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(Created page with "{{leftTOC}}</br> </br> </br> </br> </br> </br> </br> </br> ==Left for dead== {{Message2 |Type=Letter |Sender=Sol Tempest |Content= (All Nobles in Thalmarkin) Kin So I found...")
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Sol prepares for her trip as Sir Storme exits his Lady's quarters looking more like his cheerful self.  
Sol prepares for her trip as Sir Storme exits his Lady's quarters looking more like his cheerful self.  
==Daybreak at Last==

Revision as of 16:17, 2 June 2020

Left for dead

Letter from Sol Tempest
(All Nobles in Thalmarkin)

Kin So I found a lone Nothoi noble in Pomatim. A young boy who might not even realize where he was. His men have fled so I am taking him as a prisoner. Shall I return to Vatrona with him?

(OOC - Storme is ok with me taking them as a RP prisoner.))

Sol Tempest

Roleplay from Sol Tempest
(All Nobles in Thalmarkin)

The Fields of Pomatim: Lady Tempest was making her way though the fields Pomatim when she spotted some Nothoi banners in the distance. "An army up here? But scout reports showed no one was arriving." Sol spoke freely to her men. "Well lets go for a closer look." Once closer Sol could see it was no army, but perhaps a small scouting party, regardless Lady Tempest saw that some Thalmarkin banners were already engaged, Sir Ecko's men in fact so she ordered her men, "Mounties! Charge! Slay everyone except their commander. I want to see what valuable information they might have." With a single charge from the Mounties the battle was over. The Nothoi men either lay dead or in full retreat. All around the young Nothoi noble his men fled leaving Sir Rob Storme to his fate. Lady Sol Tempest rode up right beside the boy, and his most familiar family banner. "Oi! Boy, you there. I know this banner, therefore you must be Rob Storme." Sol spoke as she handed her lance off to one of the Mounties.

"You belong to me now Sir Rob, come along" Sol proclaimed to the young knight, not even bothering to bind him. For where would a lone noble without his horse run to while surrounded by a unit of cavalry.
Sol Tempest

Roleplay from Rob Storme
(All Nobles in Thalmarkin)

Rob had taken a hit that knocked him straight onto his back early on in the encounter, from there he had been pinned down by enemy lances shouted at not to move while he waited for their commander to find him. Thalmarkin men, why hadn't his scouts seen them move into the region? And, why did his orders say to move into this region when no one else had? Dark realizations dawned on the young soldier as he lay in the dirt...Perhaps they were suffering similarly to him right now, pinned by enemy lance men. He imagined what was to come; an ugly Northern Lord with his Ugly Northerrn Axe likely coming to snip is head off and leave it on his hilt for Nothoi to find. When finally he was let up it was to face the enemy commander it was no ugly Northern anything before him but a woman- and a very pretty one. Stunned by her appearance he had to think twice on her words to reply; Without a horse or a unit to even attempt to fight or flee the younger knight dusted himself off; eyeing up her cavalry unit finding a banner he couldn't remember seeing before . "Well, I suppose I am..You know me yet I am at a loss what exactly is the name of this most beauteous captor I belong to?"

He felt the blunt end of one of her soldiers lance clunk against the back of his skull, he winced "Ah, nevermind then. Not important right now."
Rob Storme

Roleplay from Sol Tempest
(All Nobles in Thalmarkin)

The Fields of Pomatim: Lady Tempest set off down the road towards Vatrona with Sir Storme in tow. Well he wasn't really in tow as the young man was doing his very best to keep up with Sol's horse specifically. Every time the lady would glance back there was Rob, staring back at her with a smile but quiet. He might have been a fool leading his men but at least he was good at listening to instructions. Lady Tempest finally broke the silence, "So Sir Rob, I will tell you my name, but only if you tell me what your current orders are. Why were you so far north and alone."

