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"Nonsense! Of course it's a good idea.  It's /my/ idea!  Now get to it and get two made and sent out immediately!"
"Nonsense! Of course it's a good idea.  It's /my/ idea!  Now get to it and get two made and sent out immediately!"
|<i>...5 years ago, Maelg is mucking out the stables as a good stableboy does, when he spies a beautiful girl, no older than 16. She was the daughter of his lord, her name was Evangeline and she was the most stunning woman Maelg had ever seen.
Maelg has been besotted with her since he first laid eyes on her.  He remembers the day as if it was yesterday.  Maelg was up a tree, pruning some branches that had grown too close to the mansion and were scraping on the shutters, disturbing the inhabitant of the rooms sleep. As he was pruning a particularily stubborn branch, he happened to glance in the window and spied an angel sitting in the room.  Unfortunately Maelg was so stunned by her beauty, that he lost his grip and fell from the tree, landing in an uncomfortable pile of freshly pruned branches.
Hearing the commotion through her freshly cleared window, Evangeline leans out of the window to see an extremely embarrassed young man brushing twigs and leaves from his breeches and hair.
"Thankyou sir, for clearing the banches" <i>she calls down to the man.</i>
"Please do not call me sir, Milady, I am but a humble stableboy, nothing more."
<i>With that, Maelg hurries off before he embarasses himself further, vowing to make himself a better man so he can present himself to her with pride</i>
.... to be continued</i>

Revision as of 03:21, 9 August 2006

Maelg looks up from supporting one of his two remaining men as they traipsed towards Partora.

'Let's rest here, where we can see the walls of Partora. At this pace we should get there in about 12 hours.'

The men slump to the ground, too weary to even make a fire, and fall asleep instantly. Maelg looks towards Partora, thinking of a comfortable inn, with a bed with fresh straw in it.

'I need to get to Perdan as soon as possible. Those Siron and Fontanese bastards have dared to enter Perdan Lands.' He says to no-one in particular.

With that Maelg leans up against a tree and wonders if Blen still has his liver.

'Rise damn you RISE!'

Maelg shakes his fist at the sky, impatient that the sun is ponderously slow in rising, it seems, this morning.

'I need to get to Perdan soon! Magnus is going to get a head start in the competition, and I haven't even tried ONE Blood Eagle yet!'

Magnus hefts his bag of gold in his hand, wondering how much mead Magnus is able to drink and whether he has the coin to pay for it.

As the sun finally rises, Maelg starts kicking his men.

'Get up you lazy sods! Magnus has already started gutting people and drinking Perdan dry! If there's no mead left by the time I get there, you lot will be standing OUTSIDE the walls when the Sirionites show up!'

With that the men gather their belongings and start the final leg to Perdan, hoping there is a stockpile of mead in cellars.

'Good work men, we got here on time, and by the looks of it, there's still plenty of mead. Go and find somewhere to rest, we may have battle on the morrow.'

Maelg looks over at the courtyard, quiet except for Evangeline honing her skills with one of the academy's masters.

'Now, which dive of an Inn would you think Magnus is in? We have much to talk about.'

Maelg looks to the battlements briefly, and squints.

'Is that a horned helmet I see poking out from behind the wall?, it is!'

With that Maelg yells at the top of his voice,


Maelg manages to pull himself together, wipes the tears from his eyes and sees Magnus heading towards him. Once he manages to draw a breath he reaches out and puts his arm around Magnus' shoulder.

'Lets go have a drink, meads are on me,'

He continues,

'I wouldn't worry about her, she's always so serious when it comes to nobility. Me, I'm just a stable hand who married her to get a foot up into nobility. Now look at me, "Battlegroup Commander"!'

With that Maelg laughs and walks off towards the nearest inn, still chuckling to himself.

Maelg is sitting in the "Maimed Seagull" a dive of an inn if you have ever seen one, with his sworn shield-brother Magnus.

'Magnush my friend, I fink I shud go. I haven't sheen Evangelne for a long time. I wash full of crud out there in the courtyard.'

Maelg downs the rest of his mead.

'I love her. I alwaysh have.'

With that Maelg gets unsteadily to his feet, and stumbles towards the front door.

'....4 o'clock and aaaaalllls weeeelllll...' can be heard from the watch.

'No it bloody ishn't. Hey you over there! Wheresh Evageline staying? You don't know? What ushe are you to me?'

'Evangeline! Evangeline! Eva.....' could be heard from Maelg as he stumbles through the sleeping streets of Perdan.

Maelg wakes in the doorway of some house with his concerned scribe, Breck shaking him forcefully.

'Maelg! My Lord! Wake up! The Marshal of Perdan has sent orders!' Maelg, with only a little help from Breck, gets to his feet, the thought of action sobering him immediately, well almost. 'My mouth feels like a cat slept in it... What are the orders?' Breck unrolls a parchment and reads aloud '1500cs of archers to move the the mines of Perdan, everyone else in Perdan to misdirect to Bescanon' 'Sire, Magnus is already moving out to face the monsters' 'Good. I fear Perdan City could not handle him for too much longer. Breck, ready the men, we "move" to Bescanon, now!'

As Breck sprints off, Maelg thinks to himself 'I almost feel sorry for those monsters... almost'|}

Maelg looks up to see the full moon is still in the sky, and realises that it is almost sunrise, and the moon he was looking at was Magnus' bare behind as he hung it out over the wall for something to do...
At the border of Bescanon

'Evangeline, We must part. It was good to fight alongside of you. Please give this to Magnus, when you see him in Perdan.'

