Sanctum Noctis: Difference between revisions

From BattleMaster Wiki
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| <center>Wizard of the Frozen Blood, Awakened Beneath the Mountain, The Ghost of Winter, and the Rider of Frost</center>
| <center>Wizard of the Frozen Blood, Awakened Beneath the Mountain, The Ghost of Winter, and the Rider of Frost</center>
| Craglan the Cold Drraad'da Mejor is as pale as snow. His hair a wave of white and silver and his eyes like gently lit ice. His features are sharp; predatory, including sharp teeth and strong fingertips with a bit of a claw. He wears a leather robe that is lined with a lush fur, and carries a Crystal Staff.  He wears a bejeweled sword at his waist and is often seen looking into The Crystal Skull, which people had seen him talk to. A jeweled haversack is worn across the shoulder beneath the robe and pouches of many sizes can be seen around his belt. A white snake with a blue pattern is often seen draping and slithering on his person; Scycle, Craglan's familiar from another age when Magic yet survived in its truest form.
| Craglan the Cold Drraad'da Mejor is as pale as snow. His hair a wave of white and silver and his eyes like gently lit ice. His features are sharp; predatory, including sharp teeth and strong fingertips with a bit of a claw. He wears a leather robe that is lined with a lush fur, and carries a Crystal Staff.  He wears a bejeweled sword at his waist and is often seen looking into The Crystal Skull, which people had seen him talk to. A jeweled haversack is worn across the shoulder beneath the robe and pouches of many sizes can be seen around his belt. A white snake with a blue pattern is often seen draping and slithering on his person; Scycle, Craglan's familiar from another age when Magic yet survived in its truest form.
| [[{{ns:6}}:Eriol_Blackdagger_square.jpg|150px]]
| <center>[[Blackdagger Family|'''Eriol Blackdagger''']]<br>Courtier</center>
| <center>Blood Regent/Ruler of Vordul Sanguinis, Duke of Agros Aurea, Count of Ircymbar</center>
| Eriol is a young man, at only 22 years of age. He has pale white skin with a splotch of black, messy hair. He stands 6 feet tall, and has a muscular build; a testament to the farming life of his youth in Ircymbar. Pledging himself to the man Xlair before he was Emperor, young Eriol rose through the ranks of the nascent Empire, always keeping true to the simple morality of a man of the land. However as things tend to do, his simple morality was thrown into confusion after slighting the God-Emperor. After a torture session where he was never touched, Eriol came out a different man. Brimming with ambition and a merciless single-mindedness, the young Blackdagger rose to the heights of Empire, becoming both the Empire's chief Ambassador and Seneschal; the voice and pocketbook of the Empire. After a series of incidents, Eriol saw the opportunity to have his ambition pay off after the resignation of Vizer Craglan. Now from a simple farmer, to Count, Duke, Seneschal, and voice of a God is the Blood Regent, no longer the position of Vizer or advisor, but ruling in the stead of the God-Emperor. As he said at his appointment, "There is still only One Emperor, One Word, One Law. I can only act in His stead as He fights for us."
|[[{{ns:6}}:Azizah_Daris_Square.jpg|150px]]||<center>[[Daris Family|'''Azizah Daris''']]</center></center><center>Warrior</center>||<center>Duchess of Vordul Sanguinis</center><center>Magravine of Wudenkin</center>||Description
| width="150" | <center>No Picture</center>
| width="100" | <center> [[Pilesar Family|'''Gigax Pilesar''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Baron of Pel Mark, Vice-Marshal</center>
| Description
| width="150" | [[{{ns:6}}:Seiðr_Scribbler_Square.jpg|150px]]
| width="100" | <center>[[Scribbler_Family|'''Seiðr Scribbler''']]</center>
| width="100" | <center>Margrave of Verdomite</center>
|| Description

Revision as of 05:00, 4 June 2021

Sanctum Noctis - Land of Exiles

Government: Tyranny

Titles: Sovereign (Ruler), Arbiter (Judge), Broker (Banker), Overseer (General)

Inspiration: Wild West, Ravenloft, Castlevania

Concept: A land of outcasts, the righteous, fanatics, and opportunists from the reaches of Beluaterra. Under the Tyrannical rule of the Sovereign, Sanctum is a land as diverse and dysfunctional as its inhabitants. Those with vision and the power to take a duchy, are given it. Within their duchy, it is their strength that will shape the culture, laws, and practice within their domain. The Tyrannical Government only intervenes when there are external realm wide threats, or as mediator between internal wars that fail to be solved by the Dukes/Duchess.

