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Roleplay from Smiddich Fontaine
Roleplay from Smiddich Fontaine

Revision as of 03:20, 17 October 2019

A Lady in White

This story ran from June 20, 2019 - June 28, 2019. It is the story of Alyssa's knighting and her first outing with the Army of Perdan. It outlines the personalities she encounters among her first unit, her trip to join with the army and her first battle. The story takes place towards the end of the June campaign of War of the Lich Queen. She witnesses the Deception in Winkamus and the Battle of Bescanon, ending with The Festival of Lights held by Duke Fontaine at the end of the campaign.

The Girl From the Hollow


Alyssa stood up straight, hoping the castellan would not notice her nervousness. He was very old and his teeth had mostly fallen out. Beside him on the panel were several clerks. One of them gave her a sympathetic look as the castellan smacked his gums together and considered her in dreadful silence for several minutes. Most of the morning had gone on like this. The court had taken hours despite only a handful of folks being present.

"I am sorry girl, you will have to remind me who you are and why you are here. You are not familiar to my old eyes." "I am Alyssa, sire." She said too stiffly. "Alyssa of Whitewater some of the folks have taken to calling me. I was summoned by his lordship's estate after the village was attacked."

"Ah yes. Yes. Yeeeesss..." He droned, then trailed off. The clerk shook her head. "Whitewater is a large settlement and the garrison was undermanned if all reports be true. They say you slew a hundred beasts with a sword, girl. Is that the truth?"

It wasn't. "I did not count them my lord." Alyssa answered, still too stiffly.

"His lordhsip is away. I am merely his castellan." He considered her for a moment. "The people of the village name you a hero, girl. Is that the truth?" The castellan smacked his lips again. The people in the court began to murmur.

"Aye!" shouted a woman from behind her. "She saved me boy Roland from one o'them gnolers she did!" "Ben said she rallied the garrison hidin' in the warehouses!" Another villager called. Alyssa shifted briefly uncomfortable with the sudden rush of praises filling the room. The castellan banged a gavel on the long table the panel sat behind and the room calmed. "And what, girl, is your family name?"

Alyssa took a deep breath. "Kingsley sire." It wasn't a lie though her claim was spurious at best. Jonn Kingsley had gained reknown as a world traveller and visited lands all across the world including Perdan. She knew there were records of his tournament victories on the Eastern Continent but a secret marriage to her great-grandmother was much harder to prove. Her family had never been wealthy and the Wolf of Thalmarkin had disappeared decades ago. Her grandfather's claim to the family name had been met with general suspicion. A handful of unconfirmed documents didn't exactly tie them to the family of old. Still they owned some land around Whitewater Hollow and some records of the marriage did exist...

The castellan turned to one of the clerks. "Is that correct?"

The clerk nodded once. "It is, though the claim is spurious at best. The Kingsleys were a ruling family from Atamara with lines in Ashlantean and Ithilian nobility. There is very little about them in the East Continent though a Yorke relative by marriage once ruled Perdan generations ago."

The castellan turned back to Alyssa. "Impressive story girl. Though I am certain none of these folk care about any of that. You came to their aid when monsters roamed through and you drove them off with only one man dead. These folk owe you a great deal, and I say such a deed deserves a reward.

"Thank you sire I-" "Kneel girl." Alyssa knelt, to surprised to say anything.

"In reward for your service in defending the village of Whitewater from monsters, in the name of his lordship, I name you knight of Bisciye. You will be granted the White Lodge and the surrounding area, and you will be charged with defending Lord Pryde's people and upholding his peace. Will you do this, Alyssa Kingsley."

"I shall."

"Good. The rise, my lady." The castellan said, standing up as well. "Then that's settled. And that's all for today. Get out the lot of you. Lady knight, I'll round up some guards to escort you. Wouldn't want to heh run into any more monsters." The castellan smacked his lips again and turned off to leave as the clerks gathered their ledgers and notes. "Oh and White Lodge has been eh... vacant recently as you may know. If there is anything you should require..." He trailed off and paused in thought before wandering out of the hall.

After most had departed, Alyssa stood alone still taking everything in. "A Knight of Perdan." she whispered to herself.



Her company was small, and also not hers. Seven armed men surrounded her as they rode towards the old White Lodge. Her escort bore the red and blue banner of the Pryde family on their shields and banner. Most of them were older men, some of them fat and bearded. The young men must all be away at the front, where I must go soon. A sinking feeling clawed at her. She had duties now, to the realm and to her lord. But also to her family and to the folks of Bisciye. Smallfolk now. She must remember. She is a knight of Perdan.

When they reached the Lodge she realized what the castellan had meant by 'vacant'. The wooden structure was modest and old and some of the hall had been hit by a storm at some point and with no one present, it had not been repaired. A band of armed men sat camped out front. If they noticed her escort's arrival they gave no notion of it. Just outside the small stone fence surrounding the hall her company stopped their ride.

"Your new home, my lady." Said the man carrying Lord Pryde's banner. It did not look like home. Home was a small stone tower overlooking a lumbercamp near Whitewater Hollow. It was many miles away, and forgettable a place as any, yet she could not forget it. She took a deep breath This is home now.

The escort turned on their horses to leave, each one of them offering a 'My lady.' before departing, except one, possibly the oldest one who remained seated on his horse, watching the others leave. His hair was white and thinning and his beard short but thick was white as well.

"Why aren't you going with the rest of your company?" Alyssa asked him, suspicious. He turned to her and offered a knowing smile. "My place is not with them, my lady, it is here with you." Aly suddenly got nervous, shifting slightly in her saddle.

"Don't worry my lady. I am Graham. His Lordship bid me travel with you as your squire." "My squire? You are an old squire."

He laughed at that. "And you are an honest lady. And young to be a knight. Do not let my age fool you. Lord Benjamin has put you in very capable hands. I have squired for almost two dozen knights for almost 50 years. Never has there been a more experienced squire in all the kingdom." He gave a respectful nod. Aly was certain that was the case. What a strange pair, the youngest knight and the oldest squire.

"Very well Graham. Tell me, who are those men there?" she said nodding towards the small camp outside her hall. "I imagine those are the soldiers I hired for you." He answered dutifully "You hired soldiers? They... don't look like soldiers. They look like militia or bandits if anything." She replied with a raised eyebrow. One of them was so fat he looked as if he could hardly stand. One of them was a child, probably no more than ten.

Graham shrugged. "Might be they are. With the war on, most of the fighting men have already gone to the front. With what's left well... there you have it my lady." She looked at him skeptically but rode forward to meet her little militia. They all turned to face her as she approached, staring at her. They are waiting for me to say something... she thought. But Graham saved her from that.

"Your liege, Lady Alyssa Kingsley of White Lodge."

One of the men stepped forward looking at her skeptically. His hair was black and messy and his eyes a shifty green. His clothes were as black as his hair, and an expensive looking dagger hung from his belt. He turned to Graham. "Thought we was supposed be serving with a knight."

"You are." Graham answered. "This is a girl. With a sword, true. But this ain't no knight." he said with a snort. "We supposed to fight for a girl and an old man? Can either of you even lift those swords on your hips?" Suddenly Alyssa felt a surge of anger. Maybe she was just a girl but her and sword had saved the people of Whitewater, and Lord Pryde had entrusted her with a knighthood. "I am a knight of Perdan, entrusted by his lordship Benjamin Pryde. What is your name, sir." she flared.

"Sir? I thought you was the knight here my lady." he said with a smirk. Insolent she thought to herself. "I'm called Jan. The big one is Fat Father. There's Karl, Ebben, Tanner, and the little one is Alain. The others... ah I'm sure they have names too."

She looked at them, her band of rogues and looked back at Graham who nodded. "You will..." she started. "Choose a captain among yourselves, and a name for your company. We will be leaving for the front soon." Graham nodded his approval. "You will need a banner as well my lady. I shall see to it."

"At once, lady." Jan said with a wicked smile.

Lady's Luck


The mountain air was liberating. Aly took a deep breath as the wind winded past her through the mountain pass. She had never strayed far from the Hollow as a girl, except the one time she went to Beziers with her mother when she was still alive. She didn't remember the trip, but that the land was much more wooded and the big castle they visited. She remembered the guardsmen were tall and scary but some knight kept her company while her mother was meeting with someone. He was a nice man, she recalled, though she gave up trying to remember his name. The wind breezed past her again as she heard the flapping of her banner.

It was an ugly thing to be sure. The Kingsley wolf on the front was not so much a wolf but the shape of a wolf and was patched on in a hurry. While Alyssa had insisted on using the white wolf and black field of Jonn Kingsley, Graham had suggested inverting the colours, leaving the field to be white instead "for the Lady of White Lodge" and to distinguish her from her ancestor. "You should make your own name my lady." he said. "Jonn Kingsley did not stay long on the East Continent. This banner belongs to you, not him." Aly decided she liked that idea.

She did not like the other addition to the banner; suggested by her captain Jan, who she also did not like. Jan had asserted himself as captain of the unit and the others such as Tanner and the scout-boy Alain either went along with him or didn't care such as Fat Father who shrugged and went back to his mutton roast. Even Cressa, the only other woman in her band voted for him, complaining loudly about primped noble girls. Along the top and bottom Jan and company had painted the phrase /Lady's Luck/ in black paint. She suspected it was some joke that no one was keen to let her in on. The letters were uneven and had run slightly making the thing even more unsightly. When she demanded it be re-done, Graham merely grimaced at her and shook his head noting that they would not have time.

And so it was her little militia passed through hamlet and village with that garrish white banner, currently held by Fat Father while Jan whistled a tune as he rode right behind her. They only had five horses for the thirty or so of them and one of them was old and belonged to Chance and his wife Helen, the village healers who came with them seeking to make their work on the frontlines. Jan claimed he had worked hard and bought the horse he rode, but Aly suspected he had stolen it, though it would not do to accuse him without proof. In truth she was afraid her troop would turn on her if she threw him out, since they all seemed to like him so well, laughing at all his jokes and selecting him as their stupid captain. She should have chosen Karl or Fat Father, they were both kind. But Fat Father could barely keep up with the troop (much less sit a horse). And Karl was soft-spoken and cowardly. She was surprised he had made it this far without running off in the night.

It was Karl's turn to ride the fifth horse, giving each man a few hours to somewhat rest his own legs. The poor boy was her age but unlike her was unskilled in any sort of warfare. During a very brief training session they had after the previous evening's supper, he barely swung and cringed as some of the others smacked him again and again with wooden swords. They even had to stop to help him onto the horse and he could barely control the beast. Still he rode alongside her trying to keep up.

"Me uncle lives in Whitewater you know m'lady." he babbled. "He can't see real good- really well, sorry. And his legs don't work. He's a good man he'd have been eaten up by the gnolers- err the gnoles m'lady." She looked at him solemnly. "Not everyone was so fortunate. Many were maimed and one man lost his life." "Ehm... Aye m'lady but if not for you it might o'been all of em'" He offered a meek smile.

Aly smiled back. She should not be so severe with him. He was one of the few people in this company who was not a scoundrel. And she would need his sword in battle. Nineteen and a coward was better than nineteen alone, she figured. "I am glad your uncle is well and safe. It is my duty to protect the people of Perdan. I promise I will see that done. If you promise you will help me." He gulped and nodded once and they continued their ride in silence.

Old Rocks


Aly gazed out over the Bursan cliffside. The view was breathtaking. Smaller peaks poked their way out of the fog just below. In the distance beyond she could make out the fertile Moyale Valley. The rolling hills were mostly covered in fog but she could make out some of the Vixen farmland beyond. From the wide overlook, she watched the sun beginning to sink low as the stars began to shine over the pale horizon.

"See there my lady, those spires peaking out of the fog?" Graham said, pointing down into the vale below. They were high above now, above the fog which hugged tightly to the mountains. As she looked closely in the faint light she could indeed see stone towers far far below blending in with the peaks.

"That is Castle Ubent where the Vixen Lords hold court. I believe a Lord called Tourmaline currently rules the valley, though under their laws their leader can change often." The Vixens were an odd people. They did not believe in kings and dukes, and gave everyone's voice equal weight. It was an unusual system, Aly thought. But she was only a knight, and of Perdan. It was not her place to judge.

"Long ago Ubent was a realm of its own, and a powerful one extending its reach almost to the Golden City." Graham continued. "The kings there ruled from a throne made of steel and set off to conquer. That hall below our feet has weathered countless storms and still remains standing." Alyssa found a queer comfort in that, though it was not her castle and she had never been there.

"It's a buncha old rocks." Jan said unceremoniously, walking up to the cliffside where the two of them stood, the mountain breeze blowing his messy black hair around. "Not as old as you probably." He continued, looking at Graham before turning to Alyssa. "It's getting dark little lady, and your boy needs help setting up your tent."

Aly glanced past him and saw Karl struggling to hold poles in place while stretching out the canvas, dropping them again and again. One began to roll down the mountain road they had just come up. She looked at Jan. "So help him. And don't speak to me that way."

Jan shrugged. "No can do my lady. Busy setting up me own tent." he said nodding towards the man called Ebben set up a different tent.

"Tell me captain, what is it exactly I am paying you for? To have others set your tent up for you?" She snapped at him. Jan stood at ease, hands behind his back, as his mouth pressed into a line.

"To be honest lady, you haven't paid me at all." "Your payment was agreed to be paid by the week." "Aye. And it hasn't been a week yet has it? So by my calculations I'm currently workin' for free." "No." Alyssa said with barely contained rage. "You will receive what you have earned at the end of the week, which at the current moment is nothing, since you do not listen to a word I say."

Jan glared at her defiantly, towering at least a foot over her. "I don't believe denying a soldier his due pay is wise my lady."

"Damn your wisdom. Get out of my sight. I don't care who sets your tent up, just set it up away from mine." She shouted at the captain. He continued to glare at her, then finally took a step back. "Of course my lady. I'll set it up with the soldiers who do set up their own tents." He turned and marched off, spitting into the dirt.

Graham squinted at the Captain as he left. "I'm not sure that was the wisest course my la-" "Do not speak to me as if I am some child!" She shouted, turning her ire towards her squire. Graham simply nodded and began to walk off. "My apologies my lady."

Still fuming she marched to where the poor Karl stood fumbling with the canvas. His eyes went wide with fear as she approached, dropping his pole once again. "Go!" She shouted at him. He went, and quickly. She spent the next hour setting up her tent herself, and the hour after that on her cot, curled up. The mountain air was cold, and she was very alone.



