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Governance Structure  
Governance Structure  

Prime MinisterThe only responsible person for our external affairs. Additionally, he overviews the functions of the whole realm offering policy recommendations. None is allowed to contact rulers of other realms without asking the permission of the Prime Minister. Exception: when the conditions are extremely critical and pace is vital (e.g wounded or inactive ruler)  
; Prime Minister : The only responsible person for our external affairs. Additionally, he overviews the functions of the whole realm offering policy recommendations. None is allowed to contact rulers of other realms without asking the permission of the Prime Minister. Exception: when the conditions are extremely critical and pace is vital (e.g wounded or inactive ruler)  

Minister of Defense . Competent to all military affairs. He is giving general instructions to the BG Leaders whose are responsible to carry out and implement his decisions. He must motivate BG Leaders to undertake incentives, but under his supervision. Decisions of major importance (attacks, wars, looting etc)he must consult the council and the people first. He is also responsible for all police work, raids, patrols etc done. The Minister of Defense plans the whole strategy of the military forces and is not engaged with purely tactical issues.  
; Minister of Defense : Competent to all military affairs. He is giving general instructions to the BG Leaders whose are responsible to carry out and implement his decisions. He must motivate BG Leaders to undertake incentives, but under his supervision. Decisions of major importance (attacks, wars, looting etc)he must consult the council and the people first. He is also responsible for all police work, raids, patrols etc done. The Minister of Defense plans the whole strategy of the military forces and is not engaged with purely tactical issues.  

Grand Justiciar . He overlooks the proper function of the chain of command. Responsible for small punishments (fines). For banning or large fines he must consider first the council and the public opinion. He held courts in regions that needs his services, informing the council.  
; Grand Justiciar : He overlooks the proper function of the chain of command. Responsible for small punishments (fines). For banning or large fines he must consider first the council and the public opinion. He held courts in regions that needs his services, informing the council.  

Minister of Finance . Competent authority for all economic functions of the realm. He set up taxes and controls the trade and the food support. However for any changes in tax rates or major changes in the food supply chain he must discuss first with the council. The good stats and productivity of the regions should be under his supervision.  
; Minister of Finance : Competent authority for all economic functions of the realm. He set up taxes and controls the trade and the food support. However for any changes in tax rates or major changes in the food supply chain he must discuss first with the council. The good stats and productivity of the regions should be under his supervision.  

Dukes.Responsible for the good performance of their regions and the maintenance of infrastructure. In case that a investment is needed they bring up the issue to the council, asking assistance from the competent authority (help from police units through the Minister of Defense or the BG Leader to increase loyalty or control, lowering of taxes, bureaucratic work or funds from the Minister of Finance, courts to increase moral from the judge).  
; Dukes : Responsible for the good performance of their regions and the maintenance of infrastructure. In case that a investment is needed they bring up the issue to the council, asking assistance from the competent authority (help from police units through the Minister of Defense or the BG Leader to increase loyalty or control, lowering of taxes, bureaucratic work or funds from the Minister of Finance, courts to increase moral from the judge).  

Battle Group Leaders. They are following the instructions and general guidelines given by the Minister of Defense having the greatest possible degree of independency. In case of Minister’s unavailability they are fully responsible for their Battlegroup.  
; Legion Commanders : They are following the instructions and general guidelines given by the Minister of Defense having the greatest possible degree of independency. In case of Minister’s unavailability they are fully responsible for their Battlegroup.  

The People - Troop Leaders. They have to follow suggestions, instructions, orders, issued by their BG Leaders or Ministers, according to their competencies. However it is vital for the whole realm to express loudly their opinions even when they are conflicting with the issued orders, but not deny to implement them! They participate directly or indirectly (through the elected representatives of the people) to all decisions taken.  
; The People - Troop Leaders : They have to follow suggestions, instructions, orders, issued by their BG Leaders or Ministers, according to their competencies. However it is vital for the whole realm to express loudly their opinions even when they are conflicting with the issued orders, but not deny to implement them! They participate directly or indirectly (through the elected representatives of the people) to all decisions taken.  


Revision as of 23:25, 9 September 2005



The Brotherhood has been accused by its enemies for various perverted doings, evil things, criminal acts or even terrorism! However, it had always been a political-philosophical organisation which aims to bring Justice, Equity and Freedom to all Realms that are ruled by arrogant councils, isolated from the People, lost in their perverted views and the twisted desires of their leaders...

Dear reader, open your mind! Read the original documents that were circulated amongst the Brotherhood and the People of West Sirion and decide by yorself! Do not listen to rumors but only the true voice of your heart!

Here is the whole story of the Brotherhood of the Black Hand through our Mandates, Declarations, actions and "plots" that led to the sucesfull -but nevertheless peacefull- Coup D'Etat in West Sirion. It can be seen as the History of West Sirion or Avamar as well, or as a tale of conspiracies, rebellions, uprises and treasons. The involvement of Sirion and the attempt of Doc not to loose a "puppet realm" is clearly visible and the whole current situation in the East Continent can been explained through the study of the following documents:


The Initial Contact

This message was sent privately to most TLs of Former West Sirion in September 4, 2004:

"We, as members of The Brotherhood of the Black Hand, aim to change the order of things in the W.Sirion, reversing the status quo and the political conditions concerning the way our realm is governed.

We will attempt to establish a council, consisted ONLY of trusted troop leaders, which are enthusiastic, active and not yet experienced.

We strongly protest against the way decisions are taken and implemented, against the offensive character of (most) old players. This is going to change either by legal means or violence. The current leaders will have the choice either to remain in our side abandoning their political rights, or to be expelled from W.Sirion.

We believe in a future, where all decisions will be taken in harmony. Diplomatic relationship with other realms will be based in realistic reasons and not to some strange and unknown facts of the past.

Each of our decisions is based on participatory procedures, discussions and common ideals. No leader exists and Sir Lalakis is the only one, which act as our representative and link between us all. In case that Sir Lalakis is not available, the Brotherhood will remain inactive, until the appointment of a new representative. In such case, the contacts between our brothers will remain in minimum level and ONLY between brothers already known.

More plans will become known, as brothers will prove their faith.


The Brotherhood of the Black Hand"

The Plan for a Peaceful Coup D'Etat

September 21, 2004

That was the plan circulated amongst the members of the Black Hand and the supporting TLs of West Sirion:

"I forward you the following suggestions, it’s up to you to follow them or not.


“Being fully responsible for our actions we SUGGEST to our Brothers and Supporters the following:

1. The key date is the 1st of October. Set your JUDGE voting to: Lalakis. Leave the second and third voting boxes empty. Concerning the ruler, keep voting the current Tyrant.


2. Try to gather prestige, participating in combats until the 28th of September BUT KEEP YOUR MONEY! Try to recruit only few men, just enough to gain prestige through combat. In case of money shortage, ask the council to send you money!

3. From the 29th of September CEASE all combat activities and move back to Avamar! Don’t recruit more men, just wait there saving money. Find an excuse NOT to move further than Montijo for the following days. You have to protect yourselves from any potential wounds! We have to participate ALL into the following elections! Only through collaborative actions we can expect a positive result!

4. From the 2nd of October things will dramatically change. You have to remain active during these days. Further instructions will be issued just after the elections. All given promises to our Brothers and Supporters will be fully kept.

Although we are based on dialogue and participatory procedures we realize that the only way to change the current situation is under secrecy. However, we believe in common action and we treat ALL troop leaders as individual thinking and fully responsible persons. And that is why, as a Brotherhood we ONLY suggest and NEVER order. That is our commitment.

We call you all in Action! The time has come!

For West Sirion!

Brotherhood of the Black Hand”

The Mandate

September 30, 2004

Here it was the Mandate of the Brotherhood and the final call for action! It is impressive that ALL TLs that were contacted replied positively! The corrupted regime was experiencing its last days...

"Dear Brothers, Sister and Supporters,

It seems that there has been a traitor amongst us! However, it doesn’t matter anymore as the time for change has come!

