Kingsley Family/Alyssa/Darkened Sky: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "This story took place September 1-4 2020 during the Good Tidings even on East Continent. It details the aftermath of a Yssrgard raid in Nascot after which...")
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Content Warnings: Depictions of Gore
Content Warnings: Depictions of Gore

===Growing Dark===
==Growing Dark==

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Her heart still quickening and a grim feeling coming over her she rushed to rally the armies and to find her woman's safety.
Her heart still quickening and a grim feeling coming over her she rushed to rally the armies and to find her woman's safety.

===Blackened Sun===
==Blackened Sun==

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===Last Day on Earth===
==Last Day on Earth==

Revision as of 01:15, 4 September 2020

This story took place September 1-4 2020 during the Good Tidings even on East Continent. It details the aftermath of a Yssrgard raid in Nascot after which the black clouds that affected East Continent fell over the land and blackened the sky just before the reveal of the new Map of East Island. Alyssa rushes off after the battle to find Isana as they face what they realize might be the world's end.

Content Warnings: Depictions of Gore

Growing Dark


Alyssa stood in the fields of Nascot, blood and viscera that used to be men and horses pooling at her feet. Still clutching her sword as the last of the scattered raiders retreated, she set down her shield and took a breath. The blood she noticed had sprayed onto her armour as well, and she absentmindedly wiped it off with her now free hand. She watched it flow between her fingers like a little stream of living water flowing into the ocean she stood in. How typical... She thought watching the life flow from her hands into the sea of despair below.

For what? She wondered. A handful of coins and an evening's feast? All this for that?

It was worth it of course, she knew. There was no telling how many lives were saved due to the rapid response by herself and the rest of the marshals and knights. But it did not feel like a victory standing amongst the dead. She never felt like she won when she watched over a battlefield, standing in doom.

It dawned on her suddenly that she did not even know how many people she had killed any more. How many throats slit, swords impaled, skulls broken with a shield. She felt her heart began to race. Who did I kill? Who... Did I lose.

She looked around frantically and realized something was different. A cold breeze swept across the seemingly endless landscape of violence and soon to be decay. It was still summer but the breeze was frigid and she shuddered in her armour as the dark clouds spread above. There was sunlight for the battle...

​​​​The sky had darkened and the sun became covered with dark clouds. A torrent of rain would at least wash the blood away, but Alyssa knew no rain would come. There was no thunder, no lightning. Only the dark spreading quickly over the field. Blackness like the black of night or the black of the unknown.

Her heart still quickening and a grim feeling coming over her she rushed to rally the armies and to find her woman's safety.

Blackened Sun


Alyssa rushed to the remainder of her unit calling out to them to rally and retreat. She did a quick count of the wounded and swore under her breath looking around for the short, bearded Cal Reed, her loyal captain of so many years. It was he who found her however, coming up behind her with a wheeze as if he had just been running. The feeling of unease had set in across the battlefield and those gathering and rallying their troops. "M'lady" he said through breaths.

The appearance behind startled her, and she clenched her teeth and tightened her grip on the sword at her hip as she turned to see Cal standing in dented armour his beard caked in blood from the battle just minute before. The sky above was nearly pitch black at this point, only the faintest hints of sunlight slipping through the dark quilt that now coated the sky. Though mid-afternoon it seemed as if it was totally dark and the confusion and tension could be easily read on the faces of every person on the battlefield. "We've uh... started to rally m'lady, wounded mostly started back to-"

"Get everyone out and back to camp, immediately. No delays, no scrounging. Everyone. Now."

The Captain nodded and began to march off when Alyssa grabbed his arm and gazed at him with fierce intensity. "Be safe." Cal saluted and rushed off barking a new set of orders at the soldiers nearby. Alyssa looked around as the victorious Perdanian army began to have similar ideas and began rushing full haste, most towards the hill they had set up observation of the battle where the army had decided to rally before the battle begain, while others abandoned the field entirely. Alyssa grimaced at the partial failure of discipline in the hearts of the deserting men, but she could not blame them. Most likely rushed off to find shelter or to their wives or husbands. She needed to find her own partner, the only person she knew might light the coming darkness. She joined the others rushing for the rally point and arrived quickly as confused soldiers bustled around and officers shouted orders amdist the chaos that was building among the ranks of Perdan. One of her own lieutenants spotted her, holding the reins of her beloved Starlight, the white mare who had been granted to her those years ago upon her knighting. "Gordon, thank you." She said as he helped her onto the beast.

"End of the world m'lady, best we find shelter with those we find dearest. For me, this horse was all I had." He said dryly.

