The Way of the Dragon: Difference between revisions

From BattleMaster Wiki
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:White Dragon - 10%  
:White Dragon - 10%  

:Dragon Carl - 30% - This is a rank for Adventurers. They should never use this position to forget theit lowly birth. All men are subject to he Mandate of Heaven.

:Commoners: Commoners may join the religion but may not hold ranks, regardless of their fighting skills. This is because it is against the Mandate of Heaven.
:Novice - an Initiate rank

[[Category: Lost Religions]]
[[Category: Lost Religions]]

Revision as of 19:10, 30 May 2012

The Way of The Dragon


The Way of the Dragon was revealed in the North of the Far Eastern continent. It is both a Religion and a Warrior Code.
Its adherents are known as Dragon Warriors, or Dragon Lords if they are of sufficient rank, and they are Masters in the Art of Combat.

Core Beliefs

The Way of The Dragon Warrior

The Dragon is the Symbol of Good Fortune, Intense Power, Lordship, and Benevolence. It is the Central Symbol for “The Way of the Dragon Warrior”.
It is said the warrior's is the twofold Way of pen and sword, and he should have a taste for both Ways. Even if a man has no natural ability he can be a warrior by sticking assiduously to both divisions of the Way. Generally speaking, the Way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death.
The Way stresses frugality, loyalty, mastery of martial arts, and honour to the death. Under the ideal, if a warrior fails to uphold his honour he may regain it by performing seppuku (ritual suicide). Failure is not, in itself, dishonourable.

The Code

The Code is typified by the seven virtues:
1. Rectitude – [Moral Correctness, Righteousness, Justice, Correctness of Judgment, Wisdom, Self-Control].
2. Courage
3. Benevolence – [Graciousness & Mercy]
4. Respect – [Politeness]
5. Honesty – [Sincerity]
6. Honour
7. Loyalty
In the Code, is virtue, and no evil. Wisdom has existence, Principle has existence, the Way has existence, Spirit is nothingness.

The day to day life of a Dragon Warrior:

The purpose of a Dragon Warrior’s life is to perfect his skills and gain honour for himself and his Lord. He will train constantly, and engage in both friendly and serious duels. If given leave he will join in foreign wars. He will seek out every opportunity to engage monsters and undead, even if it means crossing the borders of the realm, with permission. He will treat brave foes with politeness and respect, but crush them utterly in combat. He will live life as the perfect warrior, and will be happy to complement it with a perfect death.

The Way as Religion:

The Way is a religion as well as a code for warriors. It teaches that there are many Ways in the world, that of the farmer, the Artisan, the priest, the merchant, and the Warrior. The way of the warrior is supreme because it guarantees all the rest. Every person must fulfil their duty and perfect the knowledge and practice of whatever way they have chosen in life.
There are both Warrior ranks and Priest ranks in the religion. You can only advance to the next Warrior rank by demonstrating a high skill level with either Lance or Sword, or by defeating a higher rank in a duel. The Elders must also agree to your elevation. A Priest rank is gained by virtue of being a priest and at the discretion of the Elders:

Elder Ranks:
High Priest – The Ancient Dragon
Elder Priests – Elder Dragon
Celestial Dragon - 70%
Gold Dragon - 50%

Other Ranks:
Priest – Young Dragon
Turquoise Dragon - 40%
Red Dragon - 30%
Black Dragon - 20%
White Dragon - 10%
Dragon Carl - 30% - This is a rank for Adventurers. They should never use this position to forget theit lowly birth. All men are subject to he Mandate of Heaven.
Novice - an Initiate rank