But before revealing you the whole story, please allow me to put some things at the proper order…

It is rather important to know that THERE IS NOT A PLOT to surrender our beloved realm! I repeat…: THERE IS NOT SUCH A BETRAYAL UNDER CONSIDERATION! We fight for a truly independent realm, not ruled by Oligarchians or Sirionese or Coimbrans!!! That is why we intend to renegotiate ALL our diplomatic relations and links with ALL other realms, without being based on historical elements, personal empathy, or past treaties but ONLY on the benefit of our realm! If we reach favorable agreements we are ready and willing even to break old alliances and form new ones! The good of W.Sirion is above all other things!

So, dear Brothers, Sisters and all that you have decided to fight for a change…Here is the mandate of the Brotherhood of the Black Hand:

1. We will attempt to win the elections. Right afterwards all diplomatic relations with other nations will be set to peace or neutral. Negotiations will begin!

2. The newly elected Council will be TEMPORARY and it will be consisted ONLY by Brothers/Sisters or Supporters of the Brotherhood of the Black Hand! Its main task will be to handle this critical situation of change.

3. From now on, there will be EQUAL opportunities to ALL TLs of W.Sirion! ALL decision will be taken in a participatory way, through dialogue and voting between us!

4. If we win the elections, we will enter a short (1-2 weeks) transitional period, during which we will discuss EQUALLY all priority issues of high importance, such as positions in the council, the fate of our former “rulers” (or I should say Tyrants?), the diplomatic change procedure etc, ALL in a TRANSPARENT way, ACCESSIBLE to all, INFLUENCED by ALL no matters which is their position in the temporary council!

5. After this period, the elected ruler will step down and FAIR elections will take place, to choose our Prime Minister AND the new council which will lead us to a new era of Glory! This council will be fully committed to keep W.Sirion a land of FREEDOM and EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES! The ruler won’t act as a dictator EVER AGAIN! His decisions will be taken after consideration and broad discussion with ALL citizens through a democratic process! The members of the council and the Dukes won’t rotate in an endless circle of the same persons again and again in an endless circle of indifference! We are able to decide in a mature way, who will be the one to represent as from now on-in each commanding post, from Battle Group Leaders to Dukes and Councilors!

6. All Brothers, Sisters and Supporters AND ONLY THEM, will form the “Esoteric Order of the Black Hand”, their trust level will be set to “Fully Trusted” and they will be informed for ALL political, military or financial developments, decisions, replies from other Rulers etc. In that way they will be able to protect a true democracy in that realm for the first unstable period to come!


Try to log in again BEFORE the elections! At that time the voting suggestions will be issued. Since then keep your voting settings unchanged:

RULER: Whomever JUDGE: Lalakis

We suggest you also to move back in AVAMAR as soon as possible! Recruit an army and set settings (In paperwork): Infantry, First Line - defensive, Archers, Second Line - defensive. Even if we win the elections the Tyrants may initiate a rebellion and we need to be prepared!

Awaiting for your reply,

Sir Lalakis of the Black Hand

Revelation: The Time has come!

October 1, 2004

This is the revelation of the Black Hand and its supporters. It was issued just few hours before the elections... You can read it also as a briefing (which actually was, as many new supporters were not fully informed yet)

The Brotherhood of the Black Hand

The initial idea was discussed between Sir Loungra, Sir Tzoutzoukos and Sir Lalakis. It was the behaviour of the council that forced us to act that way. Arrogant and indifferent toward new troop leaders, they had never attempted to bridge the chasm between the high level of political decisions with the simple troop leader that was fighting in the front line, not knowing why, and never informed about the decisions concerning him and taken for him. The only orders issued were concerning for a particularly long period only punishments, accusations and rude comments! Additionally all positions of power were always occupied by the same persons and there were never fair elections or even discussion for ANY position (not even for a BG Leader!), no matter how active and devoted a TL would be. We were all stuck in an endless circle of rotating power between the same persons again and again. Consequently, there was an increasing dissatisfaction between all the TLs although the initial spark was missing. That is what we tried to achieve… And we make it come true! The support of most TLs (actually all except from the council are either supporters or neutral!) was really amazing and we since then welcome many brothers and friends in our rankings… It was matter of time for the change to come!

The Commitment Although we are based on dialogue and participatory procedures we realize that the only way to change the current situation was under secrecy. However, we believe in common action and we treat ALL troop leaders as individual thinking and fully responsible persons. And that is why, as a Brotherhood we ONLY suggest and NEVER order. That is our commitment.

Rumors for a Plot It is rather important to know that THERE IS NOT A PLOT to surrender our beloved realm, as it was spread by the former Government! I repeat…: THERE WAS NEVER SUCH A BETRAYAL UNDER CONSIDERATION! We fought for a truly independent realm, not ruled by Oligarchians or Sirionese or Coimbrans!!! That is why we intend to renegotiate ALL our diplomatic relations and links with ALL other realms, without being based on historical elements, personal empathy, or past treaties but ONLY on the benefit of our realm! If we reach favorable agreements we are ready and willing even to break old alliances and form new ones! The good of W.Sirion is above all other things!

The Mandate So, dear Brothers, Sisters and all that you have decided to fight for a change…Here is the mandate of the Brotherhood of the Black Hand:

1. We will attempt to win the elections. Right afterwards all diplomatic relations with other nations will be set to peace or neutral. Negotiations will begin!

2. The newly elected Council will be TEMPORARY and it will be consisted ONLY by Brothers/Sisters or Supporters of the Brotherhood of the Black Hand! Its main task will be to handle this critical situation of change.

3. From now on, there will be EQUAL opportunities to ALL TLs of W.Sirion! ALL decision will be taken in a participatory way, through dialogue and voting between us!

4. If we win the elections, we will enter a short (1-2 weeks) transitional period, during which we will discuss EQUALLY all priority issues of high importance, such as positions in the council, the fate of our former “rulers” (or I should say Tyrants?), the diplomatic change procedure etc, ALL in a TRANSPARENT way, ACCESSIBLE to all, INFLUENCED by ALL no matters which is their position in the temporary council!

5. After this period, the elected ruler will step down and FAIR elections will take place, to choose our Prime Minister AND the new council which will lead us to a new era of Glory! This council will be fully committed to keep W.Sirion a land of FREEDOM and EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES! The ruler won’t act as a dictator EVER AGAIN! His decisions will be taken after consideration and broad discussion with ALL citizens through a democratic process! The members of the council and the Dukes won’t rotate in an endless circle of the same persons again and again in an endless circle of indifference! We are able to decide in a mature way, who will be the one to represent as from now on-in each commanding post, from Battle Group Leaders to Dukes and Councilors!

6. All Brothers, Sisters and Supporters AND ONLY THEM, will form the “Esoteric Order of the Black Hand”, their trust level will be set to “Fully Trusted” and they will be informed for ALL political, military or financial developments, decisions, replies from other Rulers etc. In that way they will be able to protect a true democratic regime in this realm!

Good Luck my friends! Tomorrow a new day will rise!

Avamar Elections

October 13, 2004

That was the first Role Play in the Free West Sirion Republic! It took place after the SECOND elections within 12 days, after accusations by the old council about the use of "Black Magic" and such! For the second time the same persons were elected! It is rather important to point out that this time a UN Peacekeeping Force (OOC: Tom Himself!) was present to verify and validate the procedure! Lord Intro was the new ruler of the realm and a new era begun!

The People of West Sirion are jubilant, hailing Lord Intro the new Prime Minister, celebrating the new era that has already begun, hailing the overthrown of the corrupted regime of the past!

Small parties have been set up by villagers even at the smallest corners of West Sirion and free drinks are given to all!

In Avamar, the long-abandoned parliament is been hastily rebuilt… From now on, the voice of the people will be heard from our fair Ruler and the Council!

People have been gathered in front of the Capitol, hailing Master Intro, singing, dancing, partying… It seems that the celebrations will last all day long!


