D'Espana Family: Difference between revisions

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===The husband===
===The husband===
Erethorn D'Espana was born as a minor noble, and although he did not know nothing at that time he was meant to change the fate of the D'Espana family in the years that would follow. He grew as a kid quite different from the other nobles, as he had no interest at all for the social and political events that form the core of every minor noble.
Erethorn D'Espana is an old man, although he still keeps a great deal of energy for his advanced age. He has grey hair and dark eyes, but no one except his wife has never deducted the exact colour of his iris. He was never quite tall and now he is losing height over time, so he is currently touching the 1,50 meters. His body was shaped trough the hunting and the swordfighting, so even now he still keeps most of his former strenght, and thus has a nice set of muscles and just a bit of belly, gained mainly in the last years, for a weight of 60 kilogrammes.

Once he became an adult that lack of interest grew into an open dislike, which in the end made himself sort of an outcast by his own choice. His parents tried to integrate him in the high society, but had to give up when they saw that their kid was not a kid anymore. All the time he saved from spending on social events was invested on hunting, something he loved to do, and training his swordfighting skills with the police chief, who happened to be a good friend of his father.
He deeply dislikes any kind of political or social interaction not targetted to someone of his family, and thus avoids to talk or even to think about such matters. His rudeness and lack of formality are widely known all over D'Hara, as well as his incredible swordfighting skills. He loves hunting and training such skills, and is deeply in love with his wife, Mariah D'Espana, the only person in the world he would never harm nor hurt even in the slightest way. However, every now and then he would make an occasional visit to any local woman commoner, enjoying the pleasures of being a nobleman and taking advantage of his social position.
This training become an obsession, leading him to practice once and again to the point that he managed to defeat almost always the police chief, who was considered to be one of the best sword fighters of Port Nebel. Once there, he became anxious of more practice, but it was no use to challenge someone that you know to be under your skills, and thus he started to search for more potential rivals.
However, his distaste for human relations and ignorance of the social rules led him to make the worst of approaches towards his fortuneless opponents, which consisted basically in taunt and slight the honour of those he wanted to fight. Obviously, such mockery made the aggrieved nobleman most disposed to a duel of honour, where Erethorn D'Espana used to have a huge advantage over his rival.
Such unorthodox behaviour rose the anger and disdain of the rest of noblemen, giving Erethorn D'Espana the bad reputation that follows him until nowadays. He did not mind to have such reputation, and perhaps would have managed to continue happy and disliked until the present day had it not been for some events, which turned the dislike and anger of the minor nobility to outright hatred and fear, and even captured the attention and displeasure of those located far higher in the nobility hierarchy.
Those events came from his insults casted upon the son of a landlord who just happened to visit Port Nebel. The lad felt most slighted for such words and demanded apologies and compensation from Erethorn D'Espana, who just laughed at that. Furious, the lad challenged Erethorn D'Espana to a duel till death, where no surrender would be admitted. Erethorn's eyes glowed, and the challenge was accepted. The lad did his best, but was no rival for Erethorn D'Espana, who disarmed him in two blows and slit his throat wide open.
That caused a great flutter in the court, which took a long time before being forgiven, if not forgotten. However, something quite similar happened a second time, and then the whole court, leaded by the landlord whose son had died by Erethorn's sword, cried for the head of Erethorn D'Espana. The matter was considered for a long time, and a verdict was made by the high nobility.
Since no official laws had been broken, the death penalty seemed a little bit excessive, but the offences made were certainly very serious. Hence, Erethorn D'Espana was presented two options: to leave immediately and forever the realm of D'Hara or to get secluded in a house at Port Nebel for the rest of his life. The death penalty was now warned should he broke whichever option he would take.
His first thought was to leave D'Hara, as a new world free of penalties and guilt and full with duel promises was now opened just a few steps beyond. His paradise was within easy reach... But the second thought made him aware that he would leave Port Nebel, the home of his family, with never a chance to come back again. He started to sweat, for the first time in his life really scared and afraid of something. No, he would never be able to leave D'Hara. That left him with just one choice...
Erethorn D'Espana was given a big house surrounded by some lands, everything fenced so he would not be able to leave what would be his home and prison for the rest of his life. The house was provided with all sort of luxuries, as the high noblemen just wanted him to be secluded, not uncomfortable nor dull. There, he spent most of his time hunting in his terrains, as well as remembering the duels he had fought in the previous years. Obviously, that changed completely the first time he met Mariah D'Espana.
He married Mariah three years after his forced confinement, and that was the only occassion he was allowed to leave his lands after his penalty was issued. From then onwards, he was most busy teaching his children to fight and hunt, as well as flirting with some local women commoners whose houses happened to be in his lands.

===The wife===
===The wife===

Revision as of 22:54, 29 September 2011

The D'Espana family from Port Nebel (Dwilight) has a fame of 7 and family wealth of 945 gold.

Family Fame


Short History

The D'Espana family stems from Port Nebel, a region that has been part of the realm of D'Hara since long time ago. Although the D'Espana family has lived in Port Nebel for countless generations, it has started to become known in the latter years, as some of its members have earned fame and prestige enough to distinguish themselves from the minor nobility.

The ascension of the D'Espana family started with Erethorn D'Espana, a minor noble who was renowned for his brusqueness, his lack of social and political interests and, especially, for his amazing swordfighting skills. After some unfortunate events, he was granted a house and some lands in exchange for his immediate and permanent public dissapearance, which still remains after such a long time.

Erethorn D'Espana married Mariah little after his forced confinement, and they brought up their children in the family house among the relatives of each other, who had been invited to live with them because of the house's great size and nobleness. When his descendants became adults, they were blessed and encouraged to pursue their dreams and make a name for themselves, so they left the family house and sought their fate in their own. The D'Espana family was starting its take off...


The beginning of the ascension

The husband


Erethorn D'Espana is an old man, although he still keeps a great deal of energy for his advanced age. He has grey hair and dark eyes, but no one except his wife has never deducted the exact colour of his iris. He was never quite tall and now he is losing height over time, so he is currently touching the 1,50 meters. His body was shaped trough the hunting and the swordfighting, so even now he still keeps most of his former strenght, and thus has a nice set of muscles and just a bit of belly, gained mainly in the last years, for a weight of 60 kilogrammes.

He deeply dislikes any kind of political or social interaction not targetted to someone of his family, and thus avoids to talk or even to think about such matters. His rudeness and lack of formality are widely known all over D'Hara, as well as his incredible swordfighting skills. He loves hunting and training such skills, and is deeply in love with his wife, Mariah D'Espana, the only person in the world he would never harm nor hurt even in the slightest way. However, every now and then he would make an occasional visit to any local woman commoner, enjoying the pleasures of being a nobleman and taking advantage of his social position.

The wife


Erethorn's children

Legitimate children



Bastard children

