Tempest Family/Amélie/Battle in Asker 21 08 2020: Difference between revisions

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Royal of Portion
Royal of Portion
Duchess of Wetham
Duchess of Wetham
|Sender=Harbinger Schwarzherzig
Of course you're invited! We'll slaughter here, there or anywhere!
Harbinger Schwarzherzig
Minister of Offense of Outer Tilog
Duke of "The Chairthing"
Viscount of Ravossol
Marshal of the Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations

Revision as of 14:17, 23 August 2020

Letters and Roleplay

First Day

Roleplay from Amélie Tempest
The darkness of night gave way to a rising red sun. Queen Amélie had no doubt, much blood would be spilled this morning and likely some atrocious cooking afterwards. As she visualized the battle to come a spell of gloom overcame her as all light of the coming day left her eyes leaving her completely in the darkness of the void. A voice would whisper sour words to Amélie, such a deep and hateful voice she could only recognize as her self proclaimed master from the vision past.

However this time the darkened whispers would be in a much more familiar language to the Queen of Portion, "Verser autant de sang que possible ça me plaît"

When a war trumpet sounded Queen Tempest quickly came back to her senses to see the battle was about to take place. Amélie thought to herself, How long was she lost in the shadows just now? Looking around it seemed as if some hours had passed despite that her odd experience seemed to last seconds at most.

With everyone in place for the battle some of the Portioneers looked to their Queen for words of motivation. Amélie wasn't quite sure what to say to motivate her people considering the atrocities they would soon witness at the hands of the Tilogians.

"Portioneers, across zat field ur enemees lai een wait non doubt ovairjoyed at zé battéll to come. Whén we clash wiv la army of Ootair Tilog show non maircy et non quartair fair zey weehl surlee givé us noné! Give zém onlee yur steel and righteous fury. Show zém wé weehl not sit idlee by while zey roast our subjects zo brutallee. By dais end win air lose we weehl be roasteng zum Tilogians ourselves!"

Queen Amélie hoped her words would help see the Aristocratic Monarchy of Portion seize the day.
Amélie Tempest

Letter from Harbinger Schwarzherzig
Wonderful! Wonderful! You have given us SO MUCH BARBECUE.

Scrumptious Portion Queen, We have decided on a winner for the Chili Cook off. Its A TIE. Every Portion noble here wins the Grand Prize of.... DECAPITATION! CONGRATULATIONS. Collect your prize from Minister of Injustice Myles.

Except Elias. Your chili tastes like wet Garm smells.

Harbinger Schwarzherzig Minister of Offense of Outer Tilog Duke of "The Chairthing" Viscount of Ravossol

Marshal of the Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations
Harbinger Schwarzherzig

Letter from Elias Stormreaver
I'm unsure what a wet Garm may smell like, that would possibly border on implying he may bathe or clean in some way, even if that were to be standing in the rain. Dreadful thought.

Sir Elias Stormreaver

Knight of Asker
Elias Stormreaver

Letter from Harbinger Schwarzherzig
Bathing Garm is a rare occurence and a dangerous undetaking. The smell is overwhelming.

The Chairthing of your Hearts (cut out, in a pile, well seasoned),

Harbinger Schwarzherzig Minister of Offense of Outer Tilog Duke of "The Chairthing" Viscount of Ravossol

Marshal of the Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations
Harbinger Schwarzherzig

Letter from Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard

I don't bathe. I get rained on.

Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard

Duke of the Abyssal Gate
Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard

Letter from Amélie Tempest
Chairthing Harbaker

Where is the other Chairthing? Darling Darlene. He doesn't return my letters. He doesn't show up for battle. Does the other Chairthing even exist or is he simply a figment of the insanitary that is Outer Tilog?

I supposed that gives you even more credibility as it were. Despite our disagreement and differences you are at least proving to be a proper albeit awful ruler. Awful for my people at least. I don't know if you BBQ your own people. Perhaps we can help with that? I usually don't avail myself of people meat but perhaps if you could send one of your specialist over to our lines and show interested Portioneers how its done?

We will only be roasting Tilogian casualties however and I would hope none of our people partake, but I am interested to see if our hounds would enjoy BBQ Tilogian. Also it might help with that rotting corpse problem you seem to have. At the very least roasted Tilogian should be good for the soil.

I am also quite disappointed to hear that Duke Garm has not had his bath. I have somewhat of a weak stomach as of late and am not sure if I could tolerate the smell. Oh well it is of little consequence it seems I have all the time in the world to wait. It's a good thing I have the patience of a saint and the beauty of one as well.

Au prochain matin sanglant,

Lady Amélie Tempest Queen of Portion Royal of Portion

Duchess of Wetham
Amélie Tempest

Request from Amélie Tempest
Sir Elias

If anyone was going to strike Duke Garm on my behalf I am glad it was you. I can think of no sir more deserve considering the pain and suffering we have both suffered from the jaws of the wargs.

Tell me were you able to collect any part of him during the battle? I might have use for the pound of flesh I demanded.

Votre Reine royale,

Lady Amélie Tempest Queen of Portion Royal of Portion

Duchess of Wetham
Amélie Tempest

Letter from Harbinger Schwarzherzig
Mon Chéri,

We routinely barbecue Tilogians. What do you think we do with the scribes after we execute them for the high crime of literacy? As for Darlene, as We have said before, he is no Chairthing. He is Our secretary, and there has been an error with Our mailing address. Plus We think he's been drinking the water in Outer Tilog, as he has supposedly been playing with squirrels, which are illegal.

We suspect you will have to wait some time to experiment with roasted Tilogian though, as the field is ours. Again. However, we are happy to share with you some cooking tips. Barbecue may be the main passion of Outer Tilog, but it is not our sole passion. If you direct your attention to the screaming men running around on fire, I will be demonstrating the techniques I am about to explain next to them.

After properly quartering a man and seperating the meat from the bone, what one should first do is get a large pot, and fill about halfway with water. Add salt, fresh garlic, rosemary, black pepper, the femurs and a few vertebrae. This will create a savory stock. Let that cook for about an hour. While that is cooking, you filet the loins, and season. Salt and pepper, coarsely ground. Set those aside. Now, take the spleen and place into a bowl. With a blade instrument, vigorously stir until liquified. The liquid will seperate into two parts, a dark liquid, and a clear liquid. Strain and seperate. Keep them both. Take the dark liquid, which is more of a paste consistency, and roll the loins in them untio they're coated. Then roll the loins in flour. You don't have to, but I like to double coat. So, roll them in the dark spleen paste and then again in the flour. Season. Salt, pepper, parsley.

