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Revision as of 18:14, 27 June 2019

The Girl From the Hollow


Alyssa stood up straight, hoping the castellan would not notice her nervousness. He was very old and his teeth had mostly fallen out. Beside him on the panel were several clerks. One of them gave her a sympathetic look as the castellan smacked his gums together and considered her in dreadful silence for several minutes. Most of the morning had gone on like this. The court had taken hours despite only a handful of folks being present.

"I am sorry girl, you will have to remind me who you are and why you are here. You are not familiar to my old eyes." "I am Alyssa, sire." She said too stiffly. "Alyssa of Whitewater some of the folks have taken to calling me. I was summoned by his lordship's estate after the village was attacked."

"Ah yes. Yes. Yeeeesss..." He droned, then trailed off. The clerk shook her head. "Whitewater is a large settlement and the garrison was undermanned if all reports be true. They say you slew a hundred beasts with a sword, girl. Is that the truth?"

It wasn't. "I did not count them my lord." Alyssa answered, still too stiffly.

"His lordhsip is away. I am merely his castellan." He considered her for a moment. "The people of the village name you a hero, girl. Is that the truth?" The castellan smacked his lips again. The people in the court began to murmur.

"Aye!" shouted a woman from behind her. "She saved me boy Roland from one o'them gnolers she did!" "Ben said she rallied the garrison hidin' in the warehouses!" Another villager called. Alyssa shifted briefly uncomfortable with the sudden rush of praises filling the room. The castellan banged a gavel on the long table the panel sat behind and the room calmed. "And what, girl, is your family name?"

Alyssa took a deep breath. "Kingsley sire." It wasn't a lie though her claim was spurious at best. Jonn Kingsley had gained reknown as a world traveller and visited lands all across the world including Perdan. She knew there were records of his tournament victories on the Eastern Continent but a secret marriage to her great-grandmother was much harder to prove. Her family had never been wealthy and the Wolf of Thalmarkin had disappeared decades ago. Her grandfather's claim to the family name had been met with general suspicion. A handful of unconfirmed documents didn't exactly tie them to the family of old. Still they owned some land around Whitewater Hollow and some records of the marriage did exist...

The castellan turned to one of the clerks. "Is that correct?"

The clerk nodded once. "It is, though the claim is spurious at best. The Kingsleys were a ruling family from Atamara with lines in Ashlantean and Ithilian nobility. There is very little about them in the East Continent though a Yorke relative by marriage once ruled Perdan generations ago."

The castellan turned back to Alyssa. "Impressive story girl. Though I am certain none of these folk care about any of that. You came to their aid when monsters roamed through and you drove them off with only one man dead. These folk owe you a great deal, and I say such a deed deserves a reward.

"Thank you sire I-" "Kneel girl." Alyssa knelt, to surprised to say anything.

"In reward for your service in defending the village of Whitewater from monsters, in the name of his lordship, I name you knight of Bisciye. You will be granted the White Lodge and the surrounding area, and you will be charged with defending Lord Pryde's people and upholding his peace. Will you do this, Alyssa Kingsley."

"I shall."

"Good. The rise, my lady." The castellan said, standing up as well. "Then that's settled. And that's all for today. Get out the lot of you. Lady knight, I'll round up some guards to escort you. Wouldn't want to heh run into any more monsters." The castellan smacked his lips again and turned off to leave as the clerks gathered their ledgers and notes. "Oh and White Lodge has been eh... vacant recently as you may know. If there is anything you should require..." He trailed off and paused in thought before wandering out of the hall.

After most had departed, Alyssa stood alone still taking everything in. "A Knight of Perdan." she whispered to herself.



Her company was small, and also not hers. Seven armed men surrounded her as they rode towards the old White Lodge. Her escort bore the red and blue banner of the Pryde family on their shields and banner. Most of them were older men, some of them fat and bearded. The young men must all be away at the front, where I must go soon. A sinking feeling clawed at her. She had duties now, to the realm and to her lord. But also to her family and to the folks of Bisciye. Smallfolk now. She must remember. She is a knight of Perdan.

