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Arbiter of Greater Xavax}}
Arbiter of Greater Xavax}}

===Roleplay from Eoghan Ui Briuin===
{{Quotation|Letter from Kin Hyral  (3 hours, 32 minutes ago)
message to all nobles of Greater Xavax
message to all nobles of Greater Xavax
Eoghan sat, stunned in silence within his tent as he read over the leader once more. It has seemed almost a dream, to know that the Xerarch had fallen dealt a blow to him that words could not describe. His entire career for the past two years had all been because of her magnanimity. He was openly a stanch supporter of the Xerarch in both oath and deed, and he made sure that all who served under him held the same oath. So although he had only been in her court for nearly a year the loss affected him mightily. Still he had a duty to fulfill and with the emptiness of loss came the burning heat for vengeance. One the young Lord would be forced to temper for the time being. In the mean time he cleared his thoughts as best as he could and reached for a quill and paper. The message he penned was by no means the most eloquent, but for him it would do just fine. For Eoghan wrote to their Arbiter to reaffirm the very oath he swore to Selenia the day before her fated duel. He reminded himself as he gave form to thought that she had been prepared to die on more than one occasion and that he, Aramon, was to be her successor. No sooner had he finished when the silence was broken by the only man Eoghan was likely to allow in his tent at the moment, his trusted Captain Roderic.

"M'Lord, I know you had commanded the men to leave you be for the time. But news has reached us from Leibo, there has been a report of some Perdanite raping and murdering your people." The grizzled veteran spoke solemnly while those hazel eyes fixated upon his Lord, the man who carried him wounded through two realms alone. He could see reflected in the younger man's frame a building tension rising up as the latest news only piled on top of the report of the Xerarch's death. In almost the span of a minute not a single sound was made between the two in that tent. Alas it would not remain so as Eoghan shot up from his seat in a rage. His hand pulling at his hunting dagger along his hip and in one smooth motion he slammed it hard into the table as he stood. The sound of fury that passed through his lips was only matched by the fires that blazed within his eyes.
Long live Selenia.

"These mongrels, these puss blooded whore's sons dare to commit such acts on this day of all days. This can not stand, this WILL NOT STAND. If I am to find the man or woman who ordered such an act I will feed them their innards piece by piece until they vomit from their own bile. Even then that would be too good a fate for them. How do the other realms not rise to such acts!? They keep silent while our people are mutilated and defiled by half the bloody continent!" Eoghan seethed in his hatred as all that fire consumed his waking thoughts. Seeing this though Roderic knew full well that the others could not witness him in such a state. To do so would be to lose confidence in what the men had placed in their Lord. Both the people and the Xerarch had made Eoghan a hero, and that image was needed now more than ever.
Those in Xavax, do all that you can to get that child to safety or by the gods I swear there will be no place for you to hide.

"M'Lord," Roderic interjected in the lull that had formed, "you must compose yourself. Your men, your people are counting on you." The words were curt but true, and Eoghan knew it and hated him for it.
Xavax Endures,
"Damn it all man I know!" He exclaimed bitterly as everything was still so very raw. "I know..." He added once more in a softer tone. His shoulders rising and falling as he did all he could to swallow that hate and keep it close to his heart for the embers to burn long after the fire died.
"M'Lord...what are we to do?" Roderic spoke after a few moments of silence, his eyes never once leaving Eoghan's frame. It took some time, but soon he comported himself somewhat and with a final breath the young Lord gathered his knife once more.
"Take the letter from the table and have a rider deliver it to Arbiter Aramon. After that we are to wait for the Talon's command before we act." Eoghan replied, managing a sort of calm that showed through his body but didn't seem to reach his eyes. Still it was likely the best the Captain would get, and so he bowed to the young Lord and collected the sealed message.
"As you wish M'Lord, I will deliver it personally." The old badger spoke, his words lingering in Eoghan's mind long after he had left and all had grown quiet once more.

