Lion-Head Family: Difference between revisions

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*Arterix was the first family member to get a noble title, even tough it was Kiderix's idea to get a knight title in the first place.
*Arterix was the first family member to get a noble title, even tough it was Kiderix's idea to get a knight title in the first place.
*Bellerix was the first to aquire a region lordship, thus becoming the first Lord (or Dame) of the Family. She demanded that it was put here.
*Kiderix has a pet owl, wich has the name of his Grandfather: Erix.

Revision as of 23:43, 28 September 2018

Trained in the usage of the sword, the Lion-Heads are a family of great hunters and merchants. Not ones to kill for nothing, the Lion-Heads have great respect on the creatures they engage. Nothing is wasted, from the skin on their robes, the meat on their plates, or the horns on their walls. They enjoy adventure, their tales of bravery are part of family tradition and honour.

Simbology and traditions

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The green, to remind of their past with deep roots on nature.
The white, to show their values of honour and respect to their pray and foes.
The golden lion, to resemble their fighting spirit, and the origin of their name.

Common sayings

  • "At all times keep your friends in your heart, your foe on your blade, and your allies in your mind."

No one makes a good history alone. Your friends spread it, your allies help you make it, and your enemy makes it legendary.

  • "The three to never forget: the ones that fight for you, the ones that fight with you, and what you are fighting for."

Used to make sure you stay true to your beliefs. Never betray ones trust on you, and treat everyone with due respect.

  • "Never start a hunt if you are not coming back with it."

It speaks for itself. Go through with whatever you start until the very end.

  • " A regular archer trains until he hits. A true marksman trains until he never misses."

The importance of training. All victory comes with a a little of luck, and a world of hard work.

  • " Anyway the wind blows, may the odds be ever in our favour."

Used to wish good fare on an actual or next adventure.


Early History

Not always of noble blood, the family started on a simpler way of life in the region of Iglavik, trading goods to traveling caravans, provenient of harvest, mining, but most importantly: hunting.


The Lion-Head was one of the main hunter clans in the region of Iglavik. They got their name from the nickname other clans would call the group, because of their natural blond hair. They were known for their robust swords and brutal fighting style, taking any creature in direct combat to prove their strength. The Lions quickly became quite famous and respected among their social circle.


Another great clan on the region was the Erix, comprised primarly by archers and trackers, they usually outsmarted their pray with traps and ambushes, and were able to take down a wide variety of targets with little damage to the animal, favouring merchants in look for skins. Because of their use of nature to advantage, the Erix got extensive knowledge on natural resources, medicines, and overall utilities, witch helped them become very prominent among the hunting circle.

Later Years

When the leaders of both clans married, it essentially unified the two best and most respectable hunter clans into one big family, getting the best of both worlds. And to honour this great union, the first son was given the name Erix Lion-Head.The naming conventions of this branch's future heritage still follows this weird pattern: having the -Erix suffix, while keeping the surname of the Lions. Thus being born the Lion-Head family as we now know it.

Current Family Tree


The family tree of the Lion-Head started being recorded just as the family was born with Erix. The one highlighted at the bottom is the current head of the family. It is possible for the family to be bigger, as it was formed with the union of two hunting clans. But the less known part of the family are of the most part just commoners, and do not have any noble title. Therefore there is no true record of their blood relation with the most famous branch of the family, and their story is mostly unknown.

Notable family members

(...In progress...)

--Lion-Head (talk) 01:14, 17 August 2018 (CEST)

Curiosities and Miscelaneous facts

  • Arterix was the first family member to get a noble title, even tough it was Kiderix's idea to get a knight title in the first place.
  • Bellerix was the first to aquire a region lordship, thus becoming the first Lord (or Dame) of the Family. She demanded that it was put here.
  • Kiderix has a pet owl, wich has the name of his Grandfather: Erix.