Von Lohengrann Family/Diane/Beginnings: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "=Roleplay from Diane Eloise de Haguns von Lohengrann= {{Message2 |Type=Roleplay |Sender=Diane Eloise de Haguns von Lohengrann |Content= (Message to all nobles of Perdan)...")
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“Halt! On whose orders do you order a man’s death? On whose authority?”, she slowed  the horse just before the men, and placed a hand on the hilt of a longsword that was strapped to her hip, removing it from the scabbard. “The Law of Perdan is clear. No murder. Back down with your… ruffians”, her eyes started to count the number of ‘guards’ the man had called for and compared with her own retinue, which she realized was fast approaching from behind by the louder footsteps, “Back down and explain yourselves, both of you. This is an order, on my authority as a noble!”
“Halt! On whose orders do you order a man’s death? On whose authority?”, she slowed  the horse just before the men, and placed a hand on the hilt of a longsword that was strapped to her hip, removing it from the scabbard. “The Law of Perdan is clear. No murder. Back down with your… ruffians”, her eyes started to count the number of ‘guards’ the man had called for and compared with her own retinue, which she realized was fast approaching from behind by the louder footsteps, “Back down and explain yourselves, both of you. This is an order, on my authority as a noble!”
=Roleplay from Miles Guillotine=
|Sender=Miles Guillotine
(Message to all nobles of Perdan)
The merchant that was after Hegan slowly starts to sweat as he sees more witnesses have arrived. Scanning the possible area for anyway out save none with how empty the road is currently, “play it cool.. play it cool..” mumbling to himself before looking up to the noble on the bourse.
”Ah.. uhh well you see um.. this man right here tried to ruin my entire stock of fine goods I was transporting to Perdan city.. and you see um.” Stumbling over the words he is trying to confess the ‘commoner’ who in refused to have 10 or so  ruffians around int him with weapons armed to kill casualu and quite calmly approve the noblewoman also seeing what looks to be her own guards fast at work. “Ah well this is quite unexpected”
Looking down at the man he is in is early to mid 30s, a few battle scars on his left most cheek, brown short hair, trimmed to a tee. With the position of looking down you can see the commoner is wearing standardized army equipment underneath his regular outing clothes for protection, but there is no blade that is currently visible. “Greetings madam, I do not know your current rank so I cannot great you formally, but this merchant here is what I think can be called by pulling a fast one, accusing passerby’s of various minor crimes to get them to give all they have while at the same time eliminating witnesses to continue their scheme, though I was not worried that these ‘guards’ wouldent amount to much but I do thank you for assistance, Sir Miles will be happy that you come to the rescue.
The merchant listing in to the conversation slowly starts to back up even further seeings out things are going to play out before kneeing to the noble on the bourse. “My lady please do not take these words of this trickster, this imposter does not work for a noble so called “Miles” , the only Sir Miles I know is currently is in Shadowdale! How can he be so far in Perdan lands with the treaty signed during war shadowdale cannot cross into perdan territory! If he is working under Shadowdale rule strike him down as a spy!”
=Roleplay from Diane Eloise de Haguns von Lohengrann=
|Sender=Diane Eloise de Haguns von Lohengrann
(Message to all nobles of Perdan)
Diane listened to both men’s exchanges and arched an eyebrow at the merchant’s explanation. Scoffing, she looked down at him just as her retinue arrived, most soldiers placing their hands on the hilts of their swords. “M’lady, any problems?”, asked one of the loyal novan soldiers that had escorted her from Askileon.
“I hope not…”, she answered. Her eyes went to the merchant and then to the ‘commoner’ that seemed  to be ambushed. She studied them for a moment before speaking. “I trust none of you. Both stories could be true or false. I know nothing about Sir Miles, or Shadowdale for instance. Though, I know one thing…”, she paused, “If the tradesman's accusations are true, you have no right to execute a man. Why not take him to the sheriff, bailiff or aldeman? What gives you the power to play executioner?”, her voice was unforgiving, a cold and calm tone that made her seem far older than her own age. “And worse of all, you dishonorably ambush a single man with ten guards!"
“Guards, arrest both men. If there is another noble nearby, and the man’s tale is true that he serves him, he shall lead us to this… sir Miles. For the other merchant, he shall face the Crown’s justice for attempt murder unsactioned by the lawful officials”, and with a simple gesture of her hand and the soldiers moved forward to apprehend both men.
“I think it would be wise for these men”, Diane glanced at the ruffians, “to drop their swords and just go on their way. Ask yourselves, is it worth defying the Crown’s law for the sake of a dishonorable man who has no courage to stand up for himself and orders you to do his dirty work? Imagine the fate that would await you to defy a noble. Not pleasant, when you can just walk away...”
If a fight could be avoided, that would be for the best. She would rather serve them justice, but knew all too well sometimes choices had to be made. Despite this, she was prepared for the worst and a fight, strenghtening the grip of her sword, just as her soldiers advanced to encircle the group.