|Kin Hyral
Dame of Xavax}}


Revision as of 12:44, 20 December 2016


Robb Starfall, King, Master of Coin of Alara, Royal of Alara, Duke of Itorunt, Margrave of Itorunt has been captured by Shield and Gladius (17). Robb Starfall, King, Master of Coin of Alara, Royal of Alara, Duke of Itorunt, Margrave of Itorunt has been wounded by Shield and Gladius (17). Borugar Galantos, Knight of Itorunt has been wounded by Fearless (11). Selenia JeVondair, Xerarch of Greater Xavax, Royal of Greater Xavax has been wounded by Galantos Guards (2).

Sir Lionel Kinsey, Talon of Greater Xavax, Knight of Xavax, Marshal of the Phoenix of Xavax has been wounded by Royal Guard (7). Emily Maywood, Dame of Xavax has been wounded by Kuda Hitam (3). Godric Tórrarin ka Habb, Knight of Xavax has been wounded by Kuda Hitam (3).

Fearless (11) take 528 hits in close combat (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties, wiping the unit out. Selenia JeVondair, Xerarch of Greater Xavax, Royal of Greater Xavax has been killed by Kuda Hitam (3). Walsh Adam collects the bounty. Attacker Victory!


Roleplay from Cadewyn Thunderborn

message to all nobles of Greater Xavax Cadewyn read and reread the reports of what had happened. Finally it sank into her.

The sound of fury and defiance, a wind of howling rage and pain ripped from her soul. Like a tempest she attacked her bars, screaming with cold hate at her captors.

Roleplay from Tsubhia Faraya

message to all nobles of Greater Xavax "It is my sad duty to confirm that the Xerarch was killed in battle.

Even without her leadership, she would have wanted us to continue to resist the enemy."

The parchment fluttered as it fell from Tsubhia's hands to the ground.

She had pinned her hopes for a better realm on Selenia JeVondair. The Call to Arms had led her to think that there was a chance to build a Xavax that elevated all people. That dream had driven her to questionable attacks on hamlets, had rendered her literally speechless. For that dream she had contended with the demons in her mind - which were now, of course, silent.

BECAUSE WHAT WOULD YOU EVEN SAY?, she screamed to herself. What sarcastic comment about my softness could you make that applies here? I call you foul, and even you know your voice holds not even a glimmer of worth to speak of the Xerar-... Of Selenia.

And it remained silent. She became aware, once more, that she was in her tent, and a messenger was peering confusedly at her, awaiting further instructions.

It was not time to give up. Not yet. There was too much left to do. She spoke, aloud.

"This message must be spread to every person you can get in earshot: Hödni must be found. Bring him to Kin Hyral. We will spend our lives for this and slaughter any who try to stop us." The messenger hesitated, still confused.

"MOVE!" And he darted off into the night. There was too much left to do.

And far, far too many left to kill.

Roleplay from Jonathan Rivenstock

message to all nobles of Greater Xavax "Damn it all!" Jonathan howled, as the blade he held in his sleeve bit deep into the bark of a nearby tree. His raven, Bram, shuffled on the branch that he had sat on, cawed once, as a reminder that he was still in that tree.

"Sir," His Captain, Casimir began, "She may be gone but we need to ra-"

Another blade sunk into a tree not a foot beside Casimir, silencing the man. "You will speak when spoken to at this time Casimir," Jonathan growled, "Our Xerarch has fallen. I understand what the letter said. Gather the men, We march to Xavax, We gather the child, and we will bring that child back to his godmother." The Bandit King would pay for his transgressions, As would Perdan, as would the Vix. Jonathan Gazed up at his raven, the sunlight peaking over the horizon. Soon, this would be all over, and soon, Bram would be his only companion once again.

Jonathan collected his cloak, and whistled for his horse. Once mounted, Bram launched from his perch and circled the Raven's Spears' camp, Screeching twice before flying ahead. The men knew before Casimir could even open his mouth. It was time.