A hooded feature approaches the entrance of the Capitol riding a black stallion. He unsaddles and enters the Hall while the crowd surrounds him with obvious curiosity… The man wears a scarlet cloak with a pitch Black Hand painted on the chest, where his heart lies… He approaches Lord Intro, who is sitting on his office, already working hard on the changes that shall be done, not having time to celebrate with his people. The stranger uncovers his face and a smile of joy can be clearly seen on the fine features of Sir Lalakis, Grand Justiciar of West Sirion, and devoted Brother of the Black Hand Society!

“I hail you Lord Intro, Prime Minister of West Sirion, Leader of the new Era, Commander of Change, Bringer of Peace!” Sir Lalakis says, as he kneels in front of his Ruler.

It seems that he is the third that arrives here… He can see Sister Pipeta, wearing the same scarlet clothing, standing besides Lord Intro. Nocturne the brave brother of Intro stands there as well. Before even greeting them, more Brothers arrive…

Sir Loungra, Tzekos and Satinistas, the three brothers from the Punisher family and initial members of the Brotherhood of the Black Hand enters the Hall swearing fealty to the new Government. Sir Tzoutzoukos and Sir Yimelos the Second of the Mastermind family follows in order. Their contribution to the establishment of the Brotherhood was also considerable! They all bow kindly in front of Lord Intro, showing their respect, remembering the old times that they fought together in Commonyr! Kolobaro and Gousgounis of the Paparas family, relatively new members of the Brotherhood bring a fine full armour made of an exotic alloy as a gift to the Prime Minister… Ice Wolf, Fearless and Kamenos still stand behind, looking in astonishment and curiosity the silk scarlet robes they wear, as they haven’t used them a lot…yet!

It seems that a ceremony will take place soon in this Hall… Candles are lit, an exotic perfume fills the air in the room and a bard sings a tale about the glorious deeds of West Sirion in the short-coming future. Some of the finest scarlet cloaks rests on a gem decorated silver table, waiting for their owners to wear them! And suddenly…Master Draco enters the room, fully equipped with his weapons, amongst the finest in the continent! His face is also full of joy but also with skepticism about the work that has been done very soon… Draco is followed by friends and supporters of the Brotherhood… One, Duncan, Seifer Almasy, Syther and Jake are looking around for their scarlet robes with the honoured emblem of the Black Hand on the chest…

“Welcome my Brothers, welcome my friends” Sir Lalakis greets them all…

“We are gathered together today, to celebrate the establishment of a new fair and democratic regime, based on equal opportunities and common action. Together we will meet a common future, where all people will act and decide together, being fully responsible and respected by the Government! Please allow me to introduce you to each other, as our brotherhood remained a secret organization for too long and up to now you didn’t know who participate!”

After a brief discussion between the Troop Leaders, Sir Lalakis speaks up again…

“Unfortunately we don’t have time for long ceremonies…there is much and hard work to be done as we have to rebuild a whole realm and action is needed soon. But enough with the words! The time pressures us! You are all free men and it is up to you to decide if the Scarlet Robes of the noble Brotherhood will become yours! However, you have to know that no matters your decision, to me at least, you are already something more than brothers…you are friends!”

…and by these words Sir Lalakis kneels in front of each of the newcomers, showing his respect and devotion…

Trial of the Demon Council

October 2, 2004

It should be pointed out that although the public court was held one day after the elections, the bans were delayed as there was a last-minute effort to persuade the accused Tyrants to accept the situation and the new status... That was the biggest mistake that ever took place in Avamar!

The corrupted ignobles, during the negotiations had enough time to destroy utterly the infrastructure of Avamar (they didn't left a single building!), disband the militia, cash bonds and recruit army, contact Doc and his puppets to invade Flismar/Elmbar/Limbar and later Avamar and to organise a rebellion simutaneously with a Srion's attack!

Pandora's box was now open...

People of West Sirion,

A public trial will be held, as we promised and in accordance with our mandate. Give your opinion in a Democratic way, publicly and freely! The Will of the people will be followed to conclude to a verdict by tomorrow.

All votes go as “Guilty” or “Innocent” of the accused Troop Leaders.

This will be a PUBLIC VOTING. A new era has begun! Don’t be afraid to speak up loudly and express your opinion as a FREE man or woman! All votes counts equally…

And here are the Accusations:

Evylears, former Ruler of West Sirion. Accused for ruling as a dictator for an extremely long period, never giving opportunities to TLs other than the council to be involved in political or military decisions. He has never explained his decisions to the people as a ruler in a Republic should do. Now that he felt his power being at stake he has suddenly awaken sending messages and talking about potential problems. Additionally he maintained the close circle of TLs in the council, never opening it to others no matter how devoted, experienced or active there were, not even in times of crises.

Areardo, former General and Judge of W.Sirion. Accused for showing the most arrogant and indifferent behaviour towards the non-council TLs. As a general he never issued a single order and he only knew how to insult TLs who were trying to get the initiative for the good of our Realm.

Redyleye, Brother of Evylears. Believe it or not but the same player was holding for long time and quite often TWO places in the council while other TLs were longing for some involvement! Accused with the same crimes against the People of West Sirion with his brother.

Dimarus, former Banker of West Sirion. As a TL he was NEVER addressed to another fellow leader or tried to undertake some common action. As a Banker he maintened a situation where all money were going to the corrupted council while other TLs were trying desperately to get some gold!

Sceptre, although was the only one from the corrupted government of the past that showed some respect to new players and he was the only Tyrant that ever spoke to newcomers, he did nothing serious to change the situation although he had the power to do so. He was always negative even to the smallest initiatives taken by TLs. Sceptre would be never able to adopt himself in a true democratic regime and would be a continual potential threat for rebellion.

Handow former Banker of W.Sirion. Same accusations with Sceptre. Additionally he showed his intentions as he agreed to undertake the Bankers position although there were more experienced TLs than him!

Ghrommnir and Ulath. these two were the less involved persons with the tyrannical regime they didn’t attempt to change things even a bit. Their roles were rather pathetic. As a Judge, Ghrommnir was quite arrogant sharing punishments, fines and continually threatening TLs.

PLEASE READ! The Process. Please send your votes ONLY TO ME by tomorrow 17:00 GMT, in order not to influence others towards a certain verdict. You have to know though, that before announcing the verdict ALL the voting will be circulated PUBLICLY so we will all know what the others have voted. That is TRANSPARENCY we have promised!

In order NOT to influence the verdict through announcing my preferences now, please allow me to vote last.

The results will be announced tomorrow evening. All that will be found guilty will have an opportunity to apologise for their crimes.

Thank you all for your concern,

Sir Lalakis, Grand Justiciar of West Sirion"

Finally some of the above TLs were banned while they were rebels the rest of them automatically when their attempt failed, as expected, because they were lucking public support!

The tiny realm of West Sirion had managed to withstand a major offense by the greatest realm at that time (Sirion), alogside with a rebellion and few rogues marauding our former regions!

Governance System: People's Repubic of Avamar

October 13, 2004

Just after the second victorious elections a series of assasinations begun... It is true that although West Sirion had 20+ devoted TLs during that time, there had been day where it was not possible to find 5 healthy TLs to form the council!!! Sirion was attcaking and every couple of hours the council was changing due to assasination or combat injuries! We had craved for peace and co-existance! Sirion offered war and destruction...and sealed its fate! It was the begining of its fall from the position of the Super Power in the East Continent....

However, during these hard times a discussion concerning the future governance system in West Sirion was one of the main concerns of the survivors.. They had promised to change the whole political system and they had to do it, no matters the cost!

