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The Ui Briuin family had lived in the hinterlands of the Xavax region for generations long before they were to be known as the Ui Briuin. There with other settlers they formed a community which blossomed to a village surviving just on the edge of Xavax's border with Enubec. While many of his ancestors practiced various trades the vast majority of the Ui Briuin's ancestors acted as hunters, or tanners, and once every so often the occasional scout for the lords of the realm when they had need. So it was from generation to generation that this family, one of the oldest within their little village, became marginally well known within the area. It was that brief spread of fame that attracted a landed Count to seek out Brión Mac Orin as a guide for his army while fighting within the region. Brión managed to serve with distinction as an acting scout, and never had he managed to be caught as the wild lands and forests were his true home. Had things progressed at this rate though Brión might have been a richer man before returning home. Still he wouldn't have been any more famous than any other soldier serving their liege. No, for Brión the wheel of destiny turned during his third campaign out from his home in the hinterlands. Already a survivor of two long wars, he had grown a wiser man and a caring father. But more than that his council had become a necessity for his liege as he maneuvered his forces from battle field to battle field. Still no amount of intelligence could stave off the hands of fate and in a climactic battle far from their home the Count's forces were nearly annihilated. Barely managing his escape the Count fled the field with but a hand full of desperately wounded soldiers and his own wounds taking their toll. It was only through the efforts of Brión that the wounded men were able to travel unmolested passed their victorious foes, to eat as he hunted and scavenged for his lord, and eventually make it home after weeks of travel. As such, for his service, Brión was made into a noble of the realm and given a small tract of land in the hinterlands he loved so much. Taking with his title a gift of gold from the Count Brión began construction on Adare Hall just on the outskirts of his village. This proud manor would come to be the ruling seat for following generations of his family. Sadly Brión had died a few months after completion of the manor, and was buried shortly thereafter. Brión's wife Líadan inherited her husband's title and land upon his death as her children were too young to rule. So it was that Líadan Ui Briuin became the Lady of Adare Hall, and cemented the name of her family for the generations to follow.
The Ui Briuin family had lived in the hinterlands of the Xavax region for generations long before they were to be known as the Ui Briuin. There with other settlers they formed a community which blossomed to a village surviving just on the edge of Xavax's border with Enubec. While many of his ancestors practiced various trades the vast majority of the Ui Briuin's ancestors acted as hunters, or tanners, and once every so often the occasional scout for the lords of the realm when they had need. So it was from generation to generation that this family, one of the oldest within their little village, became marginally well known within the area. It was that brief spread of fame that attracted a landed Count to seek out Brión Mac Orin as a guide for his army while fighting within the region. Brión managed to serve with distinction as an acting scout, and never had he managed to be caught as the wild lands and forests were his true home. Had things progressed at this rate though Brión might have been a richer man before returning home. Still he wouldn't have been any more famous than any other soldier serving their liege. No, for Brión the wheel of destiny turned during his third campaign out from his home in the hinterlands. Already a survivor of two long wars, he had grown a wiser man and a caring father. But more than that his council had become a necessity for his liege as he maneuvered his forces from battle field to battle field. Still no amount of intelligence could stave off the hands of fate and in a climactic battle far from their home the Count's forces were nearly annihilated. Barely managing his escape the Count fled the field with but a hand full of desperately wounded soldiers and his own wounds taking their toll. It was only through the efforts of Brión that the wounded men were able to travel unmolested passed their victorious foes, to eat as he hunted and scavenged for his lord, and eventually make it home after weeks of travel. As such, for his service, Brión was made into a noble of the realm and given a small tract of land in the hinterlands he loved so much. Taking with his title a gift of gold from the Count Brión began construction on Adare Hall just on the outskirts of his village. This proud manor would come to be the ruling seat for following generations of his family. Sadly Brión had died a few months after completion of the manor, and was buried shortly thereafter. Brión's wife Líadan inherited her husband's title and land upon his death as her children were too young to rule. So it was that Líadan Ui Briuin became the Lady of Adare Hall, and cemented the name of her family for the generations to follow.

