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Earlier, our good Palandro went out and met up with the newly appointed High Marshal of Old Rancagua, Sir Wenliang and asked him a few questions concerning his new appointment, the war with Kalmar and his thoughts on the internal affairs of Old Rancagua:

What military action do you see Old Rancagua taking in the coming months?

Old Rancagua's political and diplomatic situation in the upcoming months is incredibly complicated and thus, may result in a limited number of actions in the coming months. Now that Oligarch has finally drawn its last breath, Old Rancagua's armies must now focus on restoring Prometheus back to his rightful place as the ruler of the Kalmar Islands. Whether that is as its Chancellor, or whether it be the restoration of the old Monarchy as originally planned is still unsure. However I do know that in accordance with the oath made with Prometheus when Kalmar was taken from him by the unjust, Old Rancagua will do all in its power to restore him to his rightful place as ruler.

After Kalmar however, our situation becomes far less black and white. It is a widely known fact that Sirion and Fontan's war does not end with Oligarch the way that it did with Doc. With Oligarch's demise, the war will shift to Perdan's northern front as well, and Old Rancagua will have to decide upon our stance. Perdan has become a friend of Old Rancagua over the last few months, especially brought closer together by the foundation of the new Colony in Kalmar and then our combined efforts after its usurpation.

This is why our decision will be a difficult one and the Council is debating as to what is to be done, Old Rancagua should not be a realm which throws away a peace which has brought so much fruit and Perdan are friends we do not wish to loose, however we also cannot ignore its allies call lightly. But, we will cross that bridge when we come to it, first to Kalmar then to other horizons.

In what ways do you think you can improve the military operations of the Old Rancaguan army?

During my stint as the High Marshal I hope to streamline the Old Rancaguan army into a far more mobile and far more concentrated military machine. In my application which I sent to the newly elected King Dekion, I outlined my plans to institute a 3 BattleGroup system: Special Forces/Vanguard, Main Army, and Homeland Defence/Rearguard. This will improve the overall maneuverability of the Old Rancaguan army, which is undoubtedly unwieldy at the best of times in its current state.

Furthermore, I also have plans for what will become a series of tutorial sessions with any who wish to join. I believe that through an increased awareness in the arts of war and the ways of the military will strengthen the military to a point when all Nobles, no matter their standing, will have a firm grasp of the basics of military leadership. This will prove invaluable because through these tutorials, which will be held during the peace after Kalmar's liberation, we will be able to teach newcomers and others the more advanced forms of tactics and the military. For a strong army and command structure is formed through its Nobles' precision in the art of war. These tutorials will also aid in maintaining the army's readiness.

Finally, I will admit, the regional maintenance side of my job is not coming freely at this time, coming from the South East where the people take care of themselves does not give me much experience in this field, but I am learning fast and hopefully with a week or so more training I will be far more confident with my responsibilities. What is your view on the insults spiraling between Dekion and Fuinur?

It is truly pointless and is only leading to unwanted and damaging destabilisation of the realm into factions. Both of these fine men have been intrinsic to the success and prosperity of Old Rancagua, and both have the credentials and respect of the Nobles of Old Rancagua. To descend into this kind of mudslinging is truly senseless and is only leading to resentment amongst old friends, something that Old Rancagua does not need.

Dekion has been elected as the King of Old Rancagua, with 50% of the vote, which means that half the realm voted for him and trusts that he will make the right decisions. Therefore, we should allow him to be King and make those decisions. I have supported every single one and I will continue to do so, Dekion is a fine King and I will follow him even to my death that is my pledge of loyalty to my King.

Some of his decisions may have been slightly controversial, especially with the appointment of Thalanteus to Duke of Oroya, but I wholeheartedly believe that Thalanteus deserved that position. He was the ruler of Old Rancagua during one of the most difficult times in it's history and we have come out the stronger, I have great respect for him and I believe that the Duchy of Oroya was a fitting reward for his services.

Unfortunately,we only have 2 cities, soon to be 3 with the inclusion of Ashforth, and I am sure that Lord Fuinir will be rewarded some day for what is also considered outstanding service to Old Rancagua, time will smile upon him I am sure. Who knows he could be the next High Marshal, or the next Arch-Priest with the unfortunate wounding of Lord Johnny.

What do you feel you can personally bring to the position of High Marshal?

During my days on the South East Island, I saw many battles, fought between my mentor Noble Castamir and my arch nemesis, Sebastian, the brother to King Dekion. I experienced many battles and learned much of the arts of war and the leadership of men. Furthermore, my dedication to the success of Old Rancagua and her military permits me to be present at all major movements at dawn and dusk, giving me a tactical advantage.

I can bring to Old Rancagua steadfast loyalty, unwavering commitment and what would not be a vast knowledge, but a very firm grounding in tactics and warfare from my experiences and training. I am very open, due to my strong republican beliefs and will always listen to the advice and problems brought up by the Nobles under my command. You will find me very methodical, as I have all my campaigns mapped out and anticipated, with many contingencies.

I will lead, and will fight and die with the Nobles of Old Rancagua, all I ask is that they follow and trust in me, for I will not let them down.

How soon do you think Old Rancagua will be able to commence military operations against Kalmar?

I had actually planned to begin offensive operations against Avamar, yes I refuse to call that realm Kalmar anymore I will call it what it is, just after our most recent taxes. However with the upcoming tournament in Sirion and the region status failing due to repeated monster attacks, as well as the possibility of what seems to be a peaceful and co-operative end to the conflict, I will have to postpone the invasion to an undisclosed date to be decided in the Council.

Fear not though for when the time is right (and that will be VERY soon) I will lead the Old Rancaguan army against the usurpers in the Kalmar Islands and in our righteous might we shall continue on to victory against our enemies.

Back to the Press: 1st June 2006