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Letter from Anyte Luitolf  
'''Letter from Anyte Luitolf (Personal message to Dancer Rea)'''
(Personal message to Dancer Rea) - 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
Sir Dan,
If what you say is true, perhaps Obeah is a daimon lord herself? One that the others do not like. I do know that it is fact that they despise her.
My Friend,  
The temple in Keffa is the goal. However, and I know this isn't your strong suit, but we must play the long game. To start an all-out war right now would spell the end of Thalmarkin. We have too much going on already. Let us be content with killing her worshipers for now. Once things calm down, I can talk to Madam Bae and see about the Obian transgressions. I am all about the blood, you know this, but I am also all about winning. Rushing in blind is not the way to do that. Let them rush at us so that we may pick them off.  
It seems my long nights of blood rituals using the peasant's blood in the heart of the Bathory cellars is finally paying off. The heraldrim now hate us and are at war. The plan to take Rines and the other city, while still a very long time to go, has finally begun. We must deal with the current enemy, then Lastfell, and then we may convince Madam Bae to turn her attention south. Eva has walked straight into our trap.  
Anyte Luitolf
Anyte Luitolf
Dame of Lastfell
Dame of Lastfell
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Letter from Anyte Luitolf
(Personal message to Dancer Rea) - 1 hour, 37 minutes ago
Sir Dan,
I have not once claimed that Obeah controlled daimon lords. I have claimed she has controlled lesser daimons. Not commanded, controlled. This is a known fact that cannot be denied, and is something even the daimon lords cannot do. We might have differences of opinion of the veiled bitch, but one thing is certain. Your masters hate Obeah and want her chained. I hate her followers for what they have done to my family. So, we can certainly be allies in wanting to get rid of Obia.  
''''''Letter from Dancer Rea'''
(Personal message to Anyte Luitolf)'''
Lady Anyte, I did not know our goals aligned so well. I wish for the Island, and nothing more. Let us work together in the destruction of those pretenders to the south. I tire of their endless tirade against Mordok, and the lies they spread far and wide. They wouldn't know a real demon worshiper if they became their ruler and summoned a horde into the throne room. Eva has indeed walked straight into our trap.
Dancer Rea
Anything more than this and I would have to see with my own eyes. I do not doubt your stories, however, so many stories of daimons are out there and so few matchup that it is hard to find the truth. I can promise you this, I have no reason to denounce them without seeing them any more than I have to denounce Mordok or his followers, so your secret is safe with me. More than this and I would need to speak with a daimon lord myself. I look forward to you making this happen for me.
Knight of Jedinchel
Anyte Luitolf
'''Letter from Anyte Luitolf'''
Dame of Lastfell
Roleplay from Anyte Luitolf
'''(Personal message to Dancer Rea)'''
(Personal message to Dancer Rea) - 2 hours, 4 minutes ago
Anyte read over the last letter from Dancer over and over again. How can this man believe in daimons, but not that Obeah is a daimon queen that even the daimon lords want to see imprisoned? She thought to herself, just as a servant came into her command tent in Orde.
It was Allova Saxa, the fair-haired and blue-eyed Bathory maiden that she had sent to Woelfen to help in Jedinchel.
Your sights are to low, Sir Dan. All of it must go. All heralds must perish. They will pay for spreading their lies. They will pay for worshiping a daimon queen so powerful even the daimons themselves fear her. They will pay for running my family from their ancestral home.  
"Mistress, I return to you since you are so close now. Baron Woelfen has disappeared, and so my duties to him disappear with it. On my way in, a servant had this letter from the duke. I figured I would deliver it for him and represent myself to you at the same time." The young maiden said, bowing before her mistress.  
The island is not enough. Region by region, duchy by duchy, the theocracy shall lose their lands, and if the pretender empire of Shattered Vales wishes to interfere with this, they will fall too.  
Anyte looked over Allova, one of her favorite maidens, and realized that during her time there she had not been treated well. She took the letter and read over it, and her eyes widened. It seemed the Duke wished to reinstate her to Lastfell!
Anyte Luitolf
Dame of Lastfell
"Allova, rest up and recover, then I have another mission for you." She said looking at the girl again.
Letter from Dancer Rea
"Of course mistress."
(Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 6 hours, 13 minutes ago
"I wish you to take a message to Sir Dan, then remain with him. See that he treats you better than the mountain giant Woelfen did. Tell him that the Duke might make me a Margravine again. This will not be enough for me though. The peasants saw fit to throw me out, so I must be more strict. I must be seen as their princess. Their ruler in their eyes, with the Duke and Queen as their suzerains. Also, remain with him and ensure the maidens he took from Unger are performing up to par. Punish them in my name if they are not. As with Woelfen, you will be his to do with as he pleases, though to a point. If he abuses you, I will ensure payment will be had. If I find Woelfen I will do the same. No one mistreats the Princess's favorite."
You are right of course, the whole realm needs to be removed from the maps. They are a danger to society, spreading Lies about their goddess and her powers. They sicken me to my core. Their 'goddess' is nothing more then a farce to make those fools sleep better at night. They really believe you can control Daemons through prayers and worship! You cannot control a hurricane!
With this, Allova set out straight away, not wanting to keep her mistress's wishes waiting. She could rest upon arrival if her new Lord permitted.  
Let us wipe them, and any who stand in the way, from this earth. They shall pay for their Lies.
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Letter from Anyte Luitolf
(Personal message to Dancer Rea) - 3 hours, 43 minutes ago
