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Lady Rhidhana Dubhaine
Lady Rhidhana Dubhaine
Marshal of the Fontan Rangers
Marshal of the Fontan Rangers
Letter from Brock Ketchum  (just sent)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (53 recipients)
Surpreme Justice Prandur,
Thank you for highlighting my name as one of the best Treasurers in Fontans history. Although I myself still think I not deserve to be call that. Best leave to history to judge myself.
A little background on where I used to come from.
''I used to be a commoner, an adventurer to some nobles, an outlaw to others, property of the lord as some nobles used to call them. Much later on, I gained some kind of notoriety for breaking up nobles Unique Items. I was beaten up by own realm noble, thrown into prison, yes, my own realm prison. Yet I harbour no ill feeling for these. As I unluckily broken Unique Items myself, with the lords, nobles trust invested in me to repair them. I shoulder my responsibility for them. Perhaps some of us may be too young to remember the next issue. Upon my rise to a Fontan noble, my acceptance into Fontan Assembly was met with objections. Because I was considered as bastard son of my family, not a pure born blood noble. I have almost forgotten about these issues as it happened long time ago. No ill feeling on my side at all.''
The point I want to make is this. '''Some commoners who we called peasants, lords property or such, they will come to their senses one way or another. All in good time. Some will rise up to serve their realm to the best of their ability.''' I am a living proof of this, as Lord Prandur points out.
I learnt my lesson well from all these issues I faced. With great power, come great responsibility. For which I strive to do my best, within my ability to serve our great Fontan realm.
Back to the Westmoor priest caught issue at hand.
He was caught, yes, but his ban was lifted long ago. If he was caught again, I am sure our Surpreme Justice will do what his office entrust him to do.
Brock Ketchum
Minister of Finance of Fontan

Latest revision as of 14:20, 22 April 2012

Letter from Astros Trivium (2 days, 22 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (58 recipients) Supreme Justice,

When are you going to execute the traitor priest?

Astros Trivium (Noble)

Letter from Prandur TithOnanka (2 days, 20 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (59 recipients) Sir Astros,

Though the Westmoorian priest is of an evil religion, he is not a criminal. He will not excuted of deported. However, I took all his gold so he cannot buy his way out of the dungeons. He will stay for as long as I can hold him.


Prandur TithOnanka Supreme Justice of Fontan, Count of Braga

Letter from Astros Trivium (2 days, 20 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (59 recipients) Supreme Justice,

He is a criminal, he is a traitor to Fontan! Banned from our realm!

Astros Trivium (Noble)

Letter from Prandur TithOnanka (2 days, 17 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (59 recipients) Sir Astros,

Your information is inaccurate. The Westmoor Priest has no ban from Fontan. There was a time when he was a commoner of Fontan and he left Fontan without the permission of his Lord. However, Fontan policy was to pardon commoners if they fought undead and hellspawn. And so did Lady Sacha when she was Supreme Justice.


Prandur TithOnanka Supreme Justice of Fontan, Count of Braga

Letter from Astros Trivium (2 days, 13 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (59 recipients) Well what by the damn turbulence be the logic in that? He was a priest! He was a priest in the last war when we captured him then! That was before the log states his ban was removed! Why was it removed when he was a priest and no longer a commoner? Who in their right mind would bother to remove the bans from commoners anyway! That is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. You have a traitor, a peasant spawn traitor, in your dungeon and you can't even do your job properly. Fontanese justice is a joke.

Astros Trivium (Noble)

Letter from Prandur TithOnanka (2 days, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (60 recipients) Sir Astros,

I understand you are disappointed, even frustrated, and therefor I shall let your outburst slip. However, it is Fontan Law and thus you will treat her with the proper respect.

If you don't agree with the Law, there are two proper cause of actions: 1. You can move to another realm where the laws are more to your liking. 2. You try to change the laws by the ways of Democracy. Make a proposal to The Assembly and see it through to a vote.

In the meantime you will NOT use words that are insulting or disrespectful to the very core of our essence. If we do not have laws, we are mere savages. By insulting the Laws of Fontan you insult us all.


Prandur TithOnanka Supreme Justice of Fontan, Count of Braga

Letter from Astros Trivium (1 day, 12 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (59 recipients) Supreme Justice,

You shall let my "outburst" slip? How benevolent of you, Servant of the Realm, I look forward to such other acts of kindness from one so high as you to one as lowly as I. You speak like a tyrant with egoism that has no place in a democracy.

Laws that are such as these deserve insult. But tell me, for I do not believe it so, that such a thing really is established law. To pardon commoners? It may have been policy once but that does not make it law, and I can and am free to mock policy all I like, and oppose law that is false all I must. Show me the document which makes it law. Show me the vote, the record of the ballot. I do not think this law at all, and you show a great dereliction to proclaim it falsely so. How can anyone take the word of a Judge who knows not his own office and does not conduct himself truthfully.

So no, I will critise whoever thought it right to unban this Priest, for priest he was, no longer adventurer. This man should have met death for treason yet gross incompetence let it slip. If that be to Lady Sasha then she should make herself accountable for that failure.