Sol turned back towards the young noble staring deeply into Rob's eyes, "Speak and be quick about it otherwise I might change my mind" the Lady ordered Sir Storme.
Sol Tempest
Roleplay from Rob Storme
(All Nobles in Thalmarkin)

Rob kept up at a near jog, stealing glances from his captor as she forced him to walk among her mounted soldiers. In truth he was afraid, but hid it behind his most charming smile every time the lady in charge favored him with a curious glance; he would show her no hint of fear. Rather abruptly she asked him about his orders. He had to scoff at that "My orders are to be here, of course. I've been following every move, I scouted ahead of myself and yet here you are." He frowned a bit as he reached into a pocket at his side and produced a folded letter, offering it to her in a show of cooperation. Fang of the White Wolf Standing Orders Move out and head to Pomatim Baqua - Ffangor - Gemke - Pomatim Unit settings: Infantry, mixed infantry, melee SF: MIDDLE defensive line [2 D L] Archers, ranged SF: FRONT defensive skirmish [1 D S] Cavalry: rearguard normal wedge [4 N W] Max retreat % for everyone

"I'm where I was told to go, suppose they sent me ahead as bait? Who knows. Nothoi cares not for it's knights. Sadly for you my Lady your prisoner is not likely to be missed by the enemy. "
Rob Storme

Roleplay from Sol Tempest
(All Nobles in Thalmarkin)

The Fields of Pomatim: One of Tempest Mounties relieved Sir Rob of his letter and handed them off to Lady Tempest. Sol quickly unrolled the orders and to her surprise they were his honest to the gods orders. The broken seal of The Fang of the White Wolf hung from page with the Marshal's Signature scribbled on the bottom. Having recently been of Nothoi herself the signature looked real to Lady Tempest. If the ordered were fake they were quite convincing. However, Rob didn't seem the type to undertake such a task; perhaps he was used as bait as Sol knew Nothoi had little love for their knights.

Lady Tempest turns back to Rob to scold the boy, "What fool of a King made you a Knight Sir Rob, why did you not destroy this after you read it? I guess it matters not now in the scheme of things. Well Storme, I am Sol Tempest and now you belong to me. You will be squire. You will command and unit, and you will have them fight for me and to the benefit of Thalmarkin. I trust you have no objection? even a fool of a knight wouldn't stay with a realm that doesn't appreciate him."
Sol Tempest

Roleplay from Rob Storme
(All Nobles in Thalmarkin)

The young noble seemed not to care about her word of Nothoi, his attention lie on the way she said his name and then learning her name alone. Her hair shone in the sunsets glow as she peered down at him from her great mount "A fool am I yes, now your fool Sol; Of course this is your name oh; Goddess of the sun, queen of my heart" The chuckles of her men around him didn't stop him "I follow you to my doom gladly with hopes of having your gaze meet mine each day I live till the day I die for your radiance"He spouted flowery words after her as easily as a spring spouted fresh water, "It is my honour as a knigh-- OUGH" another sharp strike to the back of the head stopped him at once.

"Right, right. I'll speak no more". Rob clutched the back of his head with a pained wince, yet he didn't apologize nay couldn't for he was all to happy to be the property of the Dame Tempest. If she would have him suffer the life of a prisoner of body and of heart then she could suffer his praise surely... Though if he wasn't mistaken...Some of these so called Mounties seemed more then a little bit jealous.
Rob Storme

Letter from Rob Storme
(All Nobles in Thalmarkin)

Nobility of Thalmarkin, It's true I was taken prisoner just yesterday. I served as a man of Nothoi for many months but I have no love the kingdom. They do not care for their knights wallets or lives; Thus why I was ordered ahead of everyone else likely as bait for your forces. Of course I have received no word or acknowledgment, I wonder even if my parents will be informed of my going missing?

It goes without saying that I am far happier to travel with and serve my benevolent and merciful Lady Sol Tempest, for what red blooded man wouldn't feel the great honour that is looking after the daily needs, wants, desires of a maid as beautiful as she? The fact that our names are synonymous a true sign from the gods that she is to be the object of my dedication alone. I knew the moment I saw here that she was an angel sent from on high to lead me to where I am truly meant to serve. Goddess Sol of the sun, queen of my heart has my loyalty from this day fourth in exchange not just for my very life itself but for the sheer privilege it is just to live each day where I may catch glances of clear eyes shining like pools from which I feel I glimpse upon the golden glow of the heavens themselves and pay any and all tribute in her name!
Rob Storme

Bad News

Letter from Sol Tempest
(All Nobles in Thalmarkin)

I may have been harsh on you. So I will indeed let you have back at least your quill, ink and parchment.

Perhaps it is also time I share some more with you.