Roleplay from Corvo Attano

message to all nobles of Greater Xavax A messenger approached Corvo's tent, showing the Royal seal, the guards waved him in.

"What is it?" Corvo asked, the man swallowed before continuing. "My Lord Attano, it is with regret that I inform you of Her Majesty, Selenia JeVondair's death. She was slain holding the walls of Xavax ag-" the messenger stoked when he saw the look of utter disbelief on both Corvo and Ulfbjorn's faces. "Perhaps it be best I leave." the messenger said, and started to leave.

Corvo raised his hand, and bade the woman to continue. "Against bandit forces. Her last request was for Hogni to be delivered to Her Ladyship, Gia Dragonfyre." the woman finished and bowed, turning on her heel and out of the tent.

Sure that she was gone, Corvo slammed a dagger into his desk, burying the blade to the hilt. "Captain, double time the men to Xavax." he ordered and Ulfbjorn saluted. "Shall I tell the men, My Lord?" Ulfbjorn queried, Corvo simply nodded.

Roleplay from Godric Tórrarin ka Habb

message to all nobles of Greater Xavax The air was heavy. The Xerarch had fallen in the field. Setting his old men as militia and hiring a new force, they had withdrawn to and fortified Torrenhal where the mood hung tortuous.

The Dukeslayer mulled the events. His men drank mead, preparing for the evening's battle. The weight of destiny was upon his shoulders.

"Open the doors."

His men, all Toren, look to their lord.

"Open the doors. We shall drink outside on the hill. Let the bandits see we are not cowed."

His men oblige. Dragging the great table so it hangs half outside, they light a fire. It serves as a sort of rallying beacon to the peasantry, militiamen, and residents of Torrenhal. Godric waives the restrictions on who may access the meadhall. As the gathering grows the mood changes. The Xerarch has fallen but they will not be oppressed. As the phoenix, they will rise up.

Godric stands on his great table. He is dressed in his furs. A spear and short blade hang at his side, a round shield is slung across his back. He growls to his men in Toren. Laughing, they oblige and begin a slow beat. Godric begins: an old Toren Song repurposed for these circumstances.

Farewell and adieu to you Xavax ladies,

Farewell and adieu to you ladies again,

For we've received orders for to march from old Xavax

And we may never see you fair ladies the same.

We'll rant and we'll roar like true Xavax warriors,

We'll rant and we'll roar from mountains to sea,

Until we strike steel on the walls of far Perdan,

From city to 'c'Lu Pesh is sixty-five leagues.

Now let every man drink off his full bumper,

Now let every man drink off his full glass.

We'll drink and be jolly and drown melancholy,

And here's to the health of each true-hearted lass!

So we'll rant and we'll roar like true Xavax warriors,

We'll rant and we'll roar from mountains to sea,

Until we strike steel on the walls of far Perdan,

From city to 'c'Lu Pesh is sixty-five leagues.

Roleplay from Nicolas Harkle

message to all nobles of Greater Xavax Nicolas had just climbed a ladder up to the top of the northern battlement of Isadril as he searched with his spyglass towards Leibo. It was rather chilly tonight and the cold bit him through his clothes as the wind whistled along the turrets and parapets of the wall.

He had been bored out of his mind lately in Isadril. There was only so much hard ale a man could drink and there was no academy to hone his skills at. He figured it was pointless to train the 17 men that comprised his unit, and so he just walked around the city, visiting the District of Ill Respute, his estate, and mounting the walls at dusk and dawn for some meditative peace.

Just then a loud gong sounded from the keep in the center of the town. The sounding of the gong usually was a warning to the militia and garrison to scramble the defenses and lock the city down, and soldiers immediately started running to their stations. However, this time, the delay between strikes was much longer and it was not accompanied by the usual 3 blows of a horn. The initial chaos died down as soldiers turned towards the keep in confusion.