We can agree to have a common enemy at least. Though I can assure you that there is more to Obeah than just stories. Daimons are not even on the continent anymore. You cannot control what is not there. We will leave the validity of Obeah there for she need not be real or fake for us to join forces.  Honestly, though, I hope the daimons return. Some people call them evil, sure, but can they really be any worse than I?
They kill peasants. We kill peasants. Mordok eats peasants. In the end, do the peasants really matter? Only in so much as you need them to work your lands. I, Anyte, Princess of Lastfell, would welcome the chance to at least speak to one. I cannot say I worship them as I have not seen their powers with my own eyes, and therefore they hold little more sway than the lame gods everyone professes, but I can say at least we know they are real, and that they are the enemies of our enemies. Speaking with them would not be the end of the world.
Dancer Rea
Knight of Jedinchel
It seems we both have reason to hate Obia. My family is from Avengmil. My father's side anyway. I wish to have it back, and the rest of the island, as it is the Luitolf birthright to rule there. They will fall beneath my might, even if I have to manipulate others to make it happen. I will restore my families right, and hopefully, my brothers will rejoin me here, and we can find my sister. If she still lives.
Anyte Luitolf
Roleplay from Dancer Rea
Dame of Lastfell
(Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 6 hours, 4 minutes ago
Dancer let a feral smile slide onto his face. Finally, the fire he'd seen in Anyte's eyes had come through. Obia'Syela hmm? They were Liars of the highest order. Controlling the Daemons? Ha! Dancer shook his head. The daemons will take this world one day, and those who accepted that, and bent the knee, would be handsomely rewarded. The old texts he'd smuggled out of Firebalt a few days ago had shown he'd need to practice some smaller spells first, before summoning his masters. What an excellent excuse to practice.
Letter from Anyte Luitolf  
Letter from Anyte Luitolf  
Line 63: Line 62:
Anyte Luitolf
Anyte Luitolf
Dame of Lastfell
Dame of Lastfell
star  [reply to sender] | [ignore] | [userdetails] | [character details] | [vulgarity]
Letter from Anyte Luitolf
(Personal message to Dancer Rea) - 6 hours, 22 minutes ago
Your sights are to low, Sir Dan. All of it must go. All heralds must perish. They will pay for spreading their lies. They will pay for worshiping a daimon queen so powerful even the daimons themselves fear her. They will pay for running my family from their ancestral home.
The island is not enough. Region by region, duchy by duchy, the theocracy shall lose their lands, and if the pretender empire of Shattered Vales wishes to interfere with this, they will fall too.  
Letter from Dancer Rea
(Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 4 hours, 31 minutes ago
The whole religion is farce, made up by some scared children trying to accept the horrors that had befallen this continent. Any eyewitness accounts can be easily explained away as street magic or paid off 'witnesses'. When Keffa was first taken is the only time real daemons have stepped foot under the OS banner. I have no doubt they were sent there by a daemonic power, however, some bedtime story those fools made up was not the cause. They disappeared shorty after. If they truly could 'control daemons' they would have taken over half the continent by now, and they certainly wouldn't be bothering to stab Angela. They'd just cut her head off, after taking our capital. I think a real Daemon Lord is screwing with them, trying to test the waters, if you will. What better way to slaughter a whole population then making them underestimate you?
I do not fear those fools, they simply offend me. I also have a personal stake, as the lost realm of Riombara was my home when I first traveled to this land, many moons ago. As a young knight, I cut my teeth there. The Rines was my first home, and I wish to free it from tyranny.
Regardless of the validity of their religion, we have a shared goal, my Lady. Let us bring them a cleansing fire, and remove their stink from this land. Would you happen to know of any adventurers that are willing to part with scrolls?
Anyte Luitolf
Dancer Rea
Dame of Lastfell
Knight of Jedinchel
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Letter from Anyte Luitolf  
Roleplay from Anyte Luitolf  
(Personal message to Dancer Rea) - 1 day, 9 hours, 46 minutes ago
(Personal message to Dancer Rea) - 2 hours, 4 minutes ago
My Friend,  
Anyte read over the last letter from Dancer over and over again. How can this man believe in daimons, but not that Obeah is a daimon queen that even the daimon lords want to see imprisoned? She thought to herself, just as a servant came into her command tent in Orde.
It seems my long nights of blood rituals using the peasant's blood in the heart of the Bathory cellars is finally paying off. The heraldrim now hate us and are at war. The plan to take Rines and the other city, while still a very long time to go, has finally begun. We must deal with the current enemy, then Lastfell, and then we may convince Madam Bae to turn her attention south. Eva has walked straight into our trap.  
It was Allova Saxa, the fair-haired and blue-eyed Bathory maiden that she had sent to Woelfen to help in Jedinchel.
Anyte Luitolf
"Mistress, I return to you since you are so close now. Baron Woelfen has disappeared, and so my duties to him disappear with it. On my way in, a servant had this letter from the duke. I figured I would deliver it for him and represent myself to you at the same time." The young maiden said, bowing before her mistress.
Dame of Lastfell
star  [reply to sender] | [ignore] | [userdetails] | [character details] | [vulgarity]
Anyte looked over Allova, one of her favorite maidens, and realized that during her time there she had not been treated well. She took the letter and read over it, and her eyes widened. It seemed the Duke wished to reinstate her to Lastfell!
"Allova, rest up and recover, then I have another mission for you." She said looking at the girl again.
"Of course mistress."
"I wish you to take a message to Sir Dan, then remain with him. See that he treats you better than the mountain giant Woelfen did. Tell him that the Duke might make me a Margravine again. This will not be enough for me though. The peasants saw fit to throw me out, so I must be more strict. I must be seen as their princess. Their ruler in their eyes, with the Duke and Queen as their suzerains. Also, remain with him and ensure the maidens he took from Unger are performing up to par. Punish them in my name if they are not. As with Woelfen, you will be his to do with as he pleases, though to a point. If he abuses you, I will ensure payment will be had. If I find Woelfen I will do the same. No one mistreats the Princess's favorite."