==Core Values of the Ui Briuin==
Laid out by Líadan, the first true ruler of the family, the Ui Briuin family hold close to four key values that are drilled into them since birth. They are Hospitality, Bravery, Loyalty, and Justice.
To the Ui Briuin hospitality to both friend and stranger is incredibly important. So important, in fact, that within any of their holdings or lands any traveler can expect to eat and sleep free of charge no matter their standing. In kind while invoking the "Ui Briuin Peace" as it is colloquially known the traveler agrees to surrender their weapons for the remainder of their stay to ensure peace is kept while partaking of a Ui Briuin's hospitality. To turn away any guest is viewed as losing enech, or face, within the family and a direct blow to the honor of the family itself. Another aspect of this hospitality is generosity or charity as those who have little need have a duty to supply for those with great need. The Ui Briuin view it as a great affront to their honor should any member of the family with full pockets hold back funds to those with none.
Drawing from Líadan's adventuring, and arguably heroic, life a necessity towards bravery and courage was brought to the ethos of the Ui Briuin. They view it as being better to meet a painful, horrible, and courageous death than to live a long, blissful, cowardly life. This view has since been enhanced further with Eoghan's founding of the Path of the Paragons and the concept of living on after death by being remembered by they people was readily adopted by the Ui Briuin family as a whole. In this way many of the Ui Briuin are prone to bold action and following the path of heroes so their deeds and names might live on forever. It is also due to this mentality that they are loathe to show pain or fear in front of others, and hold an almost casual attitude towards violence. A fist fight is always viewed as a respectable affair to the Ui Briuin, and sometimes even a friendly one. Never are weapons used, and the Ui Briuin will slug it out until either they or their opponent can't get up. At that point if they are the victor they will offer a hand to the loser, help them to their feet, and buy them a drink as a sign of respect. After all they may have fought to the point where they couldn't get up, but they never gave up the fight and that is the important bit. Likewise a Ui Briuin expects the same treatment if their opponent is close enough to the member to understand the family's value and view on the matter.
When a Ui Briuin gives their word they keep it no matter the cost. The only exception to this rule is when the promise in question might compromise their honor. As such the word of a Ui Briuin is as good as gold once given so long as it doesn't infringe upon their honor. This view is a bit strange in a world of vassalage like the vast majority of the realms from all the continents. For this means that to the Ui Briuin their honor would rank higher than the loyalty to their sovereign, and this is true in their eyes. But a Ui Briuin would be loathe to serve under any sovereign they personally deem as being unfit to follow and so the conflict rarely if ever comes up.
The Ui Briuin see Justice as a responsibility pure and simple. When they witness a transgression they feel it is their duty to set it right once more. After all, there are too many people who happily turn away from such transgressions and say "It is not my problem." The Ui Briuin also understand that while justice might not be swift, to them, it is inevitable. This is held especially true for them personally in which the only way to rectify such a wrong would be to take on a quest of atonement. The likes of which Líadan laid out as being three impossible tasks to be issued upon them by another, even if it means death. In fact should a Ui Briuin die while trying to clear their name they would view it as the best possible way to go.
==Notable Members of the Ui Briuin Family==
==Notable Members of the Ui Briuin Family==

Revision as of 08:16, 28 February 2017

Origins: A New House Rises

The Feast of the Black Swan: 9/2016

The rosy fingers of dawn's creeping light swept over the high hills and forests where the minor nobles of the house of Ui Briuin have lived for three generations. The small holdfast to which they made their estate seemed little more than a hunting lodge to the grander nobles of the realm. But Adare Hall had always been renowned for its hospitality to those who resided within their demesne, and the traveling nobility of Xavax on their way to the castle. The high hearth was always lit, and the feasting hall always had fresh game to feast upon. For the Ui Briuin held their origins as hunters in times of peace and archers in times of war, and in spite of their rise from the common man the family always held true to its past. So it was that on this dawn a letter came to Adare Hall calling to arms all those who could fight for the sake of the realm. To be granted the honor of serving the Imperium by fighting in the Xerarch's army was a chance that no true patriot could dream of passing up. All that truly mattered was which of Art Ui Briuin's children would take up the call and in doing so bring glory and honor to their house?

The meeting among the immediate family was intense with each of the children stating their case and trying to claim the right for themselves. The eldest son Caoimhín was the finest warrior of the family and skilled in both horse and sword. But he was the heir of Adare hall and Art would seldom part with his oldest in spite the enthusiasm shown and the ferocity of his arguments. His second son Eoghan spoke next, and though the flaxen haired youth was but a few years younger than his brother he was no less worthy. Eoghan's skill with the bow exceeded that of both his brothers, and although Caoimhín bested him with blade Eoghan made it a match. Plus Eoghan was not likely to inherit and his temprament was ill suited for the priesthood unlike his younger brother Ruari. What better way, thought Art, to give his son the best chance of making something of himself and possibly obtaining further lands. Besides it would remove the chance of his sons fighting to inherit their home when he was gone. So it was that when all the arguments were made Art Ui Briuin had come to a decision on just who he would send to represent their house in the armies of their Xerarch.

