JeVondair Family/Selenia/Personality: Difference between revisions

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She's ACTUALLY an Aries y'all! I've been playing her like one all this time and never knew!
She's ACTUALLY an Aries y'all! I've been playing her like one all this time and never knew!

'''Relics Held:''' [[Honed Hammer of Taselak]]
'''Relics Held:''' (she needs new toys!)
'''Previously Held:''' [[Adorned Scythe of Dwilight]], [[Obsidian Broadsword of Flame]],[[Legendary Shield of Righteousness]], [[Iron Hammer of Good and Evil]], [[Daemonic Band of the Queens]], [[Honed Hammer of Taselak]]

'''Previously Held:''' [[Adorned Scythe of Dwilight]], [[Obsidian Broadsword of Flame]],[[Legendary Shield of Righteousness]], [[Iron Hammer of Good and Evil]], [[Daemonic Band of the Queens]] (ring)
Selenia would not be who she is if she had not met Ghuandan D'Espana, who gave her confidence, Katrina Dragul who gave her compassion, and Mathurin Hossenfefer who gave her purpose - to protect. Raziella I Himoura Nifelleisca helped her overcome the horrors of her early life. Mavia Eastersand JeVondair taught her how to be a Queen. Hadrian Chamberlain taught her to dance. Godric Tórrarin ka Habb taught her to be ruthless. Lionel Kinsey taught her to be mindful. Uthred Mormont taught her the meaning of sacrifice. And finally Lion'El JeVondair, who taught her to be Fearless.
Selenia would not be who she is if she had not met Ghuandan D'Espana, who gave her confidence, Katrina Dragul who gave her compassion, and Mathurin Hossenfefer who gave her purpose - to protect. Raziella I Himoura Nifelleisca helped her overcome the horrors of her early life. Mavia Eastersand JeVondair taught her how to be a Queen. Hadrian Chamberlain taught her to dance. Godric Tórrarin ka Habb taught her to be ruthless. Lionel Kinsey taught her to be mindful. Uthred Mormont taught her the meaning of sacrifice. And finally Lion'El JeVondair, who taught her to be Fearless.

Revision as of 22:35, 23 May 2017

Selenia's Description

The Flame of the South

She wore no artifact of rank or status on her person. The way eyes followed her and ears strained to hear her was the only symbol of office she regularly tolerated. She allowed herself to be appraised. She was altogether smaller than her larger-than-life reputation might suggest. Her skin did not glow gold. Thunder did not roll as she spoke, but there was a spark in her ordinary blue eyes, or was that just the reflection of the firelight? Trick of the light or no, her steady gaze was nevertheless unnerving as one contemplated all that she must have seen if even half of the stories about her were true. She appeared to be about 30 years old, but it was a well-known effect of a Fountain of Youth scroll and that in reality she was quite a bit older, over 50. She was no legendary beauty, but not unlovely. She was powerfully well built, indicating to any with eyes to see that she was clearly a practiced swordswoman, and if her tone alone was not enough, the light white of faded scars would reveal her for the warrior she was. She was clearly in top athletic form, despite her age and the fact that she'd had a son. Her lips were full and made for smirking, her features were evenly spaced, and there was a dignity about her that commanded respect. That feeling of her presence contrasted sharply with her otherwise unassuming appearance. Her garments, however, matched her station in every respect.

– A description of Selenia at Age 50, a few weeks after she returned from the dead

Character Creation (Birth) Day: 2013-04-09

She's ACTUALLY an Aries y'all! I've been playing her like one all this time and never knew!

Relics Held: (she needs new toys!)

Previously Held: Adorned Scythe of Dwilight, Obsidian Broadsword of Flame,Legendary Shield of Righteousness, Iron Hammer of Good and Evil, Daemonic Band of the Queens, Honed Hammer of Taselak


Selenia would not be who she is if she had not met Ghuandan D'Espana, who gave her confidence, Katrina Dragul who gave her compassion, and Mathurin Hossenfefer who gave her purpose - to protect. Raziella I Himoura Nifelleisca helped her overcome the horrors of her early life. Mavia Eastersand JeVondair taught her how to be a Queen. Hadrian Chamberlain taught her to dance. Godric Tórrarin ka Habb taught her to be ruthless. Lionel Kinsey taught her to be mindful. Uthred Mormont taught her the meaning of sacrifice. And finally Lion'El JeVondair, who taught her to be Fearless.

Understanding Selenia

Selenia is an aggressive woman. When presented with a problem, she prefers to confront it head on and slice through to the next. She has also been defined by her compassion. She has great skill for empathizing with others and putting herself in their shoes, which has served her well over the years. She feels things very deeply and, as a result, is often driven by her emotions despite her ability to coolly dissect and analyze a problem. She resents arrogance of any kind and in anyone, despite herself having grown increasingly arrogant over time. She is a feminist that speaks up for women's rights and against their violation. She has been known to place women in positions of power for little other reason than their gender. Selenia is extremely independent and resents any action that may control or contain her. She is also completely ruthless when dealing with true enemies and does not balk one bit at the concept of engaging in violence. She leads by example and from the front. She steps up to take on additional responsibilities because there are few she trusts to do a better job than herself. But when she does find such an individual, she divests herself of said power as soon as possible.