With this, Allova set out straight away, not wanting to keep her mistress's wishes waiting. She could rest upon arrival if her new Lord permitted.
Roleplay from Dancer Rea
Letter from Anyte Luitolf
(Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 48 minutes ago
(Personal message to Dancer Rea) - 3 hours, 43 minutes ago
Dancer sighed, relief washing over his face. She hadn't dismissed him completely out of hand, anyways. He set Anyte's most recent letter aside, and pulled out paper to respond. He began to explain everything, writing several paragraphs, before stopping halfway through. He leaned back, lost in thought. He needn't get into such detail, really. She wouldn't believe his account of the netherworld anyways. He may have lost a large amount of his sight there, but she would simply say he could have lost it and number of mundane ways. He sighed. He had a way, but it was dangerous, and he wasn't sure it would count in Anyte's eyes anyways. He reached down, and opened his pack. He put the worn scroll in front of him, and fiddled with it back and forth. A Scroll of Teleportation, bestowed upon him by a Daemon Lord in the last invasion. It sent you wherever you wanted, but, you traveled through the netherworld to get there. He'd been saving it for years now, waiting for a true need. He'd almost opened it more then once, if only to see his Brothers again. He'd never even gotten to say goodbye to them. He'd even tried to speak to Usul's relative, but he wouldn't even talk to him, preferring to insult and dismiss Dancer instead. He dropped his head. He should never have jumped into the portal. Really, he should have died with the rest of them, defending the Truth with his last breath. Maybe then he would have been able to join them in the Halls of the Dead, been able to sit at the Lord's tables, honored for his service. Maybe he would not have been sent back, to wallow on this plane, left cut off from his masters, and his Brothers.
We can agree to have a common enemy at least. Though I can assure you that there is more to Obeah than just stories. Daimons are not even on the continent anymore. You cannot control what is not there. We will leave the validity of Obeah there for she need not be real or fake for us to join forces. Honestly, though, I hope the daimons return. Some people call them evil, sure, but can they really be any worse than I?
Letter from Dancer Rea
They kill peasants. We kill peasants. Mordok eats peasants. In the end, do the peasants really matter? Only in so much as you need them to work your lands. I, Anyte, Princess of Lastfell, would welcome the chance to at least speak to one. I cannot say I worship them as I have not seen their powers with my own eyes, and therefore they hold little more sway than the lame gods everyone professes, but I can say at least we know they are real, and that they are the enemies of our enemies. Speaking with them would not be the end of the world.  
(Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 1 hour, 11 minutes ago
My Lady, I will bring you to them myself, the very day they return. There is a fundamental deference between the Lords and the lesser daemons. Namely, the lesser daemons are controlled by the Lords. Now, exactly how has always been unclear. I've never seen a command given, they simply just act on their Lord's wishes. We'll have to agree to disagree on the 'Veiled Bitch's" validity for now.
OS offends me, and I wish it crushed. How do you propose to steer the realm to a more active battleplan? It seems to me the realm would go to war with our neighbors before truly warring with OS. Other realms however, well, the temple in Keffa being razed may help there. We'd have to be careful not to raise too much suspicion, or risk losing our allies.
It seems we both have reason to hate Obia. My family is from Avengmil. My father's side anyway. I wish to have it back, and the rest of the island, as it is the Luitolf birthright to rule there. They will fall beneath my might, even if I have to manipulate others to make it happen. I will restore my families right, and hopefully, my brothers will rejoin me here, and we can find my sister. If she still lives.  
Anyte Luitolf
Dame of Lastfell
Dancer Rea
Knight of Jedinchel
Roleplay from Dancer Rea  
Roleplay from Dancer Rea  
(Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 1 hour, 50 minutes ago
(Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 2 hours, 57 minutes ago
As Dancer sent the messenger out with his most recent letter to Anyte, he sighed. He really hoped he'd made the right choice, trusting her with his secret. He hadn't outright said it, sure, but it didn't take brilliance to find out what he was. He had to survive, to assist his masters upon their return. He grimaced. He needed help, to bring them back. Allies, alliances, supplies, and sacrifices. The wars that had broke out had done much for the sacrifices, but he was sorely lacking in the allies category. He chided himself. Anyte was the clear choice, and he shouldn't be so worried about how she felt about him. It didn't matter if she found him repulsive, or hated him for his choices. Dancer looked to his pile of drawings again, and stopped lying to himself. It mattered, and he hoped he made the right choice.
He stared in shock at the most recent letter. There was no way she could really be serious. Nobody was willing to hear the Truth anymore, not since the last Daemon Lord had left them. He couldn't tell anyone, he'd be beheaded. Especially not her. He glanced at his notebooks, full of poor sketches of her. Some of her sitting across the table from him, others of her officiating her blood games in the Bathory. His manservant was still in the healing tent after he'd insulted the Lady. He closed his eyes. He'd been keeping his own council for so long. Perhaps it was time to reach out, at least a little bit.
Letter from Dancer Rea  
Letter from Dancer Rea  
Line 115: Line 117:
Dancer Rea
Dancer Rea
Knight of Jedinchel
Knight of Jedinchel
Roleplay from Dancer Rea
(Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 2 hours, 57 minutes ago