I knew your sister, Svari, quite well in fact as I called her my best friend. However somewhere along the way she went missing while Warlord of VS. I feared the worst has happened to her at the hands of Xlair Silverblade but it was all I could do to flee myself at the time. I wish justice for Svari and hope to find it someday, but when I saw you there all exposed and practically discarded by Nothoi I had to act.

Still you are in fact mine now. I intend to make you a proper knight, one to make your sister and family proud. Serve me loyally and faithfully and I will ensure you rise to the proper station.

Sol Tempest

Roleplay from Rob Storme
(All Nobles in Thalmarkin)

Out of Character Warning: this roleplay contains graphic content and vulgar language.


"A letter from my Lady?!" Rob snatched up a messengers note with enthusiasm and drew his knife to remove the seal in a hurry. Blonde hair still stuck to his forehead from the mornings work; Lady tempest sure had a lot of laundry for one lady; the thought that perhaps some of her mounties threw in their own uniforms as a jest occurred to him but no...His lady got her hands dirty he saw it himself surely such a hard worker could go through three tunics a day.

The young knight sat himself on his laundry stool to read; a stupid smile spreading across his face as he did so. "Squire Rob

I may have been harsh on you. So I will indeed let you have back at least your quill, ink and parchment.

Perhaps it is also time I share some more with you. "

Huzzah, he thought. Already she warms up to me; Kill them with kindness they say it always works... "I knew your sister, Svari, quite well in fact as I called her my best friend. However somewhere along the way she went missing while Warlord of VS. I feared the worst has happened to her at the hands of ..."

"Hey, thanks for the fresh tunic Squire~" one of the Mounties around him taunted, taking one of the fresh garments from it's drying rack with a short laugh.

Rob looked at him with blank eyes; feeling numb as he glanced back at the letter again, then the mountie. "Oye; it was just a joke kid"

Hot tears sprung into his eyes as he stood up and roared at the man "I AM A KNIGHT YOU LOWBORN BASTARD!" The athletic youth lunged with all his strength and pinnedf the other man on the ground and administering three blows to his face before the crowd of shocked Mounties tore the normally comically cheerful knight him off of their comrade; Sir Rob roared again"I SERVE LADY SOL NOT YOU YOU F*ING PIG I'LL CUT YOUR THROAT YOU -."

A sharp blow to the head cut Rob off short; Sol's men were developing a talent for it by now. Resting in a pool of blackness he faintly heard a woman ask "what the hell was in that letter?" .



"His sister's been murdered"
Rob Storme
Roleplay from Sol Tempest
(All Nobles in Thalmarkin)

Lady Tempest was tending her mail within her cramped quarters in Vatrona. The castle stronghold was massive but considering the amount of Thalmarkin’s nobility present within there was not much space to spare. Still Sol had managed to find herself a small isolated room near the back of the greathold; nothing fancy as the room contained a single wooden desk and a small modest bed. This late into the evening only candles would provide light, for the tiny slat of a window barely let any glow from the torches or fires outside.

Most of Sol’s evening had been spent within this tiny room as Lady Tempest recently announced she would be running for the position of Judge of Thalmarkin. Sol would have a lot of letters to read and write in the coming evenings since her days were reserved for training and drilling her men. There was still a war to fight after all.

Sol hears a slight knock on the door and the familiar voice of a Tempest Mountie, “My Lady, its Rob.”

“Enter,” Lady Tempest replies as she turns to the to watch Sonya enter the doorway, “Well what is it about Sir Rob.”

Sonya addresses her Lady “Well he went a little berserk after reading your letter, attacking some of the men shouting obscenities.”

“Cheerful, Joyful Rob did that?” Sol asked somewhat perplexed.

“Yes my lady. I don’t mean to impose but do you remember what you wrote him.”

Lady Tempest thought to herself for a moment; What did I write Rob that would upset him so? Ah, oh my I probably could have been a tad more sensitive with how I informed Sir Storme about his sister. I forgot that the worst of my grief is behind me since now I wish for justice but if I found out in such a way I would probably try to kill someone as well.

Sol again addressed Sonya, “Inform Rob I wish to speak with him.”

“He’s currently knocked out.” Sonya replied. “Couldn’t have him going berserk attacking the men”

“Oh that just won’t do Sonya, he’s only a boy, be more delicate next time. Either way when he awakes make sure he finds me. We need to have an actual conversation. You are dismissed Sonya.” Sol concludes as she waves her soldier away.