Maelg hands Evangeline a crude necklace of pointy ears.

'Tell him I'm winning 14-3 in the blood eagle contest'

23/07/2006 Maelg challenges his wife to a duel

Maelg is in the courtyard, just before sunset, training amongst his men. Three men have him surrounded, Maelg is comfortably rotating within the center of the three, his short sword weaving circles, he is in a crouched position like a cat ready to pounce on any sign of mistake, and there is one.

One of the soldiers adjusts his grip on his sword and in that instant Maelg whirls into action concentrating on the poor soldier with strike after strike until he bears the man down to the ground. With the man beaten he whips around to face the other two. Deciding that the odds of two to one would be better if they attacked simultaneously, they charge in swinging their swords trying to find an opening in Maelgs defence. Maelg starts to move backwards under the assailance of the two, but always careful to circle as to give one a disadvantage. As the closer soldier over-extends, Maelg siezes the opportunity to plant a carefully placed kick into the mans ribs, crumpling him instantly. As the second soldier stumbles over his fallen comrade, Maelg pulls him past spins, and smacks the unwitting soldier with the flat of his sword across his behind.

"Terrible! How am I meant to get better when I have no-one decent to train against!"

Maelg turns to see Evangeline entering the courtyard, and he glances at the sky,

"Well it is sunset"

"Eva, my dear. I had planned for us to spend some time together quietly up on the walls for a meal. If I could get that damn Falcion off there, we would have had some privacy too. Unfortunately, the mood has left me as I have been training with these dolts and they have done nothing but frustrate me."

Maelgs eyes light up as he notices Evangeline is still wearing her sword.

"Milady," and Maelg sketches a bow " Would you do me the honour of a duel. I crave a challenge."

"Okay... it's time we settled this anyway. I'll accept your duel"

A grin splits Maelgs face.


Maelg stands slightly side-on relaxed and at ease, he inclines his head to signal to Evangeline he is ready. Evangeline takes up her ready position. At once Maelg attempts to sieze the advantage by trying to overrun Evangeline in a quick succession of blows. Much to his surprise his blows are met just as aggresively, and he finds himself parrying blows as much as making them himself. As the to and fro continues for several minutes, with neither party wishing to back down, sweat starts to drip from both oppenents, with Evangeline glistening beautifully in the sunset. Finally Maelg manages a brief nick on Evangelines off arm a fraction of a second before she manages to give Maelg a nasty slice on his sword arm.

"Well met my love. It seems I have managed to best you this time. I thank you for the challenge it has been invigorating. Shall we dine? It looks as though Falcion has left his post on the wall."

Maelg is bored and wants to stir up the oldies of the realm....

Maelg is sitting at his table in his command tent, bent over some scraps of paper mumbling to himself and drawing, then scribbling out what he had just drawn.

"Ah-Ha! I have it! Breck!"

Maelgs scribe magically appears at his left elbow

"Yes Milord?"

Maelg jumps from the sudden answer from directly behind him

"SHHEESCH! Don't sneak up on me wouldjya? Have a look at this and tell me what you think!" Maelg beams with pride

"Very nice sir, I especially like the windows on the house and the smiley face on the sun"

"Not that picture, that was a erm... warm up!"

Maelg delicately folds the piece of paper up and sticks it in his pocket

"This is what I was talking about"

Maelg stabs his finger at another piece of paper on the table

"ahhhh... what is it Sir?"

"It's my latest invention! I call it a 'zoomer frame' (patent pending). What it's for is"

Maelg continues excitedly

"for those 'older' nobles here in Perdan. It helps them move along faster. I hear they start to lose time once they get old. If you ask me I think it's because they need a snooze under a tree every couple of hours or they dislocate a hip, but anyway I've gone off track. If you have a look at the picture you can see I've even got somewhere for them to hang their scabbard, and scout reports, and if you turn it around you can sit on this bit and have a bit of a rest if you feel like it!"

"Very nice Sir! But who needs one of these?" inquires Breck

"Well I was thinking about it and I think we should send out a couple of proto-thingies to Kerwyn and ][osferatu, as I hear they're having trouble keeping up!"

"ahh ok Sir, do you think that's a good idea?"

"Nonsense! Of course it's a good idea. It's /my/ idea! Now get to it and get two made and sent out immediately!"

...5 years ago, Maelg is mucking out the stables as a good stableboy does, when he spies a beautiful girl, no older than 16. She was the daughter of his lord, her name was Evangeline and she was the most stunning woman Maelg had ever seen.

Maelg has been besotted with her since he first laid eyes on her. He remembers the day as if it was yesterday. Maelg was up a tree, pruning some branches that had grown too close to the mansion and were scraping on the shutters, disturbing the inhabitant of the rooms sleep. As he was pruning a particularily stubborn branch, he happened to glance in the window and spied an angel sitting in the room. Unfortunately Maelg was so stunned by her beauty, that he lost his grip and fell from the tree, landing in an uncomfortable pile of freshly pruned branches.

Hearing the commotion through her freshly cleared window, Evangeline leans out of the window to see an extremely embarrassed young man brushing twigs and leaves from his breeches and hair.

"Thankyou sir, for clearing the banches" she calls down to the man.

"Please do not call me sir, Milady, I am but a humble stableboy, nothing more."

With that, Maelg hurries off before he embarasses himself further, vowing to make himself a better man so he can present himself to her with pride

.... to be continued