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Caoimhin first memories were of living in the Far East in the realm of Lasanar in the city of Akanos. Growing up with out a father was difficult on him. Kids would call his mother vulgar names which would often lead to him getting into fights. When he got older he began working as a hunter, gathering animal pelts.
                                      Bastard Child?
At the age of 20 Caoimhin was helping his mother repair her cottage when he came across her diary. It was from before he was born, Caoimhin was extremely curious to read what was inside. He set it down and continued fixing a hole in the wall. Caoimhin's mother came into the room to check his progress. She walked away and Caoimhin grabbed her diary and shoved it into the back of his pants. He finished fixing the wall around an hour later and left to his home. It was a small shack on the edge of city. Caoimhin entered his home about to read information that would change his life forever.
Caoimhin first memories were of living in the Far East in the realm of Lasanar in the city of Akanos. His mother and father took care of him until he got older and moved out. Hunting became his new trade; he was naturally good at it. His father Ken Norman taught him the trade when he was young. His mother Caity Norman, always seemed as if she was hiding something from him but at the same time told him he was better then most of the commoners he co-existed with.  
Caoimhin sat by candle light and opened the diary. He thumbed through pages trying to find something of interest. The name "Patrick O'Deaghaidh" caught his eye. Where did he hear this name before? He knew it was a noble name but not from this land. Still trying to remember the name, Caoimhin read the page.
From what Caoimhin knew of his parents past was that they arrived in the Far East when he was an infant. They never told him where they came from. Ken just told Caoimhin that they were of Viking heritage. Though Caity’s first name was of Gaelic spelling and she looked nothing like a Viking. She looked like a Celt but sometimes people aren’t always what they appear to be.
"''I've arrived in the Far East with Caoimhin. Today i'm staying at the local inn "Blue Moon Inn." Partick has left me with enough gold to buy myself a small home. Most women would thank a man for the amount gold I was given. I curse the name Partick O'Deaghaidh for as long as I may live.''"
At the age of 20 Caoimhin was helping his parents repair their cottage, when he came across Caity’s diary. It was from before he was born, Caoimhin was extremely curious to read what was inside. He set it down and continued fixing a hole in the wall. Caity walked into the room to check his progress. She walked away and Caoimhin grabbed her diary and shoved it into the back of his pants. He finished fixing the wall around an hour later and left to his home. It was a small shack on the edge of city. Caoimhin entered his home about to read information that would change his life forever.
Caoimhin sat by candle light and opened the diary. He thumbed through pages trying to find something of interest. The name "''Patrick O'Deaghaidh''" caught his eye. Where did he hear this name before? He knew it was a noble name but not from this land. Still trying to remember the name, Caoimhin read the page.
"''I've arrived in the Far East with Caoimhin and Kenny. Today I’m staying at the local inn. "Blue Moon Inn." Patrick has left Kenny with enough gold to buy us a small home. Most women would thank a man for the amount gold we were given. I curse the name Patrick O'Deaghaidh for as long as I may live.''"
Caoimhin was so intrigued by this small line. Who was Patrick O'Deaghaidh and why did he give Caoimhin's mother and father so much gold to move to the Far East? Caoimhin continued reading.
"''Tomorrow Kenny and I will be getting married at the Abbey down the road.''"
Caoimhin’s heart stopped, his God fearing parents weren’t married before he was conceived? How could this be, his mother always told him the dangers of sin. Caoimhin flipped a few pages backwards because obviously he had started too far back into the story. Three pages back he found more.
"''Ken Norman has escorted me and Caoimhin to the docks. This will be the last time I ever set foot on Atamara. Goodbye Atamara, Goodbye Lanston and Goodbye O'Deaghaidhs.''"
Caoimhin shuffles back a few pages.
"''I gave birth today, to a beautiful baby boy. Patrick has already given Ken a ticket and gold to escort me to the Far East. Ken is such a nice man, cares so much for my well being.''"
Caoimhin was puzzled, his body felt hot. None of this made sense. He shuffled a few pages back. He found nothing of interest, nothing at all. Just things of being pregnant, no mention of Ken or Patrick. He shuffled backwards over 30 pages. He finally found something that caught his eye.
"''I’m Pregnant! I don’t know how this happened, we’re usually so good about this. This is so bad. I’ve made such a mistake. My family will never forgive me for this.''"
Caoimhin screams out "I’m an accident!?" He began to laugh, he found it funny after he thought about it. He had no clue where he got this sense of humor from, neither of his parents had a sense of humor like him. Something else caught his eye on the same page.
"''Tara O’Deaghaidh will have my head for this. Having an affair with her husband, how stupid of me. I should know better than to have relations with a Noble. Patrick will lose his temper when he hears of this. My worst fear is to what will happen to my unborn child. Will they recognize that it comes from Noble blood? It is a Noble even if it is illegitimate.''"
Caoimhin turned white, he couldn’t feel his fingers. A cold sweat broke out all over his body.  Caoimhin marched back to his parent’s house. He burst through the door screaming obscenities. Ken tried to calm him down. Caoimhin screamed at him "You’re not my father! I’m a Noble! Patrick O’Deaghaidh is my father!" Ken and Caity stood silent. "Its true, you are." Caity said almost relieved she no longer had to lie.
Little is know about what happened next. Caoimhin apparently lost his temper and ended up killing Ken Norman. The local police placed a warrant out for his arrest. Caoimhin became an outlaw that day he found out he was also a Noble.
Caoimhin fled his realm and was permanently banned. On his travels he was challenged to a duel by a thug, Caoimhin lost. He then sought out to redeem himself the honor lost from the duel and challenged the thug to another duel but this time to the death. Caoimhin lost once again and nearly died. Luckily the thug showed mercy because of Caoimhin’s bravery.
Caoimhin currently lives on the island of Apasur in the Realm of Sartania. He makes his living plundering dungeons and fighting Undead and Monsters. He seeks to regain his lost honor and becoming a knight. One day he will be know as a Noble of the O’Deaghaidh Clan. It is his Birth Right. Caoimhin still carries with him his mother’s dairy. For one day he will need it to help prove that he is a Noble.