Once the stock is done, use some to fill a deep pan about halfway, and apply heat. Once the stock is bubbling, add the loins. Now, the clear spleen liquid is added to the mixture. Zest a lemon into the sauce, as well as some garlic, salt, pepper, and a bay leaf. Juice the lemon into the pan as well, and increase the heat until it's screaming hot. Cook for about 5 minutes or until the bottom is golden brown, then flip. Now, take some fat from the victim, and add into the pan. Five more minutes, then pull the loins, and let them rest on a grate. Let the loins drain. The contents of the pan, reduce them until the consistency is like gravy, then remove from the heat. Plate the loins, and pour the sauce from the pan onto them. Magnifique!

We invite you, under truce to join Us in enjoying this meal, and perhaps we may conduct state business.

From the Chairthing of your heart,

Harbinger Schwarzherzig Minister of Offense of Outer Tilog Duke of "The Chairthing" Viscount of Ravossol

Marshal of the Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations
Harbinger Schwarzherzig

Letter from Harbinger Schwarzherzig
Also, don't speak about Rotting Corpse like that. He is an upstanding individual. Most reliable body in Outer Tilog.

Right, Rotting Corpse?

From the Office of the Eternal Chairthing,

Harbinger Schwarzherzig Minister of Offense of Outer Tilog Duke of "The Chairthing" Viscount of Ravossol

Marshal of the Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations
Harbinger Schwarzherzig

Letter from Albrecht Kuriga
Queen of Portions LARGE and small,

I am a quack. The sound, not the healers we use for ensuring our BBQs turn other realm's BBQs into tenderized meat first. I dare you to say otherwise.

Albrecht Kuriga

Baron of Reckrandi
Albrecht Kuriga

Letter from Amélie Tempest
Like a duck?

Lady Amélie Tempest Queen of Portion Royal of Portion

Duchess of Wetham
Amélie Tempest

Letter from Elias Stormreaver
That does, indeed, sound like a duck.

Sir Elias Stormreaver

Knight of Asker
Elias Stormreaver

Letter from Albrecht Kuriga
Why of course not like a duck. Like a goose, obviously.

Albrecht Kuriga

Baron of Reckrandi
Albrecht Kuriga

Letter from Amélie Tempest
I thought geese honked? What backwards human eating geese do you have in Outer Tilog? Next you'll be claiming chicken neigh and horses moo.

Lady Amélie Tempest Queen of Portion Royal of Portion

Duchess of Wetham
Amélie Tempest

Letter from Harbinger Schwarzherzig
Funny that geese are mentioned. We have been breeding a pack of Arenese War Geese, and feeding them only fiends and having them drink from the waters of Outer Tilog...

Do geese normally breath fire?

Harbinger Schwarzherzig Minister of Offense of Outer Tilog Duke of "The Chairthing" Viscount of Ravossol

Marshal of the Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations
Harbinger Schwarzherzig

Next Day

Letter from Amélie Tempest

Are you moving the BBQ Party to the next region? It seems you are. Quite rude of you to not even invite the host realm.

Slightly insulted,

Lady Amélie Tempest Queen of Portion Royal of Portion

Duchess of Wetham
Amélie Tempest

Letter from Harbinger Schwarzherzig
Of course you're invited! We'll slaughter here, there or anywhere!

Harbinger Schwarzherzig Minister of Offense of Outer Tilog Duke of "The Chairthing" Viscount of Ravossol

Marshal of the Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations
Harbinger Schwarzherzig

Battle on the 21st

Battle in Asker

1AAngry Peasants(militia/guard unit)Portion13 otherline  213
2A Black GuardJohnathanPortion80 Infline  1142
3A Death from AboveJamesPortion95 Archskirmish  815
4A Elynbrigge GuardsJohnPortion40 Infbox  557
5A Gregor's GuardiansSevimaPortion72 Infline  972
6A Hilarious HobosHullu HulluPortion12 SFskirmish  261
7A Hunters KinRainierPortion57 Archbox  677
8APeasant Militia(militia/guard unit)Portion434 otherline  1265
9APortion BBQ EnthusiastsEliasPortion42 Infline  669
10A Royal SentinelsAméliePortion20 SFskirmish  537
11A SquadFey TwixPortion39 Archskirmish  497
12A Storm the WallsMybinPortion85 Infline  1042
13A The Eagles of PortionErausPortion39 SFline  891
14D 25% Discount Luxury ArchersRoryOuter Tilog28 SFskirmish  842
15D Abyssal DoombringersRotting CorpseOuter Tilog23 SFskirmish  712
16D BBQ TroopGilbertOuter Tilog28 Cavwedge  568
17DDeath ArchersEdwinOuter Tilog56 Archskirmish  976
18D Flayed FlayersMylesOuter Tilog30 SFskirmish  800
19D Horror HostViktoriaOuter Tilog28 SFline  745
20D Keswick House GuardEurwenOuter Tilog18 Infline  275
21D Kuriga GuardsAlbrechtOuter Tilog62 Archskirmish  704
22D Lamarque GuardsAzazelOuter Tilog40 Infline  490
23D Portion ControlHarbingerOuter Tilog49 Infbox  507
24D Screeching Horse HarpiesSemeliOuter Tilog19 Cavwedge  389
25D Slightly Less Raggedy UrchinsTobiasOuter Tilog20 SFskirmish  611
26D The feastingSkaraOuter Tilog22 Infbox  323
27D WARGS!!Garm TanngrisnirOuter Tilog58 Cavwedge  1059

13 attackers (319 Inf, 191 Arch, 71 SF, 447 other)
14 defenders (129 Inf, 118 Arch, 105 Cav, 129 SF)
Total combat strengths: 9538 vs. 9001

The troops from Outer Tilog set up defenses because they control the battlefield.
Black Guard have attack orders.
Gregor's Guardians have attack orders.
Elynbrigge Guards have attack orders.
Portion BBQ Enthusiasts have attack orders.
Storm the Walls have attack orders.
Angry Peasants attack because they are out for blood.
The Portion units join in to support their realm-mates.

Strong winds and gusts are making ranged combat a game of luck.
Even though there is a fortification nearby, neither attackers nor defenders are able to make use of it, so the battlefield is in the open.