When they reached the Lodge she realized what the castellan had meant by 'vacant'. The wooden structure was modest and old and some of the hall had been hit by a storm at some point and with no one present, it had not been repaired. A band of armed men sat camped out front. If they noticed her escort's arrival they gave no notion of it. Just outside the small stone fence surrounding the hall her company stopped their ride.

"Your new home, my lady." Said the man carrying Lord Pryde's banner. It did not look like home. Home was a small stone tower overlooking a lumbercamp near Whitewater Hollow. It was many miles away, and forgettable a place as any, yet she could not forget it. She took a deep breath This is home now.

The escort turned on their horses to leave, each one of them offering a 'My lady.' before departing, except one, possibly the oldest one who remained seated on his horse, watching the others leave. His hair was white and thinning and his beard short but thick was white as well.

"Why aren't you going with the rest of your company?" Alyssa asked him, suspicious. He turned to her and offered a knowing smile. "My place is not with them, my lady, it is here with you." Aly suddenly got nervous, shifting slightly in her saddle.

"Don't worry my lady. I am Graham. His Lordship bid me travel with you as your squire." "My squire? You are an old squire."

He laughed at that. "And you are an honest lady. And young to be a knight. Do not let my age fool you. Lord Benjamin has put you in very capable hands. I have squired for almost two dozen knights for almost 50 years. Never has there been a more experienced squire in all the kingdom." He gave a respectful nod. Aly was certain that was the case. What a strange pair, the youngest knight and the oldest squire.

"Very well Graham. Tell me, who are those men there?" she said nodding towards the small camp outside her hall. "I imagine those are the soldiers I hired for you." He answered dutifully "You hired soldiers? They... don't look like soldiers. They look like militia or bandits if anything." She replied with a raised eyebrow. One of them was so fat he looked as if he could hardly stand. One of them was a child, probably no more than ten.

Graham shrugged. "Might be they are. With the war on, most of the fighting men have already gone to the front. With what's left well... there you have it my lady." She looked at him skeptically but rode forward to meet her little militia. They all turned to face her as she approached, staring at her. They are waiting for me to say something... she thought. But Graham saved her from that.

"Your liege, Lady Alyssa Kingsley of White Lodge."

One of the men stepped forward looking at her skeptically. His hair was black and messy and his eyes a shifty green. His clothes were as black as his hair, and an expensive looking dagger hung from his belt. He turned to Graham. "Thought we was supposed be serving with a knight."

"You are." Graham answered. "This is a girl. With a sword, true. But this ain't no knight." he said with a snort. "We supposed to fight for a girl and an old man? Can either of you even lift those swords on your hips?" Suddenly Alyssa felt a surge of anger. Maybe she was just a girl but her and sword had saved the people of Whitewater, and Lord Pryde had entrusted her with a knighthood. "I am a knight of Perdan, entrusted by his lordship Benjamin Pryde. What is your name, sir." she flared.

"Sir? I thought you was the knight here my lady." he said with a smirk. Insolent she thought to herself. "I'm called Jan. The big one is Fat Father. There's Karl, Ebben, Tanner, and the little one is Alain. The others... ah I'm sure they have names too."

She looked at them, her band of rogues and looked back at Graham who nodded. "You will..." she started. "Choose a captain among yourselves, and a name for your company. We will be leaving for the front soon." Graham nodded his approval. "You will need a banner as well my lady. I shall see to it."

"At once, lady." Jan said with a wicked smile.

Lady's Luck


The mountain air was liberating. Aly took a deep breath as the wind winded past her through the mountain pass. She had never strayed far from the Hollow as a girl, except the one time she went to Beziers with her mother when she was still alive. She didn't remember the trip, but that the land was much more wooded and the big castle they visited. She remembered the guardsmen were tall and scary but some knight kept her company while her mother was meeting with someone. He was a nice man, she recalled, though she gave up trying to remember his name. The wind breezed past her again as she heard the flapping of her banner.

