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Revision as of 23:55, 28 November 2006


Kamido is a religion primarily concerned with enjoying the life one is given, seeking prosperity and harmony while preparing oneself for the life beyond as a protector spirit. It promotes not only living in harmony with the world around us, but also living in harmony with ourselves. Generally, this is recognized as being true to oneself. It emphasizes specific rituals that please or placate the spirits inhabiting the world around us in order to gain their favor. (Or avoid their wrath) Also important are periodical festivals dedicated to major Kami or important regional Kami.
Kamido typically revolves around fives: Fingers on a hand working in harmony, toes on a foot providing balance, parts of a government (4 elected, plus 1 for the electorate) Four is strictly avoided because it is seen as being "one taken away from five," and therefore is an unlucky number and a contributor to disharmony. There are no "Gods" per se in Kamido, but a near-infinite number of Kami, or protector spirits, that influence a particular place, concept, family, etc. Each Kami is no more or less important than the others in an absolute sense, even though some have larger spheres of influence than others do. A Kami’s importance or power is relative to each individual worshipper, for example, Krieg the Protector is not "more powerful" than an individual Kami of a fallen hero, he is seen as a mentor or wise friend that assists the individual hero's Kami. The offerings to the individual hero's Kami will be heeded closer, because they likely come from family members and those that knew him personally, whereas Krieg's family and friends are long since lost to history.

Major Kami

Keresh, The Silver Stag - overseer and protector of the forests. While each individual forest (and even sections of the same forest) usually have their own Kami, the Silver Stag is the lord protector of ALL forests. Other forest Kami operate in harmony with him, as well as the Kami of each thing living within the forests, and even things made of wood. He also influences the Kami of the hunt, and thus is revered in many rural households. Keresh is naturally represented as a silver stag. His shrines will commonly have antlers set upon or around them.
Keresh's festival occurs on midsummer's day, and is marked by pilgrimages to a nearby forest (or a wooded park for city-dwellers) where offerings of food and mead are made in small shrines dotting the woods.

Sylph, Lady of the Wind - generally benevolent wind Kami, though she can be quick to anger. She does not suffer fools, but bestows grand favors on those who please her. She is the Kami of the wind and weather, storms and travel. Other spheres derived from this are agriculture, and archers. As with Keresh, individual weather effects and even individual storms may have Kami of their own, but they all coordinate their activities with Lady Sylph. Many peasant homes contain a small shrine to Sylph, in addition to the shrines for local and family Kami.
Sylph's festival is in spring, when the seeds she distributed sprout from the earth, and her stormy ire grows and must be placated. It is marked with kite flying and casting small handmade boats or pieces of bread upon a body of water.

Ghar'thuul, He Who Lurks Behind Hedgerows - The Collector of secrets, and a jealous guardian of knowledge. Ghar'thuul is the Kami who introduced learning to humanity, and made them aware of the divinity in the world around them. He provides information and wisdom to kings, scholars, and spies alike, but also protects humans from knowledge that is too dangerous for them. (such as words of power or information that would cause discord) His sphere includes local and regional Kami of mentors, teachers, military commanders, and individual subjects of knowledge e.g. chemistry, economics, or mathematics.
Ghar'thuul also has some influence over luck, since inspiration is the source of much of humanity's knowledge. He is also known for having a whimsical side, with a fondness for yard gnomes. Many of his shrines have a small army of these statues surrounding them as a result.
Ghar'thuul's festival is on the first day of the new year. Raucous celebrations and practical jokes are the order of the day, to invoke Ghar'thuul's blessing on a joyous new year. Gifts of books are common for the young, and yard gnomes for the elderly.

Krieg, The Protector - Marshal of the army of fallen heroes, and the eternal brotherhood of noble souls. A legendary hero who became a protector Kami upon his death, and now oversees the collected regional and family Kami of former heroes. He directs and guides them - but doesn't order or dominate, as this is not harmonious - to where they are needed most, and in times of great conflict gathers them together to defend the world. His sphere of influence includes most military professions and pursuits, in recognition of his earthly life. Victors on the field of battle will usually offer thanks and offerings for their success, but losers will show deference to him as well hoping to yield future victories. Krieg is often symbolized with a red or orange phoenix surging skyward, to reflect his status as a man who became one of the greatest of the Kami.
Krieg's festival is in winter, and is typically marked by large gatherings of friends and extended family. Priesthood candidates will spend the season standing vigils during the night of each new moon.

Makato, or the Unnamed One - Chief Kami of water, and the dark things hidden within its depths. She is also overseer of the Kami of humans who are without any virtue. Virtue in this instance refers to a person's love during life, whether it was money, humor, or even violence. Virtue doesn't exclude evil people, just soulless ones - this also includes the stillborn and infants. Makato is embodied by a somewhat bloated drowned child, with skin tinted blue or purple. Her sphere covers a large array of areas, including ocean travel, monsters, nightmares and other dark mysteries.
Unvirtuous souls are also responsible for much of the discord in the world - their lack of passion turns to hate, and they seek revenge on the living who are free to enjoy their pursuits. For this reason, Makato is not so much worshipped as she is "appeased" by those seeking to avoid her wrath, as well as offerings made to the individual Kami to still their anger. One would think farmers would revere her for her water domain, but her reputation is such that people generally prefer to worship their local river or stream Kami, or the Lady Sylph.
Makato's festival - such that it is - occurs during autumn, when all living things show a brief exuberance of color, and then descend into grayness. It is marked by small personal rituals, wherein people rededicate themselves to the pursuits they love, in order to avoid becoming one of Makato's children.

Minor Kami

In addition to the major Kami, most every family worships the Kami of their ancestors that have ascended to the eternal brotherhood, as well as local Kami or those that cover their particular pursuits. (e.g. game animals, tradecraft, scholarly pursuit) Rather than becoming a confusing jumble of literally thousands of Kami that humans interact with each day, Kami are treated like another person walking on the street. They are offered a kind word, cheerful smile, or perhaps a bit of food. Major offerings to Kami are not a daily occurence, rather they are made only occasionally - on important dates (death dates, childbirth, festival days) or at significant events (e.g. beginning of constructing a building, weddings, the eve of battle)

Other Faiths

Many other faiths have misunderstood the nature of the Kami - both towards each other and towards mankind. Possibly this is due to exaggeration, errors in translation, or inaccuracies from the retelling of tales. While Kamidoists are sad to see them living unenlightened lives, their wrong beliefs are a matter between them and the Kami. Those who do not follow the path of Kamido will not become true Kami in the next life; at best they will become one of Makato's children.
Kamido does not teach aggression or compulsion in religion. While it is against our faith to initiate a religious conflict, we will always defend it - and we will be backed by the Kami of uncounted heroes and legends in that fight.