Latest revision as of 02:01, 19 July 2021

Roleplay from Diane Eloise de Haguns von Lohengrann

Roleplay from Diane Eloise de Haguns von Lohengrann
(Message to all nobles of Perdan)

“To think I would leave the Imperial Court to find myself in the Grand Court. The Bloodstars truly influence us in mysterious ways. Perhaps the Maddening?”, she mused. “Let us just hope the court intrigues do not follow us here, Lorenzo”, said the auburn-haired woman as she slowly rode her horse through a dirt road deep in the woods of Beziers, turning her head towards the younger squire that followed her not far away, a feeble smile crossing her face.

Lorenzo, who had only seen twelve winters so far, was distracted and sleepy, her tired eyes trying hard to stay open and it was only by the bump-bumping of the horse's gait that he did not fall asleep on the saddle. Ever since their arrival by the harbor in Aix they had not stopped. The voyage aboard the Madina had been mostly quiet save for the occasional storms, though the weather improved once they reached the Lion’s Roar and finally the Al Bahr Sea. The disembarking and later moments had been tumultuous, to say the least. Daydreaming, the squire paid no attention to the noblewoman she served.

“Lorenzo? Lorenzo. Cousin. I spoke to you.”

The squire’s eyes widened when he realized the noblewoman and older cousin addressed her. Adjusting herself uncomfortably on the saddle, Lorenzo winced as the sun reached her face. They had reached the open fields near farmlands, and the trees offered no more shadows for her to rest. “M-my dame, forgive me, I…”, he started, but Diane finished for him. “You were asleep. I see. I have been hard on you, I know. Perhaps we should have stayed a bit longer in my new manor in Aix, the voyage from Askileon was long and tiring. I have to go to the capital eventually and could not leave you alone in a place we barely know, even if it should become our new home. If you need it, we can stop so you rest some”.

“No, I did not mean so... but those feather beds in the manor were so much better than the ship! I could not sleep there, the waves made it all too rocky!”, said the child in a chirping manner, and Diane’s feeble smile opened a bit more at her cousin’s honesty. “What did you say, cousin?”

Diane noticed the soldiers marching behind them. All were wearing light armor, mostly boiled leather, and showed no signs of being tired. So we shall march a bit more, thought the lurian noblewoman, as she turned away and faced the road ahead.

Without turning back, she continued, though in a quieter tone. “It was just a jest, perhaps you are not old enough to understand… yet. Pay no mind to it.”

Her voice would not reveal, but in her jest there were some concerns about rumors she had heard.

The first days ever since their arrival in Aix, the woman kept most to herself and did not announce her noble presence. Wary as she naturally was due to her own upbringing in a nest of vipers, Diane was one to lay low as she found more about all things that intrigued her. The nobles of Perdan. The recent history and events of this Kingdom. The members of her House in the Perdan Mines and their whereabouts. Most things surprised her one way or another. Her soldiers had gone throughout Aix disguised as merchants or peddlers and inquired merchants and city dwellers about any and all things. And Diane heard conflicting tales, though some truths could be extracted by the careful ear.

Lorenzo followed her and they rode for a while, the soldiers quietly following in two columns of ten men each. The child broke the silence. “Diane, did you like Aix? It seems so small compared to Askileon...”

