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==Current News==
==Current News==
===Glongin Looted By Fronen===
October 10th 2006
Glongin ahs been lotted by Fronen. If these people really want more money I surgest they get Riombara to pay them more. They have stolen the money from the hard working people. They have walked into their homes and stole the pudding. They will pay for this im sure of it. 
--''Article written by Sam''
===Here We Go again===
===Here We Go again===
October 9th 2006
October 9th 2006

Revision as of 13:14, 10 October 2006

The Luz de Bia Chronicles
Price: 1 Gold
Written by Sam Malone. The latest gossip from Luz de Bia! Second Edition

Current News

Glongin Looted By Fronen

October 10th 2006

Glongin ahs been lotted by Fronen. If these people really want more money I surgest they get Riombara to pay them more. They have stolen the money from the hard working people. They have walked into their homes and stole the pudding. They will pay for this im sure of it.

--Article written by Sam

Here We Go again

October 9th 2006

Sorry for the late updates but the scirbes here found my secret pudding stash and decided to indulge themselves. Any way down to business. Fronen and Riomabara are back again in Ardmore trying to Wrestle the region from the control of Luz de Bia. This force is just sitting there ahppily eating away all of the food the hard workign peasents of Ardmore have made for them selves.

Else where in Luz de Bia, The TO of Bolkenia has been stopped. Peasents were said to have with held the pudding that they have and this casued the Liberating forces of Luz DE Bia to retire to their tents and said they would not go out until they had their pudding. Finnaly Coaxed out with some pudding that was found they are now happy as puppies and are ready to liberate the region.

Avalon is here agian, there are carring out the wishes of Grim-Reaper in that he wants to destroy every upstart realm that turned against their former owners. Delvin is useing this to try and get Fronen and Avalon to comit to war against each other by saying that attacking Irombrozia is attacking Riomabara, thus breaking the treaty. This reporters reply to that is "Shut Up Delvin! ~Please enter 5 minutes of hostile speak about delvin~"

--Article written by Sam

Spoke To Soon?

October 4th 2006

No sooner ahd this paper been updated about Irombrozia being quiet and good, than a report was slapped onto my desk about the locals being looted in Cagmir! The single raid had disrupted the region and has unerved the population, fearing that their possessions will be taken from them again by this cruel and dispotic realm.

Also an Infiltrator has burnt down a werehouse in Rii. We are holding enemy Infiltrators from Irombrozia to balme for this act of war against the peasents of Rii, who work so hard to produce this food. Do not worry the time will come when you will get your just deserts!

--Articel written by Sam

Avengmil Victory Short Lived

October 4th 2006

This morning the tirumphant forces from Luz de Bia were defeated in battle. This is hardly surprising as most of the units involved had been out in the field for more than a week after the successfull liberation of Ardmore. The Riombaran Units fresh from the cities of Rines and Athol Margos attacked with fresh faced recruits and an eagerness that showed fruits.

The defenders are now heading to Ardmore to regroup and re-organise.

--Article written by Sam

Counter Attack Repulsed!

October 3rd 2006

Riomabaran Military Units have lauched a friutless counter attack that only succeded in wasting thier own army against the battle hardened force of Luz De Bian Soldiers. The battle was a complete victory for Luz and it seems that Riombara could not wait for the Fronen Mercenaries to travel down and help them out. That is a sure sign of desperation. And what are their allies down south doing? Nothing! When it was the other way around Riombara helped Irombro out but it seems that Irombro only like to take and not to give. Oh well, that just makes it easier for us to be take on Riombara and Fronen.

--Article written by Sam

Victory In Avengmil!

October 3rd 2006

This morning the army of Luz, the one which was so victorious against the Riombaran Army in Ardmore, fresh from the liberation of the beleagerd region, marched triumphantly into Avengmil this morning. The mobile forces of Riombara and Fronen quickly and wisely scattered and ran into the safe keeping of the walls of Rines and Athol Margos. Leaving the milita to face the onslaught. All though there were some nobles brave enough to stand next to the milita as they prepared to fight from the walls.

The milita faught well, with the battle lasting 3 hours. But the dicipline and ferocity of the Luz De Bian forces was decicive. The milita breaking when the first of the Luz troops scalled the walls. Where to next we wonder?

--Article written by Sam

All Quiet Down South

October 3rd 2006

Its been strangly quiet down south. Useu ally the Irombro force sally forth and raid and take what is not theirs. They havent done this yet. The reports for the Free South Times say that they are rebuilding their city after the seige of Irombro. Its nice of them to keep to their own lands instead of harming the peasents of Luz.

This editors opion is that it wont stay quiet for long.

--Article written by Sam

New Month In With A Bang!

October 2nd 2006

The new month is less than two days old, yet the monsters attacks do not give up. The region of Bym, plaged with monsters for as long as anyone can remember, has yet again come under seige by them. New Local Lord Alphonce, only 3 days into his new office has had to defend the people he swore to protect, when he was appointed thier over lord. But alas, it is the job of a Hero.

In other regions, Glongin has seen a uprising of Undead and is now being pacified by the Luz De Bian Undead Returner Squad. This special section of TL hunt for Undead and put an end to thier shambling and moaning by returnign them to their rightful state of being dead!

Fronen Has appeard once again on our borders intent to becoem fodder for their Riombaran Allies who flee at the first sign of defeat. It seems that Fronen like the sea air. They spend more time down her in the south than in their own lands. These bloddy tourists are a nusicence to the hard working men and women.

--Article written by Sam

Comments for this month

Sam's Comments

Fare Well Tolandruth, you will be missed. Thats right folks im looking for a new editor that can keep up with the pace of this paper. Think you have got it?