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(Army of Monsters Running (rogue) 56 men Monsters 2700 stationary)
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title = <b>UnDead spotted in Corniel</b>|
article =<i>June 13th, 2007</i>
A large Army of Monsters have been scouted in Corniel earlier today. Led by a creature called Running, they number about 56 Monsters with a CS of 2700. Though there is no indication as yet of movement to Chagasu, the Tara Military Council have chosen to reinforce the borders with extra men.
<i>Written by Jose dela Cruz</i>


Revision as of 23:17, 12 June 2007

Tarabanner.png The Tara Times
Price: ONE GOLD PIECE Editor: Peter Kolak Date of Issue: June 1st, 2007

Archive History

UnDead spotted in Corniel
June 13th, 2007

A large Army of Monsters have been scouted in Corniel earlier today. Led by a creature called Running, they number about 56 Monsters with a CS of 2700. Though there is no indication as yet of movement to Chagasu, the Tara Military Council have chosen to reinforce the borders with extra men.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Dictator Jonathon targeted by Tara Infiltrator!!!
June 9th, 2007

Confusion and speculation are sweeping the streets of Foda tonight as news leaked of an assasination attempt on Jonathon, Dictator of Tara. Though relief was visible on word of the Dictator's survival, shock was also apparent as Arin, Infiltrator of Tara was identified to be the culprit.

This is the second known attempt on Jonathon's life by a fellow countryman. As we take notice of the almost constant murder attempts these last few weeks, we ask the question: Are these the work of Tarans as well?

We have been unable to obtain a comment from any Military Council Members. As calls mount for the torture and interrogation of the traitor, we all wonder how deep has the rot spread?

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Tensions increase with Abington
June 1st, 2007

Large numbers of Abington soldiers have been trespassing thru Tara following their decisive defeat against CE and our own Army for several days now. Though our realm wishes to maintain good relations, the continued violation of our lands could not be permitted. General Lister has therefore rallied the army to Tandsu in preparation of a major battle. Should Abington continue to ignore our warnings, blood will certainly flow from the poor Abington soldiers foolish enough to enter our lands.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Allan appointed Banker of Tara
June 1st, 2007

Following the election of Zadar Nargath as the new Prime Minister of the Cagilan Empire, his brother Ottar has graciously stepped down as Banker of Tara to prevent a conflict of interest. Though no one doubts Ottar's dedication and loyalty to his realm, he felt that such concentration of power in a single family was corrupting and dangerous. This writer salutes Ottar for his courage and nobility.

After reviewing several applications and hearing the advise of his Council, Jonathan, Dictator of Tara has chosen Allan Albanezia, Count of Tandsu as our new Banker. It was deemed that Allan's extensive experience as a Trader made him the best choice for the position. Let us all work together and insure a prosperous future for our homeland.

Allan has chosen to follow Taran tradition and stepped down as Count of Tandsu. The Council is currently reviewing applications for his replacement. All are welcome!!!

Written by Jose dela Cruz