unclear, and to this day, we know not why he founded the Knights when he runs completely contrary to them. Nevertheless, we carry on, in hopes of fighting his evil using the very order he founded.

Sacrifice: Julia

Knights of Avamar,

I'm prepared to join Sir Philip, Knight of Honesty, amongst your ranks. I'm willing by my heart to protect all the Virtues of the Knightly Order and offer my sword, my blood, my life to protect those values that makes our Realm so different from the others!

The Virtue of Sacrifice...in the name of Love. Sacrificing anything in the name of Love. Love for your fellows, love for your realm, love for peace, love for truth, love for your partner(s), love for your offsprings... Love, the eternal truth... Sacrifice, the ultimate tool to achieve it!

That is the Virtue that perfectly suits me, the one that will characterise me but never in the expense of the rest.

Dame Julia Paparini

Justice: Kira Yamato (Dead)

I sir Kira Yamato swear to uphold all virtues of the knightly orders with my sword, bow, flesh, blood and life. I will follow the virtue of Justice for the truth of the people of Avamar for the love of our great country.

Sir Kira Yamato Armada

Sir Kira Yamato Armada died a hero's death as he fell in the battle against the evil Philippe.

Justice: Eilonwy

People of Avamar!

I, Lady Eilonwy Evans, do hearby swear mine oath to be a Knight of Avamar, and to uphold the Virtues in all that I do, and to in particular exemplify the Virtue of Justice.

With Honesty shall I serve, that I might not betray Justice in any way.

With Compassion shall I serve, that I might not be over-zealous and blinded by righteous furry and so deliver true Justice.

With Valor shall I serve, that I might not be deterred from seeking Justice, though the forces of Injustice bar the way.

With Sacrifice shall I serve, that I may love Justice enough to seek it even when it may cause me pain.

With Honor shall I serve, that my flame of Justice may never be dimmed by Dishonor.

With all these, I shall be a burning sword for Justice until my last breath, and I shall always seek what is Just, serve as a paragon of the Virtues, defend Avamar from foes that would seek to overrun it, and foes that would seek to tempt its fair people away from the Virtues, and I shall never rest until Justice is satisfied.

Dame Eilonwy Evans

Honour: Tassadar

I, Tasadar Bladefist, do swear that I will uphold the virtue of honour above all else; yet never at the expense of any of the other virtues.

I will protect the weak with my sheild and the oppressed with my sword. I will never part ways with the virtues as long as I can breath and I will sacrifice my being to defend Avamar and it's people. I am a mere mortal and as such I may make mistakes however I am willing to try and learn from every mistake that I make to better my understanding of the virtues and to defend the people with all of the knowledge that I gain. If this oath pleases you than I will continue on with defending the virtue of honour as a knight of the people, but if for some reason anyone objects I will still defend the virtue of honour only instead of as a knight I will just be one of the people.

Sir Tasadar Bladefist

Honour: Marguerite

I know it's not the time, but here is it my oath for the Knight of the People, before the first battle at Montijo :

"Hi count Philip, my name is Marguerite Mossy, a pink amazon came in the realm with my 16 amazons because I believe in the seven virtues you follow, you and the Knight of the People. I swear of my heart that I will sacrifice myself first if you need my help in any situation for the protection of the realm. I want to defend this virtue, the sacrifice, in your organisation. If you are not sure of my oath, I will prove to you, in a fews hours at Montijo, that I don't fear the death."

I'll also sacrifice myself for the second battle !

Dame Marguerite Mossy

{Changed her Virtue to honour}

Left Avamar to follow a calling to take the Virtues to new lands. Although we know not what became of her, our hearts are with her in her noble mission.

Valour: Naira

As a knight without virtues, is no knight, I shall not be lacking them. The importance of the virtues and my calling is too great, and I hearby swear to uphold all of the virtues and especially guard the virtue of Valour as my own protectorete. I shall speak up whenever I see the virtues lacking, or worse, missing. I swear to uphold the the virtues and accept my calling. For the people, in time!

Dame Naira Kain


After a long thought I have decided to renew my oath to the People of Avamar and join again the Knightly Order of Avamar,hoping that it will not be spoiled again.

"People,Lords,Knights,Nobles,every Member of the People's Repubic of Avamar,

As an active member of the People's Republic of Avamar,I,Noble Paris Lowenbruck of the Lowenbruck family originated from Montijo of Avamar,swear to follow the Virtues of our Republic and spread them amongst the People,Lords and Nobles of every realm.

Therefore,I would like to join the Knightly Order of Avamar and from now on to be called a Knight no matter what cosequences I will have to face from time to time for carring such an important title.As a Knight it is my duty to remind the People,the Lords and the Nobles,all the Virtues in times that they are forgotten and to make any effort to conserve them unchanged over the time.

As Humility is an important Virtue that Nobles and Lords should not ever forget and as it is very difficult to be preserved when maintaining powerfull positions,I take the responsibility to take any actions when needed in order to be assured that especially the Virtue of Humility is followed and that the pure Republic Stance is maintained.

From now on,I would be honoured to be announced again as Sir Paris Lowenbruck,Knight of Humility,Member of the Knightly Order of Avamar,known also as "Knights of the People"."

Sir Paris Lowenbruck

Compassion: Oswald (betrayed his oath and his people)

Knights of Avamar,

I am also prepared to join Sir Philip and Dame Julia. I am willing to also protect the virtues of the knightly order and pledge my heart my sword, my shield, my counsel to stand up with compassion for the meek the weak in spirit. I will show the compassion deserved to all.

Compassion is the core of Love. Love without compassion is contractual and cold. I live for compassion and offer myself therefore offer my self with the following oath as the knight of compassion.

"I here swear fealty and do homage to the Crown of Avamar: To ever be a good knight and true, Reverent and generous, Shield of the weak, Obedient to my liege-lord, Foremost in battle, Courteous at all times, Champion of the right and the good. Thus swear I, Sir Oswald Logan"

Sir Oswald Logan

Fled the lands of Avamar without warning or remorse he is considered a traitor by the Knights and is sought by them to explain his actions.