It was an ugly thing to be sure. The Kingsley wolf on the front was not so much a wolf but the shape of a wolf and was patched on in a hurry. While Alyssa had insisted on using the white wolf and black field of Jonn Kingsley, Graham had suggested inverting the colours, leaving the field to be white instead "for the Lady of White Lodge" and to distinguish her from her ancestor. "You should make your own name my lady." he said. "Jonn Kingsley did not stay long on the East Continent. This banner belongs to you, not him." Aly decided she liked that idea.

She did not like the other addition to the banner; suggested by her captain Jan, who she also did not like. Jan had asserted himself as captain of the unit and the others such as Tanner and the scout-boy Alain either went along with him or didn't care such as Fat Father who shrugged and went back to his mutton roast. Even Cressa, the only other woman in her band voted for him, complaining loudly about primped noble girls. Along the top and bottom Jan and company had painted the phrase /Lady's Luck/ in black paint. She suspected it was some joke that no one was keen to let her in on. The letters were uneven and had run slightly making the thing even more unsightly. When she demanded it be re-done, Graham merely grimaced at her and shook his head noting that they would not have time.

And so it was her little militia passed through hamlet and village with that garrish white banner, currently held by Fat Father while Jan whistled a tune as he rode right behind her. They only had five horses for the thirty or so of them and one of them was old and belonged to Chance and his wife Helen, the village healers who came with them seeking to make their work on the frontlines. Jan claimed he had worked hard and bought the horse he rode, but Aly suspected he had stolen it, though it would not do to accuse him without proof. In truth she was afraid her troop would turn on her if she threw him out, since they all seemed to like him so well, laughing at all his jokes and selecting him as their stupid captain. She should have chosen Karl or Fat Father, they were both kind. But Fat Father could barely keep up with the troop (much less sit a horse). And Karl was soft-spoken and cowardly. She was surprised he had made it this far without running off in the night.

It was Karl's turn to ride the fifth horse, giving each man a few hours to somewhat rest his own legs. The poor boy was her age but unlike her was unskilled in any sort of warfare. During a very brief training session they had after the previous evening's supper, he barely swung and cringed as some of the others smacked him again and again with wooden swords. They even had to stop to help him onto the horse and he could barely control the beast. Still he rode alongside her trying to keep up.

"Me uncle lives in Whitewater you know m'lady." he babbled. "He can't see real good- really well, sorry. And his legs don't work. He's a good man he'd have been eaten up by the gnolers- err the gnoles m'lady." She looked at him solemnly. "Not everyone was so fortunate. Many were maimed and one man lost his life." "Ehm... Aye m'lady but if not for you it might o'been all of em'" He offered a meek smile.

Aly smiled back. She should not be so severe with him. He was one of the few people in this company who was not a scoundrel. And she would need his sword in battle. Nineteen and a coward was better than nineteen alone, she figured. "I am glad your uncle is well and safe. It is my duty to protect the people of Perdan. I promise I will see that done. If you promise you will help me." He gulped and nodded once and they continued their ride in silence.

Old Rocks


Aly gazed out over the Bursan cliffside. The view was breathtaking. Smaller peaks poked their way out of the fog just below. In the distance beyond she could make out the fertile Moyale Valley. The rolling hills were mostly covered in fog but she could make out some of the Vixen farmland beyond. From the wide overlook, she watched the sun beginning to sink low as the stars began to shine over the pale horizon.

"See there my lady, those spires peaking out of the fog?" Graham said, pointing down into the vale below. They were high above now, above the fog which hugged tightly to the mountains. As she looked closely in the faint light she could indeed see stone towers far far below blending in with the peaks.