Sir Leo Abandonas and Lord Intro Defecio were met in secrecy (to avoid infiltrators, there was no other reason for secrecy anymore) and decided the following in order to present them to the People for verification:

Here are my suggestions to put some order in our governance system…. In case of course that we will manage to survive as an entity!!! It is an effort to make competencies of each position clear and avoid fragmentation of responsibilities…

Governance Structure

Prime Minister
The only responsible person for our external affairs. Additionally, he overviews the functions of the whole realm offering policy recommendations. None is allowed to contact rulers of other realms without asking the permission of the Prime Minister. Exception: when the conditions are extremely critical and pace is vital (e.g wounded or inactive ruler)
Minister of Defense
Competent to all military affairs. He is giving general instructions to the BG Leaders whose are responsible to carry out and implement his decisions. He must motivate BG Leaders to undertake incentives, but under his supervision. Decisions of major importance (attacks, wars, looting etc)he must consult the council and the people first. He is also responsible for all police work, raids, patrols etc done. The Minister of Defense plans the whole strategy of the military forces and is not engaged with purely tactical issues.
Grand Justiciar
He overlooks the proper function of the chain of command. Responsible for small punishments (fines). For banning or large fines he must consider first the council and the public opinion. He held courts in regions that needs his services, informing the council.
Minister of Finance
Competent authority for all economic functions of the realm. He set up taxes and controls the trade and the food support. However for any changes in tax rates or major changes in the food supply chain he must discuss first with the council. The good stats and productivity of the regions should be under his supervision.
Responsible for the good performance of their regions and the maintenance of infrastructure. In case that a investment is needed they bring up the issue to the council, asking assistance from the competent authority (help from police units through the Minister of Defense or the BG Leader to increase loyalty or control, lowering of taxes, bureaucratic work or funds from the Minister of Finance, courts to increase moral from the judge).
Legion Commanders
They are following the instructions and general guidelines given by the Minister of Defense having the greatest possible degree of independency. In case of Minister’s unavailability they are fully responsible for their Battlegroup.
The People - Troop Leaders
They have to follow suggestions, instructions, orders, issued by their BG Leaders or Ministers, according to their competencies. However it is vital for the whole realm to express loudly their opinions even when they are conflicting with the issued orders, but not deny to implement them! They participate directly or indirectly (through the elected representatives of the people) to all decisions taken.

These are the main guidelines of the People's Republic of Avamar, even today!

An Attempt to halt Sirion's Aggresion

October 14, 2004

Lalakis who was the Prime Minister of West Sirion at that time, made a final attempt to avoid both allinaces and conflicts with other Realms until the resolve of the internal problems of Avamar. However, Doc responded with another attack... Our final chance was to form alliances with al willing nations to halt Doc's aggression!

That was the plan he proposed:

Rulers of the World, People of the East Continent,

This message aims to short out few things and ask for your intermediation in this conflict! I took the initiative to contact you as the new elected ruler of our realm, after the assassination of Master Intro.

Doc has attacked our little realm using lies as petty excuses to mobilize his troops against us! He has insulted us, tried to threaten our people, even ask from the UN (OOC:Tom) to find possible cheatings…But you have to know some things…First of all, There is NOT a single party in West Sirion but there has been a single political movement against the past situation… And it is logical!The majority of ill-treated Troop Leaders were uprised against a corrupted governement! Actually it was not the majority but the total sum of TLs APART the tyrants who withhold positions in the government! And these were ALL banned indeed!After elections between the rest TLs of our Realm!But before even negotiating with us, Doc has started attacking our lands, setting his troops to murderous mode and protecting the rogues while they were marauding our regions! He used all possible tactics to support Sceptre and Evylears to organize a rebellion that we have managed to overcome! They tried to negotiate with us, we gave them a second opportunity (we intended to do the same with the rogues but their behaviour made that impossible) and the thing they did was to assign militia set up by US to begin the rebellion!

Secondly, the Black Hand is an organization FOR the people, against all forms of violence! It is not some kind of a bunch of religious fanatics eager for power! It is rather a political-philosophical organization, which had to remain secret in order to avoid the continual threats and punishments the former government used to assign in order to keep the people submitted. Although its structure is democratic we don’t fight against a certain regime or political system. There are Monarchies and even Tyrannies that worked much better, giving much more initiatives and freedom to simple TLs than the Former “Republic” of Sirion. We fight against individuals that behave in an arrogant and insulting way, believing only to themselves! And that is why we used the legal means to gain the ruling of West Sirion, not beginning a rebellion or trying to assassinate the legitimate rulers. We passed them though through a public trial and the people decided for their banning. I was the “bad” guy, the Judge, who had the unfortunate task to execute people’s order. So Doc is mad with me, not accepting that 20 TLs stand against his mighty will and his puppets! He preferred to wipe us out, than try to have a dialogue and bargaining! So that explains why we had to turn ourselves on you and ask for any available help or intermediation!

We are willing to forget Doc’s fanatic behaviour and all the evil things did to our people…but we need to be assured for his true intentions. We cannot be based simply on his lies again!

Here is my plan and I ask for your support:

1. From now on West Sirion will be an independent Republic form Sirion. Our Diplomatic relations with Sirion will be set to neutral and any further changes will be based on further negotiations. 2. Doc will resign his troops IMMEDIAETELY from our lands and he’ll pay 1000 Gold to compensate the damages his troops have done to our regions. Additionally he will stop spreading lies and doing a hideous propaganda against us! 3. The Brotherhood of the Black Hand will be disbanded and all its members from Sirion will return to their homelands within the next month, without causing any troubles to the legitimate government of Sirion. In case that Doc is willing to offer shelter to our hated enemies, banned forever from our lands, we will accept it without considering it a “casus beli”. In case that he still doubts for the legitimacy of the current government he is welcome to observe the upcoming elections, count the results and think if there was any chance for the few tyrants to win the elections. One of the reasons, the tyrants were banned it was because we were afraid of a rebellion…rebellion it was what we got anyway, but we won’t do the same mistake again! Additionally we won’t post to the entire world his messages that uncover his true face and the tricks he assigned to submit our people to his will and disorganize our defenses (all messages of Doc and his puppets are kept in an archive in Avamar! Finally, all infiltrators send against us by foreign governments will be freed and there will be no diplomatic impact, nor compensation will be ever asked.

In case that you are interesting for any further details please contact me and I’ll do my best to enlighten you about past and present conditions in the former West Sirion!

With the utmost respect,

Sir Lalakis, Prime Minister of the Former Republic of West Sirion

The Aftermath

Dear Reader,

I guess that you'll already have your own opinion concerning the whole story, so there's no reason for me to add anything more!

Just think that from the peaceful Coup D'Etat in West Sirion, Doc's paranoia and onwards, not only Sirion but all its allies have become pariah states in the East Continent, decadence rules everywhere and their past glories have been forgotten...

Five days that shook Avamar. Archive of actual discussions between TLs

Oh yes! We have saved most of the conversation between the traitors, Doc and the People from those times! Below you can see uncommented the eact conversation between Doc and his puppets and the brave People of Avamar.

Gradually, you shall see that all methods of Doc failed...and now, the People's Republic of Avamar has risen by the dusts of West Sirion, being the most hatred realm in Sirion, only because of Doc's paranoid and offensive policy!

(IMPORTANT: Please post your comments at the relevant section. Here only past conversations will be added. The existent comments have been moved to the relevant section and NOT deleted! Besides, your opinion counts!)

The treason of Sceptre and the rebellion of the corrupted:

Message from Sceptre (4 recipients) (4 days, 9 hours ago) Message sent to: Corum, Intro, Lalakis, Draco Lalakis can you left the fines on Evlears and myself so we can pay Draco or can't you take away fines? If he can't Draco what do you want us to do?

Message from Sceptre (4 recipients) (4 days, 7 hours ago) Message sent to: Corum, Intro, Lalakis, Draco Intro message me if you can be on before the half turn runs. If I step down from city commmander and there is no city commander at the turn the city will lose some morale. I will be back before the half turn and will step down if you can be on if not I will step down after the half turn and I'm sure you will be on between the half and full turn. If not I don't want to stay in the position so you all think I'm staling in stepping down. Just trying to saving you all a little morale lose.

