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Selenia arrived in Beluaterra off the coast of the Ivory Vale of Fheuvenam and quickly presented herself to King Trent of Fhuevenam and his brother Duke Trent of Iato. She was greeted in a perfunctory fashion...that is to say barely at all... by the Trent brothers. Selenia was alarmed to learn that they had consolidated all of realms major ducal and council positions to themselves. So when the position of banker came up for election, she ran for it. It was by pure stroke of luck that she found an ally to her 'new' family name in Greatjon Mormont who had been a personal acquaintance of both Mavia and Kalixta JeVondair, he helped get her the votes she needed to wrest control of at least one council position from the Trents. But when the ruling brothers became irritable, they used their power to simply banish a noble without any account to trial or explanation. One day he was there, the next he was gone.
Selenia arrived in Beluaterra off the coast of the Ivory Vale of Fheuvenam and quickly presented herself to King Trent of Fhuevenam and his brother Duke Trent of Iato. She was greeted in a perfunctory fashion...that is to say barely at all... by the Trent brothers. Selenia was alarmed to learn that they had consolidated all of realms major ducal and council positions to themselves. So when the position of banker came up for election, she ran for it. It was by pure stroke of luck that she found an ally to her 'new' family name in Greatjon Mormont who had been a personal acquaintance of both Mavia and Kalixta JeVondair, he helped get her the votes she needed to wrest control of at least one council position from the Trents. But when the ruling brothers became irritable, they used their power to simply banish a noble without any account to trial or explanation. One day he was there, the next he was gone.

===The Trent Tyranny===
Outraged at their crass and cavalier attitude, Selenia organized a protest alongside Greatjon, his newly arrived cousin Uthred Mormont, Rythan Songslayer, and Novus Ironson. Together, they forced the King from office and forced Duke Trent from his position as judge. Knowing they could not win an election, Duke Trent instead broke the Duchy of Iato away and formed the illicit realm of Trenton. Selenia, newly crowned Queen of the IVF, immediately set about reorganizing the IVF into the [[Empire of the Ivory Vale]], penning down it's first laws herself to ensure that nothing like the seditious Trent Tyranny could ever happen again. Then, she declared a war of reunification to get rid of the Trents once and for all, who had even attracted the notice of the Titans themselves by this time. The Titans judged the Trents and banned them to points unknown. The Trents were defeated, but the lands that would ultimately form the Empire had yet to be reconqured. She never wanted to be a queen, she never wanted responsibility really. Frankly, the idea of a girl who'd been born a peasant in nation that no one remembered becoming a Queen was laughable. But after the Church, and the Trent's she trusted no one else to do the job right. So Selenia, the self-styled 'Ivory Empress,' set to it with a will.
Outraged at their crass and cavalier attitude, Selenia organized a protest alongside Greatjon, his newly arrived cousin Uthred Mormont, Rythan Songslayer, and Novus Ironson. Together, they forced the King from office and forced Duke Trent from his position as judge. Knowing they could not win an election, Duke Trent instead broke the Duchy of Iato away and formed the illicit realm of Trenton. Selenia, newly crowned Queen of the IVF, immediately set about reorganizing the IVF into the [[Empire of the Ivory Vale]], penning down it's first laws herself to ensure that nothing like the seditious Trent Tyranny could ever happen again. Then, she declared a war of reunification to get rid of the Trents once and for all, who had even attracted the notice of the Titans themselves by this time. The Titans judged the Trents and banned them to points unknown. The Trents were defeated, but the lands that would ultimately form the Empire had yet to be reconqured. She never wanted to be a queen, she never wanted responsibility really. Frankly, the idea of a girl who'd been born a peasant in nation that no one remembered becoming a Queen was laughable. But after the Church, and the Trent's she trusted no one else to do the job right. So Selenia, the self-styled 'Ivory Empress,' set to it with a will.