He stared in shock at the most recent letter. There was no way she could really be serious. Nobody was willing to hear the Truth anymore, not since the last Daemon Lord had left them. He couldn't tell anyone, he'd be beheaded. Especially not her. He glanced at his notebooks, full of poor sketches of her. Some of her sitting across the table from him, others of her officiating her blood games in the Bathory. His manservant was still in the healing tent after he'd insulted the Lady. He closed his eyes. He'd been keeping his own council for so long. Perhaps it was time to reach out, at least a little bit.
Roleplay from Dancer Rea  
Roleplay from Dancer Rea  
Message sent to all nobles of Thalmarkin (25 recipients) - 3 hours, 19 minutes ago
(Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 1 hour, 50 minutes ago
Firebalt was on fire. Again. Dancer and his captain slipped through the chaos, just more peasants running through the choked streets. In the confusion of a monster attack, his captain had broken him free from the dungeons deep under the keep. "Sir, we really should go, those monsters wont hold out for too long." Dancer glanced at the captain, and took a left, quickly moving down a small abandoned side street. "We have to do something first. That Paxwax was surprisingly helpful in bringing me here." Some guards came around a corner, and started down towards the pair, excitedly chattering about the battle on the walls. Dancer ducked into the nearest alleyway, dragging the captain with him. The guards passed, none the wiser. Dancer continued, with more haste, "We need to get into the archives. No reason to waste this opportunity, captain." The captain looked puzzled. "Arn't  the archives normally in the keep sir? We are going the wrong way for that, and I don't think we'll make it in after we barely got out, Lord Dancer." Dancer took another sharp turn, this time down a thin strip between disused buildings. "Not the city archives, captain. They are stripped by each new regime anyway. I need access to archives that haven't been molested." Dancer stopped suddenly, shoulders nearly touching both sides of the ally. He reached out, and continued down the alley, dragging his fingers along the left wall. The captain quietly trailed behind him, mentally lamenting about signing on with this madman.
As Dancer sent the messenger out with his most recent letter to Anyte, he sighed. He really hoped he'd made the right choice, trusting her with his secret. He hadn't outright said it, sure, but it didn't take brilliance to find out what he was. He had to survive, to assist his masters upon their return. He grimaced. He needed help, to bring them back. Allies, alliances, supplies, and sacrifices. The wars that had broke out had done much for the sacrifices, but he was sorely lacking in the allies category. He chided himself. Anyte was the clear choice, and he shouldn't be so worried about how she felt about him. It didn't matter if she found him repulsive, or hated him for his choices. Dancer looked to his pile of drawings again, and stopped lying to himself. It mattered, and he hoped he made the right choice.
After several minutes of awkward silence, Dancer stopped suddenly, the captain nearly running into him. "Sir?" Dancer ignored the man, instead feeling up and down the wall, at about chest height. The captain looked on in concern. They really needed to get going, before the battle outside was over, he thought. Just as he was about to try convince his lord again, Dancer stopped stroking the wall, a small smile on his face. Dancer pulled out a small scarf from his pack. It had been white, at one point, but spots of rusty brown stains covered it. Dancer stepped back, braced himself against the opposite wall, and deliberately placed his unoccupied hand on the wall, mumbling something guttural under his breath. A spike as thick as a thumb shot out from the wall, impaling Dancer's hand. He didn't falter in his chant, and his smile grew larger. The spike receded, and red lights began to travel from Dancer's hand, leaving a deep red line. They traveled outward, making a sharp turn a few feet in each direction. Around they went, slowly making a circle, as if to summon something infernal right then and there. A slight hiss echoed down the alley as the lines met. Dancer finished his mutterings with a low growl, taking away his hand and quickly wrapping it in the scarf. Red began to leak through almost immediately, joining the older, darker stains. The captain stood, dumbstruck, as the circle on the wall grew brighter. The lines flashed bright red, and went out. A dark hole stood yawning in the alley, stairs disappearing into darkness. Dancer waved his uninjured hand. "Captain, welcome to the archives. Stick close to me, or perish." The threat hung in the air as both men made their way down the abyss.
Letter from Anyte Luitolf
(Personal message to Dancer Rea) - 1 hour, 37 minutes ago
Sir Dan,  
Letter from Dancer Rea
I have not once claimed that Obeah controlled daimon lords. I have claimed she has controlled lesser daimons. Not commanded, controlled. This is a known fact that cannot be denied, and is something even the daimon lords cannot do. We might have differences of opinion of the veiled bitch, but one thing is certain. Your masters hate Obeah and want her chained. I hate her followers for what they have done to my family. So, we can certainly be allies in wanting to get rid of Obia.  
(Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 4 hours, 31 minutes ago
The whole religion is farce, made up by some scared children trying to accept the horrors that had befallen this continent. Any eyewitness accounts can be easily explained away as street magic or paid off 'witnesses'. When Keffa was first taken is the only time real daemons have stepped foot under the OS banner. I have no doubt they were sent there by a daemonic power, however, some bedtime story those fools made up was not the cause. They disappeared shorty after. If they truly could 'control daemons' they would have taken over half the continent by now, and they certainly wouldn't be bothering to stab Angela. They'd just cut her head off, after taking our capital. I think a real Daemon Lord is screwing with them, trying to test the waters, if you will. What better way to slaughter a whole population then making them underestimate you?
I do not fear those fools, they simply offend me. I also have a personal stake, as the lost realm of Riombara was my home when I first traveled to this land, many moons ago. As a young knight, I cut my teeth there. The Rines was my first home, and I wish to free it from tyranny.