Lady's Luck was mostly silent as they continued their journey through the mountains. A few of the soldiers chatted quietly to themselves, but Alyssa had not spoken a word all day except to Graham to get them all ready and moving. She rode at the front of the column, while Jan rode among the men, loudly crunching an apple. Fat Father as usual brought up the rear. The sky was a dreary gray and they had begun descending down the mountain, passing through the fog and back under the cloud cover.

I should not have let my temper get the better of me. Aly thought to herself. I am a poor commander. It is no wonder why they prefer that rogue to me. He's probably fought a dozen battles and me one against a disorganized herd of beastmen. He should probably be in a jail cell instead of leading a band of warriors. But he was the leader they chose and if she put him in chains or dismissed him she might arrive at the front alone.

She heard the pounding of hooves behind her as Graham trotted up to her. She suddenly realized she was much farther ahead than the rest of the company, and could not even see them from where their horses stood. "Did we stop?" she asked, now concerned. Her old squire nodded. "Yes my lady. The troop is back this way." She trotted alongside him and met the group not far back. They seemed to be on the move until she stopped in front of them. She glared at Jan who was chewing the last bite of his apple. He wiped his hands on his trousers, and tossed the remaining core off the mountain side. Then he stared at her blankly. "Yes, my lady?" he said amiably.

"I was told we stopped." "Tanner broke 'is foot m'lady" said a lumpfaced boy called Dorrie whose turn it was to ride the fifth horse. "Take me to him Dorrie." She asked. Dorrie frowned at this. "Porrie." Porrie said with more than a hint of annoyance. "My apologies Porrie. Where is he?" Porrie shrugged. "Back there somewhere with the medicine man. My Lady." He grunted arrogantly.

Alyssa rode through the company; as they parted for her, Jan twirled his finger in the air and the boys, old men, and sellswords who were Lady's Luck began their march once more. "What do you think you are doing?" Alyssa asked, gritting her teeth Jan looked at her tiredly. "Getting our men where they are supposed to be." 'Our men' they are now. she thought. She wondered how long it would be before it was 'my men'. "You don't want to disappoint your mighty lord by being late do ye? We are already far behind schedule."

She didn't, but one broken foot would not slow them down much. "We aren't leaving a wounded soldier behind." Alyssa said defiantly. Jan rolled his eyes. "The man can't march, he can't fight. He ain't a soldier. And he ain't wounded either. No one stabbed him. He slipped on a rock. It's his own doing." The company continued past them. "You can't leave him in the mountains to die!" "Hunters walk these paths often we've seen a dozen of them. Someone'll find him."

"I command you to halt!" She shouted at them. They turned and looked at her for a moment, and continued their march through down the mountain trail. Jan looked at her passively and shrugged, turning his own horse around and joining the men.

She was defeated. Fat Father grimaced at her sympathetically but said nothing as he waddled on. Graham watched her grimly. She watched them turn around the bend, out of sight.

She took a deep breath. "Just back up the trail?" she asked her squire. "Aye my lady." he affirmed. They walked up the trail for a minute or so until they reached where Tanner sat, Chance the healer binding it up.

"Can he walk?" She asked the healer. Chance nodded. "Aye. Tis only a sprain, though a proper nasty one, with rest he should be fine in a few days. He can walk with some help but not march, likely. If there's any room in the equipment carts for him, that's the best place to be till we make it to the front and he can be treated by a proper healer.

Alyssa shook her head. "There isn't, and the rest of the company means to continue on." The healer considered this for a moment then nodded his head. "As you wish my lady." He turned to the man called Tanner who looked shocked. "We passed that hunter this morning, he'll come back this way in a few-"

"It is not as I wish." Alyssa blurted out. "None of this has been how I wished. I wished to lead to a company of brave men to protect the realm. Instead I have a band of old men, boys, and thieves led by a blackhearted rogue." The three looked at her uncomfortably, clearly unsure of what to say. She thought she might felt her eyes water. "But you are all I have. And I will lead you all to this war if I have to drag you myself. He cannot march, can he ride?"

Chance the Healer nodded. "Aye likely." Alyssa dismounted. "Then ride, Tanner."

The four of them caught up to the rest of the company quick enough. There was a slight murmur at the sight of Tanner on her white mare. Ebben nodded his head approvingly, Alain jumped up and down, excited that Tanner got to ride the pretty horse. Karl and Fat Father smiled at her as she marched alongside them. Jan looked unimpressed but said nothing. Graham had offered her his horse but she refused. "I will not ride until we reach the camp." she insisted. He seemed to like that. Her feet did not.



Alyssa felt like a hero as she sat up high upon her horse, head held up as she and her old squire meandered through the Perdanese camp on her white mare. Graham had told her to look strong when she arrived. "First impressions are important my lady. These lords and ladies have never seen you before and will be eager to see if you live up to what they have heard." She had sent Tanner off with her healers to the hospital tent off the moment they arrived and retook her place atop her mount. She helped the rest of her men settle in to a position on the edge of the encampment, and set off to explore.

She smiled to herself, thinking she must be a grand sight. A strong young woman on a white horse, sword on her hip, her emblemed shield hanging from the side of her mare, white cloak draped over her back. Graham was not so impressive but he rode alongside her, but behind, letting her make her impression. Right now she didn't care about him anyhow. She watched as soldiers here and there whispered to each other as she passed. She wondered what they were saying but decided she might feel better not knowing.

She passed the many camps, some she recognized and others she did not. The green and black banner of Imperator Dodger's camp brought a smile, The general's wolf was similar to her own. I am in good company. She thought. She passed the Kabrinski viper and the Royal Falcon of Peregrine. She was somewhat intimidated as she passed the King's camp. He had sent her a kind letter upon her knightood, but she did not feel like she had earned the praise the letter contained. She didn't want to make a fool of herself and suspected his highness had many more important matters to attend to than her, so she kept her distance.

As she passed a group of rough looking soldiers, a purple viper on their shields, their commander looked right at her. Armoured in mail, he sharpened a dagger and gave her a slight smile and a nod. The smile was unsettling, she thought.

"Sir Alaric, my lady." Graham noted once they had passed, stepping his horse up a few feet to catch her ear. "I would be wary. I have heard it said that he flays his enemies. A man like that can be dangerous."

"I'll be sure not to make an enemy of him.". She said as confidently as she could. If what Graham said was true she would make sure there was plenty of distance, but she didn't want to seem afraid as she made her round.

Finally she arrived back at her own camp. Her unit was training, though Jan was no where in sight. Karl was getting whacked with a wooden sword by an old man called Billbog. Neither had any grace and were swinging wildly at each other. Some of the other were snickering.

"Where is Jan?" She asked, dismounting and handing the reins to Graham who took the horses away. The unit shrugged collectively except Billbog who slapped Karl with a sword and Karl who yelped. "He should training you all, he is the best fighter of you.". Ebben shrugged again.

"Said he had some business to take care of."

Alyssa scowled. They all looked at her clearly expecting another brush of frustration. I'll surprise them. She thought, taking a step up to Billbog, holding out her hand. He handed her the wooden sword and took a stance. Like this, Karl. She demonstrated some basic fighting techniques and at first they looked at her skeptically but as she knocked each one into the dirt, and sidestepped nearly every swipe they began to listen. Some of them even got a little better.

A Night of Perdan


The sun was waning over the Perdan camp. A parade of Vixen soldiers had marched through the camp cheering and slapping their Perdanese allies on the back in celebration of the full takeover of the region. Even some of the Sydgard warriors who dressed in warm furs despite the more temperate climate of the Valley had joined them, beginning a party that had already been going for hours. Alyssa watched as ale overflowed from tankards and jolly men shouted and bellowed; lady warriors with their cheeks flushed drank heartily from skins of wine and giggled as soldiers shared stories and joked and boasted.

Lady's Luck had seen no fighting but they too took part in the festivites. Alyssa watched as her little company enjoyed the evening. Graham was sitting on some crates telling the Scout-boy Alain and the now mostly recovered Tanner about some great battle of long ago. She couldn't hear it over the cacophony that was the big party but based on Alain's wide eyes and Tanner's intent expression it must have been quite the story.

As it turned out, Ebben was somewhat of a musician. The old man, Billbog had traded some of their old and worn equipment for some wineskins, a fur blanket, a sack of apples, and a tin flute. Alyssa had originally protested the exchange as it had been made without her authorization, but now she was not minding it. Her head was pleasantly light from the wine and Ebben played a jaunty tune on the whistle, much to the surprise and delight of the rest of the company. A couple of others from other parts of the camp even heard and joined him. A Vixen soldier who apparently delighted his own company with a fiddle and a travelling lutist joined Ebben in stride and by sundown they had a small band playing while soldiers ate and drank and danced and laughed.

She was sitting back enjoying watching the happy scene, gently sipping on wine as the men of her company danced around with local girls or camp followers or told stories. She enjoyed learning about her soldier's lives, many of them were actually fairly experienced. She listened as Cressa told the tale of how she had posed as a boy on a ship and learned to sail and fight, but got kicked off when she was discovered because the captain had superstition about women aboard ships. She particularly liked hearing about Fat Father's family, his nine daughters and all the trouble they got into. He may not be a good fighter but she could tell he was a good father. As Porrie droned on about his mother's sweetbread recipe, her eyes wandered about the rest of the camp. Jan was nowhere to be found, likely off getting drunk and harassing some woman no doubt. Two large men who she guessed were Sydgardian were fistfighting while a small crod cheered them on. Her eyes landed on a pretty young Vixen woman who smiled and laughed as her partner spun her around and another took her hand. Aly wondered if she was a warrior based on her nimbleness, then considered joining her. Though perhaps in a few cups she thought, taking a sip of her wine.

It was Karl who interrupted tha thought. He stood meekly before her awkwardly holding his hand out, the other resting nervously on his neck. "My lady..." he said cautiously. She looked to where he had come from to see a few of her men snickering among themselves. That is irksome. she thought, furrowing her brow in consternation. Bravery should not be rewarded with jeers.

"I'm sorry my lady... I didn't mean no- mean any offenses I-" She cut him off, standing up from her place and taking his hand. He stood there startled for a moment. I shall lead then. She thought somewhat hazily.

So she led. Truthfully she was never a talented dancer. Better with swords than needles, though compared to Karl, she was as graceful as a swan. The boy fumbled awkwardly as they hopped and danced (mostly) in time with the music. At first he was scared to even place his hand on her hip, but as she led him he seemed to relax. She even smiled as he twirled her around. Then she bowed and he smiled meekly as she passed him to his next partner. She danced next with another of her men, Gordon, whose usually sullen demeanour had been brightened by wine and ale and song. He was much more talented than Karl and they fell into an easy rhythm before he bowed and passed her to her next partner.

The Vixen girl took her hand smiling and Alyssa put her hand on her hip, letting the young woman lead. She was a much better dancer than Alyssa, but gave a pleasantly surprised laugh when Aly gave her a twirl. The girl bowed and gave her to her next partner. Alyssa smiled and danced for a short while more before tiring. The wine was beginning to get to her in earnest and she felt she ahd better stop while ahead. Some of her company applauded her as she returned to her spot. She gave a smile and a slight and off-balanced curtsy, which earned her some friendly chuckles.

"I will retire tonight." She announced, straightening. "Shall one of us escort you to your tent my lady?" Fat Father asked, standing up. She chuckled herself this time. "Tis' a knight who should be offering protection. And we are in the company of allies and countrymen." "Drunk countrymen." Cressa noted. "Then they would be slow and off balance. Goodnight my brave warriors." She said with warmth in her smile and in her heart.

A Knight of Perdan

(June 27, 2019)

Fog lingered in the forests as they made their way to Bescanon. It lended an eerie atmosphere to the army's march. Men and horses walked silently through the forests to reach the battlefield. "It's only a peasant militia" Jan had claimed when Karl voiced his worries earlier. True, Aly thought, but it was a large peasant militia and they were well organized for a militia, and had a few knights commanding them as well. People will die today.

As they walked through the forests she looked up and spotted a large black crow on a branch above. It looked down at her and squawked. "Die!" it almost sounded like. "Die! Die!" Alyssa gulped and turned to look at her men. Fat Father and Ebben were talking solemnly to each other. Graham rode in silence. Billbog the Old leaned on his spear as he walked. Jan seemed totally unfazed, as if he had gone into battle a hundred times before. He wasn't that old of course, but as a mercenary he had to have seen his fair share of battle. Karl was riding the fifth horse, sobbing quietly. Aly slowed her horse down to fall in line with him. She put a hand on his shoulder and he looked at her with tears in his eyes.

"It's only militia. We'll strike right through them. And you'll be brave. I know you will." She offered a warm smile. "I don't want to be brave. I don't want to die m'lady" He sputtered. "You won't." She said, but she knew that was not certain. "And I'll be there with you, and we'll protect each other." That stopped the tears at least. "Aye. I suppose that's the best I could ask for." She smiled at him again and returned to her place. As she looked up, more crows had taken roost in the trees above. They know. she thought, shuddering.

It started with a hail of arrows. Alyssa put her shield up, a Perdan lion painted on it. Lady's Luck advanced with the rest of the army. She heard the thunk of the arrows lodging themselves in her oaken shield. She also heard the pained cry of men dying around her. She had to keep moving, leading her men forward. If she stopped, they would all die.

Woosh. Thunk. Scream.

She turned to her right to see Ebben with an arrow through his chest. He fell to the ground gasping for air, and that was the last she saw of him. She had to keep moving, leading her men forward. If she stopped they would all die.

Woosh. Thunk. Scream.

More men died but they were closing on the lines now. Infantry with spears had moved forward to meet the Perdanese, and to keep their own archers safe. She heard the lines clash and more shouts and screams as the crossbows were loosed between shields, and spears pierced armour and chest.

Suddenly they were at the front. Spears and shields and swords were everywhere. The lines had collapsed into each other and degraded into a bloody melee. Alyssa tried desperately to wedge the shield between her and an enemy swordsman. Her arm buckled as his blow came down over it and her left arm faltered briefly. She took the opportunity to stab him in the ribs. Her blade slashed through his padded armour and he fell to the ground.

Her ears were filled with the clangs and thunks and wooshes and cries as death came all around her. She slashed and hacked at anyone who stood before her. All her swords lessons came to her as she fought her way through the melee. She didn't need to think, every step and move was reactive and instinctual.