"That is Castle Ubent where the Vixen Lords hold court. I believe a Lord called Tourmaline currently rules the valley, though under their laws their leader can change often." The Vixens were an odd people. They did not believe in kings and dukes, and gave everyone's voice equal weight. It was an unusual system, Aly thought. But she was only a knight, and of Perdan. It was not her place to judge.

"Long ago Ubent was a realm of its own, and a powerful one extending its reach almost to the Golden City." Graham continued. "The kings there ruled from a throne made of steel and set off to conquer. That hall below our feet has whethered countless storms and still remains standing." Alyssa found a queer comfort in that, though it was not her castle and she had never been there.

"It's a buncha old rocks." Jan said unceremoniously, walking up to the cliffside where the two of them stood, the mountain breeze blowing his messy black hair around. "Not as old as you probably." He continued, looking at Graham before turning to Alyssa. "It's getting dark little lady, and your boy needs help setting up your tent."

Aly glanced past him and saw Karl struggling to hold poles in place while stretching out the canvas, dropping them again and again. One began to roll down the mountain road they had just come up. She looked at Jan. "So help him. And don't speak to me that way."

Jan shrugged. "No can do my lady. Busy setting up me own tent." he said nodding towards the man called Ebben set up a different tent.

"Tell me captain, what is it exactly I am paying you for? To have others set your tent up for you?" She snapped at him. Jan stood at ease, hands behind his back, as his mouth pressed into a line.

"To be honest lady, you haven't paid me at all." "Your payment was agreed to be paid by the week." "Aye. And it hasn't been a week yet has it? So by my calculations I'm currently workin' for free." "No." Alyssa said with barely contained rage. "You will recieve what you have earned at the end of the week, which at the current moment is nothing, since you do not listen to a word I say."

Jan glared at her defiantly, towering at least a foot over her. "I don't believe denying a soldier his due pay is wise my lady."

"Damn your wisdom. Get out of my sight. I don't care who sets your tent up, just set it up away from mine." She shouted at the captain. He continued to glare at her, then finally took a step back. "Of course my lady. I'll set it up with the soldiers who do set up their own tents." He turned and marched off, spitting into the dirt.

Graham squinted at the Captain as he left. "I'm not sure that was the wisest course my la-" "Do not speak to me as if I am some child!" She shouted, turning her ire towards her squire. Graham simply nodded and began to walk off. "My apologies my lady."

Still fuming she marched to where the poor Karl stood fumbling with the canvas. His eyes went wide with fear as she approached, dropping his pole once again. "Go!" She shouted at him. He went, and quickly. She spent the next hour setting up her tent herself, and the hour after that on her cot, curled up. The mountain air was cold, and she was very alone.



Lady's Luck was mostly silent as they continued their journey through the mountains. A few of the soldiers chatted quietly to themselves, but Alyssa had not spoken a word all day except to Graham to get them all ready and moving. She rode at the front of the column, while Jan rode among the men, loudly crunching an apple. Fat Father as usual brought up the rear. The sky was a dreary gray and they had begun descending down the mountain, passing through the fog and back under the cloud cover.

I should not have let my temper get the better of me. Aly thought to herself. I am a poor commander. It is no wonder why they prefer that rogue to me. He's probably fought a dozen battles and me one against a disorganized herd of beastmen. He should probably be in a jail cell instead of leading a band of warriors. But he was the leader they chose and if she put him in chains or dismissed him she might arrive at the front alone.

She heard the pounding of hooves behind her as Graham trotted up to her. She suddenly realized she was much farther ahead than the rest of the company, and could not even see them from where their horses stood. "Did we stop?" she asked, now concerned. Her old squire nodded. "Yes my lady. The troop is back this way." She trotted alongside him and met the group not far back. They seemed to be on the move until she stopped in front of them. She glared at Jan who was chewing the last bite of his apple. He wiped his hands on his trousers, and tossed the remaining core off the mountain side. Then he stared at her blankly. "Yes, my lady?" he said amiably.