“Yes, at first glance. It lacks the splendor of Askileon, but you did not hear me saying this, nor should you speak like that around here”, she turned briefly and playfully winked at her younger cousin. “But it is a beautiful city. I heard it has a large library, perhaps I shall spend some time there… and you shall come with me. We could learn a thing or two about these lands.”

“I would rather train my sword!”, he said defiantly. However, the silence that came from the older Haguns was almost deafening. She was only seventeen, but to young Lorenzo, seemed far older. “But if you insist…”, he relented, before rapidly changing subjects. “Our House was born here, right?”

“More to the North. A region called the Mines. Though it seems they all fled away for one reason or another. There is that dreadful Furiae in Dwilight… I was surprised to discover there was another one there, and even more that she did go to Tol Goldora, rather than Luria Nova. Perhaps if it is for the better, if the rumors I heard about her are true… Apparently, another one in the South of this continent. Apart from him, I think we are the only Haguns in these lands.The rest were scattered throughout the world after his folly”, she sighed.

Lorenzo nodded. They had talked about these matters the other day, and while she could not see it, there was some semblance of worry in Diane’s eyes. “Now, we are going to deviate a bit from our way to the capital. It seems there are undead in … Clermont. Yes. Remember what I have told you, do not engage the horde. Bravery comes with time and age. Stay away from the battlefield, but observe the battle, if we reach it in time. You need to learn. You shall have two of my trusted soldiers to escort you and keep you safe.”

The child said nothing. Diane noticed his sudden quietness and slowed her horse so they could ride side by side. “Do not be afraid, Lorenzo. I was your age and a squire to my mother when I accompanied my first battle… but this time it is different. Nothing shall happen to me, I promise”.

“The Battle in Santoo grandpa spoke about?”, he asked knowing the answer. In a way, he just wanted that Diane would be late for the battle. Perhaps he should just say he was tired and needed rest… but he had already burned this chance some time ago. She was no fool, he reckoned.

“Yes”, she replied dryly, and both knew there nothing else to say.
Diane Eloise de Haguns von Lohengrann

Roleplay from Miles Guillotine

Roleplay from Miles Guillotine
(Message to all nobles of Perdan)

The gravel dirt path of the road leading into the Beziers woods, Sir Miles trod with his unit looking over the current orders of the army. "Ah undead it seems, though this war that is currently going down is more concerning in my preface so be it."

Walking up to Miles, looking to be the captain, says to miles in a funny tone. "Sir, You are talking to yourself again, you sure that you are completely together, you seem to be talking more to yourself." Seeing his captain try to make some humor he waves his right hand in the air in dismissal. "Well maybe I was talking to you, Hagen, if so you just insulted your commander, shall I lay punishment?" The unit seems to all chuckle before Hagen starts muttering to himself trying to think of a excuse before Miles himself laughs out loud. "Hagen, calm down its only in jest, why don't you scout out ahead to make sure nothing awaits our arrival, we will be stopping in the Beziers woods, you do know I like long strolls in the wildlife."

Nodding rapidly and slightly embarrassed, he rushes off ahead of the group, with nothing in real importance on the way, just some casual farmers leading cattle to the next town that was in the distance, and few merchants on the road selling what looks to be common accessories for adventures and travelers. One of the merchants seeming bored to Hagen's eyes throws himself in the way of the captain knocking both to the ground before he screams in bloody murder. "Watch it commoner, do you know how expensive this set of clothing is? I want compensation now, or else!" Hagen seeming annoyed at the thought of being called a commoner when he is in service to one of the most loyal and honorable lords he has served in the past, picks himself up and slowly stand over the merchant. "How dare you insult me, do you know who I work for? Seemingly not, you will understand what you have caused here, with this little act you put together."