Viscount Johnathan Rasthaven is spotted wearing the Forgotten Circlet.
Dame Lady Sevima MacArbin is spotted wearing the Singing Ring.
Knight Rory Sarwell is spotted wielding the Dark Sword.
Earl John Elynbrigge is spotted wielding the Grisly Axe.
Duke Edwin Burep is spotted wearing the Blessed Suit.
Mybin Clipt, General of Portion, Viscount of Adaria, Marshal of the Army of the Black Ravens takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.
Harbinger Schwarzherzig, Minister of Offense of Outer Tilog, Duke of "The Chairthing", Viscount of Ravossol, Marshal of the Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1

   7 (57-A)
8 (434-P)
1 (13-P)
2 (80-I)
3 (95-A)
4 (40-I)
5 (72-I)
6 (12-S)
9 (42-I)
10 (20-S)
11 (39-A)
12 (85-I)
13 (39-S)
 17 (56-A)
14 (28-S)
15 (23-S)
19 (28-S)
20 (18-I)
21 (62-A)
22 (40-I)
18 (30-S)
23 (49-I)
25 (20-S)
26 (22-I)
16 (28-C)
24 (19-C)
27 (58-C)

Hunters Kin (7) fire on Death Archers (17), scoring 102 hits.
Kuriga Guards (21) fire on Black Guard (2), scoring 189 hits.
Angry Peasants (1) move closer so they can fire safely into the melee.
The Eagles of Portion (13) fire on Death Archers (17), scoring 433 hits.
Death Archers (17) fire on Angry Peasants (1), scoring 644 hits.
Horror Host (19) fire on Angry Peasants (1), scoring 780 hits.
Death from Above (3) fire on Death Archers (17), scoring 260 hits.
Abyssal Doombringers (15) fire on Angry Peasants (1), scoring 414 hits.
25% Discount Luxury Archers (14) fire on Angry Peasants (1), scoring 446 hits.
Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (25) fire on Storm the Walls (12), scoring 144 hits.
Hilarious Hobos (6) fire on Death Archers (17), scoring 160 hits.
Squad (11) fire on Death Archers (17), scoring 195 hits.
Royal Sentinels (10) fire on Death Archers (17), scoring 342 hits.
Flayed Flayers (18) fire on Gregor's Guardians (5), scoring 153 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 2770, Defenders: 1492
WARGS!! (27), BBQ Troop (16) and Screeching Horse Harpies (24) ride on, closing in on the enemy.
Peasant Militia (8), Storm the Walls (12), Gregor's Guardians (5), Portion BBQ Enthusiasts (9), Elynbrigge Guards (4) and Black Guard (2) advance towards the enemy.
Portion Control (23), The feasting (26), Lamarque Guards (22) and Keswick House Guard (20) advance towards the enemy.

Storm the Walls (12) take 144 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Angry Peasants (1) take 2284 hits from archer fire, which cause 13 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Gregor's Guardians (5) take 153 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Death Archers (17) take 1492 hits from archer fire, which cause 30 casualties.
Edwin Burep, Duke of Norgothland, Viscount of Koolaris has been wounded by Squad (11).
Black Guard (2) take 189 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2770 (0 from close combat and 2770 from ranged), Defenders: 1492 (0 from close combat and 1492 from ranged)
Total casualties: 22 attackers, 30 defenders

Turn No. 2

   7 (57-A)
  3 (95-A)
6 (12-S)
8 (434-P)
10 (20-S)
11 (39-A)
13 (39-S)
2 (77-I)
4 (40-I)
5 (69-I)
9 (42-I)
12 (82-I)
17 (26-A)
20 (18-I)
22 (40-I)
14 (28-S)
15 (23-S)
16 (28-C)
19 (28-S)
21 (62-A)
23 (49-I)
24 (19-C)
26 (22-I)
27 (58-C)
18 (30-S)
25 (20-S)

Death from Above (3) fire on Death Archers (17), scoring 359 hits.
The Eagles of Portion (13) fire on Lamarque Guards (22), scoring 459 hits.
Flayed Flayers (18) fire on Black Guard (2), scoring 419 hits.
Death Archers (17) fire on Storm the Walls (12), scoring 471 hits.
Royal Sentinels (10) fire on Keswick House Guard (20), scoring 437 hits.
Horror Host (19) fire on Gregor's Guardians (5), scoring 505 hits.
25% Discount Luxury Archers (14) fire on Portion BBQ Enthusiasts (9), scoring 353 hits.
Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (25) fire on Elynbrigge Guards (4), scoring 738 hits.
Hunters Kin (7) fire on Lamarque Guards (22), scoring 139 hits.
Kuriga Guards (21) fire on Black Guard (2), scoring 350 hits.
Squad (11) fire on Death Archers (17), scoring 194 hits.
Abyssal Doombringers (15) fire on Storm the Walls (12), scoring 456 hits.
Hilarious Hobos (6) fire on Keswick House Guard (20), scoring 172 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 3292, Defenders: 1760
Screeching Horse Harpies (24), BBQ Troop (16) and WARGS!! (27) charge ahead, into the attackers' ranks.
Peasant Militia (8) advance towards the enemy.
Keswick House Guard (20), Portion Control (23), The feasting (26) and Lamarque Guards (22) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Center Line):
4 Outer Tilog banners are visible in the melee.
12 Portion banners are visible in the melee.
Screeching Horse Harpies (24) score 1091 hits on Black Guard (2).
BBQ Troop (16) score 1537 hits on Gregor's Guardians (5).
Elynbrigge Guards (4) score 539 hits on Keswick House Guard (20).
Keswick House Guard (20) score 165 hits on Elynbrigge Guards (4).
WARGS!! (27) score 2196 hits on Portion BBQ Enthusiasts (9).
Gregor's Guardians (5) score 709 hits on BBQ Troop (16).
Black Guard (2) score 1199 hits on Screeching Horse Harpies (24).
Lamarque Guards (22) score 52 hits on Storm the Walls (12).
Lamarque Guards (22) score 299 hits on Peasant Militia (8).
Portion BBQ Enthusiasts (9) score 581 hits on WARGS!! (27).
Peasant Militia (8) score 172 hits on Lamarque Guards (22) (276 before overkill).
Storm the Walls (12) score 609 hits on Lamarque Guards (22) (978 before overkill).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 5340, Defenders: 3809 (4282 before overkill)

Screeching Horse Harpies (24) take 1199 hits in close combat, which cause 19 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Sir Semeli Foote, Viscount of Nidalery has been wounded by Black Guard (2).
BBQ Troop (16) take 709 hits in close combat, which cause 16 casualties.
Elynbrigge Guards (4) take 903 hits (165 in close combat, 738 from archer fire), which cause 18 casualties.
Death Archers (17) take 553 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties.
Keswick House Guard (20) take 1148 hits (539 in close combat, 609 from archer fire), which cause 18 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Eurwen Keswick, Dame of Ravossol has been wounded by Royal Sentinels (10).
WARGS!! (27) take 581 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties.
Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard, Duke of the Abyssal Gate has been wounded by Portion BBQ Enthusiasts (9).
Gregor's Guardians (5) take 2042 hits (1537 in close combat, 505 from archer fire), which cause 39 casualties.
Lady Sevima MacArbin, Dame of Lukon has been wounded by BBQ Troop (16).
Black Guard (2) take 1860 hits (1091 in close combat, 769 from archer fire), which cause 33 casualties.
Johnathan Rasthaven, Viscount of Diverdur has been wounded by Screeching Horse Harpies (24).
Lamarque Guards (22) take 1379 hits (781 in close combat, 598 from archer fire), which cause 29 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Portion BBQ Enthusiasts (9) take 2549 hits (2196 in close combat, 353 from archer fire), which cause 42 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Sir Elias Stormreaver, Knight of Asker has been wounded by 25% Discount Luxury Archers (14).
Peasant Militia (8) take 299 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties.
Storm the Walls (12) take 979 hits (52 in close combat, 927 from archer fire), which cause 20 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 8632 (5340 from close combat and 3292 from ranged), Defenders: 5569 (3809 from close combat and 1760 from ranged)
Total casualties: 164 attackers, 106 defenders