Soon enough after it had begun, it began to end. She could see the peasant militia take to their heels and try to flee as mailed knights on horseback rose back and forth in an attempt to rally. Defenders were cut through or ridden down as Perdanese cavalry sliced down the center.

A cry of joy rang out from around her. But as she looked around the battlefield, she saw no joy to be found.

She looked around the battlefield, still in shock. Perdanese troops were picking through the equipment and looting bodies, of their own and of the militia men and the regular army of the Epponlyn knights. The lines had held for longer than she expected, and as the battle raged on for what seemed like forever. Somehow her unit had found itself at the front, fighting for their lives. They lost she thought, looking at the dead bodies of the men who followed her into battle.

She had seen Ebben fall. He was the first, the arrows went right through him almost immediately. She knelt down by his body, two arrows, one in his gut the other his lung. Fat Father caught a spear through the helm. Cressa was cut down in the melee, as was Karl. Sweet young Karl. She thought, holding back tears. He was her age, and now dead. She told him she would protect him, but she couldn't protect any of them. And now almost all of them were dead.

A few Perdanese soldiers slapped each other on the back and laughed as they pulled a silver chain from the neck of a dead soldier. Alyssa hated them. Her men were dead and all they could think about was how to rob their countrymen. She saw Jan approach eating an apple.

"Why so grim m'lady? We won."

She hated him most of all. He was supposed to be their commander. He was supposed to keep them safe, and teach them to fight. But whenever it was time to do so, he was gone. Off drinking or finding camp followers to warm his bed. He should have been the first one to die, at her side when she lead their charge. But instead he lived while the others fell.

"They're all dead, Jan." She said through clenched teeth. "Aye. What did you expect to happen? Most of them hadn't even held a spear until a week ago. Anyway we won and they're dead." He tossed his apple core nonchalantly. It rolled and landed next to Karl. "This was no place for the likes o' him" he said nodding to the young boy's fallen body. "Though I guess it is now." He shrugged. Alyssa had nothing to say, just stared at the discarded core and the dead boy next to it. Jan walked away.

This did not feel like a victory. It felt like shame and grief. She was supposed to lead them, protect them, and keep them safe. But she couldn't. She was no knight. She was just a girl from a backwoods hollow. She watched as a crow landed on the still form of lumpyfaced Porrie, pecking out one of his eyes. It turned to her and squawked.

The Crow


Alyssa sat on her cot, huddled to the feather pillow. Graham had given her Lord Dodger's orders earlier that day. The men were to tear down the motte and bailey, but Alyssa had no men. Rather she only had 4. Jan, Tanner, Sullen Gord, and Cal Reed were the only survivors of the battle in Bescanon. They were good men, excepting Jan, but they were too few. She missed Fat Father's kind smile, Karl's nervous laugh, Ebben's music, and Cressa's boasting. They were all dead now, every one. Ever since the battle she had been here, and no one had come to see her, none but Graham to give her Lord Dodger's orders. There is no one left. I led them all to their deaths. I am no knight. She thought, tears coming back to her eyes. I am just a girl from the Hollow.

The flap to her tent opened. In stepped a man with hair messy and black as his heart. The captain of her dead men, Jan stepped inside. She glanced up at him a mix of terror and rage and sadness. For the first time since she had met him he seemed to hesitate. "My lady." He said, somewhat regaining his composure. Words choked in her throat and the silence seemed to make him uncomfortable once more. Finally she spoke. "Why did you come here?"

His face was hard to read. That made her angrier. "My lady your squire tol-"

"I didn't ask about my squire I asked why you came here!" She snapped, tears beginning to form in her eyes again. He straightened up, perhaps preemptively.

"To tell it true I came here for me payment. It has been a week and our payments are due."

"Payments? Your men are all dead and you came to here to beg for money? Why should you be given a single pence?! Yours was to train and lead these men and see them through alive but you let them die!". She knew that part was not true. It was her who let them die. Still it made her feel better to say that than the truth, especially to this dreadful rogue. The tears were hot in her eyes now as she reflected once again on her failure. She was no knight, and his face turned to that of pity.

"Alyssa..." He started, softening his voice. "You are not familiar, sir!". She barked back. How dare he pity her. She grabbed a purse from a nearby table and threw it at him. She didn't know how much was it contained but she didn't care. As long as she didn't see his stupid face again.

"Take your gold you black-hearted rogue. Take it and begone. Be sure to thank the dead for relinquishing their shares." The tears fell down her face. As she recalled the dead.

Jan bit his lip, trying to think of something to say, but instead sighed and turned to leave. As he lifted the flap, he hesitated a moment. "It's those tears that disgrace you girl. You aren't a child any longer. You're a knight of Perdan.". Then he left her to her grief.

A True Knight


Graham entered her tent early in the morning. She had sobbed herself to sleep the night before, because after the deaths of her men, she felt like she had failed her men, her lord, and her realm. Today she did not feel much better, though she had no tears left to shed.

"My lady, we are due back in Perdan City to refit and join up with the new host.". It was true. Their equipment was mostly destroyed and she only had three men after she had sent Jan away.

As she exited the tent she saw her men at work loading what few things the company had left into a cart. It appeared they would be leaving most of their tents, and all the battered armour. She supposed they wouldn't be needing supplies for 20. What she noted curiously was Jan tossing bedrolls and provisions in the cart alongside the rest.

"What are you doing here?". She asked with a hint of venom.

He turned to her. "My lady paid me for 3 weeks in advance. Do you recall?" Well that answered the question of how much gold she had thrown at him.

"I told you to leave." "And I did. But since you paid me I have to duties to attend to." She considered him for a moment. "If you wish to remain a part of this company you will follow my orders." Jan's mouth twitched, then he shrugged. "So long as you pay me my lady.". Not exactly a ringing endorsement, she thought.

"And you three?" She asked, still trying to hold her head high, heavy as it felt. Tanner, Sullen Gordon, and Cal Reed looked around at each other. Tanner spoke first. "You could have left me, my lady," he said stealing a glance at Jan who had walked off to continue loading. "But you didn't. You helped me yourself and even gave me your horse. You're a true knight m'lady."

"Ye saved me life during the battle.". Cal noted ". Cut down half a dozen men, one of em aiming a spear at me throat.". The short stocky one straightened. "What a warrior I was thinking to meself. I'm with ya lass, if'n ye intend to continue.". He gave Gordon a nudge in the ribs.

"Aye ah... Well I suppose if I'm choosing between ya'll and them," he said nodding towards a small murder of crows perched on an abandoned wagon, "ya'll are better company at least. And I can understand what you're saying. And you don't eat dead bodies. Least I hope not. Or I guess it don't really matter."

Alyssa allowed a slight smile. They would follow her. Despite everything. She must not let them down like she did the others. She was a knight of Perdan. And she would not fail again.

A Light in the Dark


The sun had already set by the time Alyssa and what remained of Lady's Luck reached the great city. Alyssa had never been to the capital before but had heard of its splendor. She was still weary from battle and though she had found the strength to continue, failure still clawed at the back of her mind. Jan rode silently behind her, while short and stocky Cal rode the fifth horse. Alain and the other scouts along with Chance and Helen the healers who accompanied them walked with the baggage cart which was currently being led by Sullen Gord, who had struggled all day to get the ass that pulled it to keep a steady pace. Tanner carried Alyssa's ugly torn banner in the rear.

They had been marching all day, and combined with the exhaustion from the long marches and the battle that claimed the lives of most of her men, they were all exhausted, hungry, tired, and grumpy. Sullen Gord complained earlier that he could only find left boots when scrounging for equipment. "I'm already a sorry dancer, and a worse fighter, last thing I need is another left foot." Alyssa did not agree. She had danced with him that night in the Valley, and he was a better dancer than she. And he had survived the battle in Bescanon, which many of his fellows did not. Silently she wished he wouldn't complain so much, though she didn't see it happening.

She herself felt sullen as well. She refused to give up, but that didn't wash the blood from her hands. She didn't want anyone else to die.

Apparently Graham read the thoughts in her head on her face. Riding next to her he leaned in. "My lady, you have done very well, the best you could. Remember them and they will make you stronger." She would. He grinned at her knowingly and changed the subject. "Have you ever been to Perdan City, my lady?"

"No. I have heard tales of its splendor." His slight grin turned into a full smile. She sensed he knew something she didn't. In fact he had been eager to get to Perdan all morning. She assumed he had some wife he was eager to see or perhaps just wished for some time to relax. But now she was beginning to suspect it could be something else.

"Why are you so eager to get to Perdan, o squire?" she said skeptically.

He laughed at that. "Am I that obvious my lady?" She nodded once. "Well at least you can take comfort that I can hide no secrets from you. Well I shall tell you this, I believe Perdan City is lovely this time of year."

She remained on guard. "Should I be concerned Graham?"

"No my lady we are safe here. Perdan city is close, we are nearly there." He trotted off ahead, and Alyssa followed. They were close and ascended the road's final hill, giving them an overlook of the city beyond.

The city was beautiful. High walls with lion banners flowing over them. A sprawling cityscape, lit by thousands of lanterns, like little lightning bugs swaying in the summer breeze. In the harbour the Grand Fleet of Perdan was also lit up, lanterns hung from the masts of dozens of ships reflected off the water, brightening the sea even more. It was breathtaking. Alyssa soaked it all in, utterly speechless as she looked down upon the brightly coloured city below.

"You knew?" she whispered, without taking her eyes of the splendid sight below. He chuckled. "I received word of it this morning. I thought with everything you've been through it would be a nice surprise."

He was right. Suddenly it was as if the warmth of the lanterns had melted her troubles away. Finally the others had caught up, just as amazed at the sight as Alyssa was. Even Jan seemed somewhat pleased by the sight. Gord had finally gotten the donkey up the hill, he turned back to the others and looked over the hill.

"Ah..." he sighed. "Now they'll probably try to take my lantern too so they can hang it up with them others. Dammit this is one of the few possessions I even own anymore."

Alyssa walked, wide-eyed through the brightly lit, crowded city streets. She had never seen anything so splendid. At the Hollow they had had festivals but most of them were small with no more than a hundred folks and even fewer lanterns. It seemed as if there was life everywhere here. Musicians played on the corners while people danced in the streets. Feasting tables lined the squares and drink and song sprung from seemingly every alley. She passed gamers playing dice and rolling pin games, children yelling and playing across the city. Firebreathers amazed and delighted her and fools juggled and acted out silly scenes that made her giggle sweetly.

She had allowed the company to go their own ways for the evening, though Tanner insisted on going with her for her own protection. "I have my sword and I am a knight remember." she had reminded him. "As you say my lady." he replied though she thought he seemed somewhat disappointed. He decided to go have drinks with Cal Reed and Graham, her old squire, and they all left lively enough. Jan had vanished immediately to some dark corner she could not say where. Sullen Gord found a bed at an inn, complaining that the festival was too bright for him. Chance and his wife sought rest as well, while Alain the scout-boy ran off to go play games.

Aly no longer felt tired. She felt wonder and wanted to explore everywhere she could. She wondered if the other knights of their grand allied army had seen Perdan before either as she set off to see what other sort of people she may find in the Grand City of Perdan.

The War

Ran from 7/4/2019 through 9/12/2019



Alyssa watched her troops as they marched through the Dimwood. She had learned a few of their names but they didn't mean anything to her. To her they looked the same as her old company. A nervous boy, a fat spearman, a warrior woman, a bright confident bravo, thieves, farmers and sellswords. The young nervous lad squirmed as she laid her eyes on him. All she could see was young Karl's dead body after the battle in Bescanon.

She turned back towards her march and bit her lip in thought. These were faceless men, fodder for spears and banquets for crows. They would live and march and fight and die and no one would remember who they were. Even now the names and faces of her previous company were already slipping. She looked at Tanner, riding on his horse. He was one of the only ones who survived. Gordon, Cal, Jan were the others, along with herself and Graham. She wondered how many more battles he might survive, and what his replacement might look like. Another faceless man.

"Reporting my lady." Said Sullen Gordon, as he rode up alongside her. She had made him, Tanner, and Cal officers alongside the unit's captain Jan.

"What have you to report?" "There's grumbling amongst the men my lady. And not just me this time." Sullen Gord noted. He was known for his frequent complaining and grim outlook, earning him the nickname Sullen. "What is the cause of their discomfort?" "They're complaining they haven't been paid yet." Alyssa remembered having this conversation with Jan before in the mountains they would soon be travelling through. It was only a few weeks ago, but seemed like another life already.

"They are to be paid their wages once every week. They have not even seen fighting yet." "No my lady. I tried telling them as much. Jan even said so too. Said it wasn't a fight worth having with you." That sounds like Jan. Aly thought. "See," Gordon continued, "I was only saying we should be glad we should have some time to march before we all get killed in battle." And that sounds like Gordon.

"Well I was just trying to comfort them, you know at least we'll get paid before we get stabbed to death on Caligan spears. But then they started complaining about how they haven't even been paid."

Alyssa narrowed her eyes. "This sounds like the problem was your doing." "Aye." he said with a sigh. "Never asked for an officership, my lady." "You did. With your deeds. You are a survivor." She reached into her bag and pulled out a small sack of coins, handing it to him. He shrugged. "For all the good it's done me. I'll see to it, my lady." He took the bag and rode back in line with the column. Alyssa glanced over at Tanner again. He was looking at her, but turned away when she caught his eye.

She was a survivor too. Maybe she was fit for command. At least this time she knew what she was doing. She hoped.

The Vale


Aly loved the Vale. It was bright, and colourful, and lovely. If it was beautiful from the mountain passes above, it was even more so being here.

Today the Moyale Valley was filled with rich greens and golds and peasants were busy working hard in the fields. The sun lowering in the west meant those peasants would soon be heading home for the night. The sunset shone orange rays on the golden wheat that filled the Vale's fertile fields; a lovely sight. If she could, she would consider staying here forever. But she knew she could not. She was a knight. She had a duty to her lord, her realm, her king, her people, and her family. And she would not abandon those duties, not even for the most beautiful valley in the world, which Moyale must certainly be.

Besides, Vix was a strange realm where all men's voices were heard, no matter how small. She wondered how they got anything done with every minor knight and noble having the same voice as a high lord. No, she was a Kingsley wolf and a Lion of Perdan, not a fox slinking into hen houses.

In any case she had much bigger problems to worry about. Alyssa's unit had been lost in the mountains and as such found itself just behind the army proper. She felt a fool, and was trying hard to keep up. It was Graham's fault truly, the old squire's maps of the region were outdated and they ended up taking a longer route, but she blamed herself. Graham seemed insistent in taking the blame for their lateness, but he gave in when Aly refused to back down. He did seem to appreciate that at least.

