O'Ways Family: Difference between revisions

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A big thanks to my lovely wife Kelly for the great shield.
OOC: A big thanks to my lovely wife Kelly for the great shield.

Revision as of 19:09, 9 July 2006

Family Coat of Arms

Shieldgood2.gif The Family Values are: Honour, Service, Truth.

Family History

Cullen was found roaming around the forests of Alatol by an aging nobleman, Megistos, only three years ago. He did not speak english but he was able to communicate with any being around him. The nobleman, the last of the O'Ways family, took him to the family home where Cullen learned to speak english and was educated in the ways of the world. The boy still returned to the woods for certain periods of time, "to go see an old friend". The nobleman officially adopted him one year and a day after he first encountered Cullen, to be his successor to the Family Seat. On every question concerning his background or his monthly trips into the forest he allways answers in an evasive manner, not even his foster-father knows what it is about, but people tend to accept him and his secrets. He is a young man with strong ideals and convictions, and above all truthfull. Not to forget impulsive. And stubborn.

Before Cullen's appearance the Family didn't have any active troopleaders, Megistos only commands his personal guard.


Megistos' sisters where ambushed on a journey through the island 12 years ago, and there had never been word from them or their two children since. Cullen took it upon himself to seek them out or at least find out what happened and find the ones responsible. He found one of the children, Deirdre, while he was recruiting a healer in Hidale, where she was working for a pharmacist. Deirdre had been placed there as a child, not knowing by who, assuming she was an orphan. She took command of the freshly formed "Dragon's Claws" infantry unit, to serve the Republic she owes her life to.

Cullen still commands his "Dragonfire Archers"- unit, ever in search of the long-gone relatives of his foster-father and to bring honour to his family's name.


OOC: A big thanks to my lovely wife Kelly for the great shield.