Turn No. 3

   7 (57-A)
  3 (95-A)
6 (12-S)
10 (20-S)
11 (39-A)
13 (39-S)
2 (44-I)
4 (22-I)
5 (30-I)
8 (422-P)
12 (62-I)
16 (12-C)
27 (45-C)
17 (15-A)
23 (49-I)
26 (22-I)
14 (28-S)
15 (23-S)
19 (28-S)
21 (62-A)
18 (30-S)
25 (20-S)

Hilarious Hobos (6) fire on Portion Control (23), scoring 258 hits.
Squad (11) fire on Death Archers (17), scoring 177 hits.
Kuriga Guards (21) fire on The Eagles of Portion (13), scoring 236 hits.
Death from Above (3) fire on The feasting (26), scoring 690 hits.
Hunters Kin (7) fire on Death Archers (17), scoring 78 hits.
25% Discount Luxury Archers (14) fire on Royal Sentinels (10), scoring 250 hits.
The Eagles of Portion (13) fire on Portion Control (23), scoring 1492 hits.
Abyssal Doombringers (15) fire on Death from Above (3), scoring 234 hits.
Flayed Flayers (18) fire on Squad (11), scoring 258 hits.
Royal Sentinels (10) fire on Death Archers (17), scoring 200 hits.
Horror Host (19) fire on Hilarious Hobos (6), scoring 154 hits.
Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (25) fire on The Eagles of Portion (13), scoring 219 hits.
Death Archers (17) fire on Death from Above (3), scoring 146 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 1497, Defenders: 2895
Portion Control (23) and The feasting (26) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Center Line):
4 Outer Tilog banners are visible in the melee.
9 Portion banners are visible in the melee.
Gregor's Guardians (5) score 344 hits on BBQ Troop (16).
WARGS!! (27) score 87 hits on Black Guard (2).
WARGS!! (27) score 44 hits on Elynbrigge Guards (4).
WARGS!! (27) score 951 hits on Peasant Militia (8).
Elynbrigge Guards (4) score 155 hits on WARGS!! (27).
Elynbrigge Guards (4) score 162 hits on Portion Control (23).
Black Guard (2) score 611 hits on WARGS!! (27).
Peasant Militia (8) score 252 hits on WARGS!! (27).
Portion Control (23) score 279 hits on Elynbrigge Guards (4).
Storm the Walls (12) score 395 hits on The feasting (26).
Storm the Walls (12) score 271 hits on BBQ Troop (16).
BBQ Troop (16) score 147 hits on Gregor's Guardians (5).
BBQ Troop (16) score 216 hits on Storm the Walls (12).
The feasting (26) score 231 hits on Storm the Walls (12).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 1955, Defenders: 2190

Hilarious Hobos (6) take 154 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Hullu Hullu Cosula, Viscount of Kadnala has been wounded by Horror Host (19).
Gregor's Guardians (5) take 147 hits in close combat, which cause 3 casualties.
Squad (11) take 258 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Death from Above (3) take 380 hits from archer fire, which cause 13 casualties.
WARGS!! (27) take 1018 hits in close combat, which cause 23 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. 3 Outer Tilog banners fall.
Elynbrigge Guards (4) take 323 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties.
Black Guard (2) take 87 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
The Eagles of Portion (13) take 455 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
Peasant Militia (8) take 951 hits in close combat, which cause 40 casualties.
Royal Sentinels (10) take 250 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Portion Control (23) take 1912 hits (162 in close combat, 1750 from archer fire), which cause 47 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Harbinger Schwarzherzig, Minister of Offense of Outer Tilog, Duke of "The Chairthing", Viscount of Ravossol, Marshal of the Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations has been wounded by Hilarious Hobos (6).
Storm the Walls (12) take 447 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties.
BBQ Troop (16) take 615 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties, wiping the unit out.
The feasting (26) take 1085 hits (395 in close combat, 690 from archer fire), which cause 21 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors.
Death Archers (17) take 455 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 3452 (1955 from close combat and 1497 from ranged), Defenders: 5085 (2190 from close combat and 2895 from ranged)
Total casualties: 100 attackers, 112 defenders

Turn No. 4

   7 (57-A)
  3 (82-A)
6 (8-S)
10 (13-S)
11 (32-A)
13 (30-S)
2 (42-I)
4 (16-I)
5 (27-I)
8 (382-P)
12 (53-I)
17 (6-A)
14 (28-S)
15 (23-S)
19 (28-S)
21 (62-A)
18 (30-S)
25 (20-S)

Death from Above (3) fire on Death Archers (17), scoring 393 hits.
Abyssal Doombringers (15) fire on Peasant Militia (8), scoring 492 hits.
Squad (11) fire on Death Archers (17), scoring 156 hits.
Hunters Kin (7) fire on Death Archers (17), scoring 81 hits.
Horror Host (19) fire on Storm the Walls (12), scoring 472 hits.
Flayed Flayers (18) fire on Black Guard (2), scoring 340 hits.
Royal Sentinels (10) fire on Death Archers (17), scoring 235 hits.
The Eagles of Portion (13) fire on Death Archers (17), scoring 275 hits.
25% Discount Luxury Archers (14) fire on Gregor's Guardians (5), scoring 721 hits.
Death Archers (17) fire on Elynbrigge Guards (4), scoring 119 hits.
Kuriga Guards (21) fire on Peasant Militia (8), scoring 294 hits.
Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (25) fire on Black Guard (2), scoring 290 hits.
Hilarious Hobos (6) fire on 25% Discount Luxury Archers (14), scoring 57 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 2728, Defenders: 1197
Storm the Walls (12), Peasant Militia (8), Gregor's Guardians (5), Elynbrigge Guards (4) and Black Guard (2) advance towards the enemy.
Peasant Militia (8), Gregor's Guardians (5) and Elynbrigge Guards (4) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.

Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
9 Portion banners are visible in the melee.
Storm the Walls (12) score 310 hits on Death Archers (17) (619 before overkill).
Death Archers (17) score 9 hits on Black Guard (2).
Death Archers (17) score 13 hits on Storm the Walls (12).
Black Guard (2) score 291 hits on Death Archers (17) (582 before overkill).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 22, Defenders: 601 (1201 before overkill)

Storm the Walls (12) take 485 hits (13 in close combat, 472 from archer fire), which cause 10 casualties.
Mybin Clipt, General of Portion, Viscount of Adaria, Marshal of the Army of the Black Ravens has been wounded by Horror Host (19).
Peasant Militia (8) take 786 hits from archer fire, which cause 33 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
25% Discount Luxury Archers (14) take 57 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
Death Archers (17) take 1741 hits (601 in close combat, 1140 from archer fire), which cause 6 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Edwin Burep, Duke of Norgothland, Viscount of Koolaris has been wounded by Black Guard (2).
Gregor's Guardians (5) take 721 hits from archer fire, which cause 14 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Elynbrigge Guards (4) take 119 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
John Elynbrigge, Earl of Asker has been wounded by Death Archers (17).
Black Guard (2) take 639 hits (9 in close combat, 630 from archer fire), which cause 11 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2750 (22 from close combat and 2728 from ranged), Defenders: 1798 (601 from close combat and 1197 from ranged)
Total casualties: 70 attackers, 7 defenders

Turn No. 5

   7 (57-A)
  3 (82-A)
6 (8-S)
10 (13-S)
11 (32-A)
13 (30-S)
  4 (14-I)
12 (43-I)
14 (27-S)
15 (23-S)
19 (28-S)
21 (62-A)
18 (30-S)
25 (20-S)

Hilarious Hobos (6) fire on 25% Discount Luxury Archers (14), scoring 63 hits.
Death from Above (3) fire on Horror Host (19), scoring 203 hits.
Abyssal Doombringers (15) fire on Storm the Walls (12), scoring 512 hits.
Kuriga Guards (21) fire on Elynbrigge Guards (4), scoring 483 hits.
Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (25) fire on Storm the Walls (12), scoring 551 hits.
Royal Sentinels (10) fire on 25% Discount Luxury Archers (14), scoring 65 hits.
Squad (11) fire on 25% Discount Luxury Archers (14), scoring 142 hits.
Hunters Kin (7) move closer to get better shots.
25% Discount Luxury Archers (14) fire on Elynbrigge Guards (4), scoring 1096 hits.
Horror Host (19) fire on Storm the Walls (12), scoring 426 hits.
Flayed Flayers (18) fire on Storm the Walls (12), scoring 714 hits.
The Eagles of Portion (13) fire on Abyssal Doombringers (15), scoring 307 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 3782, Defenders: 780
Elynbrigge Guards (4) and Storm the Walls (12) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Defender Line 2):
4 Portion banners are visible in the melee.
Elynbrigge Guards (4) score 113 hits on Abyssal Doombringers (15).
Elynbrigge Guards (4) score 100 hits on 25% Discount Luxury Archers (14).
Abyssal Doombringers (15) score 100 hits on Elynbrigge Guards (4).
Kuriga Guards (21) score 67 hits on Storm the Walls (12).
Storm the Walls (12) score 393 hits on Kuriga Guards (21).
Storm the Walls (12) score 191 hits on Horror Host (19).
25% Discount Luxury Archers (14) score 140 hits on Elynbrigge Guards (4).
Horror Host (19) score 166 hits on Storm the Walls (12).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 473, Defenders: 797

Elynbrigge Guards (4) take 1819 hits (240 in close combat, 1579 from archer fire), which cause 14 casualties, wiping the unit out.
John Elynbrigge, Earl of Asker has been wounded by 25% Discount Luxury Archers (14).
Abyssal Doombringers (15) take 420 hits (113 in close combat, 307 from archer fire), which cause 10 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 4 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Kuriga Guards (21) take 393 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 15 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Storm the Walls (12) take 2436 hits (233 in close combat, 2203 from archer fire), which cause 43 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Mybin Clipt, General of Portion, Viscount of Adaria, Marshal of the Army of the Black Ravens has been wounded by Kuriga Guards (21).
25% Discount Luxury Archers (14) take 370 hits (100 in close combat, 270 from archer fire), which cause 7 casualties.
Horror Host (19) take 394 hits (191 in close combat, 203 from archer fire), which cause 8 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 4255 (473 from close combat and 3782 from ranged), Defenders: 1577 (797 from close combat and 780 from ranged)
Total casualties: 57 attackers, 55 defenders

Turn No. 6

    7 (57-A)
3 (82-A)
6 (8-S)
10 (13-S)
11 (32-A)
13 (30-S)
   14 (20-S)
19 (20-S)
18 (30-S)
25 (20-S)

Hilarious Hobos (6) fire on 25% Discount Luxury Archers (14), scoring 49 hits.
The Eagles of Portion (13) fire on 25% Discount Luxury Archers (14), scoring 121 hits.
Flayed Flayers (18) fire on Death from Above (3), scoring 244 hits.
25% Discount Luxury Archers (14) fire on Squad (11), scoring 391 hits.
Death from Above (3) fire on Horror Host (19), scoring 313 hits.
Horror Host (19) fire on Royal Sentinels (10), scoring 165 hits.
Hunters Kin (7) fire on 25% Discount Luxury Archers (14), scoring 100 hits.
Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (25) fire on The Eagles of Portion (13), scoring 197 hits.
Squad (11) fire on 25% Discount Luxury Archers (14), scoring 84 hits.
Royal Sentinels (10) fire on Horror Host (19), scoring 247 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 997, Defenders: 914

The Eagles of Portion (13) take 197 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
25% Discount Luxury Archers (14) take 354 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Death from Above (3) take 244 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.
Horror Host (19) take 560 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Viktoria Vasiliev, Dame of Hilly Holes has been wounded by Royal Sentinels (10).
Squad (11) take 391 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors.
Royal Sentinels (10) take 165 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 997 (0 from close combat and 997 from ranged), Defenders: 914 (0 from close combat and 914 from ranged)
Total casualties: 27 attackers, 17 defenders

Turn No. 7

    7 (57-A)
3 (74-A)
6 (8-S)
    18 (30-S)
25 (20-S)

Flayed Flayers (18) fire on Death from Above (3), scoring 147 hits.
Death from Above (3) fire on Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (25), scoring 116 hits.
Hilarious Hobos (6) fire on Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (25), scoring 55 hits.
Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (25) fire on Hilarious Hobos (6), scoring 85 hits.
Hunters Kin (7) move closer to get better shots.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 232, Defenders: 171

