Greybrook Family/Solomon/We Need to Stop: Difference between revisions

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Meeting between Countess Svari Storme and Solomon regarding the pace of military campaigning in the Royal Palace.

Unfortunately I have lost the first part of this RP...

Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
Solomon took a few seconds to compose an answer before replying to his former Stratarch:

"Priestess as asked a local believer of the Tidemother to secure the body of the Duke, may he return safely to his family home. In regards to the war..."

The Navarch wanted to pace around his office and deliberate an answer, yet, he knew what Svari was wary about:

"I will be the first to admit that the war has not gone the way that I had hoped, I expected us to take the city of Libidizedd on first taking. Now it is many seasons past and we still press on with no gold reserves."

Finally the itch to pace getting the better of him, Solomon stood up and slowly walked to one of the windows peering out of one of the Palace turrets:

"We need more living space Svari... There is no getting round this. The decadence of Astrum is an insult to the nobility we have to divide in Golden Farrow. As there isn't an option to posses Eidulb, Libidizedd is the next and perhaps only option. I won't need to remind you how we are now apparently losing this war where we haven't had a victory in some time."

Coming back to Svari at the desk, Solomon sat down once more:

"I believe if we planned it appropriately, we could successfully siege the city if we muster all our forces. Yet, now with D'Hara in the war, things are far more complicated."
Solomon Greybrook

Roleplay from Svari Storme
“I understand the need” She assures him as he fidgets around his office, but leaves out her title for the first time in their relationship. Despite the heaviness of the subjects she feels a certain pride in having finally gotten there with him after years of working at his side. Unlike him she is still as a statue, standing back from his desk at ease with her hands behind her back “Yet not the urgency… I have real reservations about the pace of these plans. We are not losing but we are running ourselves into a pit. We need to stop.”

She knows it is not what anyone wants to hear, but she trusts in her own intuition “Medrawt wants that city for himself, that’s why he’s racing so very hard for it.. If we cannot secure Dizeddo then next autumn we should take two seasons to get the realm where it should be, build our reserves, get a few rogue regions and rest. We are gaining numbers by the day we would be in far better shape with those men settled and fully recruited.” She holds herself back from going on and on about the subject, trusting that he would understand her point of view.

“Even if it means another takeover next Spring.” She finally relaxes, pushing wisps of hair back from her face with a sigh “That is all I wanted to say to you on that.”
Svari Storme

Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
"Svari, if we stop our assaults, it will be Tol Goldora subject to raids and the ilk. While the realm needs breathing room as you suggest, much worse fate would be a raid. Yet, the how of we get to the war objective is the pragmatism of the Stratarch, not mine. He has my full trust."
Solomon Greybrook

Roleplay from Svari Storme
"I am not saying I don't trust him, I am saying we need a limit, a boundary- only you can set that." Svari frowns at him as he sits staring up at her from his desk and folds her arms across her chest. A standoff occurs where she looks like she is about to say something else but an instant later drops her arms and turns her back on him, striding for the door. Still looking displeased she turns back just to order him spitefully "Get some sleep will you? You look dreadful."
Svari Storme

Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook

Solomon gives a chuckle as he looks to his younger companion. Did he come across that tired? He wasn't but yet there was an edge he lacked:

"I have thought about the children lately. They sometimes ask where their mother is. Maybe that is what is preventing me to be as sharp as I could be. Makes me think I need to re-marry, I did also hope to have a lifelong companion as well as more children. Yet, their mother is not dead. The Kinsey family simply are not present in Dwilight."
Solomon Greybrook

Roleplay from Svari Storme
Svari listens to his words with a sad look about her, he knows she understands what it is to be left behind by a mother at a young age because she has shared this with him before. She stalls at the door now struggling between wanting to tell him off and wanting to be understanding. "Is that what this is about? You want a woman?" His Countess shrugs in her frustration "if you want women there are women to get. You're the Navarch. Why don't you tell the realm you need a wife and see who steps forward. Perhaps then you can trade relentless violence for something a more healthy for the realm. More heirs, a happy ruler, and a punching bag to reave when we feel like it. I am not afraid of their retaliation. We are better sailors, our walls are stronger our command staff outfoxes theirs at every turn. Let them come."
Svari Storme

Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
"You make it sound so coarse - it is more than that. It is someone to spend time with, share experiences and make memories. While my duty is to Tol Goldora, I am a man of family - I am nearly 40 and with the more war I see, quicker I age. You must understand that I am not infinite, I do not want to grow frail to the age of 100 plus like some nobles in the world, not at least without something to live for."

Solomon lent back in his chair, maybe it was as simply as putting out an notice... Perhaps he should.

"Regardless, military matters I will continue to leave to Stratarch Medrawt, if he believes we should wait or we should go, we shall. If he wants my advice, he can have it. That is how much I trust him, he is my oldest companion now in the West."

Thinking about companionship, there was something that the Navarch did want to ask;

"What about you Countess? What does your life hold right now?"

It was a leading question but perhaps the Ex-Stratarch would know what he meant.
Solomon Greybrook

Roleplay from Svari Storme
They have had this argument before about him leaving things to others over letter, so she buttons her lip on that and approaches him again slowly. "Apologies for being course. I had no idea you were a romantic" comes as a slight tease.

"As I told you the last time we met, I am more well than I have been for a long time. A vice Marshal position allows me to be close with the situation and allow more junior nobles to explore commanding. I have spoken with Medrawt about the next Stratarch election where he supports my running again. " She shrugs, wondering what else the Navarch might care to know. There was always the fact that she was sleeping with her Marshal but that seemed like it might get her into some trouble.

"I've also become quite close with the priestess of the tide mother, Edelyn. The faith is proving good for me I think. A bit of direction other than raiding."
Svari Storme

Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
"You are wishing to become part of government once more? Is the Royal Medrawt running again?" Over the course of the last minute or so, noise began to rise somewhere in the Palace grounds but ultimately muffled to be unable to decipher the contents.
Solomon Greybrook

Roleplay from Svari Storme
"Depends" Svari replies simply, paying no mind to the muffled noises elsewhere. The Palace is always full of people, and noise is nothing new here. "He wants that city, if he doesn't get it I expect he will run again." She waves her hand dismissively "I doubt I could win against him. I can always try, but after the last election I'm not too eager to put my neck out against a veteran again."
Svari Storme

Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook
"It is important to remember that Tol Goldora while a Tyranny, it is a meritocracy. Only the strongest of mind and body shall govern..."

Taking a moment, Solomon remembered to ask:

"Countess, I hope I am not avoiding a subject that you would of wanted to ask? Is there anything you need of me?"
Solomon Greybrook