Revision as of 16:35, 13 September 2016

Selenia the Corsair

The Serf

Age:17 Date: 4/2013

Aurvandil Beginnings

Selenia was not born a JeVondair, and her features were quite the opposite of that exotic, desert-bred bloodline. She was a blond-haired, fair-skinned, plain-featured serf of a brutal Aurvandilan minor noble. A realm on the other side of Dwilight from the great sandy dunes in the JeVondair's home province of the Desert of Silhouettes. The man was arrogant, as all Aurvandilan nobles were, but even among them, he was the worst sort and he viewed his serfs as property, not people. It was Selenia's great misfortune that she was his bastard. Her mother died bringing her into the world for a 'noble' man that raped her; who did not care and hardly noticed her trouble. Selenia was barely past her girlhood when a swaggering, swarthy-skinned adventurer, Lion'El, a disowned scion of the JeVondair Clan, came swaggering through town and took notice of her. Pretending to be a Lurian Noble, he bartered for her release upon the promise that the Lurian Queen, Alice Arundel at the time, would hear of it as an example of Aurvandilian fair credit and goodwill. The foul nobleman later died, she'd learned, when the Titans finally destroyed the witch-king of Aurvandil, High Sovereign Mendicant Anhanger, after a long crusade waged against him by the united realms of Dwilight.

Murdered Husband

Selenia, suddenly free of a lifetime of burden and fear of her father's eye, felt that surely she must have entered into a dream. Unfortunately, that dream would soon become a nightmare. The couple spent their first few weeks together happily. They were swiftly married and Lion'el spent a great deal of time teaching her skills he had learned alone in the wild. How to hunt, how to fight, how to survive. Little did she know that he was preparing her to endure without him for a time. Lion'El informed her that he was leaving to become a knight. This seemed a grand thing to Selenia, who busied herself with thoughts of homemaking and children. But Lion'El never came back.

A week past, then two, until finally the new bride could stand it no longer. Picking up her pack, she set out after him, tracking him to the D'Haran warcamp in Madina where he'd recently sold a relic to one of the D'Haran lords. But it was another adventurer named Markus who directed her to Madina City, where the sight that greeted her would haunt her nightmares for years to come: Her husbands broken and rotting corpse hanging aloft in a cage from the city walls. Her screames aroused the brutal city guard, and she was swiftly taken into custody. Fully expecting to be maimed and murdered as her husband was, she spare no restraint in berating her husband's killers. Curiously, she was released by Judge Carmine of the The Falkirkian Freestate without so much as a word.

In mourning, she began wearing her hair in the intricate tribal braids ascribed to the sandborn clans of the Desert of Silhouettes to honor her dead husband.

Selenia of Aurvandil

The Corsair

Age: 18 Date: 4/2013

D'Haran Service

Knowing her time in the South was over, she traveled north to make a name for herself in her Husband's homeland of D'Hara. She joined Great House JeRavosi as their first Corsair (an adventurer rank) and pledgeed herself to serve it's Crown Prince, Rynn JeVondair of the Desert of Silhouettes, Duke of Port Raviel and also, she would learn, younger brother to her late husband. But she did not press upon the Duke, preferring instead to go her own way far from the lives and cruelty of noblemen. In due time, she found herself a small hovel and hard work as dock crew in Port Raviel. But upon the Eve of Dragon King Machiavel Chernier's Coronation and Wedding to Dragon Princess Selena, Selenia's life would change forever. See the Dragon Coronation.

Astroist Sheriff

Selenia saving the life of the Prophet of Sanguines Astrum Mathurin Hossenfeffer himself, and her subsequent invitation to meet, dance, and dine with the most elite nobles of Dwilight in one of the highest-profile gatherings in history, changed her life forever. She gained powerful patrons like Ghandan D'Espana (who's kindness she never forgot), Katrina Dragul (who took her on as smoething like a daughter) and others. And for the first time in her young life, she found religion in Sanguis Astroism, joining the Church as a fervent believer after she'd encountered it's founder. She was a woman of some means now, and left the dock work of Port Raviel to dive back into adventuring. This time with the purpose of protecting the weak in the name of the Bloodstars as a Sheriff of the Church. Her travels lead her from one side of Dwilight to the other, visiting every nation and becoming an expert swordswoman and huntress in the process.

But her world had begun to change yet again. D'Hara was at war, the Prophet disappeared, and in his absence, the Church Selenia had come to love began to shatter. She watched, horrified, as secular interests tore the Church asunder. Greedy nobleman seeking only power and not caring one whit for the spiritual well being of the common man and woman slowly eroded Seleneia's faith. She shouted against them, argued, pleaded for sermons. But her cries were only an annoyance to the masters of the Church...who eventually excommunicated her for daring, as a commoner, to question their noble intentions. It was in that moment that Selenia knew the Church had ruptured beyond saving. And she also knew that she would be damned before she let someone else tell her that her opinions did not matter. She had her three letters of recommendation. She KNEW that Lion'el had been the brother of no less a personage than Duke Rynn JeVondair himself. In a matter of days, she was on board a ship leaving D'Hara and Dwilight behind for the Colonies where she joined the Assassins briefly, learning their lethal trade but never feeling as though she belonged. In short order she boarded ship again, this time bound for Beluaterra, where the JeVondair family had recently suffered the loss of Duke Rynn's sister, Duchess Kalixta of Agyr.