Death from Above (3) take 147 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Hilarious Hobos (6) take 85 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 1 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (25) take 171 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 232 (0 from close combat and 232 from ranged), Defenders: 171 (0 from close combat and 171 from ranged)
Total casualties: 8 attackers, 4 defenders

Turn No. 8

     3 (69-A)
7 (57-A)
    18 (30-S)
25 (16-S)

Flayed Flayers (18) fire on Hunters Kin (7), scoring 287 hits.
Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (25) fire on Death from Above (3), scoring 170 hits.
Hunters Kin (7) fire on Flayed Flayers (18), scoring 91 hits.
Death from Above (3) fire on Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (25), scoring 146 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 457, Defenders: 237

Flayed Flayers (18) take 91 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (25) take 146 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Hunters Kin (7) take 287 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.
Death from Above (3) take 170 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 457 (0 from close combat and 457 from ranged), Defenders: 237 (0 from close combat and 237 from ranged)
Total casualties: 14 attackers, 5 defenders

Turn No. 9

     7 (49-A)
    18 (28-S)

Flayed Flayers (18) fire on Hunters Kin (7), scoring 139 hits.
Hunters Kin (7) fire on Flayed Flayers (18), scoring 78 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 139, Defenders: 78

Flayed Flayers (18) take 78 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Hunters Kin (7) take 139 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 139 (0 from close combat and 139 from ranged), Defenders: 78 (0 from close combat and 78 from ranged)
Total casualties: 4 attackers, 2 defenders

Turn No. 10

     7 (45-A)
    18 (26-S)

Flayed Flayers (18) fire on Hunters Kin (7), scoring 310 hits.
Hunters Kin (7) fire on Flayed Flayers (18), scoring 96 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 310, Defenders: 96

Flayed Flayers (18) take 96 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Hunters Kin (7) take 310 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 310 (0 from close combat and 310 from ranged), Defenders: 96 (0 from close combat and 96 from ranged)
Total casualties: 9 attackers, 2 defenders

Turn No. 11

     7 (36-A)
    18 (24-S)

Hunters Kin (7) fire on Flayed Flayers (18), scoring 45 hits.
Flayed Flayers (18) fire on Hunters Kin (7), scoring 481 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 481, Defenders: 45

Hunters Kin (7) take 481 hits from archer fire, which cause 14 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 3 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Flayed Flayers (18) take 45 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 481 (0 from close combat and 481 from ranged), Defenders: 45 (0 from close combat and 45 from ranged)
Total casualties: 17 attackers, 1 defenders

Defender Victory!

The battle does extensive damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 29 %.

Battle on the 22nd

Battle in Asker

1A 25% Discount Luxury ArchersRoryOuter Tilog19 SFskirmish  629
2A Abyssal DoombringersRotting CorpseOuter Tilog10 SFskirmish  425
3A BBQ cooksDariusOuter Tilog7 SFline  213
4A BBQ TroopGilbertOuter Tilog16 Cavwedge  365
5A Flayed FlayersMylesOuter Tilog30 SFskirmish  765
6A Horror HostViktoriaOuter Tilog23 SFskirmish  608
7A Keswick House GuardEurwenOuter Tilog1 Infbox  24
8A Kuriga GuardsAlbrechtOuter Tilog35 Archskirmish  436
9A Lamarque GuardsAzazelOuter Tilog13 Infline  214
10A Portion ControlHarbingerOuter Tilog11 Infbox  175
11A Slightly Less Raggedy UrchinsTobiasOuter Tilog18 SFskirmish  527
12A WARGS!!Garm TanngrisnirOuter Tilog48 Cavwedge  881
13DAngry Peasants(militia/guard unit)Portion7 otherline  148
14D Black GuardJohnathanPortion64 Infline  900
15D Death from AboveJamesPortion67 Archskirmish  619
16D Gregor's GuardiansSevimaPortion44 Infline  695
17D Guards des GreysMontgomeryPortion48 Infline  692
18D Hunters KinRainierPortion31 Archskirmish  409
19DPortion BBQ EnthusiastsEliasPortion22 Infline  407
20D Royal SentinelsAméliePortion14 SFskirmish  392
21D SquadFey TwixPortion29 Archskirmish  379
22D The Eagles of PortionErausPortion32 SFline  711

12 attackers (25 Inf, 35 Arch, 64 Cav, 107 SF)
10 defenders (178 Inf, 127 Arch, 46 SF, 7 other)
Total combat strengths: 5262 vs. 5352

The region owner Portion and their allies defend.
WARGS!! have attack orders.
BBQ Troop have attack orders.
Lamarque Guards attack because they are out for blood.
Keswick House Guard have attack orders.
The Outer Tilog units join in to support their realm-mates.

Strong winds and gusts are making ranged combat a game of luck.
The defenders take up positions inside the Palisade (1).

Viscount Johnathan Rasthaven is spotted wearing the Forgotten Circlet.
Dame Lady Sevima MacArbin is spotted wearing the Singing Ring.
Knight Rory Sarwell is spotted wielding the Dark Sword.
Duke Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard is spotted wearing the Holy Ring.
Baron James Stewart is spotted wearing the Spiked Helmet.
Harbinger Schwarzherzig, Minister of Offense of Outer Tilog, Duke of "The Chairthing", Viscount of Ravossol, Marshal of the Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.
Eraus Castillo, Duke of Lukon, Margrave of Lukon takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1

  4 (16-C)
7 (1-I)
10 (11-I)
12 (48-C)
1 (19-S)
2 (10-S)
3 (7-S)
5 (30-S)
6 (23-S)
11 (18-S)
8 (35-A)
9 (13-I)
  13 (7-P)
14 (64-I)
15 (67-A)
16 (44-I)
18 (31-A)
19 (22-I)
20 (14-S)
21 (29-A)
22 (32-S)
   17 (48-I)

Flayed Flayers (5) fire on Black Guard (14), scoring 193 hits.
BBQ cooks (3) fire on The Eagles of Portion (22), scoring 81 hits.
Royal Sentinels (20) fire on Kuriga Guards (8), scoring 217 hits.
Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (11) fire on Gregor's Guardians (16), scoring 282 hits.
Abyssal Doombringers (2) fire on Death from Above (15), scoring 190 hits.
Kuriga Guards (8) fire on Black Guard (14), scoring 190 hits.
The Eagles of Portion (22) fire on Lamarque Guards (9), scoring 273 hits.
25% Discount Luxury Archers (1) fire on Hunters Kin (18), scoring 151 hits.
Horror Host (6) fire on Portion BBQ Enthusiasts (19), scoring 208 hits.
Squad (21) fire on Kuriga Guards (8), scoring 68 hits.
Death from Above (15) fire on Lamarque Guards (9), scoring 153 hits.
Hunters Kin (18) fire on Kuriga Guards (8), scoring 90 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 801, Defenders: 1295
WARGS!! (12) and BBQ Troop (4) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
Black Guard (14) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Gregor's Guardians (16) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Angry Peasants (13) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Portion BBQ Enthusiasts (19) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.
Keswick House Guard (7), Portion Control (10) and Lamarque Guards (9) advance towards the enemy.
Guards des Greys (17) move forward to take up positions at the outer wall.