Alyssa and Lady's Luck found some true luck when they came across a roadside inn. Aly rode into the inn's palisade with Graham and her captain, Jan, at her side. Her white cloak billowed softly in the breeze and the hood bounced slightly as they trotted through the gates. As she turned her horse in and dismounted she noticed numerous eyes of Vixen smallfolk eyeing her. The inn, though three full floors tall would have to be full in order to house these many. A stableboy came up and looked at her expectantly.

"Is there room in the stable for my horse?" She asked, nodding back towards the white mare she rode in on.

"There's room in me purse." The boy said insolently. When she glowered at him for his remark, he cowed. "My lady..." He added. Aly wondered if all Vixen peasants were this way. Perhaps the nature of Vix's governance left their smallfolk more brazen than the quiet and simple folk of Perdan. She supposed she wold find out soon enough. She handed the boy a silver coin and he quickly took the reins and led the horses away.

"Charming lad." Jan noted sarcastically. "A silver for the horse, a sliver for a bed, a silver for a bowl and a silver for an ale. Don't forget the silver for the pillow and a silver for the chair by the heart." the sellsword grumbled as they walked towards the old wooden building.

"Will you be quiet, we should be lucky to find a bed." Aly snapped at her captain.

"You are a knight my lady." Graham reminded her. "They will not refuse you.

"Aly frowned slightly at that. "These people paid coin or labour for their bed tonight, I shall not turn them out."

Jan snorted. "What good is a highborn title if you aren't going to use it! You'd sleep in the dirt over a bed?

"If you don't silence yourself," Alyssa said to her captain through clenched teeth, "You will be sleeping in the dirt tonight." Jan merely rolled his eyes but he said nothing else.

As they entered, Aly felt the warmth of the hearth and the warmth of the crowded inn. No one took real notice of their highborn visitors and the roguish man who accompanied them. They approached the innkeeper, a large older woman with a dark red birthmark upon her neck. Alyssa held her head up nobly. "Have you any rooms available for myself or my company?"

"No, girl. and no for your company as well." She grunted, eyeing the two men at either side.

"This is a highborn lady you speak to, you ought to do so more courteously. Lady Alyssa is a knight of Perdan." Graham noted with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

The woman waved a hand dismissively. "You lions, brave and proud always think ye can run off me guests. Well in this realm our lords respect their people!"

Aly was shocked. She did so respect her people. She swore an oath to defend them and their way of life. How could this insolent woman accuse her of not. She almost said as much when she looked at Jan and his stupid amused expression. He wants to watch someone else be at the brunt of my frustration for once. Well she refused to give him the satisfaction.

"I have no intention of doing so, good lady." Alyssa said as diplomatically as possible. "If we cannot find shelter in your establishment, may we set our camp up outside of your walls? My soldiers have silver in their pockets and our march as been long. I suspect they may wish to spend some of it."

The woman shrugged. "Outside my wall, you can sleep in whatever dirt you like." But soldiers cause trouble. espeically lions, so if they don't behave I spank them like a child and you will start your march early, my lady."

Alyssa nodded. "I shall make sure they cause no harm." Alyssa turned back towards the door.

"Dirt it is then." Jan said with a sarcastic chuckle.

"My lady," the old squire said quietly, leaning towards her ear. "The men will not be happy about this. I would not advise allowing smallfolk to walk over you."

She shot him a defiant look. "Nor mine own council. I already said, we will not put these good people out." Graham glanced over at Jan who shrugged.

"As you say my lady." He deferred.

As they made to leave, a shout rang out from behind them. Alyssa turned to see a man shoving his way through the tavern hall, holding a lute with one hand and his cap in the other. As he dashed towards her Alyssa laid her hand on her sword, but he stopped short a yard or so away, on one knee. He was dressed in fine clothes and his chestnut hair flowed elegantly down to his shoulders. He was a young man to be sure, but clearly older than Alyssa. His goatee and mustache made his face seem more somewhat pointed.

"My lady." He said looking up at her, almost reverentially. "I shall surrender mine own room to thee."

Alyssa looked at him confused. "Why would you do this? Who are you?"

He stood back up and gave a dramatic bow. "I am Maron, my lady, the singer, the lutest, the poet, the storyteller, the writer, the lover, the adventurer, the humble wanderer. And I offer you my room, my service, and my heart for thee, my lady, for thou art the most beautiful creature this humble bard has ever laid his eyes upon."

"What?" was all she could say. Aly knew she was comely but no one had ever told her that so strongly as this man did. Still in shock, she looked at Graham who was looking at the bard with something that seemed like a mix of pity and disdain, while Jan was trying his hardest not to laugh. The rest of the floor was silent, and everyone was looking at her. She could only stare at the man, still unsure how to react to such a sudden and public confession.

"My lady is speechless." He said breaking the awkward silence. "Is she unaware of the effects her beauty can have? I cannot believe I am the first to say such a thing. Her grace and gentle spirit will be the muse of a thousand of my songs." He took a step towards her, taking her hand in his. "Darling Lady Alyssa. You may have my room and anything else you could ask of me. I am yours."

She pulled her hand away quickly. "You are not familiar, sir. Do not presume to touch me again."

"One touch from you is all a man could ever dream of my dearest lady. I could ask for no more, and I shant deign to do so without your leave."

She looked back up at the tavern goers who were all watching the scene eagerly and whispering among themselves. She shifted uncomfortably. "And you would make a fool of me, the lady you love so well?"

"I would make a fool of myself if only to hear the sweet tenderness of your voice, my sweet lady."

"Well, you have. Keep your room minstrel. I do not intend to sleep in a bed while the soldiers I lead sleep in the grass."

"So gallant. My lady is-"

"I thank you for your kind words, Sir Minstrel. The dusk is settling." She interrupted and quickly turned out the door, her face red as she stormed past Jan who was laughing loudly at her discomfort.

She could hear him as she retreated. "If that girl is sweet, then I'm the Shadow King."

Love and War


Aly stood by the trebuchet marveling at its size. She had seem them packed up but never assembled as such and it towered over her making an impressive sight.

"I've seen bigger." Jan, her captain, noted nonchalantly over the din of the construction. Alyssa shot him a look before turning her gaze to the walls of Hamadan. They were not large, and she suspected the catapults and ladders would be enough. She hoped the battle would be over quick, for everyone's sake.

From behind she heard some sound, so she turned around and groaned at what she saw. Maron the singer who had been following her unit for several days since their journey through Moyale Valley. Several men stopped their working to look up and see what the commotion was. As he approached Aly heard the song he was singing. The same one he had been singing for days. She heard it everywhere, even in her sleep as he played it outside her tent in the evenings, in some foolish hope it might make her fall in love with him. That would never happen, and she had tried to dismiss him many times already but he always came back, claiming that her beauty and grace drew him back like a moth to a flame.

Oh the lady I love is the Lady in White She's soft and she's sweet as the morning light I watch from afar as she leads and she fights Her blade is so quick, her foes turn afright

Oh the lady I love is so darling and dear Fierce as a lion, she cuts through the drear Gallant yet sweet, her beauty so bright No maid is as fair as my Lady in White.

Alyssa pinched the bridge of her nose as he approached. Perhaps I should have one of the commanders load him into the catapult. At least then I will no longer have to hear that fool song again.

"Maron why are you here?" She asked flatly.

"Why, for inspiration my dear lady. There's to be a battle on the morn. And my lady shall be in the thick of it. I would be worried for her safety but I know she is the fiercest lion in all of Perdan."

"Lion cub." Jan said with a smirk. "She fought in one battle and was present at a handful of skirmishes. She's only fierce to hide her fear."

"I do not fear battle!"

"Then you're a fool. People get killed in battle, you know that better than anyone."

Alyssa bit her lip. He was right. Jan had been a bit more amenable since he found her weeping after the battle in Bescanon. She didn't like that he felt sorry for her, but at least he listened to her now, usually. But he was still insolent as ever. He should not speak to her like that.

"You should not speak to her like that!" Maron complained. "She is a lady, and a gentle one at that. You serve her, you should not dishonour her so."

Jan merely shrugged. "Well someone has to take her down a peg. She already thinks she's some mighty hero. Last thing she needs is you getting it in her head she's some legend, then running off and getting killed." He turned to Alyssa. "You asked for my tactical advice. Stay alive, don't take risks. Run away if things start going bad. If things start going worse, join the enemy. That way you live and you still get paid."

"Run away!?" Maron exclaimed. "No that won't do. My darling lady Alyssa would never do such a thing."

"I am not your darling." Alyssa warned sternly. "If you want to be useful to me, find my squire Graham and send him to me. Then go away."

"I shall do these at once, though I fear your daring and your grace will bring me ba-"

"See that they don't." Alyssa warned sternly. "If I see you again before the battle, I will conscript you and you shall be first up the ladders."

He nodded once and scurried off. Alyssa could see the faintest fear in his eyes. She counted that as win.



Alyssa was very tired. The march today had been a long one and she had not been sleeping well of late. Her mind had been wrapped up in kingly letters and the faces of soldiers weeks dead. She yawned as her squire graham droned on about today's messages.

She scanned her command tent. They had not table because it had been scrapped when the bottom of one of the equipment carts had fallen out. Instead, her officers sat in chairs arranged in a wide ring. Her captain Jan to her left, then the lieutenant Tanner, the short quartermaster Cal Reed, then her old squire Graham, and finally a sullen lieutenant called Gordon.

"Sir Dodger has a lot to say today." Jan interrupted, looking over at Alyssa who was finishing her yawn. The old man looked up from the letter he was reading and shot daggers at the roguish captain. The sellsword just grinned.

"These are important orders. And it's Lord Dodger, he's the Imperator of Perdan." He looked to Alyssa for help but she just looked at him sleepily.

"What is next, Graham?" She asked him.

"Just reports of looting and razing being commited in the Mines."

Aly shook her head fretfully. "These raiders must be stopped. Are the Eponllynese incapable of controlling their soldiers?"

Graham looked at Jan again, this time with trepidation, before turning back to his liege. "My lady they were likely ordered to do so."

"Ordered?! By whom?!" Alyssa said, sitting up in her chair, now alert.

Graham shifted somewhat uncomfortably. "There are Epononllynese knights in the Mines, my lady."

Alyssa look at him, struck. "You're saying knights are slaughtering peasants and burning down granaries?"

"Probably collapsing mine shafts, and doing some rapings and pillagings as well. My uncle got pillaged once. Took everything but his shoes, then someone else came and took them too, just his luck." Sullen Gordon added.

Alyssa ignored him and rose to her feet. "Why would they do that?!" she pleaded.

"Cause that's what knights are best at is killing folks." Jan noted unceremoniously, as he leaned back in his chair. Alyssa shot him a dangerous look, and Graham sighed.

"Chevauchee, my lady. It's a common tactic to demoralize the enemy." he explained with a look sullen enough to challenge Gordon himself.

"It's barbarism and murder."

"It's war my lady." Graham sighed.

"And you claim you've served two dozen knights, my squire. How many of those ordered you to burn fields, kill peasants, and steal shoes?" Aly challenged him with fire in her voice.

"My lady-"

"And how many orders did you follow?"

The old squire gave no answer.

"Get out." She turned to address all of her officers. "And if I hear of a single man under my command steal, rape, burn, or kill a peasant you will bring them to me at once."

Tanner nodded at once. Cal Reed stared at the floor. Gordon said nothing, and Graham avoided her gaze.

"That includes my officers." she said looking at Jan. He held his hands up.

"You pay me, I won't have to." She gave him a glare that could kill, but he was not as easily cowed as her squire. "As you say my lady." He said with a bow and a smile. "I'll keep an eye on the old man there, make sure old habits die."

Graham still avoided Aly's eyes, but met Jan's with a fierceness she had not seen from him before. He then turned and walked out of the tent. Gordon followed out in a hurry, likely trying to escape before her wrath reached him as well. Cal gave her a professional salute and joined them. Tanner stayed a moment longer to say: "It shall be done my lady. I will not let you down."

She nodded and waved him off as he left. Aly sighed and let her hair down. /What sort of knight kills villagers and steals from peasants? Knights are supposed to protect smallfolk. Even enemy smallfolk are to left in peace. The quarrel was not with them, but the lords who rule over them./ The thought made Aly mad again. /Who are they to come to our home and burn it down. He claims their home was taken from them. And so now Perdan's people must suffer?/ She kicked the chair over and sighed. Anger would not make things better. But she must. She has to protect the people of Perdan. She is a knight, not like the false ones of the north. A true knight.

A Taste of Smoke


Alyssa gazed out over the wall, the smoke still rising from the Northeast. The fires were mostly put out by now but some still raged; the land was destroyed. Fisheries burned to the ground, mines collapsed, people killed, their property stolen or destroyed. Aly could only stand and look out in horror over the remains. Though anger and sadness boiled up inside her, her face showed nothing. /I cannot look weak. They need to see us be strong for them, when they cannot be./

She had spoken to some of the refugees her company had met on the way in. They told of armoured knights riding through the foothills, soldiers with torches setting ablaze everything they could. Almost all of them had their possessions taken from them, a few had been killed trying to defend themselves, and one young man told her about how his brothers had tried to steal some of their things back in the night, only to be caught and hung. One poor woman told her about her young child who had sought shelter in the mines, only for the knights to collapse the entire tunnel around him.

She didn't know what to feel, if she had to tell it true. She wanted to be angry, furious, to smash everything the Eponnlynese held dear. But what would that gain? She wanted to be sad and weep with the woman for her children or the man for his brothers. But that would gain them nothing either. She clenched her fists and took a deep breath. /I have to do *something*/

Aly stepped out of her tent onto the training grounds where much of the army had set up camp during the refits. People were scurrying about with letters and messages, carrying equipment, and drilling. The clang of the forges caught her attention and she looked up to see the smoke rising as weapons and armour were being created and repaired. All she could see was the smoke over the walls of Perdan. She shook her head and looked to her own camp. It was crowded, moreso than most. Alyssa had taken it upon herself to ensure the refugees she had encountered were not forgotten. She had extra provisions bought and some small, crude tents set up. Jan and Graham had both complained in a rare moment of agreement, but she had shouted both of them down and ordered it done anyway. Thank god for Tanner and Cal Reed. Cal, her short and stocky quartermaster had made all the arangements for her. "My lady should not worry. Give me the gold and I'll make sure every belly has a fresh serving of bread." She gave him the gold and he did not disappoint. Her lieutenant Tanner took over what responsibilities she suspected Jan would ignore. He saw to their needs and made sure her soldiers treated them kindly. It was clear Graham had much less love for the smallfolk than Alyssa did, and it had been clear for weeks that Jan had no love for anyone but himself.