Selenia the Rebel

The Rebel

Age: 35 Date 1/2015

Selenia arrived in Beluaterra off the coast of the Ivory Vale of Fheuvenam and quickly presented herself to King Trent of Fhuevenam and his brother Duke Trent of Iato. She was greeted in a perfunctory fashion...that is to say barely at all... by the Trent brothers. Selenia was alarmed to learn that they had consolidated all of realms major ducal and council positions to themselves. So when the position of banker came up for election, she ran for it. It was by pure stroke of luck that she found an ally to her 'new' family name in Greatjon Mormont who had been a personal acquaintance of both Mavia and Kalixta JeVondair, he helped get her the votes she needed to wrest control of at least one council position from the Trents. But when the ruling brothers became irritable, they used their power to simply banish a noble without any account to trial or explanation. One day he was there, the next he was gone.

The Trent Tyranny

Outraged at their crass and cavalier attitude, Selenia organized a protest alongside Greatjon, his newly arrived cousin Uthred Mormont, Rythan Songslayer, and Novus Ironson. Together, they forced the King from office and forced Duke Trent from his position as judge. Knowing they could not win an election, Duke Trent instead broke the Duchy of Iato away and formed the illicit realm of Trenton. Selenia, newly crowned Queen of the IVF, immediately set about reorganizing the IVF into the Empire of the Ivory Vale, penning down it's first laws herself to ensure that nothing like the seditious Trent Tyranny could ever happen again. Then, she declared a war of reunification to get rid of the Trents once and for all, who had even attracted the notice of the Titans themselves by this time. The Titans judged the Trents and banned them to points unknown. The Trents were defeated, but the lands that would ultimately form the Empire had yet to be reconqured. She never wanted to be a queen, she never wanted responsibility really. Frankly, the idea of a girl who'd been born a peasant in nation that no one remembered becoming a Queen was laughable. But after the Church, and the Trent's she trusted no one else to do the job right. So Selenia, the self-styled 'Ivory Empress,' set to it with a will.

Ivory Empress Selenia

The Ivory Empress

Age:39 Date 5/2015

Over a dozen noble families heeded Selenia's international call to action, including her cousin-in-law, the displaced and defeated former Duchess of Fronepu Mavia Eastersand JeVondair who joined Selenia's court (unwillingly but choiceless) as a courtier and administrator. Mavia, dusky-skinned, a exotically beautiful woman of true noble birth, looked down on Selenia, having no love for the pale-skinned, plain-faced common brute of a woman that claimed the JeVondair name...but, being the political animal she was, she knew better than to try and usurp Selenia's momentum. Other notable supporters included Katalynfae Dragul and Ravyn Coquard who, together with the Mormonts and D'Espana's, had established themselves as family allies to the JeVondairs. Very slwoly, what had been the IVF was building itself into a true realm. Despite her arrogant enmity, it was Mavia who took Selenia aside and discreetly taught her how to truly be a noblewoman: How to write, how and when to speak, how to manage her court and how to be royalty. Selenia would internalize these lessons, and carry them with her.

Raziellan Reunification

There were challenges to the reunification, of course. One of these challenges took the form of Raziella I Himoura of the Nifelleisca family who became the next ruler of Trenton. Curiously, Selenia never saw Raziella as an enemy, merely an obstacle. So, rather than waste her limited resources on a costly battle, she challenged Raziella to a fair duel wherein the winner would bow to the demands of the looser. Raziella arrived with her hammer and magic helm, Selenia in her white on white outfit and bone-breaking dual kukris. The two warrior women fought and it seemed that Raziella, swinging her hammer wildly, might have had the upper hand when Selenia took a nasty bump to the head from a fall.

