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Revision as of 21:24, 12 October 2005

Previous: Defeat in Norjke

Attacks on the Capital, part I

Hector rides into town, he and his horse are both exhausted and wounded. Hectors horse is bleeding from his hind quarters and both front legs. He drops the horse at the local smith and asks for re-shoeing and if he could fetch the doctor to look over his horse. Hector makes his way to the palace and to the local corpsman. The corpsman treats his wounds and sends him on his way.

Hector goes to his manor, where he sees a battered carriage, partially burned and bashes along the sides. An unharmed horse grazes near by.

Hector makes his way to the front door and starts to enter. He feels something behind him and wheels around, drawing his sword. “Arian!”

Arian smiles, “Your senses are improving, Lord Hector, I am impressed. You are one of two people to have ever heard me coming.”

“I didn’t hear you, I felt you.” Hector says, as he returns the smile. But, then realizes he is distrustful of the man, and returns to a frown.

“Hector, please, why do you hold back from me? We could learn a great deal from each other if you just allow it to happen.”

Hector turns, and opens the door to enter his manor. He sees Jessica reading by the fire. Body guards are on the second story banister watching over her. Hector turns back to Arian, “Nicely done. I think you could be a good general some day, sir.”

Arian nods, his face mostly hidden by his cloak. “Hector, Jessica is going to be a bit disconnected as the path she must walk is slowly revealed to her. You must not take it as disconnection from you, but disconnection from herself. She is still very much in love with you, and that love will give her the strength to do what must be done. She will save Avalon as well as the rest of this continent from destruction, and you will love her for it!”

“I know the fate is sealed now, Arian. I just hope she’s not harmed. I fear for her safety.”

“As do I, and I will, without a doubt, give my life to save her. You would too, right?”

“Without a doubt, Arian. I would give my life to keep her from even getting hurt, let alone saving her.”

Arian smiles, he feels quite comforted in Hector’s comments. “Hector, she feels the same. She will save Avalon from destruction, but not unless your love can show her how. It’s complicated, but you will see.”

Hector turns away, starring at Jessica. “She’s so innocent and young. She really should not have been exposed to such dangers. I should have let her stay at Kain’s or Xaero’s and gone on to safety.”

“But then, she would have died, because the chosen would not have been selected and she would have been consumed along with every other living creature on this planet! So, you actually did the right thing, Hector.” Arian says. He can see the confusion on Hectors face.

“You’re right. As long as I can keep her alive, then I’ll be happy.” Hector says, looking down.

“We will both keep her alive, for the sake of all man-kind.” Arian says as he turns towards Hector, light from the fire place flickering of his hood and face.

Hector looks up at Arian, sensing sincerity in him. He smiles, finally comfortable in the fact that Jessica is involved now. He will just have to protect her and allow her to do what she must. Jessica glances up from her book, she turns to Hector and smiles, then, looks back down to her book to continue where she left off.

Hector walks upstairs to retire for the evening. He doesn’t notice, the book she reads is titled, “The Whispering Grove”.