She passed by a family eating their supper and gave them a reassuring smile. The matron, a woman Alyssa put around 40 handed her bread to one of her children and took to her knees before Alyssa, taking her hand. "Bless ye m'lady! Bless ye!"

Aly was taken aback and instinctively jerked her hand away. "Um..." she mumbled unsure of how to react. "It is our duty as knights..." She got out before taking a step back. The womans eyes went wide and straight to the ground.

"Apologies m'lady..."

Alyssa pitied her. The woman was dirty and in poor clothing. She wondered what this mother had lost. Aly squatted, to her level. "You should not be sorry to me. It was us who failed to protect you. I do now only what I can to make it right."

The woman had tears in her eyes and a look of fury. "You will make it right, my lady." she said through clenched teeth.

/I will./ She thought.

Meusan March


Alyssa rode at the front of her column, where she liked to be. Here her men would see her leading from the front, and they mostly left her alone to stay closer to the equipment. She was hesitant to get to know her soldiers personally after her old unit was wiped out during the Battle of Bescanon. Presently they were mingling with troops from another unit, as the thick forests pressed the army together as they passed through the valley. The sigil seemed familiar, a golden pegasus on white and blue, though she did not know to whom the unit belonged.

Her lieutenant Tanner and her elderly squire Graham were at her side, saying nothing. They were both there that day in Bescanon, her loyal survivors. Both of them walked this very path with her on their way to the battle which claimed the lives of nearly every man who followed her. She was getting better about getting away from those thoughts, but always they kept coming back.

Her officers were quiet today too, thankfully. Tanner never troubled her and followed her orders without question. Graham was a loyal man but he had a tendancy to treat her like a child sometimes. She hated when he did that, at least he had stopped doing it in front of her men though he still did it among her officers and in private from time to time. It was the faint song from behind that brought her back from thoughts of Bescanon, however. /That blasted singer again./ She thought gritting her teeth. Maron had been following her and her unit around since the last outing, singing songs of love and beauty in hopes to win her heart. She tried to ignore the singing but it inched closer and closer as she began to make out the words.

Well I fell into prison, about a quarter to four Where I found in my cell, a lass I could adore So I took her in hand And I pulled off me vest But he stood in the corner Pointing right at me chest He said "You love when you're lonely" No I love when I want! He said "you'll never be married" No why would I want that? I only love to be merry but unfortunately I'm in the wrong prison cell and the wrong company

To her surprise it was not the bard who was here to pester her, but her the captain of her unit, a black-hearted sellsword called Jan. He led his horse lazily through the forest trotting back and forth through the trees in s's as he sang his tune and approached her.

Alyssa just sighed as the man approached her. "What is it?" she asked tiredly.

"Oh nothin' my lady." he said jauntily, pulling an apple from his saddlebag and offering it to her. Aly shook her head. He took a bite of it instead, smirking. "Just noticed you seem to be in the wrong company." he continued, motioning toward Tanner and Graham. Graham scowled, while Tanner said nothing.

"Tan," Jan called past Alyssa to the lieutenant. "We were wondering where you got off to, how come you're so far up?"

"He can ride where he pleases, scoundrel." Graham barked back at him.

"That's enough both of you." Alyssa said idly for what must have been the hundreth time in the past two weeks.

Tanner answered dutifully. "I am here with my lady and her squire in case she requires an additional sword in the event we are ambushed."

Jan laughed at that answer. "Oh ho a brave hero indeed. Well I'm sure my lady will need you lest some dashing knight comes to sweep her off her feet." He grinned wickedly at her. She returned his look with a scowl.

"I am not a damsel, I can defend myself." she huffed unsure of who she was directing that towards.

"Well you are a damsel, my lady, owing to your rank and your sex." Graham noted truthfully enough. She decided her previous comment was directed at him.

"Why how could you my lord!" Jan exclaimed, mockingly. "My lady is a knight of Perdan! The Lady in White! Haven't you heard the songs? She defeated a knight of Eponllyn in single combat!"

"What?" Aly replied flatly, before Graham could speak. His face was red with anger and she decided it would be better to interrupt the old squire than to have to try to tear the two apart. "What knight? What songs do you speak of?"

The dark-haired captain smirked "Oh something that Maron fellow was singing about yesterday. A song about how an evil Eponllynese knight tried to ride against a fair Lady of Perdan clad in white armour and cape but was struck him from his horse by the beautiful maiden."

"And where did he hear about such a tale I wonder," Aly asked somewhat threateningly. "I sent him far away from the battle, and our unit was scattered about at the time of the fighting only you and Cal Reed remained with my person."

"Well I couldn't say m'lady, perhaps you should ask him yourself, or maybe our beloved quartermaster." Jan replied happily.

She clenched her teeth and dissmissed her squire who glared at the Captain as he rode off.

Annoyed, Aly reined her horse around trotted off back towards her unit to find this singer who had been troubling her so. Tanner followed close behind. She could hear Jan laughing as she turned around and the crunch of an apple before he continued his song.

Well I fell into prison, about a quarter to three Where I found in my cell, a glass waiting for me...

All of Us


"She's awake!"

Aly heard a faint voice call from the other side of the room. Her head was still ringing and it ached fiercely. All she could see was a faint candlelight in the doorway, it flickered softly in the surrounding darkness. The air here was musty and warm, and the smell was musty and unpleasant.

And her side hurt.

She touched the place where the bolt had gone through and felt bandages wrapped tightly around her sides. She could feel the hole through them scabbed over, but the bandages were still a bit wet with blood. Her other arm she could not move, it was splinted tightly to her chest. She looked up at the light coming closer to her and instinctively reached to her hip. When she could not find her sword, she felt around with her good hand. Nothing but straw. She leaned over, feeling a sharp pain in her side, groaning as she slid her fingers around a thick piece of firewood. When the candle reached her it lowered slightly and she made her move.

She sat up suddenly and struck with what strength she had, slamming the wood across the jaw of the approaching figure. The man yelped a familiar yelp of pain.

"Ow!" cried Gordon, her sullen lieutenant. In the candlelight, she could make it out his usual disappointed frown. "Course it would be me to find you awake. Me own bloody fault, the one time I convince him to take an hour away..."

She reached out to him as he set the candle down. "Gordon..." She stammered. "I'm sorry I didn't know who you were, are you alright?!"

He held up a hand and spit out some blood and a tooth. "Rather a club to the face than a bolt to the side m'lady." He wiped off the blood that had settled on his now scruffy chin. "Though a bolt to the face would probably be less painful than either. We'll consider us both unlucky."

She heard footsteps approaching from the doorway. Her head still ached, as did her shoulder and her side. Others quickly entered. Another lieutenant, Tanner rushed to her side. He placed her white cloak over her bare shoulders. She pulled it around her She was not cold but she felt better with more than the cloth over her breasts and the bandages around her waist. He was a good soldier, she was glad he had survived the battle. Her healer Chance entered with his wife.

"Stand back the lot of you." he commanded softly with a concerned scowl. The man usually kept to himself so long as he was paid, but he took his work seriously. Aly admired that about him so she always made sure she was respectful around him and that his wages were paid on time.

He quickly checked her for fever and inspected her bandages, holding a candle nearby.

Aly leaned back against the wall she had lay by and closed her eyes, sighing deeply "Where are we?" she muttered as her her shoulder flamed.

"A hovel." Chance answered without looking up from his work.

"Where is the hovel..."

"Hush girl." he replied unravelling a fresh set of bandages. Aly opened her eyes and glared at him. She thought she might have made out a faint smile in the candlelight or maybe it was a frown. The light was dancing and her head hurt so bad.

"My Lady was shot with a crossbow bolt and fell from her horse. Her questions can be answered but first I need to determine whether she can ride because unless she wishes to fall off her horse again from infection, her energy is better spent healing."

She didn't like his tone but at least he corrected his honorifics. Don't be a stupid petty girl, this man is saving your life. Aly said nothing as he changed her bandages. Tanner paced nervously across the little homestead's one room while Sullen Gordon played with his now loose tooth.

"I believe you are well enough to ride my lady." Chance said as he tucked the last of the bandages around her waist. "With luck the wound will not re-open but we must go quickly and we are in unfamiliar territory. The ride will not be easy, and I suspect I will have to sew you up at least once more before we arrive home."

He put away his medical equipment while Tanner helped her onto her feet. He looked at Gordon expectantly. Gordon looked back at the two of them and shook his head. "Oh no. Last time I got close she hit me with a plank!"

Aly couldn't help but smile slightly while Tanner frowned.

"Oh alright. What's one more strike in the jaw anyway. We're all gonna die out here regardless" he grumbled as he helped her walk out the door. What was left of her company were milling about outside the little homestead as the pale moonlight shone down onto her, lighting up the yard. Her elderly squire Graham approached.

"My lady, glad to see you are well. We must leave here at once."

Alyssa nodded. "I agree. Have Jan get everyone together."

Tanner grimaced. "My lady," he said. "Captain Jan disappeared after the battle."

"Desertion?" She asked, her nostrils flaring.

Graham shrugged. "Him? Almost certainly. Greed and Cowardice, a sellsword's finest friends. Tanner has taken up the duty of the captain."

"Just so. Congratulations Captain." She said gritting her teeth through the pain in her side and shoulder. Tanner and Graham helped her onto her horse while Gordon squinted at his tooth in the moonlight. "Better you than me Tanner. I'd be a terrible captain. They'd hang the four of us and Cal Reed too after a day mark my words."

"Will you shut up and get the rest ready?" Graham replied with furrowed eyebrows. "Or I could hang you instead."

"That's enough Graham." Aly said, looking off towards the woodlands to the south. For an old man he certainly has a temper

Gordon shrugged. "Well someone's like to. You, our men, their men. Getting hanged is a soldier's most beloved pasttime" he mumbled as he headed off to gather the other soldiers in her band.

Aly suspected everyone would be on edge in the coming days. So far from home and with nothing but the moon to guide them. She took a deep breath. We will make it home. All of us.



Aly sat atop her white mare, gazing over the hill to Perdan City. Her pale cloak once, pristine was now coated in grime and stained with her blood, fluttered behind her in the breeze. She had taken in this view before, on her first time to the city, during the Festival of Lights Duke Smiddich had organized. Where once she felt wonder and joy, now she felt only relief. Her journey from Oligarch had been long and dangerous and painful. Her wound had mostly healed during the journey, but still pained her slightly and had left a scar where the healer had sewn her flesh together. Her swollen shoulder was still a little sore, but gave her little trouble.

She wasn't sure which was worse, the pain or the humiliation of being captured by a peasant militia. The wound she had recovered from quickly, and her capture was understandable as her King had said. The highwaymen outnumbered her easily. In fact the worst part had been leaving her men behind. When she heard the bandits coming she ordered them away, back to Perdan. She felt helpless with her sprained shoulder and wounded side as they closed around her. Her old squire Graham would be a suitable leader for her ragtag little group and with a little luck they would make it back to Perdan. /Lady's Luck,/ she had thought to herself as the armed men approached. /They are my luck, and now I have none./

Her cell had been comfortable, not a dungeon, but a well furnished room. Though the window had been bricked in some time before, the guards had given her many candles to light her cell, as well as books to read when she asked for them. The food was pleasant, much better than she had expected. Lord Preston had even visited her himself, and they had what she believed to be a pleasant conversation before releasing her shortly after. The Caligans had even kept and cared for her horse. Still, the journey home would be long and all she had to protect her was a writ of passage. If anyone had chanced to ignore it... though she was good with a sword, she was only one young girl.

Fortunately the rest of the long journey had been quiet except the burn in her side. She gritted her teeth as she rode down the hill towards the city as it flared up once again. Her side was not the only thing burning as the fields of Brive were all black and coated in ash. She gritted her teeth again.

When she reached the gate she showed him her writ and her seal and they allowed her through. The city was sealed off due to the nearby enemy, in case they decided to attempt an assault. /I have to find Graham./ Aly thought to herself as she rode through the city streets. The masses looked up at her as she passed, dirt on their faces and skinny as posts. She pitied them. /How can we fail them when they look to us so desperately./ She wanted to help them, but she did not know how. Not even the King seemed to know. /There must be a way to end this horror for them./ She thought, still gritting her teeth. /I have to try./ That's what she told the king. That was her duty now. She rode towards the Golden Keep, where the army would often gather before they set out on campaign. She suspected she would find her squire and what was left of her humble company.

What she did not expect was a host of two score armed and drilling as she entered the training camp outside the keep. She recognized a few of them as she rode up to where some of her officers were watching.

"It seems you made it back without trouble." she couldn't help smiling as she called to them.

Her new captain, Tanner, was the first to turn to her. "My lady!" he said somewhat startled. He immediately went to one knee. As he knelt for her she felt for the first time the absence of her former captain, the rogue Jan. He was a vile man, who preferred whores and ale to duty, and gold to everything else. She would not miss him, but some part of her wondered where he had gone too. Graham was next to kneel. Gordon, her sullen lieutenant had fallen asleep standing up only woken when Tanner tugged at his coat. Upon seeing his lady, he saluted.

"As you were." She began. "Who are these men?" "They're your men, my lady." her squire said struggling to stand up. The others helped him. "We arrived unhassled and set to work immediately to build a new host for you."

That made her giddy enough to flash them a warm smile. She was afraid she would be stuck in the capital for days attending to such matters but now her luck had returned to her.

"Ah!" Said a nearby voice who she had not yet noticed. "A smile!? My lady smiles upon me, oh she is fair as the sun!" She took a deep breath and turned her attention to Maron, the singer who had followed her over hill and dale from Moyale professing his undying love to her.

"My men kept you safe, I see." "Oh what an adventure it was my lady, the story shall be told for generations. After your brave and noble sacrifice to allow our escape from those brigands we-" Graham interrupted him. "We met with little trouble, except this one's mouth. He's too clever for his own good, but not clever enough to keep quiet." /Well the journey did not soften Graham./ she thought.

"I prepared a full report of our situation my lady. I'll have it brought to you. You should get some rest. You have had quite the ordeal m'lady." he noted sincerely.