Message from Draco (4 recipients) (4 days, 5 hours ago) Message sent to: Sceptre, Corum, Intro, Lalakis Sceptre, step down. Lalakis, remove the fines so they can send me the gold to rebuild. Intro, once he has stepped down appoint me as Duke so I can start repairs. And Sceptre, call Doc off our lands, it has been sorted as you said.

Message from Draco (4 recipients) (4 days, 4 hours ago) Message sent to: Sceptre, Corum, Intro, Lalakis Ive roleplayed to Doc. Ive said that we will go to peace with everyone and of course he still wants us as an ally, we wont be helping any time soon, our lands are in ruins, I told him the dark elves of avamar have lost faith in them and they need to rebuild that faith before we shall do anything for them. Ive demanded he withdraws his troops and sends 500 gold to Intro to cover the costs of what he has done. He knows the situation and all if left is for the fines to be removed, Scepre to step down and me to be appointed, Sceptre and Evy to send me the gold, then Evy and Sceptre to set their men up as miltia.... then a public apology (it will go well with the people Sceptre).

Request from Pipeta (21 recipients) (4 days, 3 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm I can't see what Sceptre and Evylears are doing in order to show they have changed their mind!

Message from Draco (21 recipients) (4 days, 3 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm Give them time Pipeta.

Enemy Activities (4 days, 2 hours ago) (rogue) forces have plundered and marauded in Flismar!

Enemy Activities (4 days, 2 hours ago) The region of Flismar has been looted by (rogue) forces!

Message from Draco (21 recipients) (4 days, 2 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm So Sceptre, this is telling them to stop.... your trying my patience!

Rebellion! (3 days, 22 hours ago) Evylears is calling for an uprising against the current government! In a passionate speech he said: Down with the Oligarchians and unfair judges! Join the rebellion! Best wishes and good luck/Evylears

Rebellion expands (3 days, 22 hours ago) Sceptre has joined the rebellion.

Sirion intervention

Message from Intro (15 recipients) (3 days, 22 hours ago) Message sent to: Corum, Lalakis, Tzoutzoukos, Loungra, Duncan II, Satinistas, Kolobaro, Nocturne, Draco, Pipeta, Gousgounis, One, Kamenos, Ice Wolf, Julia And now you see why I wanted Sceptre and Evylears banned. (Note; This message has been put out of context. As soon as the character Intro realized that Evylears and Sceptre were planning a rebellion he wished that a ban was to be issued in order to prevent Evylears' army from growing and possibily avoid a rebellion. The Character Intro did not support the bans from the beginning)

Orders from Intro (15 recipients) (3 days, 21 hours ago) Message sent to: Corum, Lalakis, Tzoutzoukos, Loungra, Duncan II, Satinistas, Kolobaro, Draco, Pipeta, Gousgounis, One, Kamenos, Ice Wolf, Yimelos the Second, Julia I would like for you to vote for Nocturne as Judge. He has been informed of what bans need to be edited who needs to be banned... He will step down after he is done, or when Lalakis has recovered. Evylears is currently seriously wounded. I hope that you join the loyalist side and remove these (Evylears and Sceptre) who have decieved us for the second time. They are responsible for the current state of our realm, they are partly responsible for Sirions forces right outside our Capitol. There are no justifications for Sirions , Evylears and Scepters actions. They have decieved our realm, They have behind our back conspired against us. I am willing to offer Sirion peace, I am however not willing to be a part of the USS. If you all feel otherwise, I will of course change my mind. Several of you may not already know that the only ones that have supported W.Sirions indepandance (Officially) are the following; Oligarch. Perdan. Rancagua. The reason for the support is irrelevant. They have now shown that they have no intentions to co-operate with us. We would be naive to think otherwise after this.

Message from Pipeta (22 recipients) (3 days, 16 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm As we can clearly see Sceptre and Evylears have cheated us! They were trying to negotiate while they were preparing a rebellion! And they have managed to do so very wisely I have to admit! However,their corpses will soon lie under a glorious sun that will rise... Two lifeless corpses, souless, heartless -nothing less than they used to be in their petty lives- but now severely dismembered by my bloodthirsty Khopesh! I follow my Lord's commands to the death! For freedom!for West Sirion! For the Republic! For our very existence!

Roleplay from Pipeta (22 recipients) (3 days, 6 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm It is early morning and the sieged Avamar just repealed the first wave of the attack by Sirionese... Pipeta's Amazons are celebrating the great victory,singing battle songs of their homelands, dancing and drinking sweet wine...but 4 of them won't see the sun rising ever again! Pipeta has left the party after congratulating her warriors for their brave defense and now she is riding towards the Court Hall. She bows in fron of Nocturne... "my Lord Nocturne...I congratulate you for your nomination as a Judge. Justice my Lord! These lands, beaten by ill-fortune surely needs it! We'll stand by your side!"

Message from Pipeta (22 recipients) (3 days, 6 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm We did well! Doc's Servant is Wounded (That's a good name for Sceptre and Evylears as well! ;-) and the same applies to the Minister of Defense of Sirion! Not bad at all!

New Player (3 days, 3 hours ago) A new troop leader has emerged from the ranks of the W.Sirion nobles. Claudius Johnsen is starting his career today. Other members of the Johnsen family on this continent are Christopher (Old Rancagua). Background info on this family.

Rebellion expands (3 days, 3 hours ago) Claudius has joined the rebellion.

Report from Pipeta (24 recipients) (2 days, 10 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm We won! We won!!!

Report from Doc (27 recipients) (2 days, 9 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region I told Intro why I came to Avamar ALONE...do you think I would of come alone and not with ALL the Sirion troops in Limbar? TLs like Tzoutzoukos make ANYTHING with Sirion in it look foolish and stupid. Why? 1. He says we declared war on W.Sirion...it says Neutral. 2. He goes around Intro to handle any formalities...once again asserting my belief that there is NO order in W.Sirion. 3. I came here myself to TRY to calm things down and reach an understanding, personally. NOW that Intro has either A. Not shared the reason why SO FEW Sirionites have showed up, I am angry..and Will simply wipe out EVERYONE of this so called black hand. Order will be returned to these lands, and no...we did NOT loot a single damn region, yet Tzoutzoukos says we did =) Amazing..such ignorance. Watch the Sirion soldiers march in here and crush you, and enjoy the show while it lasted. I should of just smashed you all to BITS on the first day.


PS You are going to have to do ONE HELL Of a job to convince me to spare your lives...I have put up with so much because I misjudged/judged Intro so many times, but this just titls the crap in OUR favor agaist your realm....Judgement day is near.

Message from Intro (27 recipients) (2 days, 5 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region How nice to see you Doc, On W.Sirion soil, while threatening us at the same time, heh. Now, About the message that you got upset about. I have told all those loyal to the realm that they should send me the messages before sending them to other rulers, by doing this I would correct them and inform them of what information they may lack. I know that I should've told them about you coming to the realm,.. The capitol to be more exact. But there has been other somewhat more important issues that they needed to be informed about. I thought that using a system in which I control all messages (The information, so we do not send mixed messages or misinform other rulers and realms) that are being sent to other rulers. I have however declared it without consequences to inform the other rulers of their opinions. Now; Doc is not here to invade, eventhough his presence is questionable. As also his sudden change of mind might be. I hope you forgive me being suspicious, but as you see we were just recently betrayed for the second time by the same people. Expecting full co-operation between Sirion and W.Sirion would now be naive as you have officialy stated that you supported Evylears and Sceptre. I have sent Doc a proposition, in which W.Sirion would help Sirion if a war between Sirion and Eleador. This mainly by keeping our allies from agreeing with Eleador. This is in both Sirions and W.Sirions best interest; Eleador, when stated that no realms should invade the 'neutral' realms, did not include W.Sirion. We should not take this lightly as they were the ones that first turned me down when I asked for help. (They didn't respond after the message in which I said that I might need their help). We will of course help Eleador ( If W.Sirion is not removed from this continent, that is ;-) ) if Doc invades W.Sirion. Even with only two family member in the realm, we (The loyalists) are far from the minority. From now on I would like for each troop leader to express his/hers opinions about this 'political situation'. There will be no fines, no bans. You are free to inform Doc with you subjective experience (Note; The 'relation' to Eleador was displayed in such a way that might favour negotiations with Sirion. The comment on the family members was a reaction to a certain individuals dislike of three family members in the same realm)

Message from Julia (27 recipients) (2 days, 2 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region You are pathetic Mister Doc and I cannot understand your empathy... Woe to the Elves of East Continent!