It was not so, however. As an adventurer, Selenia had seen a lot of bad things. She yet carried many of those dark memories deep within her, which trigger from time to time in bouts of hysteria. One moment, she saw Raziella with her hammer raised...the next it was an undead lych that had very nearly claimed her life in northern Madina...the same Islet where Lion'el had lost his. The frenzy that followed stunned onlookers, and a sobbing, screeching Selenia had to be pulled bodily off of Raziella's limp form before she bashed the other woman's head in with her own magic helm.

The duel was won, and Trenton was absorbed into the Empire as the Ebony Vale of Iato under Duke Uthred Mormont alongside the original Ivory Vale of Fheuvenam under Duchess Mavia Eastersand. Although it took some time, Selenia did finish building her Empire, adding the Pearl Vale of Shifgrethor headed by Duke Novus Ironson and the Jaded Vale of Ete City by Duke Owain Bolton. By this time the Empire boasted over 20 nobles with a full ruling council and 16 regions divided equally among 4 Jewled Dukes. It was a fine, fine legacy. As a gift commemorating the Unification, Duke Bolton presented Selenia with Obsidian Sword of elegant and powerful relic that she valued greatly as a symbol of her achievements.


Selenia had just crossed into her 40's when she began to feel the wanderlust start to smolder in her again. In a few short years, she'd turned the IVF into a sprawling Empire with the might to challenge any other power on Beluaterra short of Thalmarkin itself. With no more enemies to fight, lands to conquer, or goals to achieve, she was ready to step down and hand over the reigns. She felt that she'd accomplished everything that a noblewoman could in life, far less a commoner! Thereafter, the denizens of the Ivory Vale commonly referred to her as the First Empress, both of her successors (Syl Marlboro and Rosalia Maxwell) both being female. Selenia found herself looking forward to an easy sort of retirement, a chance to rest on her laurels and perhaps start a family of her own with someone worthy. She left quietly, making her arrangements and boarding a ship to the East Continent...and Xavax.

Duchess Selenia of Xavax

The Duchess

Age: 43 Date: 12/2015

A call had gone out to all the nobles of Battlemasteria that whole continents were sinking...which somehow had an effect on the frozen southern reaches of the East Continent, melting ice that had buried entire regions in impassable snow for years, revealing 3 whole cities that were soon to become nations in their own right. Dozens of nobles were forced to take ship, many of whom went East. Selenia saw her chance for a quiet retirement, and a chance to contribute to the development of a new realm; an activity she'd learned to enjoy while building up her Empire in the Ivory Vale. Selenia was not alone. Several members of her Ivory Court followed their Empress on this new adventure including: Uthred Mormont, Novus Ironson, Roose Bolton, and Jacquline Coquard. She was the 5th noble to make the city of Xavax her home (choosing that city because she liked its name and location) and the memebers of the Ivory Court that had followed her ensured that she already had a powerful voting bloc that she could use to control the politics of the nascent realm that would become the Imperium of Greater Xavax. In fact, her arrival marred only by a sudden squall that lost her the Obsidian Sword of Flame.

It would not be long, however, before 30 families had sent their representatives to be a part of the new nation. Selenia's goal was simple: She wanted to become the Duchess of Xavax. It was a title she'd never held, and she was certain it would allow her to retire comfortably. When the time came to choose a ruler, many looked to her to throw her name in for consideration. Selenia, however, had had enough of crowns and instead used her influence as a bartering chip to ensure she be made Duchess. Her gambit succeeded, and when a young man named Magnus Aurea was crowned Xerarch of Xavax, his first act was to ensure she be named Duchess of Xavax, commanding her to found and sponsor the Phoenix of Xavax, the realms' first army.

With the flaming Phoenix motif emblazoned on her ducal circlet, Selenia felt that she could finally get to the business of settling down, starting a family, and perhaps allow other members of the JeVondair family a chance to take the spotlight. Her very first order as duchess was to subsidize the establishment of vineyards throughout her holdings. Wine, she'd learned, was the most effective way to keep her personal demons at bay. As soon as her affairs were in order, and after leading the conquest of nearby rurals, she took a vacation traveling north to Sirion in hopes of meeting real live elves of whom she'd been told stories of ever since she was a little girl. Things seemed bright. She even participated in a continent-wide tournament of sword fighting. She lost, but the winner, Dame Kin Hyral, was a vassel of hers and brought the banner home. Selenia was so pleased that she renamed the Xavax Academy into the Hyral Academy as a reward, and Champion Kin made her lieges safety into her personal business. Selenia made new friends among the Xavax, and broke a heart or two (Novus Ironson and Magnus Aurea). She would not, however, have the chance to enjoy her 'retirement' for very long.