She waved her hand dismissively. "I shall be quite alright." She lied. She did not want to seem weak in front of her subbordinates. But the truth was she was exhausted. "Graham," she said, dismounting. "Will you see Starlight to the stables?" He nodded and took the reins. "I would like those reports sent to me as soon as you are able, Captain."

"I'll fetch them right away, m'lady." Tanner said with a slight bow, rushing off to his task.

"Maron." she said to the singer who bowed graciously. "I am at my lady's service. If it is relaxation she needs I can assist with a soothing melody or-" "Go and write a song about something other than me." She commanded. Aly had heard two dozen songs about herself in the past few weeks and no matter what she did she could not rid herself of this troublesome singer. With this it would at least get him out of her hair for a few hours while he worked. Maron smiled gleefully as he too set off for his task. She turned to the sleepy-looking lieutenant who remained. "If you see the quartermaster have him report to me as well." He gave her another half-hearted salute and returned to the men.

By the time she had cleaned and bathed and was able to return to her chambers the reports were already waiting for her. She glanced at them and noticed they were not in the usual short scribbled notes she had been used to in the captain's reports. They were written by a scribe, clearly by the hand, and were detailed and organized. Perhaps she should have chosen Tanner herself back in Bisciye those many weeks ago. She tried to read through them but found the exhaustion creeping in. Despite it, she could not fall asleep. She put her hair up and donned a plain blue dress, wrapping the new clean white cloak Graham had left for her around her shoulders. She smiled at the little wolf brooch that held the clasp and headed out for a walk.

The sunset was lovely as she walked through Perdan's summer gardens. She had seen the lovely hedges and flowers and trees that made this place up a few weeks ago during the festival. The lights had been so beautiful then, and she had felt so much hope for the future. If only the girl that had walked through these gardens then would know what that future would be. Just pain, and toil, and even more death. So much more death. Death that felt like it would never stop. /I have to try./ That was what she said. That was her duty.

She had been lost in thought, wandering around the gardens as the sun began to dip beneath the horizon. She found herself near a marble fountain, where a statue of a Lion stood in the center, roaring as water flowed from around it. A young woman sat upon the fountains edge, seemingly lost in thought as well. Aly might not have paid her any mind but the necklace she wore caught her eye. A grisly trophy of large teeth and claws, something about it seemed familiar to her.

The Killing Fields


Alyssa removed her helmet, her hair tangled up as it fell to her shoulders. Normally it was kept up in braids when she went into battle, but the call to battle had come in the night, and she had no time before her squire was ready with her armor. The dead were all around her as she and Graham split up to find what remained of her men. Looking at them she couldn't tell if they were Northern or Southern. A crow pecked at the face of one of the corpses. She couldn't tell what he looked like, as blood covered his face. She couldn't tell if the blood on her face was hers or not either. It was beginning to dry, a red streak running from her hair down to her jaw. A drop fell from her jaw and landed in the puddles of gore she stood in.

She hated it.

All of this. What glory was there in this? How many more people had to die for Selenia's vengence? This was not what she wanted when she accepted her knighthood. She kneeled down to look at a dead man. Perhaps it was one of hers, she couldn't know. He was young. She saw the young boy Karl who travelled with her on her first campaign. He died too, sprawled out just like this on a battlefield, his blood spilling into the earth. She took a deep breath. Then another. Then another. She had to to keep from crying. Her old captain Jan once told her that it wouldn't take long for her to not even notice the death anymore. That couldn't be further from the truth. she thought, it only gets worse each time.

"My lady!" a voice called to her. She stood up snapping to attention. She pushed her thoughts away. Duty.

One of her lieutenants approached. The dark-haired and dour Gordon. "Are you alright?" She asked stoically.

The man panted as he approached. "Well just survived getting murdered by a bunch of northern field hands with spears but other than that alright. It's the King you ought to worry about though." He noted

"The King?!" Alyssa asked with some shock, before quickly regaining her composure. "What happened?"

"Wounded, during the fighting."

Eyes wide she started off past her lieutenant. "Go find Graham, gather the rest of the men." Without looking back she headed off to discover the fate of her King.

The Lion


Alyssa stared at the letter. This was not what she had imagined when she rose a knight only a few moons ago. It was not even what she wanted but she saw no other choice.

No one had stepped forward. Perdan is a realm of warriors. She thought to herself. Where are the brave knights in our darkest hour? They were silent as the fate of the realm itself may hang in the balance. Perhaps they are like me. Uncertain. She was only a knight after all, and nothing more. She never asked for honours or laurels, it was unbecoming. One should take what they earn and no more.

Alyssa read the letter again, running her fingers through her hair. Setting the letter down, she stood up from the small writing desk in her tent and grabbed her sword, tying the scabbard to her belt, then pulling her hair up into a ponytail. Stepping out into the nighttime air she strolled up and down the army camp watching the banners fly in the breeze. All the houses of Perdan. She thought to herself. She felt their weight on her shoulders and she grimaced as she passed the blue-and-white banner she recognized now as Old Sir Druzil's then the black and red of Sir Ulric. All of them could take the sword and lead Perdan to glory. But none of them had. Near the fringes of the encampment she spotted the purple falcon of the Eponllynesian that had joined their cause. A kind girl, Alyssa felt, eager to prove herself. Good traits that would be welcome in their country. Alyssa recalled the conversation she shared with her only a few days before

Perhaps more important is showing Perdan what you can do for her.

The words she herself had spoken danced around in her head as she looked up at the moon. Alyssa about-faced and stepped dutifully back to her tent, where she opened her letter and quickly signed. She picked up her seal and found her squire, in his own tent polishing her mail. He stood at attention when she lifted the flap, and gave her a salute.

"My lady," Graham began, "The hour is late, I was just finishing up."

Alyssa held out the letter to him. "I need you to ensure this is sent."

"To whom, my lady?" He asked as she looked at him wearily.


Wayfairer's Gambit

This story ran from 9/15/2019 until 9/25/2019. The story is told from multiple perspectives during a party held for Duke Smiddich's Birthday aboard his luxury ship Wayfairer's Gambit. Player characters who participated in the story include: Alyssa Kingsley, Isabel Vorn, Kay Peregrine, Smiddich Fontaine, and Ulrick Hawk. Banetal Dragoness was also present for the event, but did not include a roleplaying section. Each character's entry is noted by their family name


(9/15/2019) Roleplay from Smiddich Fontaine Message sent to all nobles of Perdan (24 recipients) Wayfarers Gambit II

Smiddich, the black-bladed pirate duke of Perdan, greeted all of his guests personally as they trod the gangpank onto his ship, the Wayfarers Gambit. He was dressed finely, and groomed, wearing tight breeches, an expensive shirt, and a cape of crushed black velvet. Yet, he wore he rings of steel and brass, wore his hair simply and girded his steel cutlass, a comfortable weight at his hip.

The boat was soon cast off, and the band struck up, many drinks and viands were consumed. Soon, it was not the swell of the sea that had the revelers rolling. The Duke, goblet in hand, had his attention split by old friends and new, attention seekers and deal makers, and an impressive collection of gifts from allies and enemies alike; he had them piled into a heap to rival and pirate horde. A young page in an feathered hat several sizes too large was taking notes with a parchment and quill so that the Duke could write them thanks (and recover his pilfered hat). The ship was like a beacon, festooned with strings of candles and lanterns, her dark timbers swabbed until they shone.

He smoked, and drank, shook hands and kissed fingers, diplomatically sidestepped two marriage proposals and one duel, before finally climbing up into the rigging and urging the muscians to give him a moment. Glasses clinked raucously throughout the ship as silence fell. The Duke looked so damned natural up there, standing in his leather boots on a rope perhaps half an inch thick, before draining his drink, "Happy birthday to me!", he teased, and was immediately drowned out by cheering and the gentle jibes of his peers, "Have a great year, Your Grace! Here's to retaking Bescanon before you grow old!" "Better not get too drunk before hatchets start flying around"

Smiddich puffed on his cigar, "Lords and ladies, Kings and councillors.... friends. Thankyou for your attendance on this, the day of my birth or nearabouts. It is my privilege to serve with and for every one of you. You have my thanks for your gifts and your presence in times tumultuous but not without hope. Please - the galley is stocked with meat and cheese and wine of all strength, so go on and enjoy yourself. Perhaps later, I shall take up the viola and punish you all, but until then.... "Lords and Ladies! Let the competition begin!"

Another cheer! Smiddich swung down from the ropes as easily as any swashbuckler, setting aside his drink to where his attendants had lay a number of wickedly sharp axes and throwing implements; a number of heavy circular targets had been laid against the foc'sle. "Shall we say... 200 gold to whomever can best me?"



Alyssa fastened the gilded clasp of her office to her dress, above her breast. Though the little chain was light she felt it hang heavy on her chest. The dress was white and modest as most of her dresses were. Her aunt had sent her this particular one upon her knighthood. She had had it made to fit her niece's athletic frame and it fit her well, fortunately. Though Alyssa typically preferred more practical clothing while in the field, she felt it was more suitable for a lady to be seen in a dress at functions like these. While at heart she was a warrior, she was still a woman. Besides, the dress was simple and plain and relatively easy to move in. She thanked her aunt for that. Some of the trendier ladies in Perdan could often be seen in elaborate dresses with tight fastenings. Alyssa could feel the suffocation secondhand. While the mail she wore in battle was heavy and hot, it served a practical purpose. Aly could not imagine a good enough reason to subject oneself to such painful gaudiness as these ladies, but their fanciful clothing was highly lauded by courtiers and common folk alike. Alyssa decided her simple shirts and dresses would suffice for her.

Alyssa stood in front of the looking glass making sure she looked suitable. She was no longer just a knight any more. She was the Imperatrix of Perdan, and she must look as a noble lady should. Her stance was rigid and straight as it usually was, her golden locks, usually kept up and out of the way were tonight tied back in a simple braid that fell just past her shoulders. She wore a small silver pendant that belonged to her mother, one of the few treasures that escaped the fire. Thumbing it gently she looked over to the bed in her quarters where the Imperator's Blade lay. Lord Davenport had brought it to her, another symbol of her office. She picked up the scabbard and pulled the blade out an inch to inspect it. The blade was bright and ornate. It was for ceremonial purpose so it was not sharp, but it was a pretty thing and light. Davenport had told her little of it other than she would be expected to wear it in public, and during special events. Alyssa slid the scabbard through the gold-trimmed sash on her waist and placed a hand on the pommel taking a deep breath. She never felt ready for these things, always wary that she might mix up her courtesies or say something foolish in front of the Duke or the King. Feeling as ready as she could, she stepped out of her quarters.

She stepped onto the boat nervously. Alyssa was unfamiliar with ships and barges and the like, and had never actually been on a boat before. The music was loud and joyous and the partygoers laughed and danced merrily. It was an odd scene, she thought, to take place in the middle of a war. Almost as if nothing was unusual. Several courtiers, most of whom she had never met came up to her, congratulating her and granting her compliments and platitudes. By the end of it she did not remember a single one of their faces or names. The Duke himself, her host, even came to her and offered his support and congratulations. Alyssa fumbled through a brief conversation with him before a lovely courtier in a green dress she had not met took his attention. Alyssa wondered what it was like running a city as big as Perdan. It was little wonder he could not leave the city to join in battle, and that the duke's lavish parties were all so well attended. Every man and woman with noble arms in the city no matter how minor must be seeking his favor, and balancing their wishes and whims must take up all his time. Alyssa was exhausted just imagining it.

She retreated to a corner of the ship she found mostly unoccupied but she was startled by the sight of a familiar lady. She allowed herself a quick smile before tilting her head up nobly and walking to her.

Isabel seemed spot her as she approached as she straightened herself and stood at ease. "Imperatrix." she said as Alyssa came to her. Alyssa frowned.

"My Lady." Alyssa nodded to her. "You are familiar. You need not refer to me as such in private. My name alone is suitable."

She caught the other's smile as she replied. "Very well, Alyssa, as you say."

Their conversation was relaxed and Aly found herself much more comfortable conversing with one she was familiar with than the dozens of nobles of the capital she barely knew. Either the evening's wine or the familiar company of her friend gave the evening a much more relaxing atmosphere. For a moment she almost forgot about the sword at her hip and the clasp above her breast that signaled the weight of responsibility she had just been handed at her young age. She even smiled a few a times. Finally the Duke himself called to everyone aboard. "Lords and Ladies! Let the competition begin!"

She had forgotten about the throwing competition the Duke had promised. By the time she and Isabel had reached where the crowd had gathered, she spotted the familiar face of Lord Ulric gathering his axes ready to throw.

"Will you be throwing, Alyssa?" Isabel asked her.

"I am not certain..." Alyssa said uncertainly. "I do not wish to make a fool of myself immediately after my appointment."

Isabel laughed. "You are strong, I am sure you would throw fine. I'd like to see you try."

Alyssa bit her lip in consideration. "Perhaps, my lady, you would be a suitable thrower as well. Surely you have more skill at range than I."

"Hm..." the other woman thought aloud, "Maybe so. But I still think you would do well."

Alyssa took a deep breath and nodded. "As you say,my lady."

She heard Duke Smiddich's boom voice again. "Any other throwers?!" He called to the crowd. Alyssa stepped forward.



Alyssa flipped the axe in her hand. She wasn't unfamiliar with the weapon but she was a swordswoman first, and more used to keeping her weapon in her hand than loosing it. The axes were ornate and inlaid with symbols she had never seen before. She wondered if they were from some far-off land or a special order the Duke had made. Either way they were lovely weapons. When she heard the first thunk and a cheer from the nobles aboard she looked back to see the King himself take the honour of the first throw. The strike was on target just off center. A good throw, Aly thought to herself somewhat impressed. The King accepted their praise with modesty and a charming witticism. Quickly she returned back to Isabel with the axe.

Isabel, holding Alyssa's goblet of wine smiled at her return. "So you are going to try then?"

Alyssa, biting her lip, turned back to look at the king who was accepting the praise of his subjects after his second throw, another hit on the target.

As Alyssa turned back she offered a meek smile. "Perhaps after you show me how first?" She asked holding the handle of the axe to the other girl.

Isabel gave her a skeptical look but took the axe and handed Alyssa her goblet. "I still think you would be better suited than I." She said as she stepped over toward the targets. "Lady Isabel!" The Duke cried boisterously as she stepped up to the line while the king pulled his last axe from the wood.