"I was told we stopped." "Tanner broke 'is foot m'lady" said a lumpfaced boy called Dorrie whose turn it was to ride the fifth horse. "Take me to him Dorrie." She asked. Dorrie frowned at this. "Porrie." Porrie said with more than a hint of annoyance. "My apologies Porrie. Where is he?" Porrie shrugged. "Back there somewhere with the medicine man. My Lady." He grunted arrogantly.

Alyssa rode through the company; as they parted for her, Jan twirled his finger in the air and the boys, old men, and sellswords who were Lady's Luck began their march once more. "What do you think you are doing?" Alyssa asked, gritting her teeth Jan looked at her tiredly. "Getting our men where they are supposed to be." 'Our men' they are now. she thought. She wondered how long it would be before it was 'my men'. "You don't want to disappoint your mighty lord by being late do ye? We are already far behind schedule."

She didn't, but one broken foot would not slow them down much. "We aren't leaving a wounded soldier behind." Alyssa said defiantly. Jan rolled his eyes. "The man can't march, he can't fight. He ain't a soldier. And he ain't wounded either. No one stabbed him. He slipped on a rock. It's his own doing." The company continued past them. "You can't leave him in the mountains to die!" "Hunters walk these paths often we've seen a dozen of them. Someone'll find him."

"I command you to halt!" She shouted at them. They turned and looked at her for a moment, and continued their march through down the mountain trail. Jan looked at her passively and shrugged, turning his own horse around and joining the men.

She was defeated. Fat Father grimaced at her sympathetically but said nothing as he waddled on. Graham watched her grimly. She watched them turn around the bend, out of sight.

She took a deep breath. "Just back up the trail?" she asked her squire. "Aye my lady." he affirmed. They walked up the trail for a minute or so until they reached where Tanner sat, Chance the healer binding it up.

"Can he walk?" She asked the healer. Chance nodded. "Aye. Tis only a sprain, though a proper nasty one, with rest he should be fine in a few days. He can walk with some help but not march, likely. If there's any room in the equipment carts for him, that's the best place to be till we make it to the front and he can be treated by a proper healer.

Alyssa shook her head. "There isn't, and the rest of the company means to continue on." The healer considered this for a moment then nodded his head. "As you wish my lady." He turned to the man called Tanner who looked shocked. "We passed that hunter this morning, he'll come back this way in a few-"

"It is not as I wish." Alyssa blurted out. "None of this has been how I wished. I wished to lead to a company of brave men to protect the realm. Instead I have a band of old men, boys, and thieves led by a blackhearted rogue." The three looked at her uncomfortably, clearly unsure of what to say. She thought she might felt her eyes water. "But you are all I have. And I will lead you all to this war if I have to drag you myself. He cannot march, can he ride?"

Chance the Healer nodded. "Aye likely." Alyssa dismounted. "Then ride, Tanner."

The four of them caught up to the rest of the company quick enough. There was a slight murmur at the sight of Tanner on her white mare. Ebben nodded his head approvingly, Alain jumped up and down, excited that Tanner got to ride the pretty horse. Karl and Fat Father smiled at her as she marched alongside them. Jan looked unimpressed but said nothing. Graham had offered her his horse but she refused. "I will not ride until we reach the camp." she insisted. He seemed to like that. Her feet did not.



Alyssa felt like a hero as she sat up high upon her horse, head held up as she and her old squire meandered through the Perdanese camp on her white mare. Graham had told her to look strong when she arrived. "First impressions are important my lady. These lords and ladies have never seen you before and will be eager to see if you live up to what they have heard." She had sent Tanner off with her healers to the hospital tent off the moment they arrived and retook her place atop her mount. She helped the rest of her men settle in to a position on the edge of the encampment, and set off to explore.

She smiled to herself, thinking she must be a grand sight. A strong young woman on a white horse, sword on her hip, her emblemed shield hanging from the side of her mare, white cloak draped over her back. Graham was not so impressive but he rode alongside her, but behind, letting her make her impression. Right now she didn't care about him anyhow. She watched as soldiers here and there whispered to each other as she passed. She wondered what they were saying but decided she might feel better not knowing.