Revision as of 01:06, 18 February 2007

                                      Bastard Child?

Caoimhin first memories were of living in the Far East in the realm of Lasanar in the city of Akanos. His mother and father took care of him until he got older and moved out. Hunting became his new trade; he was naturally good at it. His father Ken Norman taught him the trade when he was young. His mother Caity Norman, always seemed as if she was hiding something from him but at the same time told him he was better then most of the commoners he co-existed with.

From what Caoimhin knew of his parents past was that they arrived in the Far East when he was an infant. They never told him where they came from. Ken just told Caoimhin that they were of Viking heritage. Though Caity’s first name was of Gaelic spelling and she looked nothing like a Viking. She looked like a Celt but sometimes people aren’t always what they appear to be.

At the age of 20 Caoimhin was helping his parents repair their cottage, when he came across Caity’s diary. It was from before he was born, Caoimhin was extremely curious to read what was inside. He set it down and continued fixing a hole in the wall. Caity walked into the room to check his progress. She walked away and Caoimhin grabbed her diary and shoved it into the back of his pants. He finished fixing the wall around an hour later and left to his home. It was a small shack on the edge of city. Caoimhin entered his home about to read information that would change his life forever.

Caoimhin sat by candle light and opened the diary. He thumbed through pages trying to find something of interest. The name "Patrick O'Deaghaidh" caught his eye. Where did he hear this name before? He knew it was a noble name but not from this land. Still trying to remember the name, Caoimhin read the page.

"I've arrived in the Far East with Caoimhin and Kenny. Today I’m staying at the local inn. "Blue Moon Inn." Patrick has left Kenny with enough gold to buy us a small home. Most women would thank a man for the amount gold we were given. I curse the name Patrick O'Deaghaidh for as long as I may live."

Caoimhin was so intrigued by this small line. Who was Patrick O'Deaghaidh and why did he give Caoimhin's mother and father so much gold to move to the Far East? Caoimhin continued reading.

"Tomorrow Kenny and I will be getting married at the Abbey down the road."

Caoimhin’s heart stopped, his God fearing parents weren’t married before he was conceived? How could this be, his mother always told him the dangers of sin. Caoimhin flipped a few pages backwards because obviously he had started too far back into the story. Three pages back he found more.

"Ken Norman has escorted me and Caoimhin to the docks. This will be the last time I ever set foot on Atamara. Goodbye Atamara, Goodbye Lanston and Goodbye O'Deaghaidhs."

Caoimhin shuffles back a few pages.

"I gave birth today, to a beautiful baby boy. Patrick has already given Ken a ticket and gold to escort me to the Far East. Ken is such a nice man, cares so much for my well being."

Caoimhin was puzzled, his body felt hot. None of this made sense. He shuffled a few pages back. He found nothing of interest, nothing at all. Just things of being pregnant, no mention of Ken or Patrick. He shuffled backwards over 30 pages. He finally found something that caught his eye.

"I’m Pregnant! I don’t know how this happened, we’re usually so good about this. This is so bad. I’ve made such a mistake. My family will never forgive me for this."

Caoimhin screams out "I’m an accident!?" He began to laugh, he found it funny after he thought about it. He had no clue where he got this sense of humor from, neither of his parents had a sense of humor like him. Something else caught his eye on the same page.

"Tara O’Deaghaidh will have my head for this. Having an affair with her husband, how stupid of me. I should know better than to have relations with a Noble. Patrick will lose his temper when he hears of this. My worst fear is to what will happen to my unborn child. Will they recognize that it comes from Noble blood? It is a Noble even if it is illegitimate."

Caoimhin turned white, he couldn’t feel his fingers. A cold sweat broke out all over his body. Caoimhin marched back to his parent’s house. He burst through the door screaming obscenities. Ken tried to calm him down. Caoimhin screamed at him "You’re not my father! I’m a Noble! Patrick O’Deaghaidh is my father!" Ken and Caity stood silent. "Its true, you are." Caity said almost relieved she no longer had to lie.

Little is know about what happened next. Caoimhin apparently lost his temper and ended up killing Ken Norman. The local police placed a warrant out for his arrest. Caoimhin became an outlaw that day he found out he was also a Noble.

Caoimhin fled his realm and was permanently banned. On his travels he was challenged to a duel by a thug, Caoimhin lost. He then sought out to redeem himself the honor lost from the duel and challenged the thug to another duel but this time to the death. Caoimhin lost once again and nearly died. Luckily the thug showed mercy because of Caoimhin’s bravery.

Caoimhin currently lives on the island of Apasur in the Realm of Sartania. He makes his living plundering dungeons and fighting Undead and Monsters. He seeks to regain his lost honor and becoming a knight. One day he will be know as a Noble of the O’Deaghaidh Clan. It is his Birth Right. Caoimhin still carries with him his mother’s dairy. For one day he will need it to help prove that he is a Noble.