Anything more than this and I would have to see with my own eyes. I do not doubt your stories, however, so many stories of daimons are out there and so few matchup that it is hard to find the truth. I can promise you this, I have no reason to denounce them without seeing them any more than I have to denounce Mordok or his followers, so your secret is safe with me. More than this and I would need to speak with a daimon lord myself. I look forward to you making this happen for me.  
Regardless of the validity of their religion, we have a shared goal, my Lady. Let us bring them a cleansing fire, and remove their stink from this land. Would you happen to know of any adventurers that are willing to part with scrolls?
Anyte Luitolf
Dame of Lastfell
Dancer Rea
Knight of Jedinchel
Roleplay from Dancer Rea  
Roleplay from Dancer Rea  
(Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 6 hours, 4 minutes ago
(Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 48 minutes ago
Dancer let a feral smile slide onto his face. Finally, the fire he'd seen in Anyte's eyes had come through. Obia'Syela hmm? They were Liars of the highest order. Controlling the Daemons? Ha! Dancer shook his head. The daemons will take this world one day, and those who accepted that, and bent the knee, would be handsomely rewarded. The old texts he'd smuggled out of Firebalt a few days ago had shown he'd need to practice some smaller spells first, before summoning his masters. What an excellent excuse to practice.
Dancer sighed, relief washing over his face. She hadn't dismissed him completely out of hand, anyways. He set Anyte's most recent letter aside, and pulled out paper to respond. He began to explain everything, writing several paragraphs, before stopping halfway through. He leaned back, lost in thought. He needn't get into such detail, really. She wouldn't believe his account of the netherworld anyways. He may have lost a large amount of his sight there, but she would simply say he could have lost it and number of mundane ways. He sighed. He had a way, but it was dangerous, and he wasn't sure it would count in Anyte's eyes anyways. He reached down, and opened his pack. He put the worn scroll in front of him, and fiddled with it back and forth. A Scroll of Teleportation, bestowed upon him by a Daemon Lord in the last invasion. It sent you wherever you wanted, but, you traveled through the netherworld to get there. He'd been saving it for years now, waiting for a true need. He'd almost opened it more then once, if only to see his Brothers again. He'd never even gotten to say goodbye to them. He'd even tried to speak to Usul's relative, but he wouldn't even talk to him, preferring to insult and dismiss Dancer instead. He dropped his head. He should never have jumped into the portal. Really, he should have died with the rest of them, defending the Truth with his last breath. Maybe then he would have been able to join them in the Halls of the Dead, been able to sit at the Lord's tables, honored for his service. Maybe he would not have been sent back, to wallow on this plane, left cut off from his masters, and his Brothers.
Letter from Dancer Rea  
Letter from Dancer Rea  
(Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 6 hours, 13 minutes ago
(Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 1 hour, 11 minutes ago
You are right of course, the whole realm needs to be removed from the maps. They are a danger to society, spreading Lies about their goddess and her powers. They sicken me to my core. Their 'goddess' is nothing more then a farce to make those fools sleep better at night. They really believe you can control Daemons through prayers and worship! You cannot control a hurricane!
My Lady, I will bring you to them myself, the very day they return. There is a fundamental deference between the Lords and the lesser daemons. Namely, the lesser daemons are controlled by the Lords. Now, exactly how has always been unclear. I've never seen a command given, they simply just act on their Lord's wishes. We'll have to agree to disagree on the 'Veiled Bitch's" validity for now.
Let us wipe them, and any who stand in the way, from this earth. They shall pay for their Lies.
OS offends me, and I wish it crushed. How do you propose to steer the realm to a more active battleplan? It seems to me the realm would go to war with our neighbors before truly warring with OS. Other realms however, well, the temple in Keffa being razed may help there. We'd have to be careful not to raise too much suspicion, or risk losing our allies.
Line 151: Line 147:
Dancer Rea
Dancer Rea
Knight of Jedinchel
Knight of Jedinchel
Letter from Dancer Rea
Message sent to all nobles of Thalmarkin (25 recipients) - 6 hours, 25 minutes ago
This 'Sacred realm' is nothing more then a bunch of fools drinking too much wine that needs to be taught a lesson in humility. We shouldn't fight a war on two sides however. What do we plan to do about our allies to the east?
Letter from Anyte Luitolf
(Personal message to Dancer Rea) - 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
Sir Dan,
Dancer Rea
If what you say is true, perhaps Obeah is a daimon lord herself? One that the others do not like. I do know that it is fact that they despise her.  
Knight of Jedinchel
Letter from Dancer Rea
(Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 6 hours, 29 minutes ago
Lady Anyte, I did not know our goals aligned so well. I wish for the Island, and nothing more. Let us work together in the destruction of those pretenders to the south. I tire of their endless tirade against Mordok, and the lies they spread far and wide. They wouldn't know a real demon worshiper if they became their ruler and summoned a horde into the throne room. Eva has indeed walked straight into our trap.
The temple in Keffa is the goal. However, and I know this isn't your strong suit, but we must play the long game. To start an all-out war right now would spell the end of Thalmarkin. We have too much going on already. Let us be content with killing her worshipers for now. Once things calm down, I can talk to Madam Bae and see about the Obian transgressions. I am all about the blood, you know this, but I am also all about winning. Rushing in blind is not the way to do that. Let them rush at us so that we may pick them off.
Dancer Rea
Anyte Luitolf
Knight of Jedinchel
Dame of Lastfell