She passed the many camps, some she recognized and others she did not. The green and black banner of Imperator Dodger's camp brought a smile, The general's wolf was similar to her own. I am in good company. She thought. She passed the Kabrinski viper and the Royal Falcon of Peregrine. She was somewhat intimidated as she passed the King's camp. He had sent her a kind letter upon her knightood, but she did not feel like she had earned the praise the letter contained. She didn't want to make a fool of herself and suspected his highness had many more important matters to attend to than her, so she kept her distance.

As she passed a group of rough looking soldiers, a purple viper on their shields, their commander looked right at her. Armoured in mail, he sharpened a dagger and gave her a slight smile and a nod. The smile was unsettling, she thought.

"Sir Alaric, my lady." Graham noted once they had passed, stepping his horse up a few feet to catch her ear. "I would be wary. I have heard it said that he flays his enemies. A man like that can be dangerous."

"I'll be sure not to make an enemy of him.". She said as confidently as she could. If what Graham said was true she would make sure there was plenty of distance, but she didn't want to seem afraid as she made her round.

Finally she arrived back at her own camp. Her unit was training, though Jan was no where in sight. Karl was getting whacked with a wooden sword by an old man called Billbog. Neither had any grace and were swinging wildly at each other. Some of the other were snickering.

"Where is Jan?" She asked, dismounting and handing the reins to Graham who took the horses away. The unit shrugged collectively except Billbog who slapped Karl with a sword and Karl who yelped. "He should training you all, he is the best fighter of you.". Ebben shrugged again.

"Said he had some business to take care of."

Alyssa scowled. They all looked at her clearly expecting another brush of frustration. I'll surprise them. She thought, taking a step up to Billbog, holding out her hand. He handed her the wooden sword and took a stance. Like this, Karl. She demonstrated some basic fighting techniques and at first they looked at her skeptically but as she knocked each one into the dirt, and sidestepped nearly every swipe they began to listen. Some of them even got a little better.

A Night of Perdan


The sun was waning over the Perdan camp. A parade of Vixen soldiers had marched through the camp cheering and slapping their Perdanese allies on the back in celebration of the full takeover of the region. Even some of the Sydgard warriors who dressed in warm furs despite the more temperate climate of the Valley had joined them, beginning a party that had already been going for hours. Alyssa watched as ale overflowed from tankards and jolly men shouted and bellowed; lady warriors with their cheeks flushed drank heartily from skins of wine and giggled as soldiers shared stories and joked and boasted.

Lady's Luck had seen no fighting but they too took part in the festivites. Alyssa watched as her little company enjoyed the evening. Graham was sitting on some crates telling the Scout-boy Alain and the now mostly recovered Tanner about some great battle of long ago. She couldn't hear it over the cacophony that was the big party but based on Alain's wide eyes and Tanner's intent expression it must have been quite the story.

As it turned out, Ebben was somewhat of a musician. The old man, Billbog had traded some of their old and worn equipment for some wineskins, a fur blanket, a sack of apples, and a tin flute. Alyssa had originally protested the exchange as it had been made without her authorization, but now she was not minding it. Her head was pleasantly light from the wine and Ebben played a jaunty tune on the whistle, much to the surprise and delight of the rest of the company. A couple of others from other parts of the camp even heard and joined him. A Vixen soldier who apparently delighted his own company with a fiddle and a travelling lutist joined Ebben in stride and by sundown they had a small band playing while soldiers ate and drank and danced and laughed.