Alyssa took a modest drink from her goblet as everyone cleared and Isabel reared herself to throw. Alyssa watched as the young lady aimed intently at at her target. She felt a strange sense of pride and excitement at the sharpness of her friend's focus. She had seen Isabel shoot arrows before and they always hit their mark. She was anxious to see if that skill would translate. When Isabel released the axe it spun through the air landing directly in the center of the target. The crowd was silent for a beat and everyone cheered at once excitedly. Even Alyssa excitedly called her name once before realizing that her voice had gotten lost in the crowd.

Even the King seemed to be impressed. Isabel seemed somewhat surprised herself, though whether from the hit or from the sudden rush of attention she could not say. Whatever it was she cooled quickly and threw her second throw, hitting just off the center but in a higher scoring marker, defeating the King himself in the first round. He seemed pleased however and graciously congratulated the lady on her victory while Alyssa took another sip of wine.

Alyssa smiled at Isabel's return. "Well done my lady." She said unable to think of anything else to say. Isabel nodded modestly. "So what should I do to throw as well as you my lady?" Isabel chuckled lightly but spent the next few minutes giving Alyssa instruction while Duke Smiddich and Duke Banetal duked it out. When Duke Smiddich emerged victorious he called for the next. Alyssa met Isabel's eyes and nodded confidently as she stepped up. She was surprised to see her opponent, Lord Ulric, who she had not seen aboard until now.

"Imperatrix." He greeted with a respectful bow. "Marshal." She replied with a curtsy.

I should not lose to my direct subordinate. They need to know their Imperatrix is worthy. She thought, taking a deep breath.

Lord Ulric threw first, hitting a strong mid-scoring marker. Alyssa steaded herself as she stepped to throw, holding her arm like Isabel told her too. She released to her surprise hitting the target, though farther from the center as Lord Ulric. She could see him smile which only strengthened her determination. He hit near his same target, but slightly lower, giving him a fair score.

She could see the King watching her as she stepped up again for her second throw. They trust in you. She thought to herself as she winded back. She threw and watched the axe spin through the air landing in the center where Isabel's had landed before. The crowd cheered, including the King, Isabel, and Duke Smiddich. Lord Ulric smiled as well, accepting his defeat honourably.

"Well thrown my lord." She said as they exchanged respectful bows before Duke Smiddich called the next pair. Alyssa was about to hand the axe over when the Duke called her name and Isabel's as well. Alyssa's confidence plummeted though outwardly she remained as steady and composed as ever. She curtsied to her opponent wishing her luck. As their axes flew, the crowd cheer both of them on, however everyone hushed again when Duke Smiddich announced the results, a full draw. She looked at Isabel with a fire, now determined to win, seeing that victory was only one through away, and feeling good about her previous tosses.

Alyssa threw first landing near the center as the crowd gasped. She watched as Isabel stepped up to throw, that same fierceness in her eyes. She loosed the axe and it landed in the center of the wooden target, where the lady's last throw had landed. Alyssa cursed herself as she turned to Alyssa with a smile. Aly could not help but return it and admit defeat. At least I defeated one opponent. She thought returning to her spot in the crowd, taking another goblet of wine from a server, sipping on it quietly. As the crowd cheered the victorious Lady Isabel, Duke Smiddich seemed quite impressed and perhaps a little drunk, wagering a sack of gold on his own toss against the young lady. Alyssa also felt a little drunk, from the wine and the competition, returning to cheering for her friend now no longer caring whether her voice made through the crowd.

The match was over quickly as Duke Smiddich scored nearly half what he had in the previous round. Too much wine perhaps, gentle duke. She thought to herself and giggled softly. She had not seen Isabel drinking and she threw as well as she had all night. The aim seemed easy to her. Just as Alyssa suspected.

When the crowd returned to mingling and dancing. Alyssa rushed over to congratulate the other girl, uncharacteristically greeting her with a big a smile. "I am very proud of you my lady. The King, the Imperatrix, and the Duke of Perdan were no match for you."



A cheer went up as Lady Isabel's axe scored the winning toss. The crowd was pleased and excited to have witnessed the spirited contest between the normally serious nobles, the high stations of the participants making it additionally fun.

Smiddich, the black bladed pirate Duke of Perdan held her slim arm aloft in victory, "My Lords and ladies, dignitaries, may I present our victor! May you never have to face her with an axe in her hand!", he roared, and the crowd laughed with him. He let her go, pledging the gold reward as soon as he was able to attend the bank; it was money well spent for the fun.

"My friends, for you are, first and foremost, thankyou again for attending my birthday gala. As we slowly make our way back home, I want to let you know how much it had meant to me to spend this perfect time with each of you.".

The Duke climbed easily atop a table, raising his goblet of meat,

"To you!", he pledged, "To me!", with a wink, "To Perdan!", they drank.

Later, sticky wine and flavoursome cigars were served, with pastries and cream and other delicacies. The able sailors let loose a fusillade from the cannons, her bronze gouting flame and ash across the bay to the delight and fear of the guests.

Smiddich himself took up the viol and played two numbers, one a jaunty kid and the other more private and some sombre. His playing spoke both of vigorous classical training mixed with ribald shanty. As the boat washed up along the dock, he would give his farewells personally assisting those shaky legs into solid ground, and good evening.



Isabel looks toward her friend flushed from all the attention she received during the contest. "You did great too lady Alyssa." being uncomfortable surrounded Isabel looks around nervously for a place less crowded. "If this were a sword contest... well we both know how that would turn out." Isabel says with a small smile. "Do you mind us moving away from the crowd a bit I don't do well with crowds." Isabel asks and starts to move to a more secluded area while fiddling with her necklace



Alyssa took another drink of wine and giggled quietly. "If this were a sword contest my lady, that bag would still be in the duke's purse," She said nodding towards the bag Isabel had won from the contest. "I know not who trained him, but he is famed for his prowess in the tournament."

She quickly glanced to the large crowd Isabel was referring to and nodded at the other, clearly uncomfortable. "As you wish my lady." She placed her free hand on the Sword of the Imperator at her hip and marched a step behind Isabel. As she walked purposefully she took a step a little off, nearly falling off balance but caught herself spilling only a drop of the wine in her goblet. She quietly glanced around discretely but no one had seemed to notice. She took a deep breath and returned to her usual stiff gait as Isabel opened the door to one of the large cabins on the deck.

As they entered, they found themselves in a reception parlor, with lovely furnishings and carpets from a far off land. Alyssa suspected this was a place the Duke sometimes met with honoured guests to make them feel at ease as they discussed business and to impart upon them his wealth and stature. They were not alone in this room as three noblemen drank and gambled at dice on a desk near the back of the room and a few ministers sipped wine discussing matters of coin and state. A young couple flirted on bench tucked away in the far corner. Warm bright lanterns and the nearly full moon lit the room, and though they were not alone, Alyssa felt at ease here much moreso than the large crowd on the deck. The room spun a little as the two ladies took seats near the big oak table in the center of the room, but Alyssa felt warm and content. She reflected on the evening, drinking from one of the duke's lavish goblets.

Moments like these are few in our lives so full of war and suffering.  Celebrating each other and the bonds we share as countrymen.  She glanced at Isabel, who had stopped thumbing her pendant.  This is why we fight.  For Perdan, for each other.  She sighed, still lost in thought.



Servants mill around the room with platters of food and drink for the guests. One such servent approaches Isabel and offers her a goblet which Isabel good naturally accepts. Confused on what to talk about since her friend is silence Isabel takes a drink from the goblet while thinking of what to do. Maybe I should congratulate her promotion with something… would she like a gift? Another drink, But she seems to be thinking about something serious considering the look on her face… another drink, Maybe I should... “give her a hug?” Isabel blinks and looks around to see if anyone noticed what she said. Seems no one noticed… “So Alyssa how have you been I enjoy our meetings, I am really happy you were picked as the new Imperatrix I wish we could meet more.” Isabel stops takes a breath finishes her drink and asks “Alyssa are you ok, can I help?”



Alyssa snapped back from her thoughts and met Isabel's eyes, who was looking at her expectantly.

"Ah. I'm sorry my lady," She said straightening. " I am well. I've been thinking a lot about my new responsibilities, the weight is considerable. But I should not burden you with mine own responsibilities. I'll bear them with honour." Alyssa waved her hand dismissively and shook her head, changing the subject, and trying to push the thoughts from her mind. Tonight is not the night to worry of such things. The Duke has spent considerably so that we might not, even for one evening. She thought placing her arm on the table and resting her head in her palm, smiling dumbly trying to focus on Isabel while the room spun slightly around her.

"The army has been on mind all day, I'd rather hear of better things. Could you tell me more of the Beluaterrans, and the land where your family is from? Did you have any friends there? What of your family? Mine own great grandfather fought the terrible creatures from beyond I have heard though I know little about him, only his name and some of the old kingdoms, and a few of the takes about him my uncle told me. His banner was a wolf as well, though the colours are opposite. My squire suggested it to differentiate mine own path.". Alyssa babbled on for a few minutes about her life as Isabel listened intently. When she realized how long she had been speaking she stopped and glanced nervously at the other.

"I'm sorry..." She said shaking her head, which made her dizzy. "I've been rude, talking all this time. Please tell me more of your own family, my lady, I'd like to learn more of you and your family.". Alyssa leaned forward slightly, focusing carefully.



Upon hearing her friends request Isabel sits up a bit straighter and takes a deep breath. “As you are aware my family is a bit different compared to most nobles.” Isabel says a difficult expression crosses her face. “ If you remember my family started from a hunter who was raised to nobility. His skill with the bow was unrivaled by even so called masters and his ability to survive anywhere was sought out by many nobles for their soldiers, but neither of these skills were ever taught. There are secrets in the skills that can not leave our family secrets that if they got out could endanger many people, and because of that we are not allowed to talk much about our training or the tests we must take to be considered adults in the family.” Isabel shutters slightly. “ Do you remember the story about the wolves?” Isabel asks suddenly “That event happens to everyone when they undergo that training be it with different animals but for some reason members of the Vorn family have always had a connection with the wilderness and we all have various animal companions. The first had a connection with birds which is why the bird on our coat of arms. My friend and cousin Ellen who stayed on Beluaterra has the same affinity…” Isabel stops and shakes her head, “I am not supposed to tell you this so please forget I said anything. Lets see stories from when I was on Beluaterra…” Isabel thinks for a long moment before tears start to form. “I had two cousins I looked up to. Ellen who is on Beluaterra and her younger sister Helena. There are rules in our family about passing tests before being accepted as an adult and full member of the family, well Ellen was the best of our age group in all aspects she was smart, loyal, and her skills in survival and with the bow was unrivaled in our family but she was too kind to be a warrior. Her younger sister Helena was the opposite she was sub par on most things and even failed to get an animal companion during the test. In light of such things she had two choices, one was to become a commoner and live that life or the second option to become an adventurer and rise to nobility to be accepted back into the family. She chose the second option and she left the Vorn family the same day I started my journey to come here. I haven’t seen her and the family does not keep tabs on those that have fallen.” Isabel starts to cry “ I miss both of them very much and no one even knowing what has happened to Helena is just too much.” Isabel fiddles with her necklace continues to cry and shows no more signs of talking.



Alyssa listened intently, watching Isabel's eyes as she finished her story. When the tears began to form, however, Alyssa became concerned, unsure of what to do. Should I comfort her? How should I do that? She froze, eyes wide with concern as the other cried quietly and Alyssa parsed out what to do. She glanced over at the others in the room, the dicers too focused on their game and the lovers too focused on each other to notice the Imperatrix and her companion on their own side of the cabin.

Alyssa remembered the last time she cried, after the fire when she was still a girl. She had felt so lost and alone. Like there was no one in the world but her. She had nothing but the dress she wore. The empty feeling she once felt crept back, that memory of seeing the last of her life burn away as she stood beside the dying fire. She must have felt the same. Her sisters gone not knowing if she will ever see them again. And then she herself shipped away to a far off land. Alyssa knew that feeling. The grief of losing the ones who cared for her and the fear of the unknown before her.

Aly recalled the words her aunt had told her that day, the last time she cried. Don't fear little dove, Alyssa recalled, You are not alone. There are still those who care for you. And we will carry you until you are strong again.

And she was right. Her aunt and uncle cared for her, loved her, provided for her, tested her, and shaped her into the young woman she was. They were her rock in the storm, and knew they always would be, if she needed them. Poor Isabel is far from home though. So it falls to me. I will be her rock. It is my duty to serve the people Perdan, all of them, however I can; and Isabel is my dear friend. I have to try.

Cautiously, as the room still spun a little, she took a deep breath and moved her chair right beside Isabel's. Slowly and somewhat nervously she put her arm around the girl's shoulder, and hugged her. As calmly and quietly as she could she whispered to the other: "Don't fear little dove, you are not alone. There are still those who care for you. And I will carry you until you are strong again."



Isabel clutched onto Alyssa’s white dress. The feeling of the first warm embrace she has had since she was sent to her new home in Perdan. Alyssa’s soothing words help to calm Isabel down enough for her to realize what she was doing and sat back with a start. “I am so sorry” Isabel began tears still in her eyes, “I am supposed to be here and help you but I am just a mess it’s no wonder why they sent me away.” at those words Isabel’s expression turned even sadder but no more tears came. “I’m sorry... I am so sorry I’m ruining the party… Sorry I will leave so you can enjoy yourself.” Isabel tries to get up and leave but realizes she is still clutching Alyssa’s dress. “I’m sorry…” Isabel says as she collapses back into her seat unable to let her friend go for reasons even she can’t comprehend. Instead of letting go Isabel seems to grab tighter as if the only thing holding her together is her hand on Alyssa’s dress. “I don’t know what to do anymore. It feels like I’m trying to swim but I have weights tied to my legs and it takes all I have to just keep my head above water.” Isabel hugs Alyssa tightly and lets out a small shaky breath. “I am so glad to have met you Alyssa I don’t know what I would be doing without you.” Isabel relaxes and slowly lets go of Alyssa tho still holding her sleeve and regains some composer. “I am sorry about that the emotions tend to build up normally I can deal with them fine but tonight I don’t know what it is that is making me like this. I’m sorry I will understand if you wish me to leave so you can enjoy the rest of the party Lady Alyssa.”



Alyssa placed her hand reassuringly on the other girl's. "No my lady, I believe my place is here." You are Perdan my lady, as much as any of us. She looked around the room. The lovers had left to find a lonelier place and the dicers were packing up their game. When she looked out the window she saw moonlight reflecting off of sails in the harbour. "Besides, I believe we are nearing the end of the party. It's gotten quieter."