Revision as of 04:17, 4 July 2019

Letter from Anyte Luitolf (Personal message to Dancer Rea)

My Friend,

It seems my long nights of blood rituals using the peasant's blood in the heart of the Bathory cellars is finally paying off. The heraldrim now hate us and are at war. The plan to take Rines and the other city, while still a very long time to go, has finally begun. We must deal with the current enemy, then Lastfell, and then we may convince Madam Bae to turn her attention south. Eva has walked straight into our trap.

Anyte Luitolf

Dame of Lastfell

'Letter from Dancer Rea

(Personal message to Anyte Luitolf)

Lady Anyte, I did not know our goals aligned so well. I wish for the Island, and nothing more. Let us work together in the destruction of those pretenders to the south. I tire of their endless tirade against Mordok, and the lies they spread far and wide. They wouldn't know a real demon worshiper if they became their ruler and summoned a horde into the throne room. Eva has indeed walked straight into our trap.


Dancer Rea

Knight of Jedinchel

Letter from Anyte Luitolf

(Personal message to Dancer Rea)

Your sights are to low, Sir Dan. All of it must go. All heralds must perish. They will pay for spreading their lies. They will pay for worshiping a daimon queen so powerful even the daimons themselves fear her. They will pay for running my family from their ancestral home.

The island is not enough. Region by region, duchy by duchy, the theocracy shall lose their lands, and if the pretender empire of Shattered Vales wishes to interfere with this, they will fall too.

Anyte Luitolf Dame of Lastfell

Letter from Dancer Rea (Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 6 hours, 13 minutes ago You are right of course, the whole realm needs to be removed from the maps. They are a danger to society, spreading Lies about their goddess and her powers. They sicken me to my core. Their 'goddess' is nothing more then a farce to make those fools sleep better at night. They really believe you can control Daemons through prayers and worship! You cannot control a hurricane!

Let us wipe them, and any who stand in the way, from this earth. They shall pay for their Lies.


Dancer Rea Knight of Jedinchel

Roleplay from Dancer Rea (Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 6 hours, 4 minutes ago Dancer let a feral smile slide onto his face. Finally, the fire he'd seen in Anyte's eyes had come through. Obia'Syela hmm? They were Liars of the highest order. Controlling the Daemons? Ha! Dancer shook his head. The daemons will take this world one day, and those who accepted that, and bent the knee, would be handsomely rewarded. The old texts he'd smuggled out of Firebalt a few days ago had shown he'd need to practice some smaller spells first, before summoning his masters. What an excellent excuse to practice.

Letter from Anyte Luitolf (Personal message to Dancer Rea) - 5 hours, 58 minutes ago Sir Dan,

Trust me, when they say that they can control daimons, that is very true. It is well documented and known that the Oracle, with the power of Obeah, was able to do just that when she first took Keffa. However, what can control a daimon besides another daimon?

Obeah is not a goddess, she is a daimon queen. One so powerful that even the daimons themselves fear her. Not even the likes of Overlord himself controlled the daimons as she did in Keffa. He commands them, but this was more than that. It was complete control as if part of a hive mind. Trust me, as a native of their lands, when I say that Obeah is something to fear. We cannot let her influence spread for if she were to break her bonds, bonds that I believe her own kin placed upon her, then I fear we may have no hope. The heraldrim must fall. They cannot spread the falseness of Obeah.

I also fully admit a personal stake in wanting OS in particular gone, the realm and the cult that runs it. They have run my family off from our ancestral home because we would not bend the knee to this goddess. My own sister did the research and found the truth when I was very young. She then mysteriously went "missing". The same will happen here, there, everywhere. If they come and win, then we will be forced to do 1 of 3 things. We will be forced into worship, forced to leave the continent, or we will conveniently "disappear".

Fear that is which the daimons fear themselves.