Message from Julia (24 recipients) (2 days, 2 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm They have assasinated my beloved sister!Revenge!

Report from Yimelos the Second (24 recipients) (1 day, 23 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm You were attacked! (8 hours, 49 minutes ago) You awake in the middle of the night to the alarm sounds of your guards. You dress quickly and question the guards, learning that they have seen someone sneaking around your quarters. The dark-cloaked figure made a run for it when they called, and has not been seen again. Ha!Second failed attempt to assasinate me. They will never succeed!

Report from Tzoutzoukos (24 recipients) (1 day, 23 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in the realm Here is what I have send to other rulers and what Doc replied to us: Request from Tzoutzoukos (13 recipients) Message sent to: Doc, Lysander, Revenge's Wrath, InDyingDays, Sartan Morningstar, Humblur, Kazidi La, Gopherman, Nightmare, Ioshus, Sorcha, Eleran the Count, Klaus Respectful Rulers of East Continent, Could we hope in a peace keeping intervention in W.Sirion? The "good" ,"peaceful","kind","liberal","fair","idealistic" elfs of Sirion(according to their realm description): "We are a peace loving people, and we NEVER declare war. We deal with conflicts brought to us, and champion idealistic liberal views.") have interfered in a very "liberal" way at our internal politics and yes,they haven't declared war against us...they are just attacking us in a very "peace loving" way everywhere,even in our capital!And it is not only that!Their Realm description ends with the phrase: "Protector of the Elven Race and Homelands"! Hmmm...,now i understand why they help the rogues at Flismar to loot and maraude our lands,raping and murdering the Elven People at Flismar! Thus,i am pleading for immediate action and intervention! With the utmost respect, Tzoutzoukos

P.S At least if you cannot interfere,could it be possible to persuade Doc to change Sirion's realm description,political system and race?Their actions are completely contrary with the meanings of the phrases: "peaceloving","idealistic","liberal","republic","protectors of the elven race and homelands","elves"...etc! Consequently we HAD to name ourselves a "Drow Elven Republic" in order to bring the balance, as we represent exactly the "opposite" values(e.g the above phrases without the brackets)!

Julia and Leo vs Doc and Puppets

Report from Doc (35 recipients) (1 day, 17 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region If you love your country, please join the Rebellion. I was willing to smash the rebellion if it was necessary, and relocate Sceptre and Evlyears to restore order if Intro proved capable of maintaining order. More TLs have gone around him and contacted all the rulers, making all Sirion elves look rather foolish...W.Sirioners and Sirioners both being Sirionites. I told Intro of a way to RP this "black hand" business as a Political Party that didn't ban opposing ideas...but the advice was not taking seriously, or he has yet to comment on the idea. The W.Sirion Republic will not be restored under a single party, pre-nazi orientation. It always starts with ONE party getting rid of the opposition and then doing what it wants later, history has shown that such actions nearly always lead to major injustices and terrible things. Sirion comes here to assist those Loyal to W.Sirion..and not the Black Hand. Country before Political Party if the way things were, and will continue to be. If any ruler acts oppressive whom is elected here, the people have the RIGHT to object and seek median council from Sirion...if W.Sirion bleeds, so do We..vice versa. This Civil war is quite annoying, and our enemies figured while we are tied up here they'd eliminate Old Rancagua...but we are Elves, afterall...we took out most of their TLs there..but just pay attention to what they sent out here to help you: Nothing. Enemies always use and abuse potential leads..W.Sirion has become one under the Black Hand. May Peace and Order be restored, and may this teach us a lesson to seek out help diplomatically before throwing around phrases, going around your elected ruler to humiliate HIM and your Sirion Brothers.

Message from Julia (35 recipients) (1 day, 15 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region You should be ashamed Doc! You are a lier! What are you saying there? I'll keep this message and I'll send it everywhere to show how arrogant you are! You are attacking against a legitimate elected Government just to allow a minority to gain power again!!! Can't you see that we are twice or even more than Sceptre and his puppets? You are a nazi hidden behind a liberal mask! You should be ashamed!! Read some history you'll find thousand examples of people like you!!!

Message from Gesparo (35 recipients) (1 day, 15 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region Now now julia, look about yourselves....how many people, did intro kick out, when he siezed power? How many of the old order, did he knock out, to do this, and lastly, how many friends, including you, did he pull into this, to take control? Seems you're the one, who's got issues....If you wanted to steal a kingdom, maybe stealing one somewhere else, would have been more advisable....but not the elven.... Go back to the rock you folks crawled out of...and take the intro, and the exit with you.

Message from Jian (35 recipients) (1 day, 15 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region Don't forget about all the people that left West Sirion to get away from Evylear's tyranny. That amounts to quite a few people. One of them being my brother.

Message from Julia (35 recipients) (1 day, 15 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region How many? Five I think....against ten or so...and just look for how long they did have the power, not letting others to stay!No they didn't ban them! they just force them to leave! Had you read the realm description "if you don't like what you see just leave" My God! That is Tyrrany!

Roleplay from Enrico (35 recipients) (1 day, 14 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region 'Twas more then five. It was a horrible deed to do. All Elven were shocked. I returned from far lands to aid my Elven brethren.

Orders from Julia (35 recipients) (1 day, 14 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region Moreover you are such cowards that you are not waiting to resolve our internal politics first but you are invading while we do have peace in order to "restore" order! Sure! I have heard stories about a political party in the past that ruled a brave country deceiving their people! And then they start invading other countries without declaring war, just to "restore" the order! And then a world war errupted! And by the way, do you afraid of our little power? Yes we can't fight against you and we know it! You can easily crush our small army! You don't dare though to declare war first! You don't dare to wait until at least find some time to organize our forces! It is a clever strategy indeed! I have heard a world about it...it is named Blitzgrieg or something like that! And yes it is clever if you speak about startegy! But it is not fair, noble or anything "elvish" as you dare to name yourselves! That is me and all my family we swear here, in front of all the others to do anything possible to destroy Sirion utterly, unless you stop treating us like criminals of some kind! You are welcome to fight in equal terms (not equal strenght but equal terms!) us and we will surely fall! And then I'll be the first to congratulate you and speak about your bravery! But not that way! that is slaughtering! And I'm asking form our Leader, who stands bravely as a protector of our short-lived FREE REPUBLIC (more a newly birth democracy) to post this conversation to all leaders and friends amongst the rulers and people of the world! Not only in this continent but in all others as well! So all the people will see with his own eyes what kind of treacherous and fascist cowards Sirionites are! Shame to yourself!How can you bear to say such lies! How can you do that! Aren't you at least a bit reluctant! All lies! The same story in every world war! The Super Power against the few but free people! But everytime the results are the same! Freedom will stand, dictators and their kind will vanish! Open up your minds a little and see what is the TRUE story in W.Sirion! Look at it a little deeper! Allow us to have the time to explain ourselves! But nooooo....Of course not! Now you do have the finest excuse to expand! An imperialistic nation! And as all imperialist you are using words like "liberal" to surpess all the other voices and invade in foreign countries! My Spirit will roam these lands eternally looking for revenge from all those that betrayed the first and the last People's Government in West Sirion! Shame on You! Lady Julia, proud member of the political-philosophical sect of the Brotherhood of the Black Hand, devoted to democracy, freedom, equality, justice and all ideas that gives humanity hope...