Black Guard (14) take 383 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.
Gregor's Guardians (16) take 282 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Portion BBQ Enthusiasts (19) take 208 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Kuriga Guards (8) take 375 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties.
Albrecht Kuriga, Baron of Reckrandi has been wounded by Hunters Kin (18).
The Eagles of Portion (22) take 68 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Lamarque Guards (9) take 426 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Death from Above (15) take 158 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
Hunters Kin (18) take 126 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 801 (0 from close combat and 801 from ranged), Defenders: 1225 (0 from close combat and 1225 from ranged)
Total casualties: 21 attackers, 30 defenders

Turn No. 2

   1 (19-S)
2 (10-S)
3 (7-S)
5 (30-S)
6 (23-S)
7 (1-I)
10 (11-I)
11 (18-S)
4 (16-C)
8 (24-A)
12 (48-C)
 13 (7-P)
14 (56-I)
16 (38-I)
19 (18-I)
15 (61-A)
18 (26-A)
20 (14-S)
21 (29-A)
22 (31-S)
  17 (48-I)

Royal Sentinels (20) fire on WARGS!! (12), scoring 113 hits.
Kuriga Guards (8) fire on Black Guard (14), scoring 185 hits.
Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (11) fire on Gregor's Guardians (16), scoring 303 hits.
BBQ cooks (3) fire on Black Guard (14), scoring 129 hits.
Death from Above (15) fire on WARGS!! (12), scoring 92 hits.
25% Discount Luxury Archers (1) fire on Portion BBQ Enthusiasts (19), scoring 299 hits.
Squad (21) fire on WARGS!! (12), scoring 136 hits.
Flayed Flayers (5) fire on Black Guard (14), scoring 352 hits.
Hunters Kin (18) fire on BBQ Troop (4), scoring 76 hits.
Abyssal Doombringers (2) fire on Angry Peasants (13), scoring 287 hits.
Horror Host (6) fire on Gregor's Guardians (16), scoring 432 hits.
The Eagles of Portion (22) fire on WARGS!! (12), scoring 238 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 655, Defenders: 1987
BBQ Troop (4) and WARGS!! (12) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks.
Keswick House Guard (7) and Portion Control (10) advance towards the enemy.
Guards des Greys (17) move forward to take up positions at the outer wall.

Close Combat (Center Line):
5 Portion banners are visible in the melee.
BBQ Troop (4) score 843 hits on Black Guard (14).
Angry Peasants (13) score 64 hits on WARGS!! (12).
Black Guard (14) score 662 hits on BBQ Troop (4).
Gregor's Guardians (16) score 656 hits on WARGS!! (12).
Portion BBQ Enthusiasts (19) score 246 hits on WARGS!! (12).
WARGS!! (12) score 1225 hits on Gregor's Guardians (16).
WARGS!! (12) score 814 hits on Portion BBQ Enthusiasts (19).
WARGS!! (12) score 248 hits on Angry Peasants (13).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 1628, Defenders: 3130

BBQ Troop (4) take 738 hits (662 in close combat, 76 from archer fire), which cause 16 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Angry Peasants (13) take 535 hits (248 in close combat, 287 from archer fire), which cause 7 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Black Guard (14) take 1509 hits (843 in close combat, 666 from archer fire), which cause 31 casualties.
Gregor's Guardians (16) take 1960 hits (1225 in close combat, 735 from archer fire), which cause 38 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Lady Sevima MacArbin, Dame of Lukon has been wounded by WARGS!! (12).
Portion BBQ Enthusiasts (19) take 1113 hits (814 in close combat, 299 from archer fire), which cause 18 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Sir Elias Stormreaver, Knight of Asker has been wounded by 25% Discount Luxury Archers (1).
WARGS!! (12) take 1545 hits (966 in close combat, 579 from archer fire), which cause 41 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard, Duke of the Abyssal Gate has been wounded by Portion BBQ Enthusiasts (19).
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2283 (1628 from close combat and 655 from ranged), Defenders: 5117 (3130 from close combat and 1987 from ranged)
Total casualties: 57 attackers, 94 defenders

Turn No. 3

   1 (19-S)
2 (10-S)
3 (7-S)
5 (30-S)
6 (23-S)
11 (18-S)
7 (1-I)
8 (24-A)
10 (11-I)
  14 (25-I)
15 (61-A)
18 (26-A)
20 (14-S)
21 (29-A)
22 (31-S)
17 (48-I)

25% Discount Luxury Archers (1) fire on Black Guard (14), scoring 318 hits.
Abyssal Doombringers (2) fire on Black Guard (14), scoring 237 hits.
Kuriga Guards (8) fire on Black Guard (14), scoring 149 hits.
Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (11) fire on Black Guard (14), scoring 339 hits.
Hunters Kin (18) fire on Portion Control (10), scoring 174 hits.
The Eagles of Portion (22) fire on Kuriga Guards (8), scoring 118 hits.
Death from Above (15) fire on Keswick House Guard (7), scoring 353 hits.
Flayed Flayers (5) fire on Black Guard (14), scoring 312 hits.
BBQ cooks (3) fire on Black Guard (14), scoring 84 hits.
Horror Host (6) fire on Black Guard (14), scoring 467 hits.
Royal Sentinels (20) fire on Kuriga Guards (8), scoring 145 hits.
Squad (21) fire on Portion Control (10), scoring 144 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 934, Defenders: 1906
Keswick House Guard (7) and Portion Control (10) advance towards the enemy.
Guards des Greys (17) move forward to take up positions at the outer wall.

