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Back to: The Adventure of Atamara
Next Chapter: Leaving Shanandoah

Long goes into a local inn in Shanandoah to get a few drinks here and there. He walks over to an empty table, and orders a few cups of wine. At a near-by table, he hears an interesting rumor being spread.

(Gossiper)"Yeah, I heard that there were 30 bandits the came to the continent. They were supposedly chased by 3 master swordsmen, or so one of them told me."

(Listener)"Haha, I bet they were driven away by a couple of midgets!"

(Gossiper)"Mmm, I doubt a couple of midgets would carry around the treasure they stole. It was a gem, a large one, that seemed priceless. The guy told me it glowed brightly with a green aura, almost as if it was evil. Misfortune would come across the bandits so often, that they were lucky to get a night's sleep without being stabbed in the back, struck in the head, or captured by the judge."

"So they spread out across the continent, leaving one unlucky fellow to be left with it. He tried to sell it, but with no success. Some say the fellow tried to kill himself. Most believed he chucked it in the river, but dove after it since it was everything he had. Either way, he disappeared and so did the emerald."

Long walked over to the gossiper.

(Long)"Where'd you hear this? I need to know.."

(Gossiper)"I don't need to tell you sh---"

Long pulled out one of his daggers and pressed it against the gossiper's throat.

(Long)"Tell me where."

The other listeners were about to pull their swords, but Long threw his special needles at the peasants, freezing their muscles in place.

(Long)"Again, tell me where."

(Gossiper)"I-I heard it from this guy in Moramoth, but he's left ever since that war we had with Eston. I think he headed up north. Yeah, yeah, he was heading north, and I think he's headed towards this huge castle.."

(Long)"That's a good man."

Long put his dagger back in place and started exiting the bar.

(Long)"And oh, the needles will wear out in a few minutes. Good day to you all."

Finally, maybe I can get the emerald back. I'll leave for Icegate soon, after I finish up everything here. I just hope this is it.

Back to: The Adventure of Atamara
Next Chapter: Leaving Shanandoah