Indeed, the viola outside had stopped and the noise of the crowd had died down.

"Would you like to stay here for a bit longer, my lady? Or I can escort you back to the palace if you'd like. I am armed to protect after all." She said smiling meekly and placing hand on the sword at her hip.



“We can leave” Isabel said looking towards Alyssa with a hint of a smile. “It is probably best to not overstay our welcome and with the party winding down it seems like it’s time to go. I would be honored to be escorted back if you do not mind.” Isabel stand up still holding hands with Alyssa and help pull her to her feet. “Do you think we should say our goodbye or do you think everyone is either gone or too drunk to notice?”



"The Duke has many guests to bid farewell to, perhaps it is best to lessen his burden. I shall send him a letter tomorrow thanking him for his hospitality."

With Isabel holding one hand and her other on the Blade of the Imperator, Alyssa led the girl back out onto the deck where indeed a crowd had gathered around the Duke wishing him well. The two slipped through the crowd and down the plank to the dock where Perdan's Wooden Wall, the grand fleet lay anchored, magnificent sails of white and gold and red fluttered through the breezy night as warm lanterns lit their path. As they walked across toward the city proper, Alyssa stepped somewhat clumsily over the rickety boards of the old docks, still holding Isabel's hand for balance. The sight must have been funny as Isabel smiled slightly at Alyssa's drunken march.

When they both reached the city street, illuminated by the moon and by lantern posts and the occasional patrolman who saluted Alyssa upon seeing the blade at her hip. Alyssa kept close to her charge to maintain her own balance and to assure the other of safety. The blade was not even sharp and they were walking through the nicest of the city's districts, but she still felt the responsibility of her mission to lead Isabel back to her apartments in the palace.

Alyssa did not say much as they wandered through the nighttime cityscape a pleasant feeling of contentness came over her, the haze of the wine and the warmth of the summer night, the simple pride of her fulfilling her duty made her smile dumbly to herself as the two ladies continued through the moonlit streets of Perdan.

The Lion (Part 1)

This story is ongoing as of 10/16/2019. It began on 9/14/2019. The story relates Alyssa's experience after being chosen as Imperatrix (general) of Perdan. The story covers several parts. The first part ended on 10/11/2019

Imperatrix of Perdan


Alyssa lowered her hood as she lead her troop towards the gate. As she approached, the soldiers manning the palisade saluted her in the Perdanese style. She rode past them as they stood at attention. As she studied their faces she saw the same looks of uncertainty on all of them They see a child she thought. I will have to prove that I am more. She hoped that she could.

As the gates opened she saw crowds of people gathered she saw crowds of people gathered near the gates, behind rows of soldiers lining the street, holding bright yellow shields with lions and their spears pointed upwards forming an arc above her. Surprised she stopped her horse, her troop halting behind her. Alyssa's elderly squire Graham quickly rode to her side, as well as her portly quartermaster Call Reed, and followed by the singer Maron who had been following her troop for weeks.

Expecting some concern from her squire he instead looked at her with what she guessed was paternal pride, the looks she earned from her uncle when she recited her histories correctly.

Maron smiled gleefully at the scene. "Oh this is the perfect introduction, my darling lady. What a marvelous welcome!"

Reed and Graham both turned to the bard at once. "She is not your darling!" They answered for her at once. Alyssa said nothing keeping her eyes down the road, half-heartedly waving a hand of dismissal in their direction. She watched uncertainly as a well-dressed courtier walked quickly to her position.

She studied the middle-aged man as he smiled warmly. "The Lady in White herself." He said softly. Alyssa could see from the corner of her eye Maron reach in the direction of his lute, before Graham grabbed his hand with a scowl. Alyssa ignored them keeping her eyes on the courtier.

"Who are you, my lord?" She called out to him.

He answered with a bow and replied, "I am Darren Davenport my lady and we are the duke's men, men of the city. We wished to welcome you home."

Davenport turned to the crowd and shouted: "Alyssa Kingsley of the White Lodge, Imperatrix of Perdan!"

The crowd cheered and shouted for her calling her name and cheers of "Perdan! Perdan!" and "Imperatrix!"

Alyssa was somewhat taken aback as the crowd cheered for her. Davenport took a step up to her mare and offered his hand. "Duke Smiddich is hosting a party aboard his barge Lady Imperatrix, he has invited all the nobles of Perdan. Shall we escort you to the palace?"

She looked at him holding her reins. "You may, my lord."

He quickly glanced to the reins in her hand and smiled. "This way my lady." He said taking a step back. She rode along side him as he led her towards the Duke's grand palace.

The Walls of the North


The battle was lost. Alyssa knew it as soon as the Eponllyn army behind the hill overlooking town appeared and fell upon them. Alyssa had sworn as her army broke and she was forced to retreat. The enemy cavalry pursued, the games horses of the north riding down the Perdanese.

The Imperatrix herself had managed to escape the melee and so far the patrols that followed her, but she was all alone in a wooded copse outside an abandoned hovel by a tiny stream. Not even Starlight, safe in a stable in Perdan, was here to carry her to safety. She touched her forehead, where she felt blood trickling down. She quickly smeared it off with her palm, fearful that she had suffered a head wound after losing her helmet. Fortunately the blood was not hers. She wondered whose it was, a common soldiers to be sure, but Perdanese or Eponli she could not say. Blood looks the same. she thought as the exhaustion began setting in.

She figured the patrols must have already passed through, as several dead Perdanese soldiers littered the ground in the little woods with the stream. As she spotted them she saw the corpses of her former soldiers. A young boy named Karl, Ebben the flutist, gentle Fat Father, and all the others whose bones now littered the ground in Bescanon, overgrown and forgotten by all but her.

I failed them again... She thought to herself. They're all dead and it's my fault. The whole realm put their faith in me and I failed them. She had seen Sir Lucius and Lord Joreb struck in the melee, unsure if they survived. Her mind went to gentle-minded Isabel. She shook her head as a few tears began to form. Then a wave of anger struck her. She kicked a nearby helmet that had belonged to one of the dead men before her.

"Why did you think you could do this you dumb stupid girl!" She shouted into the stream.

As the tears started to flow she sat on the ground and buried her face into her knees crying. A moment later she heard the clip of hooves. Instinctively she pulled her sword from it's scabbard and leaped up, eyes still watering.

The last man she expected was Maron, the relentless, foppish singer that had followed her for weeks.

"You should have run, singer." She said wiping her eyes with her off hand.

"Graham rallied us." He said without his usual jaunt. " We were looking for you, my lady. We were afraid you were wounded.". He dismounted and approached her.

"They're happy to sacrifice for Perdan, my lady." He said gently as she sheathed her sword. He put a hand on her shoulder.

She shrugged him off and she sighed. "Are you going to write about finding the Imperatrix of Perdan crying alone in retreat?"

He laughed. "I might. So long as the story doesn't end here my lady. Not a fitting end for my heroine."

"Perhaps it is." She offered looking sadly at the fallen soldiers.

"No, my lady. I think there is much more to tell. Come." He said motioning to the horse he rode in on.

Lady's Lament


Alyssa sighed as she read through report after report. The sunlight was beginning to wane outside her large window in the Imperator's Tower solar. The place still didn't feel like hers; the bedroom was bigger than any she ever had, and she never had a solar. The tower itself was bigger than the one she grew up in so far away in The Hollow and that little tower of course was not attached to a palace. She had her own support staff, both military and domestic, barracks for her guards; anything she asked for she recieved. But despite all the bustle around her corner of the palace, she felt more alone than ever. Ever since she had returned to the capital, they had been stuck here besieged as the northerners slaughtered and stole from the people of the outskirts. Her people.

Alyssa shook her head, running her fingers through her hair and then pulling it up into a ponytail. She grabbed her cloak and the little wolf brooch her old squire Graham had given her. Wrapping it around her she headed out into the halls. As she headed down the steps she passed some of her own guard on duty, the black wolf on their white shields. They saluted her as she passed and she continued down into the lower chambers of the tower, were most of her support staff lived and worked. Many of the cooks and servants were gathered around in the kitchen eating what was left of the supper they had served not long ago. She watched them for a moment as they joked with each other, one of the serving girls flicking flour into the face of one of the cooks who turned red as he laughed. When they saw her they stopped and fell silent looking at each other and her.

"M'lady Imperatrix?" One of the cooks asked eyeing her uncertainly. Alyssa said nothing as she continued down the hall. So many strangers. She thought. As she continued her walk she heard the soft sounds of music from behind a door to one of the equipment storerooms. She slowly pushed the door open and saw by lantern light, the singer Maron who had followed her for the past weeks, sitting on the floor leaning against a crate while strumming idly on his lute, humming a forlorn melody.

The song was sad and yet somewhat hopeful. It felt lonely but warm, distant but familiar. She relaxed against the doorway as the song continued, until he noticed her standing there watching. Quickly he stopped and stood up, taking a low sweeping bow.

"Oh a blessed day indeed that the most beautiful woman in the world has sought me out. My lady, oh darling of my heart, what bringeth you to this humble bard?"

She had begun to ignore his overtures rather than chastise him, as the latter did no good. Instead she replied quietly, unmoved.

"I came to listen." she said softly.

"Then you have come to the right place my dear lady. Shall I play The Lady in White for you? I've changed the verses, it will sound good as new to your precious ears. In fact-"

"Play that song again. What you were just playing." She said before he could finish.

"Oh that is not a song suitable for a woman of your stature. And the song is not finished yet, it has no words."

"I want to hear it." She said with a hint of command in her voice.

He nodded once with a slight smirk Alyssa could not read. "As you wish my lady."

Alyssa entered the room proper and sat down, straight and poised on one of the crates of supplies. Maron sat on the floor across from her, near the lantern and he began to play again. She closed her eyes as she listened to the calm and floating melody. Finally he finished and leaned the lute up against a crate. He took a flask from his coat pocket and took a drink, before holding it out to her. Alyssa shook her head in refusal. She had reports to read and decisions to make tonight.

"You really are immune to cheer, aren't you." He said taking another drink before setting it back in his pocket.

"I suppose it is said." She replied idly.

"Well, did you like my song, my lady?"

"I did."

"And yet not even a smile." Maron chuckled.

"It wasn't a happy song." Alyssa replied.

"No I suppose it's not, but it would have been nice to see regardless. You don't have to shoulder all your burdens alone. Or if for whatever fool reason you decide to anyway, just remember that Perdan needs you, but you also need Perdan. We are at your service my lady."

She studied him for a moment before replying. "You are wiser than you act."

"And you are more scared than you act."

That was true she knew. If the singer could see through her, she wondered how many others knew she had no idea how to stop the North and save Perdan. The sat in silence as she worried.

"I won't play that song for anyone else, my lady. Lady in White is growing quite popular anyway. I must say I prefer it at least."

A hint of a smile came over her. "Thank you, Maron." She said standing back up and heading towards the door.

"Have a good night, my lady." He replied, and she shut the door and headed back up the stairs.

Gods of the North and South


Alyssa trotted behind the main column after inspecting the rear-guard. She could not see the rest of the supply groups, but knew they were not far ahead. With her rode her captain, Tanner, a man she trusted without doubt. She had left her squire Graham in charge of the unit while she rode with back of the army. The roads were crumbly and devastated, the villages and hamlets burned to the ground and destroyed by war. Alyssa hated the sight.

"My lady," Tanner asked. "Some of the men are uncertain about you. There have been some... grumblings about whether you are a coward or not."

Alyssa did not want to have this conversation, but she knew Tanner brought it up out of concern, so she decided to indulge him. "Do you believe that, captain?"

"No my lady..." he muttered. Alyssa glared at him challengingly. He cleared his throat and continued. "It has been a while since we have engaged the enemy. The men are itching to fight. Perdan's of warriors they say, not have hiders."

"The living are hiders." Alyssa replied coldly, before relenting with a sigh. "The rest are dead in Bescanon. Their lives are the price of my recklessness."

Tanner bit his lip as if he wanted to say something but hesitated before saying: "It won't be an issue my lady. Just mumblings is all." Alyssa had a feeling that was not what he wanted to say but she did not prod him. As they continued in silence, a strange sound began to fill the road as they trotted through the burnt village. As they approached she recognized it as music from some stringed instrument, a lute perhaps, she thought. The music was twangy and hard, yet it sounded searching in a way. As the source came into view she spotted an old man sitting alone on the steps of a burned down hovel. He was alone, playing to no one, what little hair he had was on his chin, and his clothes were rags. As the Lady and her captain passed he began to sing, his voice deep and croaky a purposeful, yet somewhat haunting melody escaped:

Gods ain't gonna help you none You'll be sorry for what you done Them gods gonna hurt you, girl When you play with fire for fun When you play with fire for fun

Alyssa stopped her horse as she watched the old man play. Closer now she could see that he was blind, yet his hands moved with an expert quickness as he strummed the instrument. Tanner leaned over. "Something wrong my lady?"

She held her hand up to quiet him, not taking her eyes off the strange, sad old man singing.

They ain't gonna catch ya when you fall

You'll be pleading while you're bleeding

She heard Tanner shift uncomfortably in his saddle as the man continued his grim tune.  She reached into her purse and pulled a gold coin from it, tossing it towards the player, as it clinked off the cobblestone steps leading up the the burned hovel.  His head turned towards where the coin rolled near his boot and he nodded once in Alyssa's direction.  Still, he continued his song.

They ain't gonna hear ya none Don't care about what you done They ain't gonna help you girl You'll be sorry for what you done Be sorry for what you done

"My lady," Tanner noted softly. "The army is getting ahead of us, we should not tarry."

Alyssa hmmed as she turned back to her captain. She shook her head once, her focus turning away from the singer. "Yes, I'm sorry. She looked at the singer once more who continued his song as if she weren't even there. Alyssa sighed and gave him one last look before she began to trot off down the road towards the army. The old man's voice echoed down the lane, and she made out the next bits of the song

Lion, pulls his claws out He'll rip you up for what you done Phoenix, will burn your world down Leave you ashes for what you done Raven, will peck your eyes out You're blinded by what you've done Mother, lonely old gal She'll tear your heart out for what you've done She'll tear your heart out for what you've done

Something about the words made her shiver. She pulled her snow-white cloak tighter around her as the music faded in the distance, the only sound between the two was the clopping of hooves against the cobblestone road.