With the door closed once again Lady Tempest contemplates; He might be a fool and now my squire but he is my charge. I must keep Svari’s little brother safe; it's what she would want and that might include keeping him safe from myself.

Sol blows out her candles and retires for the night hoping to get a little rest.
Sol Tempest

Roleplay from Rob Storme
(All Nobles in Thalmarkin)

Rain in the early morning had woke him; he had been out in a tiny room within castle Vatrona with nothing but a bed and a tiny slit of a window letting in the smell and sound of the rain outside. He had been awake for hours with his hands bound behind his back yet he didn't stir from his spot heaped on the hard old bed for what felt like hours thinking about /her/.

How long had it been; why she left; where she had gone; and what happened to her. He remembered the girl who had left their home tall and strong as any lad and what she must've had to do to get her in a position to be killed. She was probably scared, probably suffered, probably alone.

A knock on the door startled him into sitting up at once, and one of Sol's soldiers gave him a strangely kind smile as she informed him that he had to go see his Lady. She apologized as she slashed the rough cord that bound his hands; saying "We just had to be sure you didn't get up in the same mood you went down."

He was supposed to laugh he was sure, but didn't. Sir Rob pushed past the lowborn woman and headed straight to where he knew Sol's quarters had been provided. He wouldn't knock just spoke outside the door trying to act as though he didn't brutalize one of her cavaliers the day before though his chipper demeanor had gone "My Lady...Are you warm? Are you fed? How can I help you this morning?"
Rob Storme

Roleplay from Sol Tempest
(All Nobles in Thalmarkin)

Lady Tempest was already awake having been up since the crack of dawn when she heard Sir Rob at the door. "My Lady...Are you warm? Are you fed? How can I help you this morning?"

Sol replies to the young man “Come in Rob and get a new fire going in my brazier. It is quite cold in here this morning with the damp.”

Sir Storme enters his Lady’s chambers and collects a log from the pile in the corner while Sol continues to talk, “So I heard things got quite heated last night. I apologize you had found out about Svari in such a way. As it was many months ago for myself I forgot how much the wound stings when fresh. Your reaction is understandable, in fact I am glad. I hope to see your new fiery spirit going forward if one day we are to get justice for your sister.”

Glancing back towards Rob reveals he has already completed his task with a nice warm fire heating the room.

“So Rob, what would you ask of me? I am sure you have questions.” Sol inquires her young squire.
Sol Tempest
Roleplay from Rob Storme
(All Nobles in Thalmarkin)

Rob entered the tiny room looking grim but couldn't meet Sol's gaze quite then; he focused on his job grabbing the small store of wood and the flint in the room before kneeling on the cold stones. Behind him he heard Sol speak again of his sister and he winced from the pain of hearing her name spoken again just as his tinder caught fire. He stood from the floor and put the flint back in it's place, dusting his hands as he pondered her words. In the tiny room the meager amount of light cast shadows all around them as the flames danced with the draft in the old castle.

She was right; he had a hundred questions. He hadn't seen his sister since she was seventeen; himself only thirteen at the time and barely even a rumor had floated back South to him about her. . . Yet his love remained strong as the love of families often does. "Just two my Lady. Where can I find this man who killed my sister? And when may I leave to go kill him."
Rob Storme

Roleplay from Sol Tempest
(All Nobles in Thalmarkin)

"Just two my Lady. Where can I find this man who killed my sister? And when may I leave to go kill him." - Rob Stome

Lady Tempest admired the young knights spirit however needed to correct the sentiment, "Rob, I quite enjoy your passion for vengeance but do not forget you serve at my pleasure. We will find and kill Xlair when I am ready to do so. He is surrounded and protected by a cult of his followers so we cannot just blindly march to our doom. Otherwise we would leave no one to avenge Svari."

The younger knight's posture relaxed and the searing hatred in his eyes seemed to fade at the mention of cultists. She had appealed to the sliver of the boy that cared about consequences of his action. "Right. You're right. As always Lady Sol your words are as illuminating as your visage."

Sol rolls her eyes as Rob has returned to his usual demeanor, "Anyhow... I must travel to Jedinchel for a day. As such you are excused from your chores until I return, I expect you to spend some of your free time training you new men. Oh but before you are dismissed have my steed prepared."

Sol prepares for her trip as Sir Storme exits his Lady's quarters looking more like his cheerful self.
Sol Tempest

Daybreak at Last