She was sitting back enjoying watching the happy scene, gently sipping on wine as the men of her company danced around with local girls or camp followers or told stories. She enjoyed learning about her soldier's lives, many of them were actually fairly experienced. She listened as Cressa told the tale of how she had posed as a boy on a ship and learned to sail and fight, but got kicked off when she was discovered because the captain had superstition about women aboard ships. She particularly liked hearing about Fat Father's family, his nine daughters and all the trouble they got into. He may not be a good fighter but she could tell he was a good father. As Porrie droned on about his mother's sweetbread recipe, her eyes wandered about the rest of the camp. Jan was nowhere to be found, likely off getting drunk and harassing some woman no doubt. Two large men who she guessed were Sydgardian were fistfighting while a small crod cheered them on. Her eyes landed on a pretty young Vixen woman who smiled and laughed as her partner spun her around and another took her hand. Aly wondered if she was a warrior based on her nimbleness, then considered joining her. Though perhaps in a few cups she thought, taking a sip of her wine.

It was Karl who interrupted tha thought. He stood meekly before her awkwardly holding his hand out, the other resting nervously on his neck. "My lady..." he said cautiously. She looked to where he had come from to see a few of her men snickering among themselves. That is irksome. she thought, furrowing her brow in consternation. Bravery should not be rewarded with jeers.

"I'm sorry my lady... I didn't mean no- mean any offenses I-" She cut him off, standing up from her place and taking his hand. He stood there startled for a moment. I shall lead then. She thought somewhat hazily.

So she led. Truthfully she was never a talented dancer. Better with swords than needles, though compared to Karl, she was as graceful as a swan. The boy fumbled awkwardly as they hopped and danced (mostly) in time with the music. At first he was scared to even place his hand on her hip, but as she led him he seemed to relax. She even smiled as he twirled her around. Then she bowed and he smiled meekly as she passed him to his next partner. She danced next with another of her men, Gordon, whose usually sullen demeanour had been brightened by wine and ale and song. He was much more talented than Karl and they fell into an easy rhythm before he bowed and passed her to her next partner.

The Vixen girl took her hand smiling and Alyssa put her hand on her hip, letting the young woman lead. She was a much better dancer than Alyssa, but gave a pleasantly surprised laugh when Aly gave her a twirl. The girl bowed and gave her to her next partner. Alyssa smiled and danced for a short while more before tiring. The wine was beginning to get to her in earnest and she felt she ahd better stop while ahead. Some of her company applauded her as she returned to her spot. She gave a smile and a slight and off-balanced curtsy, which earned her some friendly chuckles.

"I will retire tonight." She announced, straightening. "Shall one of us escort you to your tent my lady?" Fat Father asked, standing up. She chuckled herself this time. "Tis' a knight who should be offering protection. And we are in the company of allies and countrymen." "Drunk countrymen." Cressa noted. "Then they would be slow and off balance. Goodnight my brave warriors." She said with warmth in her smile and in her heart.

A Knight of Perdan

(June 27, 2019)

Fog lingered in the forests as they made their way to Bescanon. It lended an eerie atmosphere to the army's march. Men and horses walked silently through the forests to reach the battlefield. "It's only a peasant militia" Jan had claimed when Karl voiced his worries earlier. True, Aly thought, but it was a large peasant militia and they were well organized for a militia, and had a few knights commanding them as well. People will die today.

As they walked through the forests she looked up and spotted a large black crow on a branch above. It looked down at her and squawked. "Die!" it almost sounded like. "Die! Die!" Alyssa gulped and turned to look at her men. Fat Father and Ebben were talking solemnly to each other. Graham rode in silence. Billbog the Old leaned on his spear as he walked. Jan seemed totally unfazed, as if he had gone into battle a hundred times before. He wasn't that old of course, but as a mercenary he had to have seen his fair share of battle. Karl was riding the fifth horse, sobbing quietly. Aly slowed her horse down to fall in line with him. She put a hand on his shoulder and he looked at her with tears in his eyes.

"It's only militia. We'll strike right through them. And you'll be brave. I know you will." She offered a warm smile. "I don't want to be brave. I don't want to die m'lady" He sputtered. "You won't." She said, but she knew that was not certain. "And I'll be there with you, and we'll protect each other." That stopped the tears at least. "Aye. I suppose that's the best I could ask for." She smiled at him again and returned to her place. As she looked up, more crows had taken roost in the trees above. They know. she thought, shuddering.