Anyte Luitolf Dame of Lastfell

Letter from Dancer Rea (Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 4 hours, 31 minutes ago The whole religion is farce, made up by some scared children trying to accept the horrors that had befallen this continent. Any eyewitness accounts can be easily explained away as street magic or paid off 'witnesses'. When Keffa was first taken is the only time real daemons have stepped foot under the OS banner. I have no doubt they were sent there by a daemonic power, however, some bedtime story those fools made up was not the cause. They disappeared shorty after. If they truly could 'control daemons' they would have taken over half the continent by now, and they certainly wouldn't be bothering to stab Angela. They'd just cut her head off, after taking our capital. I think a real Daemon Lord is screwing with them, trying to test the waters, if you will. What better way to slaughter a whole population then making them underestimate you?

I do not fear those fools, they simply offend me. I also have a personal stake, as the lost realm of Riombara was my home when I first traveled to this land, many moons ago. As a young knight, I cut my teeth there. The Rines was my first home, and I wish to free it from tyranny.

Regardless of the validity of their religion, we have a shared goal, my Lady. Let us bring them a cleansing fire, and remove their stink from this land. Would you happen to know of any adventurers that are willing to part with scrolls?


Dancer Rea Knight of Jedinchel

Roleplay from Anyte Luitolf (Personal message to Dancer Rea) - 2 hours, 4 minutes ago Anyte read over the last letter from Dancer over and over again. How can this man believe in daimons, but not that Obeah is a daimon queen that even the daimon lords want to see imprisoned? She thought to herself, just as a servant came into her command tent in Orde.

It was Allova Saxa, the fair-haired and blue-eyed Bathory maiden that she had sent to Woelfen to help in Jedinchel.

"Mistress, I return to you since you are so close now. Baron Woelfen has disappeared, and so my duties to him disappear with it. On my way in, a servant had this letter from the duke. I figured I would deliver it for him and represent myself to you at the same time." The young maiden said, bowing before her mistress.

Anyte looked over Allova, one of her favorite maidens, and realized that during her time there she had not been treated well. She took the letter and read over it, and her eyes widened. It seemed the Duke wished to reinstate her to Lastfell!

"Allova, rest up and recover, then I have another mission for you." She said looking at the girl again. "Of course mistress." "I wish you to take a message to Sir Dan, then remain with him. See that he treats you better than the mountain giant Woelfen did. Tell him that the Duke might make me a Margravine again. This will not be enough for me though. The peasants saw fit to throw me out, so I must be more strict. I must be seen as their princess. Their ruler in their eyes, with the Duke and Queen as their suzerains. Also, remain with him and ensure the maidens he took from Unger are performing up to par. Punish them in my name if they are not. As with Woelfen, you will be his to do with as he pleases, though to a point. If he abuses you, I will ensure payment will be had. If I find Woelfen I will do the same. No one mistreats the Princess's favorite."

With this, Allova set out straight away, not wanting to keep her mistress's wishes waiting. She could rest upon arrival if her new Lord permitted.

Letter from Anyte Luitolf (Personal message to Dancer Rea) - 3 hours, 43 minutes ago We can agree to have a common enemy at least. Though I can assure you that there is more to Obeah than just stories. Daimons are not even on the continent anymore. You cannot control what is not there. We will leave the validity of Obeah there for she need not be real or fake for us to join forces. Honestly, though, I hope the daimons return. Some people call them evil, sure, but can they really be any worse than I?

They kill peasants. We kill peasants. Mordok eats peasants. In the end, do the peasants really matter? Only in so much as you need them to work your lands. I, Anyte, Princess of Lastfell, would welcome the chance to at least speak to one. I cannot say I worship them as I have not seen their powers with my own eyes, and therefore they hold little more sway than the lame gods everyone professes, but I can say at least we know they are real, and that they are the enemies of our enemies. Speaking with them would not be the end of the world.

It seems we both have reason to hate Obia. My family is from Avengmil. My father's side anyway. I wish to have it back, and the rest of the island, as it is the Luitolf birthright to rule there. They will fall beneath my might, even if I have to manipulate others to make it happen. I will restore my families right, and hopefully, my brothers will rejoin me here, and we can find my sister. If she still lives.

Anyte Luitolf Dame of Lastfell

Roleplay from Dancer Rea (Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 2 hours, 57 minutes ago He stared in shock at the most recent letter. There was no way she could really be serious. Nobody was willing to hear the Truth anymore, not since the last Daemon Lord had left them. He couldn't tell anyone, he'd be beheaded. Especially not her. He glanced at his notebooks, full of poor sketches of her. Some of her sitting across the table from him, others of her officiating her blood games in the Bathory. His manservant was still in the healing tent after he'd insulted the Lady. He closed his eyes. He'd been keeping his own council for so long. Perhaps it was time to reach out, at least a little bit.

Letter from Dancer Rea (Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 2 hours, 7 minutes ago My Lady Anyte,

OS offends me with their bedtime stories because I have seen the Daemons, Lady. I can assure you that they cannot control Daemons, or any iteration of. I've stood shoulder to shoulder with the Daemon Lords in battle. Do you know the feeling of a massive storm rolling over the hills, the feeling as you stare at it, knowing it will kill indiscriminately anything in it's path? To stand near one of the Lords is to stand in front of that storm, and hope you are not in the way of it's path of destruction. I've watched countless peasants, and some nobles being ripped in twine by these beings. I've seen a Horde of the lesser daemons slaughter thousands of trained men, and the woman and children they thought they could protect from such horrors. This world is doomed my Lady, doomed to fall to these beings one day. Bedtime stories will not stop that.