First Xerarch

During the ruler election, there were two main candidates: A former Atamaran queen named Viridiana Sovari, and a young upstart knight named Magnus Aurea. Selenia, knowing Magnus did not have enough honor nor prestige to his name to be considered, backed Viridinia. Both women were surprised when Magnus somehow DID get his name into the voting booths, and the young man waged a very vocal and successful campaign. His energy was undeniable, and his passion was unmatched. The fading Atamaran queen simply did not keep up. Selenia, however, had grown cunning in the ways of 'realpolitik' as the Ivory Empress. When it became plausible that Magnus might win on the merit of his own rhetoric, Selenia allowed him an audience and struck a deal that was never made public to ensure that no matter who won, her bid to become Duchess of Xavax would be assured. Selenia did, however, have concerns. Energy and passion were all well and good, but the East Continent was a viper pit of deep and interconnected politics that a teenager like Magnus couldn't possibly have the experience to deal with. Her premonitions would become unfortunate fact far sooner then she would have liked.

From the moment he took the Crown, Xerarch Magnus started making mistakes, the sort of mistakes that an older, more experienced noble like Viridinia would have avoided. He was sensitive, volatile, and his decisions were often made unilaterally. In his effort to please everyone, he made a hasty alliance with Xavax's nearest neighbor, Fallangard, and did his best to do the same with Alara. However, his designs diverged from that of his people. Xavax was crowded with 30 noble families packed into barely 10 regions. The desire to expand was overwhelming, and Magnus stood against that tide, doing his best to exert his will over his court by force, and only succeeding in alienating them further. It was not long before Selenia, then the most powerful noble in Xavax by far, was approached by seditious elements proposing rebellion in order to get Magnus off the throne. She tried to placate them, promising her support if only they showed restraint, and meanwhile reported this to Xerarch, citing that anonymous sources were growing agitated and that he needed to amend his behavior if he meant to keep his Crown. But Magnus either could not or would not understand, and the situation at home worsened.

Xavax Civil War

Selenia, still in Sirion at the time, turned around, worried by worsening events in Xavax. She requesting passage through Caligus from High Queen Teniel, herself barely out of girlhood. The High Queen greeted Selenia personally as she passed through Domus, the Capital Seat of Caligus. Selenia took the opportunity to evaluate the young queen, forming, if not a friendship, than at least a mutual understanding. By this point, Magnus's foolishness had caused Teniel to accept an alliance from Alara, rather than peruse better relations with Xavax. A mistake that would have dire consequences for the people of Xavax for a very long time...

The High Queen and the Duchess were into their fifth cup of wine when a courier of Xavax burst into the sitting room, very nearly getting beheaded by the High Queen's personal bodyguard and lover, the Duke of Domus. He reported that Civil War had broken out in Xavax, led by Duke Iuz of Isadril, but instigated by the Xavax general Kellan Dodger. Selenia excused herself, promising friendship to her young host as she made ready to depart.

By the time she'd arrived in Xavax, battle had already scythed its fiery path through her city. Both sides called for her to join them, and Selenia was faced with the toughest decision of her life. The separatists were right, Magnus had to go. But Selenia had developed a personal dislike for Kellan Dodger and she'd be damned if anyone would malign her as a traitor. but Magnus HAD TO GO. The majority of her vassals, that is to say the majority of Xavax, was waiting to see what she would do. So she brokered a compromise whereby she would side with the loyalist if only Magnus would step down from his throne and retire while promising full pardon and reinstatement to the rebels if they withdrew their armed forces from the capital. Magnus agreed, as did Duke Iuz, but a few were happy with Selenia's compromise. Some choose to leave the realm rather than cooperate with traitors, others, like Kellan Dodger, did not believe that Selenia would keep her word and fled the country. But all of them agreed on who the next ruler should be. And with no one else that she could trust to do the job, Selenia once again stepped forward as the next Xerarch of Xavax.

