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title =<font face="Castellar">The Plergoth Press</font>|
title =<font face="Castellar">The Plergoth Press</font>|
price ='''Free to Nobles, 5 Silver for commoners'''|
price ='''Bring in Valhalla's head, get a lifetime subscription!'''|
quote ='''Editor:''' [[Feylonis Family|Luxor Feylonis]]|
quote ='''Editor:''' [[Feylonis Family|Luxor Feylonis]]|
issue ='''Issue Four, May'''|
issue ='''Issue Four, May'''|
other =<center>''' ''The main propoganda and newspaper of Plergoth!'' '''</center>
other =<center>''' ''The main propaganda sheet and newspaper of Plergoth!'' '''</center>

Revision as of 12:49, 3 May 2007 The Plergoth Press
Bring in Valhalla's head, get a lifetime subscription! Editor: Luxor Feylonis Issue Four, May
The main propaganda sheet and newspaper of Plergoth!

New Tidings

May 1, 1007 | By: Luxor

We received this short piece from our very own Minister of Defence, Kimberly, yesterday morning:

As I sat down to write this piece, I stopped to ask myself, just who am I writing it for? The Nobles of Plergoth? Most of them know already what I am writing. The Nobles of Khthon? Not really, although I know that they will get a copy of this newspaper eventually. The “Nobles” of Vlaanderen? Hah, I doubt many of them can even read. No, the people I am writing this for, is the people of Plergoth.

Many of you rightly question this campaign we have been on. You've suffered long at the hands of the Heroes of Khthon, and the greedy Elitists that form the core of the Rebellion. I know many of you would prefer us to be at peace. But neither of those realms are truly interested in peace. They have made token gestures in the past, but they knew as soon as they wrote it that any one with a shred of honor would reject those proposals. And Khthon constantly rejects every reasonable proposal that the Chancellor has sent to them. Until they start to show the honor that they constantly claim they have, there can be no peace between us and Khthon.

Now Old Grehk joins the campaign, but not as we feared they might months ago. They joined the war on the side of our Confederates, Ashborn. While that does not technically ally them with us, it does put their focus on two nations that have sent aid to the Rebels in Reeds. It also puts them at odds with the Rebels themselves, who have declared that our other Confederated Ally, Mesh, that they will stop any effort made by Mesh to assist Ashborn.

Where does that leave us? With a long trip from Creasur and around the Rebel city of Reeds, we cannot spare forces to lift the siege of Ashborn's capital city of Keffa. Not while Khthon remains a threat to us at least. Which brings us back to those so called heroes. It has become clear that the goblet that the Chancellor of Khthon drinks out of must be tainted, because it only ferments hatred. I once though that Geoff was the only insane one over there. But upon his honorable death in combat two weeks ago, General Elias has taken over. Once a man that I respected, and even trusted, I can see that whatever it is that taints the water there has taken over his mind. Now I fear that Khthon is nothing more than a rabid dog, that for the sake of the world must be put down, lest this disease spread further. I only hope that the death toll is not too high.

With these new tidings, especially the part about the entering of Old Grehk into the scene, this war may be won sooner that we all thought.

From the Frontlines

May 2, 1007 | By: Mendrugo

Dateline Xinjin

The roads in Xinjin are clogged with refugees fleeing southward towards Creasur as word spreads that the Khthonian marauders are returning to strike again at the Xinjinni people. This same marauding band has looted and pillaged its way through Zuhle, Eg Tutnu and Xinjin in recent months, and continues to oppress the long-suffering peoples of the occupied Plergothian lands of Weghie, Tindle and Dyomoque. Seeking revenge for the sacking of their capital, the Khthonians have launched a savage series of attacks against Plergoth's northern borders, ravaging the land while maneuvering to avoid contact with the main Plergothian defense force.