P.S at least uncover yourselfs! Don't use petty excuses to eliminate our free realm from the map and bring the tyrrants back! Declare the truth! Say what your intentions really are! Are you afraid of what? You are the stronger nation in E.Continent! West Sirion Tyrrants have lost the elections twice because of their mistakes...but they do have another dicatorship to support them!You!But Of course...dictators always help each others. Democrats unfortunately are always divided and stand by themselves! And that is your only motive! to restore them to the throne of W.Sirion and rule through themselves! It was much simpler than trying to negotiate with us and establish equal and fair relations!Admit it!You are afraid of a free republic near your borders! That is fair and understable! But be brave to admit the truth! Cowards! I order you in the name of justice,nobility and knighthood to resign your troops from our lands! Follow the rules of war! Declare a war on us after giving a clear sign for your intentions!

Roleplay from Enrico (35 recipients) (1 day, 14 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region There is a difference between saying a realm may not suit those of the Race of Men, and if you cannot live peacefully amongst the Elvin, to go in peace and without ill will, and what those of the Black Hand have done. They forcibly ejected highly respected Elve's, overthrew the Elven form of government. Terrorized and killed those in the streets who did not support their regime, and, allied with the perverted church. It is but natural for us of the Elven to aid our brethern that have been enslaved from their free life style. Ye of the Elven in Avamar, and those men loyal to our cause, I thank you for your support. I hope that 'ere long this oppression will be gone from our once peacefull lands and dwellings.

Message from Julia (35 recipients) (1 day, 14 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region Such deceipt by your governemnt....you are talking about the Black Hand as a threat! Ha! But the truth is that the Black Hands threats something....threats all those unfair tyrrants all over the world! All those people that enjoying giving orders and taking decisions for other people's lives! And you believe them! Are you all so blind? Can't you see that they are using you? They are using to to keep all the power that belongs to the people, gain more and share it amongst their friends? And all the faithfull and brave troop leaders that follow them? Ha! They have turned them to puppets! Toys in their hands, Hands that are thirsty for power and inocent blood!THESE are the BLACK HANDS! Cant you realise it! You deserve what you'll get!

Roleplay from Enrico (35 recipients) (1 day, 14 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region If the new government truely stood for freedom, why then bannishment of so many Elvish Nobles and Brave Men. Ulath have I heard of in my sojourns on Atmara. Although the Free Elves prefer peace, in this time of war we respect men of valour. Ulath, a brave soldier of the North Atmara, was bannished without true cause. Since he landed from the far lands, he ever bore the sheild of W. Sirion bravely. Your corrupt government was afraid that he might vote freely, and he was bannished from the realm he came to serve. Areardo, Wild Elve of the North Eastern Forrests, was bannished because he gave freely of his gold, spoke with true and just words, was mercifull to rebels, aided in the fight against the Orcish, and voted freely. These are but two bannished by a corrupt and fearfull government. Many were slaughtered in the streets by the black hand. Masked men went from house to ordering all those to support the new government. Many that resisted were slaughtered. I heard of the terrors as my ship made land. I forthwith raised a band of Elvin Brethrin and came hither to bring down those that oppressed the Elven and Free Men that lived amongst them.

Message from Alexander (35 recipients) (1 day, 13 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region Julia, really you can stop the ridiculous drama. It's interesting that you can blather on about how Sirion needs to openly declare our intentions and stop our aggression toward your illegitimate current rulers, yet it is your own leaders that have dropped relations to us. You leaders did not wish peace but to go against us and invite the very same enemies into your home that we have helped defend you against in the past. They are evil, wicked men who would rather gain power through lying and deceit than through true, honest diplomacy. They force you to lie down your enemies and brainwash you to believe that it's your choice. Your leaders have made the wrong choice and you will have to deal with their shortcomings now...

Message from Leo (35 recipients) (1 day, 13 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region I came from distant lands to mourn above the unjust assasinated body of my brother... I came to mourn for the lost of a child that is to be slaughtered just after its birth...I came to mourn for the noble warriors that will die in a civil war inspired by evil Tyrrants like Sceptre, Evylears and somebody I didn't expect...Brave Doc... One that I have heard a lot from people all around the world. And most of the rumors that followed him were speaking about nobility and such... It seems that rumors were wrong!It is time to speak the truth! Messangers will cross the great seas, visit all continents and realms to spread the message of a betrayal. Bards will sing sad songs about the elven people and how easily they were cheated by an evil Lord...A sorcerer of some kind who manipulated the pure elven hearts to embed hate in them! And then, all those elves taht supports our ideals of free will, participatory decisions, freedom of speach, right for voice and choice will wake from their sleep and join us! The fair ideals won't be extinguished! Ever! We are much above simple persons now...we are an idea! An idea that has deep roots already in most realms of the world!And the elven kin of Sirion -at least the most progressive and open minded of it- has already joined and supported us! Doc! Beware! My brother has warned you! You are moving pacely towards your own end! Brave and fair Sirionites are waiting to replace you and transform your realm what it should be according the description you have written! Do you think that Black Hand is an evil brotherhood consisted of priests of some hideous deity? Ha! Ask some of your own brothers! They have read our declarations and mandates and commitements! They have been enlightened already! And they will sow the seed of punishement towards their opressors! Hear that Doc? We don't control anybody! The idea of free will and justice is your enemy that you should hunt! There has been 2 months already of secret activity in all around East Continent! Secrecy is the weapon of the weak...and we used to be the weak! But even the animals uprise against their masters if they are particularly cruel and violent! And taht is the case here, Doc! And speaking to the rest of you, deceived Elves of Sirion...It is obvious under which obscure circumstances Doc leads you in battle against your own brothers! It is obvious taht you know only the half story! And it is obvious why Doc feels such anxiety to finish with us as soon as possible! Cause the truth sooner or later will shine above anything else! You are not to be accused brave elven Troop Leaders...It is not your fault! Your hearts are pure and cannot even estimate Doc's plans and lies! I wish you my friends to wake up early...before you just find yourselfs under a Tyrany even worse tahn the one all my brothers experienced in the West Sirion! I wish you the best! And I'd love to wish a "nice and fairful" battle to come, but unfortunately your leader thinks differently...so be it! Good luck though to all of you and let's "pray" that Doc's evil deities will take him with them as soon as possible and all this madness will stop! Doc...just try to locate your enemies and stop hunting ghosts! You are aiming at a wrong target! With respect, Sir Leo, proud for his brother Sir Lalakis, proud for Master Intro, proud for his brothers and sisters, proud for all the free people of West Sirion Republic that soon will either be slaughtered or enslaved once again...

Report from Leo (35 recipients) (1 day, 12 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region I'd like to know exactly what all Sirionites mean by using the words "illegitimate"... What I see here is a rebellion supported by invading forces in order to overthrown a legitimate governement elected my the majority of Troop Leaders here. And actually twice as far as I know! So, stop using the same excuses and speak teh truth for once for god shake's! It is just that you can easily manipulate Sceptre and Evilears, while you should re-establish new relations based on equality in case they are away from power! And what are those lies about changing Diplomatic relationship with you? It is simple! You don't dare to take the initiative! You have declared war on West Sirion right after the change of command! From the very first moments of our existance you have start sending infiltrators and assasinating our legitimate leaders and then invading Elmbar and Limbar helping teh rogues in Flismar to kill and rape and destroy! Very brave of you! And then you have started attacking Avamar and then Doc came, daring to say that he came to negotiate! I mean come on!Do you believe such nonsense! It is as simple as that! You want to keep your stallite realms and that is comprehensible! But be fair!Admit the truth and let yourselves be judged by your own people! Or you are afraid? I'm willing to follow you back into your capital and stay with you as long as it is needed to have a discussion with your leader concerning all the story!But not in private but publicly in front of your people! I'll present my view and Doc will present his! And YOUR people will judge us! Do you acept the challenge Doc? I was informed about the whole situation and believe me, eventhough my elvish are not so good I can stand against you in a lectic-duel! Are you afraid to face your people? Are you afraid taht your lies will be revealed? This is your chance to prove the right or wrong of your actions and words! And not only that but i suggest to make our discussion known to all rulers of E.Continent and through them to ALL people of the Island! Let us see know how brave you are in truly liberal ways! Prove to all of us that we are wrong and you are right, speaking honestly and protecting Sceptre and Evylears as they can't defend themselves!Protecting your own fame Doc, which is at stake if you have not realised it yet! I suggest to cease all hostilities know and begin PUBLIC negotiations and discussion INTO your own capitol! I'm willing to follow you and offer my own life in the case that I'll be proved wrong! But you have to be honsest for once in your life and don't paly tricks again! And promise that in case that YOU will be proved wrong you'll step down your Ruler position! Ha! That is a real challenge isn't it? I'm waiting for your reply and I'm asking permision from the council to forward my proposal to ALL rulers of E.Continent.