The city felt very still as they all stood there on the walls in the cold biting air, and now the commoners were awake and in the streets.

And then messengers came from the keep and began running through the streets shouting. Nicolas glanced down in confusion as people in the streets gasped, while he and the men on the walls still didn't know what was going on.

And the murmer of shouts and worried conversation reached the men on the walls, and they all stared at each other with the same blank and inquisitive look in their eyes:

Is it really true?

Is the Xerarch really dead?

And then Nicolas kneeled and closed his eyes, facing the keep, unable to think. The clanking of metal and armor made him look around to see all the soldiers garrisoned on the wall, all the way around the city following suit in a wierd mexican-wave style chain reaction. The people in the streets did the same and soon the city was dead quiet. Not even the usual barking or howling of dogs could be head over the eerie howling of wind. For the first time in its history, Isadril was completely silent.

And then somewhere, off in the direction of the keep, solemn bugle notes floated over the wind and seemed to echo around the city. Bouncing off the walls, the crisp bugle notes had an uplifting tune to them despite the overall solemnity of the song the bugler was playing and the minor key it was in.

I will fight till the very bitter end., Nicolas thought as he kneeled.

I will die with the banner of Xavax drenched in blood in my hands before I give up this fight, for it has been far too costly a struggle.

Roleplay from Gia Dragonfyre

message to all nobles of Greater Xavax Gia took the Xerarch's death with an eerie stillness....... She just ......froze....... her eyes closed reeling from an invisible blow........ ""Her last request was for Hogni to be delivered to Her Ladyship, Gia Dragonfyre.""

The letter read....... **Wait.....WHAT!!!??? Gia looked at the messenger ......" I thought Kin was the god parent?" Her voice still shook. The messenger shrugged. Gia *Gulped....... She was shaking as she got into her saddle......something she rarely did preferring to walk ......"Then I set out for Xavax to retrieve the babe and guard him with my life. Kin and I, I'm sure will be on the same mission. I will also carry Selenia's body and guard it until we can make funeral arrangements. A tear slid down her cheek. " With that she whistled calling the pack to her and rode off toward Xavax...... a howling night fury leading a pack of teeth.


Letter from Aramon Abjur (1 hour, 10 minutes ago)

message to all nobles of Greater Xavax I'm stunned. I have no words. I promise you one thing, Robb Starfall will suffer for this.

I need to take a moment.

– Aramon Abjur, Arbiter of Greater Xavax, Knight of Isadril

Letter from Godric Tórrarin ka Habb (1 hour, 9 minutes ago)

message to all nobles of Greater Xavax Arbiter,

I trust the only moment you take will be to heat the irons.


– Godric Tórrarin ka Habb Knight of Xavax

Report from Lionel Kinsey (1 hour, 9 minutes ago)

message to all nobles of Greater Xavax Scribe Note Battle in Xavax

It is my sad duty to confirm that the Xerarch was killed in battle.

Even without her leadership, she would have wanted us to continue to resist the enemy.

– Sir Lionel Kinsey Talon of Greater Xavax

Letter from Gia Dragonfyre (just in)

message to all nobles of Greater Xavax Arbiter Aramon,

Sire please let me help in anyway I can with the handling of Robb Starfall...... He is on my very short list sire..........

– Gia Dragonfyre Countess of Oc Lu Pesh

Letter from Aramon Abjur (just in)

message to all nobles of Greater Xavax Countess Gia,

I understand your desire and I accept your offer. When the equipment is set up, let the weak blood flow from his corrupt veins.

– Aramon Abjur Arbiter of Greater Xavax

Letter from Kin Hyral (3 hours, 32 minutes ago)

message to all nobles of Greater Xavax

Long live Selenia.

Those in Xavax, do all that you can to get that child to safety or by the gods I swear there will be no place for you to hide.