Looking shocked the merchant picks himself and slowly pats himself down getting rid of the dirt and dust of his clothes. "Well commoner, if that is such where is he now," Looking around with his arms fully out, chuckles to no one else on the road. "Well it seems that we are by ourselves, you have disrespected me, and tried to intimidate myself, for that I call for your death!," Yelling out from where he stands and taking a step back to his cart for protection. "Guards! Kill this Commoner where he stands," From behind the cart, guards comes out, that look more like bandits snickering to themselves, with weapons drawn and slowly surround the captain.
Miles Guillotine

Roleplay from Diane Eloise de Haguns von Lohengrann

Roleplay from Diane Eloise de Haguns von Lohengrann
(Message to all nobles of Perdan)

The rest of the journey through the woods had been uneventful. Times of peace, after all. Diane looked back towards the guards that escorted her. The morale seemed high, as she noticed some talking and laughing. Pleased that they could advance further, she turned to face once again the road, which had slowly started to become livelier with merchants and peddlers with their carts, caravans and cattle being herded. A small village loomed on the horizon, and the young noblewoman could see from afar what she presumed to be straw roofs.

“Quite unusual for you, Lorenzo. So quiet”, she said matter-of-factly, an eye looking sideways at her cousin that rode beside her. The boy almost jumped from his horse as he was addressed, and the Lurian held a chuckle, more for his reaction than for the reason she was certain caused him to be somewhat moody.

“Cousin! Ah, it is nothing”, he replied, and once again the silence fell between them both. For a while, the only sounds they heard were those made by the walking horses in the dirt roads, tradesmen announcing their wares as they passed through them, and an occasional louder jeer coming from the guards behind them, which Diane mostly ignored.

“Do not shy away from talking to me. If something troubles you, perhaps I could help in some way. As much as you are my squire, you are my cousin, and I have sworn to protect you. That also means helping you”, she said after a while.

“I just miss home, mom, dad and my brothers”, he confessed, looking at her.

The Haguns woman finally turned her face to look at him, a comforting smile crossing her face and she guided the horse’s rein to slowly get closer to her cousin. “Lorenzo! Do not hide your feelings... If it troubles you, we should talk! You know, when grandpa gave me my parents’ inheritance and sent me on my way to serve in a foreign kingdom, he had already talked with your mom. What future was there for you in Luria, as a second son? Just like me? Your older brother would inherit the lands. My sister shall inherit the estate.”

She paused and pondered on the words she would say next. “You have an entire future ahead of you, but not in Luria Nova, not in the Empire. Your parents gave the blessing for you to come with me so I may try… try and train you to one day become a knight”, she said and reached her hand to hold the child’s shoulder, squeezing it gently as the horses walked one beside the other, “I… I know I am not much older than you, inexperienced in so many things, but I will do my best for you. And perhaps here, in these lands…”, her eyes moved around the fields and the folk that dotted it, “We can start a life of our own, where our ancestors first started.”

“Diane, I know that… I just fear I am never going to see them again, we are so far away now. I lived for a while in House Lakillan’s manor as a ward, but it was close to Askileon. Only a two days ride...”

“Lorenzo”, her tone was growing more serious by the second, and the child could swear to witness a shadow pass through Diane’s blue eyes , “When I was your age, my parents died. Santoo. I was there... It is something… I normally do not talk about it. I learned back then to face fear, and so shall you. Within time, of course. Cherish the moments you spend with them… but remember who you need to become. Facing fear is a knight’s first trial. It is mine, it shall be yours”, she finished, her jaw clenching as teeth grinded together.

Well commoner, if that is such where is he now," Looking around with his arms fully out, chuckles to no one else on the road. "Well it seems that we are by ourselves, you have disrespected me, and tried to intimidate myself, for that I call for your death!," Yelling out from where he stands and taking a step back to his cart for protection. "Guards! Kill this Commoner where he stands," From behind the cart, guards comes out, that look more like bandits snickering to themselves, with weapons drawn and slowly surround the captain.

Before more could be said, Diane’s remembrances of the events of five years ago brought her to the present, as the words ‘death’ and ‘kill’ were uttered so freely by a man with the aspect of a merchant against another whom Diane could not identify as his back was turned against her.

“Lorenzo, stay back now, and order the guards to move forward”, she said as she spurred the horse to gallop faster towards the altercation.