She looked at him strangely but quickly dismissed the odd comment. Gordon had an unusual since of humor, but he was right, though perhaps not about the horse.

"Perdan!" She called out her voice booming amdist the silent dark sky, the frigid wind whistling around as the only sound from the grim scene building around the remnants of the Perdanese army. The din died down as their Imperatrix spoke to them.

"We are victorious! But may not yet be safe! The sky blackens and ill omens peer through us at every turn. These Bad Tidings are not the end. They are Tidings. For a coming dawn. No matter what darkness approaches. No matter what foe comes through the night, no matter what strange things may be in store. Perdan will emerge victorious. As we did today. As we always have done!"

"Á Perdana!" The soldiers cried back. "Á Perdana!"

"Follow your knights brave souls! Follow your officers. Return to our camp swiftly and orderly. And we shall get through whatever this is. But we shall get through together, and only together."

The din arose again as officers called men to order and began organizing the return.

"You think we'll be alright then, m'lady?" Sullen Gorden asked looking up at Alyssa's cold, stern eyes.

"I don't know Gordon, but I think they they do at least, and that's what will matter." She flicked the reins and rode off into the crowd.

Last Day on Earth


Alyssa was well familiar with the Stormfront Banner, the familiar heraldry which set her heart soaring. Even amidst the cataclysm surrounding her the green emblem promised life and warmth and hope. Hope was here she knew, but she had to find it.

The soldiers got out of her way as Starlight cantered through the throng of warriors massed at the rally point, mostly to avoid being stepped on by a large beast, but also to remain in the ordered groups they had begun to form around their unit's banners, lead by their commanders or their officers. Groups fully rallied began the march north a few miles back to camp. They would pass through the woods where the Meusan Forest bled into the highlands and into the fortified camp where she knew was the army's best chance at weathering whatever was coming.

A strange twilight had overtaken the scene as soldiers marched briskly away and Alyssa scanned over the troops for the one she cared for most. The strange breeze fell over the army again and Alyssa shuddered but rode towards the Stormfront Banner determined. The men were well organized and were beginning to set off and she quickly spotted her heart's desire standing tall, commanding her own troops and directing them towards safety. So beautiful and strong... She thought as she approached sat high and straight upon her horse.

"My Morning Light." She said gently.

"Aly!" Isana gave a curt nod to her officer and rushed to Alyssa on her horse.

"I'm riding ahead to begin organizing the readiness of the main encampment. Come dear." Alyssa said leaning down to her love and holding out her hand.

"Darling, I must get the Stormfront out to safety."

"Heinz is a capable commander, and those who remain at the camp still need us as well. We must be prepared on all fronts, and I would like you with me to help."

"Once I get the Stormfront clear I-"

"Isana!" Alyssa barked at her knight. "There is no time. We have no idea what is coming and we must make sure the entire army is ready! That there is a place to weather through this together!" Isana seemed somewhat taken aback at the force of the command and Alyssa's heart broke a little at the surprise on her dear knight's pretty face. Despite, she remained resolute in resolve and expression.

"Is that who we are now?" Isana said, her brow furrowed. "Abandon our people, those we have sworn to lead? To whatever fate this is?!" her voice raised as she gestured to her unit which had stopped to watch, and the looming darkness overhead.

Isana had never raised her voice with her before and the suddenness with which it came struck Alyssa quiet. Did she lose her trust? She wasn't asking her to abandon them... Just... come with her... Alyssa needed her. Overcome, a tear sparkled in her eye.

"Isana..." She said softly for her love's ears only. "It appears as such, that it may well be, today, our last day on earth."

They were both silent as the coming dark for a moment. Alyssa looked at the ground then at Isana somberly. "Will you please ride with me, for I cannot choose this fate that has found us. But fate cannot keep me from choosing that it will find me with you. I demand that of it."

She held out her hand again, and Isana gave two short nods took it, putting a foot into the stirrup and swing up behind her partner as Alyssa shifted forward in the saddle. The closeness was familiar as Isana wrapped an arm around her.

"If Heinz can march them double-time we won't be too much farther ahead." Alyssa reassured her softly, moving one hand from the reins to Isana's. Isana turned back to meet her captain's gaze and he saluted and gave her a tight, one-sided smile. "Go. Ced and I will get these fellas back. Race you." The dark-haired knight reached back to salute, then tightened her body against Aly's as the saddle leapt ahead. The Twilight around them began to darken even more as they set off stopping only to give Heinz the order. The blackness became thicker as they rode off hands intertwined, together into the Darkness.