It started with a hail of arrows. Alyssa put her shield up, a Perdan lion painted on it. Lady's Luck advanced with the rest of the army. She heard the thunk of the arrows lodging themselves in her oaken shield. She also heard the pained cry of men dying around her. She had to keep moving, leading her men forward. If she stopped, they would all die.

Woosh. Thunk. Scream.

She turned to her right to see Ebben with an arrow through his chest. He fell to the ground gasping for air, and that was the last she saw of him. She had to keep moving, leading her men forward. If she stopped they would all die.

Woosh. Thunk. Scream.

More men died but they were closing on the lines now. Infantry with spears had moved forward to meet the Perdanese, and to keep their own archers safe. She heard the lines clash and more shouts and screams as the crossbows were loosed between shields, and spears pierced armour and chest.

Suddenly they were at the front. Spears and shields and swords were everywhere. The lines had collapsed into each other and degraded into a bloody melee. Alyssa tried desperately to wedge the shield between her and an enemy swordsman. Her arm buckled as his blow came down over it and her left arm faltered briefly. She took the opportunity to stab him in the ribs. Her blade slashed through his padded armour and he fell to the ground.

Her ears were filled with the clangs and thunks and wooshes and cries as death came all around her. She slashed and hacked at anyone who stood before her. All her swords lessons came to her as she fought her way through the melee. She didn't need to think, every step and move was reactive and instinctual.

Soon enough after it had begun, it began to end. She could see the peasant militia take to their heels and try to flee as mailed knights on horseback rose back and forth in an attempt to rally. Defenders were cut through or ridden down as Perdanese cavalry sliced down the center.

A cry of joy rang out from around her. But as she looked around the battlefield, she saw no joy to be found.

She looked around the battlefield, still in shock. Perdanese troops were picking through the equipment and looting bodies, of their own and of the militia men and the regular army of the Epponlyn knights. The lines had held for longer than she expected, and as the battle raged on for what seemed like forever. Somehow her unit had found itself at the front, fighting for their lives. They lost she thought, looking at the dead bodies of the men who followed her into battle.

She had seen Ebben fall. He was the first, the arrows went right through him almost immediately. She knelt down by his body, two arrows, one in his gut the other his lung. Fat Father caught a spear through the helm. Cressa was cut down in the melee, as was Karl. Sweet young Karl. She thought, holding back tears. He was her age, and now dead. She told him she would protect him, but she couldn't protect any of them. And now almost all of them were dead.

A few Perdanese soldiers slapped each other on the back and laughed as they pulled a silver chain from the neck of a dead soldier. Alyssa hated them. Her men were dead and all they could think about was how to rob their countrymen. She saw Jan approach eating an apple.

"Why so grim m'lady? We won."

She hated him most of all. He was supposed to be their commander. He was supposed to keep them safe, and teach them to fight. But whenever it was time to do so, he was gone. Off drinking or finding camp followers to warm his bed. He should have been the first one to die, at her side when she lead their charge. But instead he lived while the others fell.

"They're all dead, Jan." She said through clenched teeth. "Aye. What did you expect to happen? Most of them hadn't even held a spear until a week ago. Anyway we won and they're dead." He tossed his apple core nonchalantly. It rolled and landed next to Karl. "This was no place for the likes o' him" he said nodding to the young boy's fallen body. "Though I guess it is now." He shrugged. Alyssa had nothing to say, just stared at the discarded core and the dead boy next to it. Jan walked away.

This did not feel like a victory. It felt like shame and grief. She was supposed to lead them, protect them, and keep them safe. But she couldn't. She was no knight. She was just a girl from a backwoods hollow. She watched as a crow landed on the still form of lumpyfaced Porrie, pecking out one of his eyes. It turned to her and squawked.