Selenia the Xerarch

The Xerarch

Age: 44 Date: 2/2016


There was no man or woman that dreamed of challenging Selenia's bid for the Phoenix Throne, and if they did, they kept quiet about it. After the Civil War, many felt that Xavax was a sinking ship. It's nobles were at eachothers throats, the weaker among them electing to leave Xavax altogether, foreseeing its swift demise. Selenia, however, was having none of it. She realized immediately what Xavax needed in order to come together: A strong ruler leading a reliable government, and a war. A war with an adversary that the Xavax would want to fight more than they wanted to fight each other. Selenia would satisfy these needs. She made a few simple promises. The first and foremost of which was that the rebels would be forgiven and welcomed home. Anyone who disagreed was welcomed to run against her. The second was a clarion call to war. She chose Alara as her target, blaming the Alaran King Robb Starfall for interfering in Xavax politics, misleading her predecessor, and ultimately playing a passive role in the events that lead to the Xavax Civil War. Moreover, she sited the web of alliances that Starfall was building, as well as the whispers of King Sardomin Warchief of Minas Nova (who at the time desperately wanted an alliance with her so that he might claim a piece or two of Alara when it fell). On a flat Map, Xavax is situated at the southeastern tip of the East Continent. To the East and South: Open ocean. To the West, Alara and further Minas Nova. To the Northwest: Pereleone, now an Alaran ally. To the North, Fallangard, an ally of Xavax that is dwarfed by Caligus, an Alaran ally, just one step removed from Xavax. Selenia described it as a clear attempt to check the power of Xavax and potentially set the stage for an attack on Xavax itself. It had to be nipped in the bud quickly. The sooner this threat was neutralized, the sooner she could retire and focus on her personal life as planned.

First 100 Days


Selenia won in a landslide and immediately set about her work as Xerarch. Despite her transparency, there was outrage when she really did pardon all the rebels, including their leader Duke Iuz himself. Even more when she returned his duchy to him as a show of faith. Many nobles called her naive, even foolish...until she invited the loudest ones to settle their disputes by challenging her to a duel. Her lethal skill as a swordswoman was well known, and that she was backed to the hilt by Kin Hyral, who had recently proven to be the deadliest weapons master on the continent via the tournament, reinforced the notion of challenging Selenia as being a Bad Idea. The reunification of Xavax proceeded smoothly after that. Her second act was to invite the rulers of Fallangard and Calligus together (a feat no one had thought even remotely possible as they were bitter rivals) to join her for a feast in honor of the reunification. As Xerarch, Selenia's policy was to never discuss or agree to important matters of diplomacy unless she'd broken bread and supped wine with the person across the table. And so it was that both King Edvaard and High Queen Teniel arrived at Selenia's request, sat together, and enjoyed a feast. Facilitating that meeting actually lead to the opening of a dialogue between the two monarchs that, while ultimately unsuccessful, was still quite unprecedented and endeared Selenia to both of them.


Now with her northern borders 'secured,' all she needed was a proper Casus Belli to declare war against Alara. Despite her background as a huntress, patience was never one of her virtues. She would not, could not wait for Starfall instigate her on his own, nor allow him the time to cement his web of alliances. So, Selenia decided to manufacture a reason to go to war. And it just so happened that she had brought the perfect tool with her from the Ivory Empire...

(More to come after in-game moves forward enough as to make the information non sensitive)

In addition to that, Selenia behaved with increasing, purposeful arrogance and aggression toward King Robb in front of the Eastern rulers. She poked him, prodded him, and ignored him when it suited her. In no time at all, he'd taken the bait hook, line, and sinker. In due course, he eventually called her, among other things, a common-born coward. Fighting words no matter where you come from. The grin on Selenia's face when she dropped the gauntlet, declaring war, was absolutely wolfish. The Phoenix of Xavax, under the command of Strategos Lionel Kinsey, swept in from the East. Lionel had been a Magnus appointee to the general slot. It was some time before Selenia could address him without seeing her dead husband. Kinsey was efficient, and no one expected much resistance until, to Selenia's surprise, Minas Nova declared for Alara and joined them in an alliance against Xavax. While annoying, not to mention irrational, Selenia was unperturbed. Both nations together could not match her might. But shortly thereafter, Perleone declared for Alara as well. While short on manpower, Perleone commanded great wealth, and their participation equalized the scales from a war she was certain she could swiftly win into a drawn out slugfest. Daily, Selenia was thankful that she had met and impressed High Queen Teniel, because if Caligus had joined the mix then, the outlook would have been bleak indeed. Instead, Caligus settled for neutrality on the soul condition that their old enemies, the people of Fallangard, also remained out of the war. As it was, the Phoenix won every battle, taking all but Alara's capital, the Black City of Itorunt. Unable to crack it with ease, Selenia commanded Strategos Lionel to instead sack Semall as punishment for their impudence in betraying Selenia by joining this war. Unfortunately, however, she was unable to actually conquer either city, and both enemy realms used the time it took her army to refit to raid deep into Xavax land...and that's when it went from a war of business to a war of hatred...