Close Combat (Attacker Line 1):
5 Portion banners are visible in the melee.
Keswick House Guard (7) score 12 hits on Black Guard (14).
Black Guard (14) score 461 hits on Portion Control (10).
Black Guard (14) score 32 hits on Keswick House Guard (7).
Portion Control (10) score 102 hits on Black Guard (14).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 493, Defenders: 114

Kuriga Guards (8) take 263 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors.
Keswick House Guard (7) take 385 hits (32 in close combat, 353 from archer fire), which cause 1 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Eurwen Keswick, Dame of Ravossol has been wounded by Death from Above (15).
Black Guard (14) take 2020 hits (114 in close combat, 1906 from archer fire), which cause 25 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Johnathan Rasthaven, Viscount of Diverdur has been wounded by Portion Control (10).
Portion Control (10) take 779 hits (461 in close combat, 318 from archer fire), which cause 11 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1427 (493 from close combat and 934 from ranged), Defenders: 2020 (114 from close combat and 1906 from ranged)
Total casualties: 20 attackers, 25 defenders

Turn No. 4

   1 (19-S)
2 (10-S)
3 (7-S)
5 (30-S)
6 (23-S)
11 (18-S)
    15 (61-A)
17 (48-I)
18 (26-A)
20 (14-S)
21 (29-A)
22 (31-S)

Squad (21) fire on Flayed Flayers (5), scoring 71 hits.
Horror Host (6) fire on The Eagles of Portion (22), scoring 123 hits.
Hunters Kin (18) fire on 25% Discount Luxury Archers (1), scoring 61 hits.
Abyssal Doombringers (2) fire on Guards des Greys (17), scoring 143 hits.
BBQ cooks (3) fire on Death from Above (15), scoring 23 hits.
Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (11) fire on Death from Above (15), scoring 133 hits.
The Eagles of Portion (22) fire on Flayed Flayers (5), scoring 235 hits.
Royal Sentinels (20) fire on 25% Discount Luxury Archers (1), scoring 53 hits.
25% Discount Luxury Archers (1) fire on Guards des Greys (17), scoring 277 hits.
Death from Above (15) fire on Horror Host (6), scoring 88 hits.
Flayed Flayers (5) fire on Royal Sentinels (20), scoring 120 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 508, Defenders: 819
Guards des Greys (17) leave the fortification, attacking the enemy.

Horror Host (6) take 88 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Guards des Greys (17) take 420 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties.
The Eagles of Portion (22) take 103 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Royal Sentinels (20) take 100 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
25% Discount Luxury Archers (1) take 114 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Death from Above (15) take 130 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties.
Flayed Flayers (5) take 306 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 508 (0 from close combat and 508 from ranged), Defenders: 753 (0 from close combat and 753 from ranged)
Total casualties: 11 attackers, 22 defenders

Turn No. 5

   1 (17-S)
2 (10-S)
3 (7-S)
6 (21-S)
11 (18-S)
   17 (37-I)
15 (56-A)
18 (26-A)
20 (10-S)
21 (29-A)
22 (29-S)

Squad (21) fire on 25% Discount Luxury Archers (1), scoring 95 hits.
Hunters Kin (18) fire on Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (11), scoring 49 hits.
Abyssal Doombringers (2) fire on Guards des Greys (17), scoring 187 hits.
Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (11) fire on Guards des Greys (17), scoring 234 hits.
Death from Above (15) fire on Horror Host (6), scoring 65 hits.
Horror Host (6) fire on Guards des Greys (17), scoring 143 hits.
Royal Sentinels (20) fire on 25% Discount Luxury Archers (1), scoring 70 hits.
The Eagles of Portion (22) fire on 25% Discount Luxury Archers (1), scoring 130 hits.
BBQ cooks (3) fire on Guards des Greys (17), scoring 75 hits.
25% Discount Luxury Archers (1) fire on Guards des Greys (17), scoring 204 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 409, Defenders: 843

Guards des Greys (17) take 843 hits from archer fire, which cause 22 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (11) take 49 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
Horror Host (6) take 65 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
25% Discount Luxury Archers (1) take 295 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 1 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 409 (0 from close combat and 409 from ranged), Defenders: 843 (0 from close combat and 843 from ranged)
Total casualties: 10 attackers, 22 defenders

Turn No. 6

   2 (10-S)
3 (7-S)
6 (20-S)
11 (17-S)
    15 (56-A)
18 (26-A)
20 (10-S)
21 (29-A)
22 (29-S)

Death from Above (15) fire on Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (11), scoring 89 hits.
BBQ cooks (3) fire on The Eagles of Portion (22), scoring 34 hits.
The Eagles of Portion (22) fire on Horror Host (6), scoring 64 hits.
Hunters Kin (18) fire on Horror Host (6), scoring 55 hits.
Horror Host (6) fire on Squad (21), scoring 209 hits.
Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (11) fire on Royal Sentinels (20), scoring 169 hits.
Abyssal Doombringers (2) fire on The Eagles of Portion (22), scoring 64 hits.
Royal Sentinels (20) fire on Abyssal Doombringers (2), scoring 54 hits.
Squad (21) fire on Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (11), scoring 39 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 301, Defenders: 476

The Eagles of Portion (22) take 82 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 2 casualties.
Horror Host (6) take 119 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 3 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Slightly Less Raggedy Urchins (11) take 128 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Abyssal Doombringers (2) take 54 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
Royal Sentinels (20) take 141 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Squad (21) take 174 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 301 (0 from close combat and 301 from ranged), Defenders: 397 (0 from close combat and 397 from ranged)
Total casualties: 10 attackers, 12 defenders

Turn No. 7

   2 (9-S)
3 (7-S)
    15 (56-A)
18 (26-A)
22 (27-S)

Death from Above (15) fire on Abyssal Doombringers (2), scoring 123 hits.
Hunters Kin (18) fire on BBQ cooks (3), scoring 80 hits.
BBQ cooks (3) fire on The Eagles of Portion (22), scoring 60 hits.
Abyssal Doombringers (2) fire on The Eagles of Portion (22), scoring 119 hits.
The Eagles of Portion (22) fire on Abyssal Doombringers (2), scoring 121 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 324, Defenders: 179

BBQ cooks (3) take 80 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Sir Darius Rea, Chairthing Extravagant of Outer Tilog, Royal of Outer Tilog, Duke of Fiends and Flame has been wounded by Hunters Kin (18).
Abyssal Doombringers (2) take 244 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors.
The Eagles of Portion (22) take 149 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 324 (0 from close combat and 324 from ranged), Defenders: 149 (0 from close combat and 149 from ranged)
Total casualties: 8 attackers, 4 defenders

Turn No. 8

   3 (5-S)
    15 (56-A)
18 (26-A)
22 (23-S)

The Eagles of Portion (22) fire on BBQ cooks (3), scoring 283 hits.
BBQ cooks (3) fire on Death from Above (15), scoring 21 hits.
Hunters Kin (18) fire on BBQ cooks (3), scoring 66 hits.
Death from Above (15) fire on BBQ cooks (3), scoring 129 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 478, Defenders: 21

BBQ cooks (3) take 478 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Sir Darius Rea, Chairthing Extravagant of Outer Tilog, Royal of Outer Tilog, Duke of Fiends and Flame has been wounded by Death from Above (15).
Death from Above (15) take 18 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 1 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 478 (0 from close combat and 478 from ranged), Defenders: 18 (0 from close combat and 18 from ranged)
Total casualties: 5 attackers, 1 defenders

Defender Victory!

The battle does minor damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 6 %.
The local roads network has also been damaged.