“Halt! On whose orders do you order a man’s death? On whose authority?”, she slowed the horse just before the men, and placed a hand on the hilt of a longsword that was strapped to her hip, removing it from the scabbard. “The Law of Perdan is clear. No murder. Back down with your… ruffians”, her eyes started to count the number of ‘guards’ the man had called for and compared with her own retinue, which she realized was fast approaching from behind by the louder footsteps, “Back down and explain yourselves, both of you. This is an order, on my authority as a noble!”
Diane Eloise de Haguns von Lohengrann

Roleplay from Miles Guillotine

Roleplay from Miles Guillotine
(Message to all nobles of Perdan)

The merchant that was after Hegan slowly starts to sweat as he sees more witnesses have arrived. Scanning the possible area for anyway out save none with how empty the road is currently, “play it cool.. play it cool..” mumbling to himself before looking up to the noble on the bourse.

”Ah.. uhh well you see um.. this man right here tried to ruin my entire stock of fine goods I was transporting to Perdan city.. and you see um.” Stumbling over the words he is trying to confess the ‘commoner’ who in refused to have 10 or so ruffians around int him with weapons armed to kill casualu and quite calmly approve the noblewoman also seeing what looks to be her own guards fast at work. “Ah well this is quite unexpected”

Looking down at the man he is in is early to mid 30s, a few battle scars on his left most cheek, brown short hair, trimmed to a tee. With the position of looking down you can see the commoner is wearing standardized army equipment underneath his regular outing clothes for protection, but there is no blade that is currently visible. “Greetings madam, I do not know your current rank so I cannot great you formally, but this merchant here is what I think can be called by pulling a fast one, accusing passerby’s of various minor crimes to get them to give all they have while at the same time eliminating witnesses to continue their scheme, though I was not worried that these ‘guards’ wouldent amount to much but I do thank you for assistance, Sir Miles will be happy that you come to the rescue.

The merchant listing in to the conversation slowly starts to back up even further seeings out things are going to play out before kneeing to the noble on the bourse. “My lady please do not take these words of this trickster, this imposter does not work for a noble so called “Miles” , the only Sir Miles I know is currently is in Shadowdale! How can he be so far in Perdan lands with the treaty signed during war shadowdale cannot cross into perdan territory! If he is working under Shadowdale rule strike him down as a spy!”
Miles Guillotine

Roleplay from Diane Eloise de Haguns von Lohengrann

Roleplay from Diane Eloise de Haguns von Lohengrann
(Message to all nobles of Perdan)

Diane listened to both men’s exchanges and arched an eyebrow at the merchant’s explanation. Scoffing, she looked down at him just as her retinue arrived, most soldiers placing their hands on the hilts of their swords. “M’lady, any problems?”, asked one of the loyal novan soldiers that had escorted her from Askileon.

“I hope not…”, she answered. Her eyes went to the merchant and then to the ‘commoner’ that seemed to be ambushed. She studied them for a moment before speaking. “I trust none of you. Both stories could be true or false. I know nothing about Sir Miles, or Shadowdale for instance. Though, I know one thing…”, she paused, “If the tradesman's accusations are true, you have no right to execute a man. Why not take him to the sheriff, bailiff or aldeman? What gives you the power to play executioner?”, her voice was unforgiving, a cold and calm tone that made her seem far older than her own age. “And worse of all, you dishonorably ambush a single man with ten guards!"

“Guards, arrest both men. If there is another noble nearby, and the man’s tale is true that he serves him, he shall lead us to this… sir Miles. For the other merchant, he shall face the Crown’s justice for attempt murder unsactioned by the lawful officials”, and with a simple gesture of her hand and the soldiers moved forward to apprehend both men.

“I think it would be wise for these men”, Diane glanced at the ruffians, “to drop their swords and just go on their way. Ask yourselves, is it worth defying the Crown’s law for the sake of a dishonorable man who has no courage to stand up for himself and orders you to do his dirty work? Imagine the fate that would await you to defy a noble. Not pleasant, when you can just walk away...”

If a fight could be avoided, that would be for the best. She would rather serve them justice, but knew all too well sometimes choices had to be made. Despite this, she was prepared for the worst and a fight, strenghtening the grip of her sword, just as her soldiers advanced to encircle the group.
Diane Eloise de Haguns von Lohengrann