Astros Trivium (Noble)

Letter from Prandur TithOnanka (16 hours, 9 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (60 recipients) Sir Astros,

You have lived in Fontan for quite some time. Yet it is unbelievable that you don't understand how to behave in Fontan (ooc: Seriously! You mistake Fontan for a modern democracy. In Fontan, nobles are not equal and there is no freedom of speech. The way Astros spoke to Prandur would have costed his head unless he was a Duke or something.)

There is only one thing in your tirade that is correct. I am a high noble and you are a very low one. I do not need to justify myself to the likes of you!. Who are you to make demands about showing proof? You are not even a member of The Assembly. You have no power or authority in Fontan whatsoever! There is no other noble in Fontan to be found who sat longer on the Supreme Justice' seat than I. If I truly were incompetent or not trustworthy that never would have happened. If you say I act like a tyrant, it is merely because you are acting like a thirteen year old adolencent, who has a problem with authority and can't have his way.

For your information, I partially agree with you. I didn't see the necesity to protect the rights of commoners, for they are commoners...equal to lifestock if you will, only more demanding. It was our Chancellor who spoke on their behalf. If it wasn't for our Chancellor, I would have executed Lord Brock many years ago. Fontan would have to do without one of the best Treasurers in Fontans history.

Now, I will give you your final warning. You will tone down. You will public apologize for your outbursts. And you will find contructive and respectful ways to improve Fontan in the ways our Democracy has intended. Fail to do so, and you will be punished harshly. For by denying Fontan Law and the Ways of the Democracy on more than one occasion, one is actually betraying Fontan.


You will need to learn your place

Prandur TithOnanka Supreme Justice of Fontan, Count of Braga

Letter from Justin Azul (15 hours, 38 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (60 recipients) Supreme Justice Prandur,

"I am a high noble and you are a very low one."

And that is exactly the attitude which turned everyone away from you as Supreme Justice before.

Sir Astros is right in what he says, what you claimed is law is not law. If you don't know what a law is you shouldn't be judge. You can't accept that then you seriously need to consider your position because you make a mockery of the office you hold.

"I do not need to justify myself to the likes of you!." An elected official in Fontan should always be able to justify himself to the realm. If you can't you stand on the authority of your office alone which you then undermine by relying on it to deter personal slurs. That corrupts it, weakens it and makes it lame. What do you even mean by "the likes of you" anyway? What is it you're trying to say, Supreme Justice, you're somehow a superior noble to those who elect you? Elevated above the elevated?

"Now, I will give you your final warning. You will tone down. You will public apologize for your outbursts. And you will find contructive and respectful ways to improve Fontan in the ways our Democracy has intended. Fail to do so, and you will be punished harshly. For by denying Fontan Law and the Ways of the Democracy on more than one occasion, one is actually betraying Fontan."

This is literally judicial tyranny. You have no right at all to make threats, Supreme Justice. You are Judge, the guardian of laws and justice, not Totalitarian Arbiter. You cannot crack a whip and expect people to bow to you. The judiciary is not your personal plaything, Lord Prandur and you have no power to use it so. That title is not just a proud feather in your cap and you would do well to remember it.

You still haven't given Knight Valentine a fair trial for your impromptu fine. Does justice mean nothing to you?

Justin Azul (Lord)

Letter from Rhidhana Dubhaine (11 hours, 6 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (60 recipients) "Fellow nobles of Fontan, You have placed a solemn obligation upon my shoulders to mete High Justice and defend all regardless of rank or title. I will do my utmost to fulfil this duty.

I am mindful that the majority of you supported other candidates and I wish you all to feel that the Law stands equally as your defender in matters of dispute regardless of your rank. Fontan is much more than an alliance of Duchies, she is the sovereign embodiment of the will of her nobility and none stands higher before the Law than another.

None amongst us has higher claim to justice or the protection of the Law, and none amongst us has more right to speak their mind than another. Let us remember that as nobles our first responsibility is to comport ourselves as such. When we transgress we should acknowledge that fact, when we offend we should seek to moderate our tone, and where we draw offence from the acts of another we should listen to our heads and not our hearts. Those who hold high office should remember that they are the servants of Fontan and are as bound to the welfare of their vassals as their vassals are to render service. Nor does any among us stand different in kind to his neighbour.

We stand as the sole bastion of noble liberty and we must never forget the solemn duty which binds us all. Therefore let us be mindful of the dangers of tyranny and seek not for that taint in the hearts of others unless we have first sought it in our own and taken action to curb its seductive whispers. Have we not seen enough of the damage which such airs and graces can cause to the realm? Who here has forgotten the agonies of the Civil War? We have seen Dukes act as if they were Sovereign Lords, raising their standards in defiance of our Laws and each time we have possessed the courage to reject their hollow and worthless claims as unconscionable. We who have already freely given our blood and sweat and tears in the defence of liberty must yet never turn aside from that duty.

In this the Law will always stand as the rod and support of Fontan and it is that protection of the liberty of each and every one of us which makes us the mighty people that we are."