In public, she is every inch the powerful Queen. Arrogant, even dominant, and not at all interested in feigning humility. She once slapped a former king in the face when he dared to presume he was her equal. In private, however, she is rushes to be as informal and relaxed as possible, as though she finds the trappings of Royalty to be tiring. She values Candor and honesty, because she sees anything else as ultimately a waste of time. But let someone try to talk down to her or hers and THE QUEEN surges back with a vengeance. Given this attitude, it is no surprise that she refuses to commit to diplomatic arrangements of any sort without first eating and drinking with the ruler who seeks to deal with her.

The great key to her success has absolutely been her ability to forge powerful, long lasting bonds. She is as a sword, making no efforts to hide her steel or her cutting edges, but always offering herself hilt-first to her friends, and point-first to her foes.

The current Xerarch is the most ballsy ruling character I've ever played with in this game (...) Selenia is persuasive, strong willed and in some cases a hot headed and making irrational decisions(...)

One might call it bad IC decisions, but risk makes it fun.

We might be in a sticky situation, but it's still fun

(...)If your fear stagnant politics, alliances and caution ruining the continent, Xavax is not the one you should destroy.

– Schancke (player via forums)

Returning from the dead had the affect of intensifying Selenia in unexpected ways. She is ruthless where before she would be inclined to show mercy and find common ground, she is patient when before she would dive in head first. She is diplomatic where before she was domineering, and thankful where before she was arrogant.

Her driving goal is to create things that will live on after her death. To this end, the Imperium of Greater Xavax is her simultaneously her greatest project and her finest achievement to date. But above that, her son, Högni Peredhel (rumored to be half-elven), means more to her than her life.

Selenia always wanted to get married and start a family, like Rynn JeVondair did. Now, being well passed conventional marriage age despite her appearance, she's all but given up on finding her equal.


A gift of Sironite Chain given to Selenia by Duke Ramon Fontaine of Caligus

Strengths: Courageous, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, passionate

Weaknesses: Impatient, moody, short-tempered, impulsive, aggressive

Aries likes: Comfortable clothes, taking on leadership roles, physical challenges, individual sports

Aries dislikes: Inactivity, delays, work that does not use one's talents

Life of Fire

As the first sign in the zodiac, the presence of Aries almost always marks the beginning of something energetic and turbulent. She is continuously looking for dynamic, speed and competition. She is always first in everything - from work to social gatherings. Thanks to its ruling planet Mars, Aries is one of the most active zodiac signs. People born under the Aries sign, are meant to emphasize the search for answers to personal and metaphysical questions. This is the biggest feature of this incarnation.

Aries is a fire sign, just like Leo and Sagittarius. This means that it is in her nature to take action, sometimes before she thinks about it fully. Her fiery ruler affects her excellent organizational skills, so you'll rarely meet an Aries who doesn't like to finish more things at once, often even before the lunch break! She is impatient, aggressive and may sometimes vent anger on others. Aries rules the heart and leads with the head, often literally walking head first, leaning forwards for speed and focus. Aries are naturally brave and rarely afraid of trial and risk. She possesses youthful strength and energy, regardless of age, and performs tasks in record time.

Thank you for your wisdom and kindness over the years. You are a formidable and respectable woman. There are few I would bend knee to willingly but you have my respect and desire to serve.

Thy will be done,

– Iuz Vidar Crownguard, Duke of Isadril,Margrave of Isadril

The working environment is the perfect space for the ambitious and creative Aries, who are often driven by the need to be as good as possible. Born leader, Aries will prefer to issue orders, rather than to receive. They have an excellent ability to predict, which allows them to be always one step ahead and to put things in their place. All they need to do is to follow their chosen path. When faced with a challenge, Aries will quickly assess the situation and come to a solution. Competition does not bother her, just encourages her to shine even brighter. Aries enjoys spending money on shopping, gambling and trading. Aries lives in the present and is not focused on the future. Their philosophy is that we should live for the moment. Shortage of money for Aries is rare, because they love to work.

Aries women are fearless and natural leaders. They are energetic, charismatic, dynamic and they love challenges and adventures. Independence is key to Aries astrology, as she doesn't like to take orders from others so learn to play the game by her rules. For Aries, the chase is often more thrilling than the catch. The Aries has a conquering nature, so she always wants what she can't have. She is constantly on the move and she will never allow herself to be overrun by a man. She craves love but at the same time wants to be in a position of control all the time. If you want to attract her attention, plat "hard to get". In this way, you will send a message that you are a prize, and she will be determined to win you. Aries loves challenges, but once in a while, let her protect you because Aries loves to be the "knight in shining armor". Don't be afraid to yell back in a fight, otherwise she might lose interest in you. Some of the negative Aries traits is that sshe is self-centered, arrogant and stubborn. However, she is also very courageous, adventurous and passionate. A relationship with an Aries can be fun and exciting, but she can break you if you don't know what you're doing.

Aries is a fire sign that loves to flirt and it is the person who will take the initiative when it comes to romance. When Aries falls in love, she will straight away go and express it to the one with whom she is in love, without even giving it a considerable thought. Aries compatibility with other signs is very complex. An Aries in love may shower liberal affection on their beloved, sometimes even excess affection. Aries is very passionate, energetic and love adventures. Aries is a passionate lover - addicted to sex and passion. They can get excited at the mere thought of it. As long as there is a lot of adrenaline and excitement, the relationship with Aries can be strong and long lasting.


Element: Fire Quality: Cardinal Color: Red Day: Tuesday Ruler: Mars (War) Greatest Overall Compatibility: Leo, Sagittarius Best for Marriage and Partnerships: Libra Lucky Numbers: 1, 9