Duchies will be treated like "Mini-Colonies", with the Duke/Duchess given full right to control their Duchy. They can take lands, form individual armies, align with the other Duchies, and decree their internal laws and cultures as defined by their Duke/Duchess. Each Duke/Duchess has a seat on the Council with their peers where they determine the direction of the realm as a whole, enforced by the Tyrannical Government.

Mechanics: Once established, any Noble that can organize support of three or more nobles to their claim to a Duchy, is allowed to the chance to take a City or Townsland. When the Region is taken, the Claimant becomes a Duke/Duchess and joins the Council. Each Duke/Duchess has a voting power equal to the number of regions in their Duchy. The Lords/Ladies of those regions are free to choose the Duchy they support, so the Ducal power is dependent on their ability to gain and maintain support of the Nobles. Knights and Dames are also free to join the regions that fit their preferences and where they are treated well, providing strength to the Region/Duchy of their choice.

Join Our Story

The Exiles are gathering together, preparing for a battle of a lifetime. The Abandoned Lands east of Bym are known to be the black heart of the undead strength in Beluaterra, and it stands between the Exiles and their destination of Rines. The Exiled, the Outcast, Opportunists, and those looking for a new future, gather together under a united cause. Will they have what it takes to liberate Rines from the Undead and establish Sanctum Noctis?

Current Story
Chapter Story
Crystal Ball quare.jpg
Land of Exiles
The Exiles of Vordul Sanguinis collaborate with King Paxwax of Nothoi to find a platform for their colony. Gathering gold and strength, the group begin to plan on how they will overcome the deadly obstacle ahead of them.
Appearance Name Titles Description
Emilia Delamoire.jpg
Emilia Delamoire
The Bandaged, The Bride.
Emilia had long and angled features with fair skin and platinum blonde hair. Her hair was long enough to drape over thin shoulders, but with bangs cut to frame her thin features to the angled jaw line. Her forest green eyes were angled with thin brows and dark lashes which were perfectly symmetrical on either side of a thin nose that led to full red lips.

She was slender and only 5'5" tall but thought herself over 10' tall which shined through her aloof posture and fearlessness. She preferred well embroidered bodices in deep reds or purples and would accent it fitting black breaches and silver pins and matching rings. Emilia was proper in her tone and etiquette, but rarely wore dress or catered to others. She was a noble woman, but house Delamoire was a matriarchy from the age of the Spider Queen of Shadowdale.

Craglan Square.png
Craglan the Cold Mejor
Wizard of the Frozen Blood, Awakened Beneath the Mountain, The Ghost of Winter, and the Rider of Frost
Craglan the Cold Drraad'da Mejor is as pale as snow. His hair a wave of white and silver and his eyes like gently lit ice. His features are sharp; predatory, including sharp teeth and strong fingertips with a bit of a claw. He wears a leather robe that is lined with a lush fur, and carries a Crystal Staff. He wears a bejeweled sword at his waist and is often seen looking into The Crystal Skull, which people had seen him talk to. A jeweled haversack is worn across the shoulder beneath the robe and pouches of many sizes can be seen around his belt. A white snake with a blue pattern is often seen draping and slithering on his person; Scycle, Craglan's familiar from another age when Magic yet survived in its truest form.
Eriol Blackdagger square.jpg
Eriol Blackdagger
Blood Regent/Ruler of Vordul Sanguinis, Duke of Agros Aurea, Count of Ircymbar
Eriol is a young man, at only 22 years of age. He has pale white skin with a splotch of black, messy hair. He stands 6 feet tall, and has a muscular build; a testament to the farming life of his youth in Ircymbar. Pledging himself to the man Xlair before he was Emperor, young Eriol rose through the ranks of the nascent Empire, always keeping true to the simple morality of a man of the land. However as things tend to do, his simple morality was thrown into confusion after slighting the God-Emperor. After a torture session where he was never touched, Eriol came out a different man. Brimming with ambition and a merciless single-mindedness, the young Blackdagger rose to the heights of Empire, becoming both the Empire's chief Ambassador and Seneschal; the voice and pocketbook of the Empire. After a series of incidents, Eriol saw the opportunity to have his ambition pay off after the resignation of Vizer Craglan. Now from a simple farmer, to Count, Duke, Seneschal, and voice of a God is the Blood Regent, no longer the position of Vizer or advisor, but ruling in the stead of the God-Emperor. As he said at his appointment, "There is still only One Emperor, One Word, One Law. I can only act in His stead as He fights for us."
Azizah Daris Square.jpg
Azizah Daris
Duchess of Vordul Sanguinis
Magravine of Wudenkin
No Picture
Gigax Pilesar
Baron of Pel Mark, Vice-Marshal
Seiðr Scribbler Square.jpg
Seiðr Scribbler
Margrave of Verdomite