Report from Doc (35 recipients) (1 day, 12 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region Leo i accept any challenge you throw at me..if it can be called such a thing. A blitzkrieg? Goodness! That is hilarious! We had a huge army and could of "Stormed" you quicker than not..but we remained patiently awaiting for DAYS before we tried to send in delegates, ALL ahead of time (Ask Intro), but they were all wounded.. This little matter is a Civil war between our Great Republics within an even larger infrastructure. No puppets or satellites, just because W.Sirion is smaller does not make it less important than Sirion..I explained this all to Intro DAYS ago, but I came here to see just what the people knew..and not to my surprise, its hardly a thing. If you left because of Evylears or Sceptre, come back. Things will change and get better if they have to, but NOT under the Black Hand. This "single party" bullshit is FAR from being ANYTHING democratical. Join the rebels and you have a long career in W.Sirion as a prominent opposing View that will keep whatever power in check..but no more of this systematic Banning will be allowed..I was so angry to see it happen the first time, but in all fairness, all those "loyal" to the Black Hand over Country will be banned once this matter is taken care of.

Roleplay from Gesparo (35 recipients) (1 day, 11 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region You know, in all of this, and since my alpha's days, I can't remember a since strand of any of you, Black handers....or who this so called Intro is, or shortly, was. Julia, you remind me of another pest, from Perdan, more than anything, makes one wonder of your heritage...not elven, to say the least. A number of these, obviously all moved to be in power, simply manipulated by Intro, and promised by him, to sieze power, by broadcast....Very well....If you want to play with the devil....showing his true colors....will take about a week. turns to Doc, Secptre, and Alexander* In a weeks time, Hyraltic's duty will be done....have fun, and enjoy the show. sprinkle's blood on a headstone, causing it to fissure....then Gesparo slumps to his knees, tumbling onto the grave....the blood, makes out the shape of a shade....and the name Keyzer Soze, starts to glow

Message from Alexander (34 recipients) (1 day, 10 hours ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region Sir Leo, it pains me to see the fall of such a noble man. My brother sent letters describing your loyal service to the crown in Southasland and it pains me to see you sink to such levels to associate with this rabble. The information sent to you by your own brother is not worth the parchment that it was written on. It's such a sad lot in life to have been misled by your own blood but alas, it's true. Your own flesh is one of the corrupt instigators who would sell your family into slavery, only to say its for your own freedom. I'm sorry that you would have to experience such disappointment from your own kin but your brother has twisted the minds of a once noble people and would be willing to sacrifice us all to his dark god. Perhaps one day after this nasty business is cleared up you would come to Sirion and visit us. You can speak with our noble, peace loving people and understand what true brotherhood is about. Not this sneaking around and calling upon dark demons to accomplish what you could not otherwise like you brother, but true comraderie. Perhaps you can come see the light and step out from under your brothers shadow of evil.

The results of Doc's "Great Plans" to crush freedom:

Rebellion failed (1 day, 10 hours ago) The rebellion in your realm has failed. Even after two days of fighting, loyal troops are still in control of the government. Morale among the rebels has been eroded, and according to various rumours, the rebel leader Evylears is either dead or has left the country. All rebel commanders have been removed from their positions. The rebel leader has been banned, and the ruler will have to decide on the fate of the other rebels.

Assasinations, Doc is trying to "buy" our People and the glorious Death of Draco

Realm without Judge now! (1 day, 9 hours ago) An assassination attempt on Nocturne, the Grand Justiciar of W.Sirion has left him seriously wounded. Even though an investigation was launched immediately, it appears that the assassin has vanished without a trace. You should check your votes for the upcoming election!

Realm without Ruler now! (1 day, 9 hours ago) An assassination attempt on Intro, the Prime Minister of W.Sirion has left him seriously wounded. Even though an investigation was launched immediately, it appears that the assassin has vanished without a trace. You should check your votes for the upcoming election!

Message from Draco (17 recipients) (1 day, 8 hours ago) Message sent to: Corum, Intro, Lalakis, Tzoutzoukos, Loungra, Duncan II, Satinistas, Kolobaro, Nocturne, Pipeta, One, Kamenos, Ice Wolf, Yimelos the Second, Julia, Skatas, Leo Everyone set your men to Defensive/line4. Roleplay from Lysander (15 hours, 21 minutes ago) Draco, I have asked my general to lead an expeditionary force into Avamar and halt the Sirion advance. We'll do everything we can to try to keep your realm safe. Hold fast, we'll give news as soon as we get moving. Lysander

Message from Draco (20 recipients) (23 hours, 15 minutes ago) Message sent to: Corum, Intro, Baz, Lalakis, Tzoutzoukos, Loungra, Duncan II, Satinistas, Kolobaro, Nocturne, Pipeta, Gousgounis, One, Kamenos, Ice Wolf, Yimelos the Second, Julia, Skatas, Leo, Lorien Report from Doc (8 hours, 5 minutes ago) Draco, We tried that before, and failed. Now we will work together, I will tell you what I want, and you will tell me if it can be done. Ready? This Civil war is over..as with most civil wars, both sides are a bit cold for a bit..but unify and a beautiful relationship ensues (look at US). My demands are simple: 1. The black hand ceases to exist publicly. 2. All the former W.Sirion TLs are allowed back in 3. You recognize that the civil war is over, and our Federal Republic back on track...we will then proceed to help you repair your economy and get the USS back on its feet. What can we do? Doc

HAHAHA! I shall send thisd in reply. Ok Doc, your terms are more 'pathetic' than I thought, war it shall be! Let them back in HAHAHAHA! do you think we are stupid, let those savages back in the realm to start another rebellion (which was your idea) I dont think so, you can shuv them where the my foot is soon to be! The Brotherhood is what we stand for, telling us to give up our religion your mad! As for you 'helping' us, (by that he means help Evy and co to rebel) I think not, you savage! Bring it Doc, lets see what you can do!

Realm without General now! (10 hours, 12 minutes ago) Draco, the Minister of Defense of W.Sirion, Duke of Avamar has been killed during the battle in Avamar. His command post is now vacant as well. You should check your votes for the upcoming election!

Request from Doc (43 recipients) (7 hours, 17 minutes ago) Message sent to: Everyone in this region People of W.Sirion, Please, I urge you to disband your one party dominance, and accept opposing viewpoints. A democracy is not founded on SINGLE Party dominance, and neither is a Republic. Sirion is quite open minded, and will continue to allow W.Sirion to live as it has with her own domestic laws, if it just accepts that this secession has failed, and the primitive Federal Republic still exists...we rely on each other, and one way or another, Sirion ideals and freedoms are DUE to the people of Avamar and surrounding regions...single party dominance will not ruin what we have built. The black hand may exist if it wishes as a BG in the name of roleplay, but it will NOT be allowed to systematically boot everyone "not a part of the party." This is the only demand and we will immediately withdraw..our loyalities are with the PEOPLE of Avamar...and not the black hand.

Conclusions are yours dear reader!

All comments welcome!