Their own messenger was given a fine feast while the note was written, and by the midday's sun he was sent off with letters for all the nobles in the realm. Letters that announced that the house of Ui Briuin remembered their oaths, and would send one of its own with his personal army. Their forces may prove small, but their arrows will soar swift and true as if on the wings of sparrows in the defense of the Imperium. Look for them on the morrow and know that even the smallest of houses honors the call of our Xerarch.


The Ui Briuin family had lived in the hinterlands of the Xavax region for generations long before they were to be known as the Ui Briuin. There with other settlers they formed a community which blossomed to a village surviving just on the edge of Xavax's border with Enubec. While many of his ancestors practiced various trades the vast majority of the Ui Briuin's ancestors acted as hunters, or tanners, and once every so often the occasional scout for the lords of the realm when they had need. So it was from generation to generation that this family, one of the oldest within their little village, became marginally well known within the area. It was that brief spread of fame that attracted a landed Count to seek out Brión Mac Orin as a guide for his army while fighting within the region. Brión managed to serve with distinction as an acting scout, and never had he managed to be caught as the wild lands and forests were his true home. Had things progressed at this rate though Brión might have been a richer man before returning home. Still he wouldn't have been any more famous than any other soldier serving their liege. No, for Brión the wheel of destiny turned during his third campaign out from his home in the hinterlands. Already a survivor of two long wars, he had grown a wiser man and a caring father. But more than that his council had become a necessity for his liege as he maneuvered his forces from battle field to battle field. Still no amount of intelligence could stave off the hands of fate and in a climactic battle far from their home the Count's forces were nearly annihilated. Barely managing his escape the Count fled the field with but a hand full of desperately wounded soldiers and his own wounds taking their toll. It was only through the efforts of Brión that the wounded men were able to travel unmolested passed their victorious foes, to eat as he hunted and scavenged for his lord, and eventually make it home after weeks of travel. As such, for his service, Brión was made into a noble of the realm and given a small tract of land in the hinterlands he loved so much. Taking with his title a gift of gold from the Count Brión began construction on Adare Hall just on the outskirts of his village. This proud manor would come to be the ruling seat for following generations of his family. Sadly Brión had died a few months after completion of the manor, and was buried shortly thereafter. Brión's wife Líadan inherited her husband's title and land upon his death as her children were too young to rule. So it was that Líadan Ui Briuin became the Lady of Adare Hall, and cemented the name of her family for the generations to follow.

Core Values of the Ui Briuin

Laid out by Líadan, the first true ruler of the family, the Ui Briuin family hold close to four key values that are drilled into them since birth. They are Hospitality, Bravery, Loyalty, and Justice.


To the Ui Briuin hospitality to both friend and stranger is incredibly important. So important, in fact, that within any of their holdings or lands any traveler can expect to eat and sleep free of charge no matter their standing. In kind while invoking the "Ui Briuin Peace" as it is colloquially known the traveler agrees to surrender their weapons for the remainder of their stay to ensure peace is kept while partaking of a Ui Briuin's hospitality. To turn away any guest is viewed as losing enech, or face, within the family and a direct blow to the honor of the family itself. Another aspect of this hospitality is generosity or charity as those who have little need have a duty to supply for those with great need. The Ui Briuin view it as a great affront to their honor should any member of the family with full pockets hold back funds to those with none.


Drawing from Líadan's adventuring, and arguably heroic, life a necessity towards bravery and courage was brought to the ethos of the Ui Briuin. They view it as being better to meet a painful, horrible, and courageous death than to live a long, blissful, cowardly life. This view has since been enhanced further with Eoghan's founding of the Path of the Paragons and the concept of living on after death by being remembered by they people was readily adopted by the Ui Briuin family as a whole. In this way many of the Ui Briuin are prone to bold action and following the path of heroes so their deeds and names might live on forever. It is also due to this mentality that they are loathe to show pain or fear in front of others, and hold an almost casual attitude towards violence. A fist fight is always viewed as a respectable affair to the Ui Briuin, and sometimes even a friendly one. Never are weapons used, and the Ui Briuin will slug it out until either they or their opponent can't get up. At that point if they are the victor they will offer a hand to the loser, help them to their feet, and buy them a drink as a sign of respect. After all they may have fought to the point where they couldn't get up, but they never gave up the fight and that is the important bit. Likewise a Ui Briuin expects the same treatment if their opponent is close enough to the member to understand the family's value and view on the matter.