Lady Moira Dubhaine Supreme Justice of Fontan, Marchioness of Negev

Lady Rhidhana Dubhaine Marshal of the Fontan Rangers

Letter from Zadek Dragul (10 hours, 36 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (60 recipients) Lady Rhidhana, I well remember that missive from your Mother. She was a strong believer in our Freedom as a Democracy. Also while I am thinking of things said in the past few days, I believe my niece the Lady Sasha was also slandered for giving the benefit of the doubt to a freeman who then overcame his humble beginnings and chose to become a priest. Pity was that he chose the wrong church, but in that I would ask who among us save possibly Murdoch would be so strong in the Flow that they could see the future? I believe the our past trials have left many with short tempers that allow them to speak words that are difficult to take back once said. I heard a philosophy once that said if we would not wish to have an action done to us, or words said to us, then we must not do either to others. That might be a good judge of how we interact with each other in our realm. There is a freedom here, but it is not one that allows us to treat each other the way that the wretched Kings of other realms treat their subjects. We may speak our minds, but must temper what is said with the nobility we all possess. In this way we can fulfill the words spoken by the Lady Moira "We stand as the sole bastion of noble liberty and we must never forget the solemn duty which binds us all."

Zadek Dragul (Royal)

Letter from Prandur TithOnanka (4 hours, 57 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (53 recipients) Lord Justin,

You need to learn to read better.

If you had read my letter carefully, you would have understood what I ment with "the likes of you". Someone who never made any contribution to the government of Fontan, discussed policies in the Assembly or voted upon matters in the Assembly should make these kind of demands. Let Sir Astros prove his worth in bodies with political influence first, before he starts his tirades.

Second, is the matter of Law. Just because you haven't heard of a Law, doesn't mean it doesn't excist. It only proves more that you aren't fit for the seat of Supreme Justice, because you lack the knowledge. The clearest proof of that law is Lord Brock, as I already had mentioned.

Than I would like to note that Sir Valentine did receive his trial. But I do not see the point to publize all the records to everyone. We nobles get enough letters and reports as it is. We don't need more of them that the majority doens't find interesting.

Lastly, I would like you to re-read the speech of Lady Moira again. You will find I did not break any of the vows she made that day. It is Sir Astros, who spoke out in emotion and not rational. When I warned him about that, he continued in emotion. Again he didn't think things trough. While it is allowed to disagree with a lot of things in Fontan, the way Sir Astros handled it is not allowed. I want Sir Astros, and every other noble in Fontan to act in the way the Democracy has intended. It is my chosen duty to see to it that is done. And unlike you, I am prepared to make impopular decisions. For it is my primairy goal to create a better, more coherant and harmonic Fontan, not to win the next election. (ooc: Prandur only condemned Astros' attacks on Fontan and the laws. The punishment or threats he made had nothing to do with the personal attack, so I don't get your ooc-reference about Duncan. I still believe I am correct about the modern democracy thing though.)


Prandur TithOnanka Supreme Justice of Fontan, Count of Braga

Letter from Rhidhana Dubhaine (3 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (53 recipients) I was but a young child when my mother made that speech, but I have sought to live my life according to its precepts. Democracy has always been our salvation for in its collective wisdom lives a spirit wiser than any one amongst us.

In recent years we have raised a generation for whom war has been the only constant, and amidst the dreadful din of battle our traditions and virtues have been silenced.

When I take the floor in The Assembly my words are mainly heard by the ancient Houses, and that is not as it should be. Every House of Fontan should take their seat in that esteemed body and share with calm dispassion their views on the great issues of governance.

Lady Rhidhana Dubhaine Marshal of the Fontan Rangers

Letter from Brock Ketchum (just sent) Message sent to everyone in your realm (53 recipients) Surpreme Justice Prandur,

Thank you for highlighting my name as one of the best Treasurers in Fontans history. Although I myself still think I not deserve to be call that. Best leave to history to judge myself.


A little background on where I used to come from.

I used to be a commoner, an adventurer to some nobles, an outlaw to others, property of the lord as some nobles used to call them. Much later on, I gained some kind of notoriety for breaking up nobles Unique Items. I was beaten up by own realm noble, thrown into prison, yes, my own realm prison. Yet I harbour no ill feeling for these. As I unluckily broken Unique Items myself, with the lords, nobles trust invested in me to repair them. I shoulder my responsibility for them. Perhaps some of us may be too young to remember the next issue. Upon my rise to a Fontan noble, my acceptance into Fontan Assembly was met with objections. Because I was considered as bastard son of my family, not a pure born blood noble. I have almost forgotten about these issues as it happened long time ago. No ill feeling on my side at all.

The point I want to make is this. Some commoners who we called peasants, lords property or such, they will come to their senses one way or another. All in good time. Some will rise up to serve their realm to the best of their ability. I am a living proof of this, as Lord Prandur points out.

I learnt my lesson well from all these issues I faced. With great power, come great responsibility. For which I strive to do my best, within my ability to serve our great Fontan realm.

Back to the Westmoor priest caught issue at hand.

He was caught, yes, but his ban was lifted long ago. If he was caught again, I am sure our Surpreme Justice will do what his office entrust him to do.

Brock Ketchum Minister of Finance of Fontan