Only the strong matter, Lady. The peasants are not strong, or they wouldn't be peasants. They are only useful to tend the fields and lay across my sacrificial circle. Os starting a war because of a few dead peasants is as foolish as it is laughable. We both have stake in eradicating those Pretenders, and should we succeed, both have much to gain. Your sister has most likely perished, but if she survives, she is a strong woman. I'd be happy to have her on our side.

Dancer Rea Knight of Jedinchel

Roleplay from Dancer Rea (Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 1 hour, 50 minutes ago As Dancer sent the messenger out with his most recent letter to Anyte, he sighed. He really hoped he'd made the right choice, trusting her with his secret. He hadn't outright said it, sure, but it didn't take brilliance to find out what he was. He had to survive, to assist his masters upon their return. He grimaced. He needed help, to bring them back. Allies, alliances, supplies, and sacrifices. The wars that had broke out had done much for the sacrifices, but he was sorely lacking in the allies category. He chided himself. Anyte was the clear choice, and he shouldn't be so worried about how she felt about him. It didn't matter if she found him repulsive, or hated him for his choices. Dancer looked to his pile of drawings again, and stopped lying to himself. It mattered, and he hoped he made the right choice.

Letter from Anyte Luitolf (Personal message to Dancer Rea) - 1 hour, 37 minutes ago Sir Dan,

I have not once claimed that Obeah controlled daimon lords. I have claimed she has controlled lesser daimons. Not commanded, controlled. This is a known fact that cannot be denied, and is something even the daimon lords cannot do. We might have differences of opinion of the veiled bitch, but one thing is certain. Your masters hate Obeah and want her chained. I hate her followers for what they have done to my family. So, we can certainly be allies in wanting to get rid of Obia.

Anything more than this and I would have to see with my own eyes. I do not doubt your stories, however, so many stories of daimons are out there and so few matchup that it is hard to find the truth. I can promise you this, I have no reason to denounce them without seeing them any more than I have to denounce Mordok or his followers, so your secret is safe with me. More than this and I would need to speak with a daimon lord myself. I look forward to you making this happen for me.

Anyte Luitolf Dame of Lastfell

Roleplay from Dancer Rea (Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 48 minutes ago Dancer sighed, relief washing over his face. She hadn't dismissed him completely out of hand, anyways. He set Anyte's most recent letter aside, and pulled out paper to respond. He began to explain everything, writing several paragraphs, before stopping halfway through. He leaned back, lost in thought. He needn't get into such detail, really. She wouldn't believe his account of the netherworld anyways. He may have lost a large amount of his sight there, but she would simply say he could have lost it and number of mundane ways. He sighed. He had a way, but it was dangerous, and he wasn't sure it would count in Anyte's eyes anyways. He reached down, and opened his pack. He put the worn scroll in front of him, and fiddled with it back and forth. A Scroll of Teleportation, bestowed upon him by a Daemon Lord in the last invasion. It sent you wherever you wanted, but, you traveled through the netherworld to get there. He'd been saving it for years now, waiting for a true need. He'd almost opened it more then once, if only to see his Brothers again. He'd never even gotten to say goodbye to them. He'd even tried to speak to Usul's relative, but he wouldn't even talk to him, preferring to insult and dismiss Dancer instead. He dropped his head. He should never have jumped into the portal. Really, he should have died with the rest of them, defending the Truth with his last breath. Maybe then he would have been able to join them in the Halls of the Dead, been able to sit at the Lord's tables, honored for his service. Maybe he would not have been sent back, to wallow on this plane, left cut off from his masters, and his Brothers.

Letter from Dancer Rea (Personal message to Anyte Luitolf) - 1 hour, 11 minutes ago My Lady, I will bring you to them myself, the very day they return. There is a fundamental deference between the Lords and the lesser daemons. Namely, the lesser daemons are controlled by the Lords. Now, exactly how has always been unclear. I've never seen a command given, they simply just act on their Lord's wishes. We'll have to agree to disagree on the 'Veiled Bitch's" validity for now.

OS offends me, and I wish it crushed. How do you propose to steer the realm to a more active battleplan? It seems to me the realm would go to war with our neighbors before truly warring with OS. Other realms however, well, the temple in Keffa being razed may help there. We'd have to be careful not to raise too much suspicion, or risk losing our allies.


Dancer Rea Knight of Jedinchel

Letter from Anyte Luitolf (Personal message to Dancer Rea) - 1 hour, 4 minutes ago Sir Dan,

If what you say is true, perhaps Obeah is a daimon lord herself? One that the others do not like. I do know that it is fact that they despise her.

The temple in Keffa is the goal. However, and I know this isn't your strong suit, but we must play the long game. To start an all-out war right now would spell the end of Thalmarkin. We have too much going on already. Let us be content with killing her worshipers for now. Once things calm down, I can talk to Madam Bae and see about the Obian transgressions. I am all about the blood, you know this, but I am also all about winning. Rushing in blind is not the way to do that. Let them rush at us so that we may pick them off.

Anyte Luitolf Dame of Lastfell