Robb the Rapist

Robb Starfall was a desperate man. His army was defeated and driven back, his kingdom had been all but taken from him, and his enemy was implacable. To combat Xavax he whipped his people into a frenzy of hatred, demonizing the people of Xavax and Selenia in particular as infernal, less than human. This would not have bothered Selenia if not for the atrocities this dehumanizing effect allowed the desensitized nobles and soldiers of Alara to commit: The systematic rape and genocide of commonfolk of every Xavax region they could reach. Every time the Phoenix fell back to refit, the raiders would pour forth from the Black City together with their Minas Novan allies and new reports of terror and debauchery would reach Selenia's Throne. Selenia, who had been a serf to the type of nobleman who could do this sort of thing. Selenia, who had been the unwanted result of a nobleman who could do this sort of thing.

To say that the Xerarch of Xavax was enraged would be a small, understated thing.

When she could see other colors besides red, Selenia immediately wrote the other rulers of the East, denouncing Starfall as a dishonorable rapist and murder not fit to wear a crown, swearing that she would take the crowns of Alara and Minas Nova and wear them re-sized as anklets, declaring her everlasting hatred for Minas Nova for joining in persecuting these travesties upon her people. She commanded into Law that the names of Alara or Minas Nova never be spoken again, forcing her subject to instead refer to them as the bandits of Itorunt and Semall respectively. She called upon her fellow queens of the East to rise up and denounce him with one voice. Most of the rulers, however, were content to sit and watch silently. Most, but not all. First Lady Catherine of First Oligarch publicly answered Selenia's call (and earned Selenia's respect), and, eventually, so did High Queen Teniel of Caligus. Not publicly, but she did threaten to withdraw her restraints on Fallangard which would allow Xavax's only ally to enter the war and thereby grant Selenia the strength she needed to take the Black City once and for all. While Starfall had been foolish enough to insult Selenia, he was smart enough to realize that Fallangard entering the war would be his doom. And sure enough, the reports of rape and genocide stopped. A relieved Selenia met with her people, the victims. Who, incidentally, were mostly former Alaran's that she had conquered. She stayed among the women and girls in particular, promising that their needs would be taken care of, that she would accept them into her personal service at the capital if they so desired. To the boy-children who were also victimized, she made certain that they knew of her offer, she tried to relate to them. But few responded to her the way the women had. Many, male and female alike, would take their own lives within months, and few of the survivors would ever achieve normalcy again. So instead of protection, Selenia gave them swords. She trained them and empowered them to take their dignity back in blood with steel. To be Fearless (The name of Selenia's fighting unit).

Perdan and Vix Intervene

While the Phoenix continued to enjoy success, Selenia became aware that time was against her. The longer these pissant realms defied her, the more likely that other powers would come to see her as weak; to test her and Xavax. Knowing this, she drew King Edvaard and Fallangard even closer, binding them in a Federation that presented a united Southern bloc of power to the rest of the world. What this resulted in, however, was the rest of the world seeing Selenia as even more of a threat. It came not long after Selenia's 45th birthday that the mid-northern realm of Vix Tiramora lead by Lord Vixir Jeames of the Dacara family. Seemingly out of the blue, the Lord Vixer lowered relations from peace to neutral. Selenia knew, intuitively as any but the lowest fool might that this was a prelude to an attack upon her people. She called the Lord Vixer out immediately, but the man weaseled around her direct questions, providing lukewarm, furtive answers until his army had finished mustering in Moyale, far beyond the range of Selenia's scouts...or so he thought. The attack she'd long feared was suddenly very imminent, and the rest of the world held its breath to see what would happen next.

Now, Selenia's tests as a battlequeen would begin in earnest.

Xerarch Selenia the Battlequeen

The Battlequeen

Age: 45 Date: 5/2016

(To be continued....Congratulations! You are all caught up! Stay tuned!)