Now, however, it appears that the Khthonians have made a severe miscalculation, heading back into Xinjin into the teeth of the freshly refitted troops of the Defenders of Plergoth. Already, advance elements of the Khthonian raiding force have been met in battle and annihilated. With the coming of the dawn, this reporter expects to be able to inform you, loyal readers, of Plergoth's glorious triumph over the vile brigands from Dyomoque.

From the Frontlines

May 3, 1007 | By: Mendrugo

Dateline Xinjin

A hush has fallen over the woodlands of Xinjin. Where men fought and struggled and screamed and died just hours ago, now carrion birds and forest scavengers pick at the bodies of the unburied, unlamented Khthonian dead. From my concealed position atop a wooded hillock to the west of the forest clearing where the armies met, your war correspondent witnessed the whole engagement.

The Khthonian brigands, their thoughts surely occupied by rapine and plunder, advanced in several columns, snaking through the forest paths. A quick headcount returned estimates of a force nearly 500 men in number. The columns halted as advance scouts brought back word of a finding. Ahead, in a wooded glen, lay a pile of severed heads - all that remained of the advance forces that had entered Xinjin alone hours earlier. Enraged, the Khthonians charged forwards, their cohesion dissolving as they poured into the clearing and saw the remains of their fellow marauders, piggish faces permanently frozen in expressions of surprise and terror. Little did they know that a great many of them would be joining the pile momentarily.

As the Khthonians milled around in rage and confusion (and, in some cases, looted the death-pile of helmets and gold teeth), a horn sounded, answered by another, and another. The Khthonians rushed to form battle lines as the Defenders of Plergoth began to emerge from the treeline. Nearly one thousand men took the field to defend Xinjin, proudly brandishing the banner of Plergoth. At the head of the formation rode Elroy, Marshal of the Army of Plergoth.

Surveying the assembled raiders frantically attempting to form up lines and come to some semblance of order, he held his blade aloft and urged on the warriors of his command: "For Zuhle! For Weghie! For Xinjin! For Plergoth! Have at them!" The cry returned a thousandfold from the men - "FOR PLERGOTH!!!!", and the infantry, a sinuous line of bristling blades and gleaming armor, advanced towards the Khthonian positions at a steady march. Arrows fell like rain among their ranks, and many good men fell, including Dedmerath of Prevos, but the Plergothian men continued to advance, finally crashing into the defensive lines hastily formed by the Khthonian infantry and cavalry. As the battle swirled into close fighting, Khthonian banners fell, one by one, swallowed up by a righteous tide of Plergothian armsmen in savage close combat that laid low both Thomas of Xinjin and the vile Tritherion of Gaxano. Khthonian arrows continued to fall upon Plergoth's finest, felling both Chancellor VonGarrett and Supreme Judge Artevan. Finally, the surviving Khthonian bandits broke and fled into the woods, abandoning their archers to the tender mercies of Plergoth's infantry.

Howling like wolves, the Plergothian forces tore through the Khthonian archers. "For Dedmerath, Artevan and VonGarrett!!!!" the cry went up. Many of the Khthonian bowmen were garrotted with their own bowstrings, their decapitated bodies left for the wolves, and their severed heads left on the dead-pile for a ravens' feast.

The shattered Khthonian army is withdrawing and regrouping. Though beaten this day, it is certain that they will return with more blood-stained gold from their mountain mines and more conscripts from the occupied city of Dyomoque to again menace the lands of Plergoth. However, following this decisive victory over their forces, there is hope that we can one day soon end their threat to our realm and our people forever.

The Scoreboard

May 3, 1007 | By: Mendrugo

A new feature we offer our readers, tallying the damage inflicted by each side in the ongoing conflict. When the war crime trials commence after Dyomoque is burned to the ground, this record will bring the Khthonian leadership one step closer to their well deserved nooses. The numbers provided will be updated following each battle.

Kthonian brigands killed or wounded: 354
Kthonian warlords wounded: 1

Plergothian soldiers killed or wounded: 207
Plergothian nobles wounded: 4