Xavax Endures,

– Kin Hyral Dame of Xavax


Out-of-Character from Gia Dragonfyre

message to all nobles of Greater Xavax Hey you guys! You know Selenia's player wouldn't want you to all leave because she died. As in the real world things happen and stuff changes in BM. The JeVondair family will send another member of their ranks to take over the raising of Högni. ..... If we despair now all is lost. Or we can fight on like the character Selenia would have wanted and as the player would want as well. You have all heard the talk and Gilth I'm sure will confirm we are besieged because we are a threat. The other realms are intimidated by us. I personally like that idea a lot, alot..... I am truly morose at the loss of so mighty a figure even if it is RP. Selenia was mighty. And now we have two exulted or higher for our pantheon. Who will help me tell Selenia's story? To her legacy who will stand with me and continue to fight in her name? in Uthred's name? In Xavax name? Let us raise such a noise for them the gods notice. Let us secure Xavax it's place in the world. If we stick together we can do all these things. And with our new JeVondair and a royal heir to guard .......I'd say there is yet much more to this story. To our story......If your with me Knights of the Black Swan, all our members who joined for Selenia .....please friends stay ..... there IS yet much more to be told. Stephanie Kun

Out-of-Character from Gilth Gildre

message to all nobles of Greater Xavax Aptly said, Stephanie.

BM is a very diverse and intricate game. Actually, I am wary to call it a game. It is more of a personal simulator, a political sandbox. Anything, quite literally, can happen.

I have participated since 2005 (old account, got deleted), and of the scores of realms I have been in, I can honestly say GX is one of the best. Maybe it is because a lot of you know each other personally, maybe it is something else. I do know it isn't because one person was holding everyone together (although the player of Selenia is by far one of the strongest players I have encountered, and Selenia as a character was daunting as hell!). There are writers, poets, dreamers, lovers, song-writers, warriors and philosophers here. It is truly a melding pot for inspiration.

Maybe JeVondair will create another char here, maybe not. That is up to the player. But I ask you not to throw away the game. It has given me countless joys over the years, and as corny as it sounds, has definitely developed me as a person.

Please think carefully before you turf your character. At the very least just pause them, so that they are always there for you if you ever want to return.

BattleMaster is only the amazing game it is because of the people who play it. No other game can say that. Tristan Barkwell

Out-of-Character from Corvo Attano

message to all nobles of Greater Xavax Please tell me I'm asleep.

IC motivation to make Corvo infiltrator: found. Patrick Bray

Out-of-Character from Aramon Abjur

message to all nobles of Greater Xavax Wow, I don't think I've been this effected by a character death in BM, even of one of my own characters. In many ways Selenia was Xavax to me, which is rather ironic, given how she came into power. I understand why some of you would want to leave, but please consider staying. As Tristan and Stephanie said, this game is merely a framework for the collective story told by the players, and that includes you. Xavax is be less without you.

I hope that made sense, I'm kind of gobsmacked at the moment. Clark Raven Napper

Out-of-Character from Nicolas Harkle

message to all nobles of Greater Xavax Well damn, that really wasn't expected.

I do hope nobody leaves GX or BM because of her death, it is because of her death I am suddenly even more attracted to BM, that literally anything can happen, as Gilth said.

Also I thought I was the only fool who wanted to go infiltrator, guess not :P Harris Adams

Out-of-Character from Raurin Cortosisskin

message to all nobles of Greater Xavax Holy wow. And here I was just getting attached to my big political bruiser of a Xerarch. Few words we're spoken IC and OOC but her tone influenced a lot of my decisions here in character creation and how quickly I became attached to the realm. Liam recruited me at the start of the big push to take Liebo and hold it, and even in this short time this games politics and such have drawn me in. I, for one, will not be leaving just because the person I was recruited by is apparently gone. From OOC talks I've fleshed out that Aramon should make a competent leader, and the assassination (let's all be real, that mobile strike force coming at Selenias neck was a broad day assassination) will power us through to new and bigger alliances and political power plays. Lets get elevated people.

Sean O'Keefe