When a Ui Briuin gives their word they keep it no matter the cost. The only exception to this rule is when the promise in question might compromise their honor. As such the word of a Ui Briuin is as good as gold once given so long as it doesn't infringe upon their honor. This view is a bit strange in a world of vassalage like the vast majority of the realms from all the continents. For this means that to the Ui Briuin their honor would rank higher than the loyalty to their sovereign, and this is true in their eyes. But a Ui Briuin would be loathe to serve under any sovereign they personally deem as being unfit to follow and so the conflict rarely if ever comes up.


The Ui Briuin see Justice as a responsibility pure and simple. When they witness a transgression they feel it is their duty to set it right once more. After all, there are too many people who happily turn away from such transgressions and say "It is not my problem." The Ui Briuin also understand that while justice might not be swift, to them, it is inevitable. This is held especially true for them personally in which the only way to rectify such a wrong would be to take on a quest of atonement. The likes of which Líadan laid out as being three impossible tasks to be issued upon them by another, even if it means death. In fact should a Ui Briuin die while trying to clear their name they would view it as the best possible way to go.

Notable Members of the Ui Briuin Family

Ui Briuin family.jpg

Brión Mac Orin (pronounced Bree-on Mac O-rin): Founder of the family, and the first Lord of Adare Hall. Ruled 7 months.

Líadan Nic Darragh Ui Briuin (pronounced Lee-ah-dan Nic Darra oo-ee Bree-oo-in): Brión's wife and successor. As skilled a hunter as her husband, fought off an invasion of the undead that attacked their lands, and set the family's law of hospitality. The family name takes after her as the charter of nobility was finalized after Brión's death. Ruled 16 years.

Art Mac Brión Ui Briuin (pronounced Art Mac Bree-on oo-ee Bree-oo-in): The eldest son of Brión and Líadan, inherited the title and rights to the Ui Briuin's land upon his mother's tragic death facing a monstrous beast. Known to be welcoming to all, and rather pragmatic. While no great hunter like his father and mother Art encouraged such qualities in his sons. He was quite fond of reading and politics. Current ruler of Adare Hall for 32 years. Current Age: 56 Years Old

Donal Mac Brión Ui Briuin (pronounced Doe-nahl Mac Bree-on oo-ee Bree-oo-in): The second son of Brión and Líadan, left for the colonies with his young wife Meara when he came of age to make a name for himself and his family. He proved to be moderately successful gaining some traction for his family. Father to Dame Caoimhe Ui Briuin, Sir Donn Ui Briuin, and sire of his bastard son Niall of the Red Spear who was currently building a name for himself in Beluaterra. Current Age: 54 Years Old.

Caoimhín Mac Art Ui Briuin (pronounced Kee-veen Mac Art oo-ee Bree-oo-in) : The eldest son of Art Ui Briuin and the groomed successor to Adare Hall. With a reputation as a fine swordsman and a passionate soul he argued to be sent answer the Xerarch's call to fight for the Imperium but was denied. Since then he has started to learn more of the politics of the Xavaxian (realm not nation) nobles from his father as Art's health has started to decline. He was married to Siobhán Nic Banon at the age of 24. Current Age: 26 Years Old.

Ruari Mac Art Ui Briuin (pronounced Rue-ree Mac Art oo-ee Bree-oo-in): The youngest son of Art Ui Briuin whose talents had always been more inclined to learning than anything else. Ruari was an active child in some regards but he didn't have the intensity of his eldest brother Caoimhín, nor the vibrancy of his other older brother Eoghan. Instead he had a sharp mind and a keen intellect that grew with each book his father managed to acquire. Often said to be suited to the priesthood it was Ruari whom Eoghan entrusted with his notes on The Path of the Paragons prior to the formation of the religion in the off chance he was killed before starting the faith. Current Age: 18 Years Old.

Naomhan Mac Caoimhín Ui Briuin (pronounced Ne-van Mac Kee-veen oo-ee Bree-oo-in): He is a wee baby! Current Age: 5 months ((More to come))

Eoghan Ui Briuin

Caoimhe "Chasdubh" Ui Briuin

Donn "of the Yellow Spear" Ui Briuin

Niall "of the Red Spear"